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So now that my divorce decree leaves me with a bit more debt than I had hoped, it looks like I will still be working for a few years to clean stuff up.

Right now I work full time at a job I really enjoy. I love my co-workers and the actual work is interesting. I work a long day on Tuesdays and get out at 1:00 on Fridays, which I love. Plus I love just being "settled" in a job where I know what to do and can keep myself busy. I make a decent salary that may be hard to find somewhere else although I could probably come close.

The only issue is the commute. On good days it takes me 45 minutes, on bad days it can be about an hour and 15. Usually I give myself an hour just to be safe. I can sometimes really hate the commute. Two hours a day just driving makes me crazy if I think about the waste of time that it is. I already do books on tape and all that to try to pass the time, but it only works so much.

So, assuming that I have to work for a total of 2 more years, should I look for a job close to home that would cut down on my commute, but take the chance of not liking the job or the people as much? Or should I stay with a job that I know I love, the only thing being bad about it is the commute? Is a one hour commute that unreasonable?


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That's a pretty typical commute depending on where you live. My husband commutes about that much. 

But, I've lived places where more than 15 minutes was a long commute. 

Still, 2 hours a day driving listening to a fun book, or podcast, versus a short commute but 8 hours a day in a job you don't like....seems like the 2 hours of wasted time is better than 8 hours of a disliked job. 

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Maybe I missed something, but, why are you working only 2 more years?

I commute 45 min each way, and an hour with heavy traffic.  

Can you change your hours?  Go in before traffic, leave before traffic, etc...????

I would not leave the job you like.  I have been in bad jobs.  It isn't worth it.

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Moving is not really an option for me. I live now with my sister and to try and start renting somewhere would only make paying off any debt take longer.

With the money I will have coming in from my job and from alimony I should be able to clear up debt in about 2 years. Then I should be able to either stop working or go down to a simpler part time job.

At least that is the plan right now. Who knows haha


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I did it "temporarily" for 8 years. I tried not to think about it too much. Great Courses, audio books, music-on-demand - none of that was available. I did find a great, reliable carpool partner for a couple days a week. That helped. We slept in the morning and chatted in the afternoon. I recommend sticking it out. Learn a language 2 days a week, listen to a Great Course one day, listen through the In Our Time podcast archive twice a week, news every afternoon, happy music on Fridays....

I wouldn't do it again if I could help it, but you can do this!

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For two years, I would put up with a longish commute since you love the job itself. It is not easy to find a job and co-workers that are a good fit.

Could hours be adjusted to start and end a half hour earlier if that would get you out of the worst of rush hour traffic?

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I’ve worked jobs I’ve hated and then moved to better jobs.  And after I moved, I always thought to myself, “Why didn’t I move sooner?  Why did I suffer through 8 hours a day of hating the job? I’d rather have a pay cut and a job I love than better pay at a job I hate.”  

So, overall, it’s better to be at a job you love than one you hate and it’s worth a cut in pay or a longer commute to have a job you love.

For only 2 years, stay with the job you love.  If it was 10 years, then I’d say to make changes.  But for 2?  Stay.

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I am more in the stay with the job if you can department.  Is there anyone locally you could car pool with to cut down on your actually driving?  Do you have people you could call on the phone and chat with while you drive (hands free of course)?  About every other week a friend and I chat for 30 minutes while we each commute to work.

Does your current job offer any sort of retirement?  If not, that is an area to seriously consider, depending on what you already have saved/invested for retirement.

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Personally, I can’t imagine any job or any amount of money for which I would spend that much time driving in a car five days a week. But since it sounds like you really like your job and only plan to work two more years, I’d look for ways to use car pooling or public transportation, at least some days. Is telecommuting one or more days per week an option?

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7 hours ago, prairiewindmomma said:

2 years?

For two years, I would drive and cope.


I also commute a solid 2 hours back and forth and I am anticipating doing this longer than 2 years. I would do the 2 years and count down the days / weeks. A new job may not be easy to come by and there are no guarantees you will enjoy it as much as this one. 2 years would not seem that long to me knowing there is an end in sight.

Edited by Liz CA
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