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Is there anything I can do to feel better?


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I really am sorry about whining and complaining.  I’m trying very hard not to in real life, but I feel absolutely awful with this “flu like illness.”   Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do to feel better?  I’m resting; honestly, I am so weak and dizzy it takes everything I can do to get from the bathroom to bed.  I’m trying to drink.  I’m taking ibuprofen.  I’ve had a couple shots of whiskey and honey.  I have drunk tea with elderberry syrup.   But I have had a lot of bugs, and this is a doozy.  My eyeballs hurt and are hot.  My skin hurts.  My muscles and joints hurt.  My head is pounding.  I have chills.  I’m dizzy and nauseous.  I feel so sick it’s hard to sleep.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  I’m not really congested or coughing.   I’m so sorry for whining.  Just would really like some relief.    

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I totally sounds like the flu to me too.  I'd keep with ibuprofen and elderberry.  And push fluids - tea, broth, water down juice, water.  Luke warm shower or bath.  Enforced rest and relaxation.  We mostly just had to wait it out with the flu when we've had it.  And sadly, we've been through it multiple times.  It's always been 7-10 of the worst of it with fever, etc.  I hope it turns a corner for you soon!  It is the worst.  Good reminder we need flu shots yet this year.

Edited by FuzzyCatz
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1 minute ago, Terabith said:

Ugh.  I pretty much have to be back at work next Monday, which means fever gone by Sunday.  

What would be the consequences? It seems like this is a bad demographic for you with your immune system. Take a masters in intervention and tutor. Higher pay, less hours, no runny noses.

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It’s one on one, which is better than groups.  And I’m hoping my immune system will start functioning better with time.  I really was fine for many years.  If I am not better, I am sure we will deal. But hopefully I will be better by then.  Much easier.  

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It doesn’t seem to work for me, but my son can do the vitamin C (plus some extra D and A in addition to regular multi) up to point of liquid bm then cut back some — and clear bad flu-like viruses in 48 hours. 

It doesn’t make him feel better (perhaps worse due to GI) during the 48 hours, but it does seem to clear them. 

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No, I don’t think I’m dehydrated.  I think I’m just really sick.  But it seems to be the typical everything hurts and I am exhausted flu sickness.  Might try a smoothie later.  Mostly I just want to sleep but I feel too achy and chilled to really do so.  My eyeballs hurt.  How can your eyeballs hurt?  It doesn’t even make sense.  And my head is pounding and my throat is sore and all my skin is sensitive and my muscles feel like I had some kind of blunt force trauma.  I just feel SICK, in a way I haven’t in a long time.  I’ve had some uncomfortable viruses but nothing with symptoms like this exactly.  

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9 minutes ago, Pen said:

I wonder if you could have a worse illness? Can you call something in your area and see if your symptoms match what’s going around?

Is your headache meningitis level? 

I don’t think so.  A couple days ago I wondered about it but it’s less than it was. Which is still pretty miserable but I can bend my neck and light is okay.  

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Dc had an illness with the same symptoms plus congestion this summer and was in bed lying down for days. Rest was all that helped, although we tried all the usual stuff.  It was just a bear of an illness.  Lots of people here had it.  Not flu (or at least not a strain that could be tested for), but flu-like.  Thankfully, none of the rest of us got it.  FWIW, dc was able to sit upright again around day 4 and could get out of bed without dizziness at day 6.  

I hope you feel better soon.

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6 minutes ago, klmama said:

Dc had an illness with the same symptoms plus congestion this summer and was in bed lying down for days. Rest was all that helped, although we tried all the usual stuff.  It was just a bear of an illness.  Lots of people here had it.  Not flu (or at least not a strain that could be tested for), but flu-like.  Thankfully, none of the rest of us got it.  FWIW, dc was able to sit upright again around day 4 and could get out of bed without dizziness at day 6.  

I hope you feel better soon.

Did his whole body hurt?  I’m used to aches and pains but I really do feel like I was hit by a truck. 

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Yes, whole body, but especially headache.  Once dc could sit up again without dizziness, the headache had lessened, but both symptoms came back if dc got out of bed.  Eta:  I didn't say that right.  The headache was still there throughout, just not as severe when lying or sitting.

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11 minutes ago, klmama said:

Yes, whole body, but especially headache.  Once dc could sit up again without dizziness, the headache had lessened, but both symptoms came back if dc got out of bed.  Eta:  I didn't say that right.  The headache was still there throughout, just not as severe when lying or sitting.

Oh man.  That describes it perfectly.  

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12 minutes ago, klmama said:

Yes, whole body, but especially headache.  Once dc could sit up again without dizziness, the headache had lessened, but both symptoms came back if dc got out of bed.  Eta:  I didn't say that right.  The headache was still there throughout, just not as severe when lying or sitting.

Were they able to do anything in bed?  Tv hurts.  I can’t really read.  I can do this for a few minutes but mostly I can’t do much besides lay there with my eyes closed.  

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I haven't read all of the responses.  Spicy soup may make you feel better, because hot soup is ache-soothing and spices act as a natural decongestant.  I like Chicken Tortilla soup.  My family likes Hot and Sour soup from a local Chinese place. 

I'm sorry you are so sick.  

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It takes time.  Elderberry and alcohol and salt can reduce the length of time you feel like death warmed over, but it will take probably a minimum of 3 days to feel better when you feel that sick.

The article linked above isn't wrong but it is short-sighted.  Alcohol reduces the inflammatory compounds your body produces when you are fighting a virus.  The inflammation IS a sign you're fighting the infection, but it's also the reason you feel so crappy.  Seriously it's what gives you the flu symptoms.  The inflammatory response is also what leads to death when the flu kills otherwise young healthy people when there are epidemics. I am NOT saying this is a severe strain, I'm simply saying the inflammation isn't necessarily a good thing. There are other medical procedures that increase those compounds when there isn't a virus involved and the side effect is flu like symptoms for up to a week. So reducing the inflammation WILL make you feel better exactly the same way taking ibuprofen will.  Because the alcohol in your bloodstream itself also kills viruses you will not only feel better faster when you drink, you will also get over the virus faster when you drink.

Turns out alcoholics get all the same infections everyone else does, they just don't have the severity of symptoms.  Science Daily has articles on many other studies of viral disease and alcohol, one of which is this one: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/08/140826205513.htm

Obviously I am not promoting drinking chronically OR encouraging anyone with a drinking problem to relapse for the sake of a shorter flu.  Alcoholics die sooner, often of liver problems.   but when it comes to the flu alcohol really does reduce symptoms.

I will note that sometimes people die from the flu.  So if you suddenly feel worse, if you feel a sense of impending doom, or if you have a really high fever have someone take you to the ER.

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Pretty sure I am not dying.  Just kinda torn between thinking I’m going to and kinda wishing it would get it over with.   Thought my fever broke awhile ago, but I think it’s going back up, only now I’m sweaty and weak.  NyQuil does keep putting me to sleep though.   

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Thermometer keeps doing that flashing red and beeping thing to let me know I have a fever (around 101 ish).   Really tempted to go back to sleep but a little afraid of messing up my sleep cycle. But just so tired and feel crummy that sleep is a nice escape. 

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4 hours ago, Katy said:

It takes time.  Elderberry and alcohol and salt can reduce the length of time you feel like death warmed over, but it will take probably a minimum of 3 days to feel better when you feel that sick.

The article linked above isn't wrong but it is short-sighted.  Alcohol reduces the inflammatory compounds your body produces when you are fighting a virus.  The inflammation IS a sign you're fighting the infection, but it's also the reason you feel so crappy.  Seriously it's what gives you the flu symptoms.  The inflammatory response is also what leads to death when the flu kills otherwise young healthy people when there are epidemics. I am NOT saying this is a severe strain, I'm simply saying the inflammation isn't necessarily a good thing. There are other medical procedures that increase those compounds when there isn't a virus involved and the side effect is flu like symptoms for up to a week. So reducing the inflammation WILL make you feel better exactly the same way taking ibuprofen will.  Because the alcohol in your bloodstream itself also kills viruses you will not only feel better faster when you drink, you will also get over the virus faster when you drink.

Turns out alcoholics get all the same infections everyone else does, they just don't have the severity of symptoms.  Science Daily has articles on many other studies of viral disease and alcohol, one of which is this one: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/08/140826205513.htm



“Our prior work showed that chronic levels of alcohol predispose for an increased severity of disease -- both symptoms and lethality -- following influenza virus infection.”

I think maybe you meant to link some other article? 

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1 hour ago, Terabith said:

Thermometer keeps doing that flashing red and beeping thing to let me know I have a fever (around 101 ish).   Really tempted to go back to sleep but a little afraid of messing up my sleep cycle. But just so tired and feel crummy that sleep is a nice escape. 




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2 hours ago, Terabith said:

Thermometer keeps doing that flashing red and beeping thing to let me know I have a fever (around 101 ish).   Really tempted to go back to sleep but a little afraid of messing up my sleep cycle. But just so tired and feel crummy that sleep is a nice escape. 

You need to sleep whenever you can.  

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Ugh.  I feel awful.  I’m staying in bed.  I’m sleeping.  I’m drinking liquids.  I’m taking ibuprofen and NyQuil and elderberry.  But I still feel terrible.  I feel like I was hit by a truck.  Everything hurts.  I’m exhausted.  I’m queasy.  I’m dizzy.  My head is killing me.  I’m vacillating between sweating and freezing.  I’m weak.  And I’m super whiny and mad at myself about not being more stoic.  Really hoping this runs its course soon. 

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No real congestion, at least not yet.  Terrible headache.  Scratchy throat.  My skin, joints, and muscles hurt.  Dizzy and nauseous.  Chills.   Massive exhaustion.  My eyeballs hurt and are hot.  Fever goes down with meds but comes back to 100-102 range.  

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Ugh.  I feel like I was sick and headed to the doctor and was run over by a truck.   Repeatedly.  This is utterly ridiculous.  There is no reason for a germ to make you feel this bad.  I’m simultaneously hot and cold.  My intestines are unhappy.  My hair and head and eyes hurt.  This is completely excessive.  What is the germ even trying to do?   I can’t figure out anything that will make me feel better except lying very still. 

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Today is day three, I think.  I went to urgent care within the first 24 hours and they said this is what’s going around.  I do feel achier and weaker than usual when sick, but from what I’m hearing from others in the community, that may be par for the course for this virus.  

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25 minutes ago, prairiewindmomma said:

I stopped hurting all over near the end of day 5. It moved to deeper respiratory stuff around then too.

This is day 7 for me. I am mostly just blowing my nose. My deep,deep coughing fits are less racking. I still can’t hear out of my right ear due to congestion but my left ear is mostly back to normal.

Thanks.  I’m feeling really discouraged.  My mother called and basically told me it was my fault I was sick and that I keep getting sick.  Made me feel guilty and ashamed.  

Still running fever but less.  Mostly just exhausted and extremely achy.  Would like to try to get some stuff done but I think getting out of bed is a no go at this point.  

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2 hours ago, Terabith said:

Thanks.  I’m feeling really discouraged.  My mother called and basically told me it was my fault I was sick and that I keep getting sick.  Made me feel guilty and ashamed.  

Still running fever but less.  Mostly just exhausted and extremely achy.  Would like to try to get some stuff done but I think getting out of bed is a no go at this point.  


What?  That is insane.  This isn't you fault.  It is life, sometimes you just get one thing after the other.   Just keep resting.  I hope you feel better soon. 

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It’s just the way she is.  The first time I got pregnant and called her and told her, her response was, “You will probably lose the baby.  And if you don’t, you might go crazy and kill it.”   But my whole life, she’ll say stuff like that and then swear up and down she never did.  It makes me think I am crazy.  

And I know it’s dumb, but I still feel ashamed, like I must have done something wrong to get sick, etc.  

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40 minutes ago, Terabith said:

It’s just the way she is.  The first time I got pregnant and called her and told her, her response was, “You will probably lose the baby.  And if you don’t, you might go crazy and kill it.”   But my whole life, she’ll say stuff like that and then swear up and down she never did.  It makes me think I am crazy.  

And I know it’s dumb, but I still feel ashamed, like I must have done something wrong to get sick, etc.  


My mom is slightly more subtle but pretty much the same.  You are allowed to get sick, and allowed to need time to recover.  (I still feel guilty whenever I take a sick day too.)

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