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9th Grade Plans

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I'm new to the high school board for this coming year as my dd14 is starting 9th grade.  I've been with WTM forums for 9 years this month and in the K-8 boards, I know there was always a post going for each grade and what everyone was using.  I haven't seen one on this forum, please tell me they don't stop!  I really enjoyed reading what others do.  Ours isn't as advanced or fancy as most but it works for us.  Here are our plans for 9th grade:

Core Subjects
English I - GWTM; Vocabulary from Classical Roots; WWS; Book list
Algebra I - Saxon Algebra I; Saxon Teacher CDs; Art Reed DVDs
Latin I - Latina Christiana I & II
Biology I - Self Teaching Guide to Biology; Biology 101 DVDs, kits, etc.
World History & Geography - Encyclopedias and other books; Videos
Traditional Logic I - Memoria Press

Intro to Aviation - Flight school online & Flight hours
Information Technology - Digital Savvy (CompuScholar)
Computer Keyboarding - Typing Instructor
Bible - MP Christian Studies III & IV



What are you doing? Share your plans!

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There's a high school plans thread around here somewhere, but I haven't seen any for individual grades. I have a 9th grader this year, so I'll play ?

English: finishing up WWS, Grammar for the Well-Trained Mind, and a year long world mythology study

Math: Foerster Algebra 2 and Art of Problem Solving

Spanish: online at Georgia Virtual School

Biology: online at Georgia Virtual School

Social Studies: AP World History, if I can pull stuff together and get him ready for the exam

Music: piano lessons and homeschool band (starting clarinet and playing keyboards in jazz band)

he's also doing a homeschool math team and just started volunteering at a house rabbit shelter (he's there right now for the first time; hope it's going well!)

and he might take a class dual enrollment at CC next semester--maybe some kind of programming or game design


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They still do those here! I think there may have been a combined 9-12 one earlier in the year.

I'll have a 9th grader too. My ducks are not in a row, but I'll try. (Frankly I don't have ducks. They're more like squirrels at a rave...)

English 9: either Windows to the World or the Great Courses science fiction set for lit, we'll work on writing regularly using various resources, probably including Wordsmith Craftsman and Writing With a Thesis

Math: Geometry is next I suppose. Jacobs I think.

History: She is pushing hard to do government and economics instead of history. I'm not sure she knows what she's asking for, not for lack of my trying, but she's bloody tired of history. I might have to get creative here. Maybe she needs to cook around the world under the guise of geography?

Science: We'd planned on Spectrum Chemistry, but I'm having second thoughts. See end of the post.

Spanish: continue in Destinos wherever we left off and go forward from there

Electives: art appreciation with Sister Wendy and a local arts center, coding (with something I'll figure out)

She's at a place where she can easily perform at a high school level but she's just not invested in it. Puberty has run amok. That gap year of volunteering or *something* in Rethinking School is sounding better and better. ?

ETA: I bought up what we should do for literature again and she asked if we could do another Shakespeare year. So there's that.

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My squirrels are also at a rave, I think.

Geometry will definitely be Jacob's. We're going to delay Spanish until they can do it at the CC, since that's free. I just couldn't afford the other options without sacrificing so that's that, I guess.

History and literature is self-planned. World lit. We're going to do non-Western Civ and lit for 9th and then do Western Civ/lit for 10th and US for 11th. At least, that's currently the plan. Finally putting stuff together and it's fun, since I've been reading lots of African and Asian lit.

Physics. They're going to do Conceptual Physics and I'm going to beef it up with actual experiments. I have a kit.

Electives... they're both doing creative writing, psychology, architecture, and one is doing python and the other is doing a debate class. I think that stuff will shake out to be about a half credit each thing. We'll see.

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I've got two 9th graders:

Year Long Courses:

Math--one will finish Algebra I--He's got a couple of units left in Lial's not sure if we'll plant in Algebra using other materials for a while afterward or go on to geometry at some point, but I'm leaning toward putting some more things together to make a full year of Algebra for him. The other is biding time with Algebra review while I decide what to use for Geometry. He'll do geometry this year when I get myself together.

LA--we're finishing WTTW, then I am going to use Oak Meadow Hero's Journey; one son is using various CLE materials too right now--that may or may not stop when we get to Oak Meadow's curriculum

Biology with a coop teacher

World History-I'm using The Student's Friend as a "spine" so we have time to explore rabbit trails and really dig in where we went to dig in (though I have a textbook too as one of my particularly loves history)

Latin-- continuing right now, but I may switch one kiddo to a living language when we finish the current book

Semester clective ideas--a lot less sure of this:

PE for both for sure. I may use drawing for one son's elective--I'm not sure on the other kid, but I'm leaning toward a study skills type credit for him if I can't think of something he'll love.  I was still working through a logic curriculum at the end of last year. We may finish that. One son definitely puts enough time into robotics to make an elective, but I think I'll keep that as extracurricular




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The plan for mine is:

Math - TT Algebra 1

English - a book list for literature accompanied by a few literary essays, R&S Reading for a few more lit terms and some coverage of short stories and poetry, composition will consist of turning his written narrations into essays and a couple of research papers. He will also do Easy Grammar Ultimate 9.

History - Notgrass Exploring World History part 1, plus some map work and keeping a timeline notebook

Science - Apologia Biology

Electives - he wants to keep on with French and he'll do Computer Science and some extra things to make it a half credit of computer skills, I'll also give him a half credit of PE.

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There is a 9th grade thread, but very hard to find using search engine.  Don't worry, lots of planning and ideas on this level, too!

Dd is transitioning between 9th and 10th...some Algebra I to finish, waiting on essays/comps to be graded through online service.  

Welcome to the high school boards...

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Tentative plan

History/social science (“a”)   - AP European History (Noah Nation)

English (“b”) - Writing Analysis & Persuasion (CTY JHU), and other courses to be determined 

Mathematics (“c”) - Multivariable Calculus (probably with OHSX), AP Statistics (completed Summer 2018)     

Laboratory science (“d”) - no idea, probably dual enroll in Spring

Language other than English (“e”)  - German (Saturday class), Chinese (tutor)

Visual and performing arts (“f”) - probably dual enrollment in Spring

College-preparatory elective (“g”) - AP Macroeconomics (completed Summer 2018), AP Microeconomics (completed Summer 2018)

PE - Tennis (recreational level)

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My oldest will be in 9th this year too. I have all my materials purchased and now just have to do some planning. 

Math - Singapore Dimensions (supposed to cover Algebra 1 and some Geometry)

History - Notgrass Exploring America

Science - We’re doing an easier Science year and doing a History of Science using Joy Hakim’s Story of Science

English - Analytical Grammar, WWS, and the literature from Notgrass. I might do lit guides for some of them instead of the assignments in the book. I haven’t decided yet. We also need to work on spelling still.

World Language - ASL class

Electives - Apologia Health and Nutrition, Art class


Bible - Apologia Who Is God series #4, some of the Notgrass Bible maybe



Violin (maybe)

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My oldest will be in the 9th grade too so this is all new to me.  I will be attempting to teach high school TWTM way.  Totally scared but going for it. Keep me in your prayers ?

Algebra 2 - Saxon

English 1 - Rod & Staff English 9, The Elements of Style, and Schaum's Quick Guide to Writing Great Research Papers

Rhetoric 1A Workbook for Arguments: A Complete Course in Critical Thinking and New Oxford Guide to Writing

World Literature 1How to Read a Book: The Classic Guide to Intelligent Reading, The Well-Educated Mind: A Guide to the Classical Education You Never Had, Essential Literature Terms, and a selection of books from TWTM Ancients list.

Ancient History - The History of the Ancient World: From the Earliest Accounts to the Fall of Rome, Study and Teaching Guide: The History of the Ancient  World, The Timetables of History, and National Geographic Concise History of the World: An Illustrated Timeline

Biology w/ Lab - Apologia's Exploring Creation with Biology, 2nd ed, Biology Study and Lab Notebook, lab kits, The Story of Western Science

Spanish 1 - Rosetta Stone (most likely but not definite)



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Arcadia, I like your a-g organization (for us UCalif hopefuls) so hope you don't mind if I copy the format. Helps me get my mind in order. 

This is for my rising 9th grader. 2nd in high school for me.

History/social science (“a”)  - World History (no idea yet) - could be at-home AP Human Geography... up in the air

English (“b”) - IEW SICC-C + WttW

Mathematics (“c”) - Geometry w/ Jann in TX (myhomeschoolmathclass)

Laboratory science (“d”) - Biology w/ WTMA (no more Mrs. Up - boo-hoo)

Language other than English (“e”)  - Spanish 1 w/ Homeschool Spanish Academy 

Visual and performing arts (“f”) - maybe Photography course w/ FundaFunda (no idea)

College-preparatory elective (“g”) - n/a


6 credits to start

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Math - Geometry by Jurgensen  and continuing the Art of Problem Solving Introductory Algebra from chapter 10 on. Not sure how this is going to work, but she didn't want a whole year of only geometry

Science - Biology Science Shepherd

Latin - Henle 1 she has been doing this for several years so she will finish the book this year. I don't see how anyone gets this book done in 1 year

History - Ancient   this year the history and literature blends together more and there is not a fine distinction, I plan and choose materials for both

Literature - Ancient  

English - Doing this on my own this year with no curriculum for my 5-12th graders. Scary. Trying a writer's workshop approach(I think that is what you would call it). 

Elective - Javascript programming using Code for Teens by Jeremy Moritz    (we started school this week and she is loving this)

6 credits  (Lit and elective are 1/2 credit each but done half time for the whole year)





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My youngest is a hybrid 8th/9th grader.  Everything is outsourced this year and I'm not sure I'm liking that idea.  I feel like I won't be a homeschooler anymore and that is making me a little sad.

Math:  Mr. D Algebra II (at co-op)
Literature:  WTMA Ancient Lit
Writing:  WTMA Expository Writing III
History:  WTMA Ancients
Science:  FLVS Honors Biology I
Foreign Language:  FLVS Spanish I

Electives:  AP Computer Science (PA Homeschoolers) and Personal Finance for Teens (at co-op)

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This will be my 3rd 9th grader! Hard to believe ...

Spanish I - Visual Link

finish Algebra I/start Algebra II - Video Text

Intro to Logic and Rhetoric (1/2 credit) - Argument Builder

Creative Writing (1/2 credit) - IEW How to Write Your Own Novel

World Cultures/Religions/Geography (still working on making that course title more concise lol) - mishmash of resources with some writing assignments thrown in

English I - EE - some EiL units on The Odyssey, Julius Caesar, and Til We Have Faces - VCR - AG review book

Biology I - Apologia

She'll also do some personal fitness every morning for PE. We participate in a speech and debate club during the fall, so she'll write/present some speeches. This will be her first time doing team policy debate, so there will be a LOT of research and writing for that. Then in winter and spring we are in a drama troupe so she'll act and/or do backstage work in that as well. It should be a good year!

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One and only is a 9th grader this year.  Really looking forward to it!  2nd semester and summer will see her doing classes at the community college.

  • English:  EIL Lit&Comp (EIL2?)
  • Science:  Conceptual Physics with labs
  • Social studies:  Holt McDougal Geography
  • Math: finish Jacobs Algebra, start Jacobs Geometry
  • PE: Oak Meadow
  • Foreign Language: German, tbd, may start at CC if this semester is too busy
  • Electives, art, 1 sem/each:  glassblowing/fusing then Art History at CC
  • Electives, social studies, 1 sem/each:  world religions (combo books/Great Courses) then rhetoric (TBD, could be co-op)
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My oldest will be a 9th grader this fall!

English 9: She'll be studying international literature and writing about topics pertaining to her world geography course.  Some resources we'll be using: How to Write Better Essays; Global Issues, Local Arguments; and Other Voices, Other Vistas.

Honors Algebra 2 & Trigonometry: online at Kolbe Academy

World Geography: Oak Meadow

Biology: Online at Kolbe Academy

Spanish I: Online at Kolbe Academy

Religion 9: Bible, Catechism, Fire Within, The Art of Loving God

Logic (1/2 credit): Discovery of Deduction

Introduction to Philosophy (1/2 credit): still deciding on resources

Edited by Lisa in the UP of MI
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Math: Math Relief Algebra 1, maybe part of Algebra 2

English: CLRC Introduction to Literature and Composition (yay! no more teaching writing for me!), ABeCeDarian C&D

History: PAC World History with The Human Odyssey 3

Science: Honors Biology w/local group

Foreign Language: ASL 1 with ASL Rochelle

Art: Drawing - 1 new technique per week plus 30 minutes daily practice using various free online resources 

Other: Maybe a half credit of creative writing in the spring, if DD doesn't want to continue with drawing

PE: Competitive tumbling & trampoline plus recreational gymnastics

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English 1: World Literature with composition - using the Lively Art of Writing and parts of Build Your Library 9 and 10.

Math 1: AOPS Introduction to Algebra B, maybe also Counting and Probability 1

Science 1: Integrated Science using Trefil and Hazen, The Sciences with the accompanying reader and Great Courses Joy of Science lectures

History: World History using SWB History of the Ancient World; BYL 9 & 10

Foreign Language: Japanese 1 - outsourced to tutor


Creative Writing – using Vogler, The Writer’s Journey and the Nanowrimo high school workbook, local young writer’s group

World Mythology and Religion – the Great Courses Great Mythologies of the World, Cultural Literacy for Religion, Karen Armstrong’s Short History of Myth, The Bible: A Biography, and History of God; Smith, The World’s Religions

On the reading list: The Epic of Gilgamesh, Iliad, The Moonstone, Monkey: the Journey into the West (abridged), Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar and Tempest, Beowulf, Gaiman’s Norse Myth, Lord of the Rings, Akata Witch, Scythe, Song of Achilles, Palace of Illusions, Book of a Thousand Days, The Silver Pigs, Mother of Believers, Small Gods


Drawing class, library volunteering job, something for exercise – possibly Kendo

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Math - finish MUS prealgebra, begin MUS algebra 1

Science - AGS Earth Science

English - Power Homeschool English I, W&R book 9, Megawords 4&5, online Shakespeare course

Social Studies - Power Homeschool US History part 1, When I Was a Child US History book 1

Foreign Language - French 1 with Global Goose Languages online course

Fine Arts - Exploring Art Media

extracurricular - piano lessons, choir, special effects makeup class, community service club

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I am also in California, but my rising 9th grader is in public school. At school:

English - Honors English (I &II)

Math - Integrated Math II (a&b)

Science - Fundamentals of Chemistry, and Honors Chemistry (I&II)

P.E. - Marching Band P.E. and Freshman P.E.(I&II)

Visual and Performing Arts - 

Marching Band I (clarinet) and Concert Band (II & III) (bassoon)

Art I And Technical Theater I. Subject to change depending on scheduling and enrollment issues. She requested other visual arts classes as alternates.

Social Studies - No social studies required freshman year.

At home:

Foreign language - Spanish as a heritage language using Break the Spanish Barrier, Destinos, and a lot of other resources. The emphasis is on grammar to be ready to take AP Spanish at school Junior year.

Health - Graduation requirement. Planning to do online at home during the summer. 
Extracurriculars - Piano, weekly lessons. Dropping Certificate of Merit and just playing for fun. Kathak dance, weekly class and some performing opportunities. Girl Scouts, we will see how involved she can be. School swim team last trimester, they have three levels, including developmental. She also takes clarinet and bassoon lessons for her school band, frequency varies depending on season and need.
She is my second child going through high school, but my first child was a very academic kid who had very light extracurricular involvement, so this is a new challenge for me.
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48 minutes ago, Classically Minded said:


What do you think about Apologia's Health?  Does it look good?  I've only seen a sample but thinking of getting it to add to Biology.

I like it. It looks very interesting and the projects seem very practical. I’m excited to go through it with her. It’s scheduled for three days a week. They recommend doing it with Biology. My DD doesn’t like science so we’re taking a year off from the more traditional science courses to do a History of Science course. 

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My 9th grader will be enrolled part time at a military focus charter school.

Her schedule there includes JROTC, Biology, and one semester each of Geography and PE.

At home:

For math she will be finishing AOPS Intro to Algebra (currently on chapter 7) as we as working on Jacobs Geometry.

Arabic 101 college course independent study.

English--to be determined.

History TBD.

Online business computing class.

Extracurricular music, dance, and martial arts.


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My 9th grader will be taking

Algebra 2- Mr. D

World History- Notgrass

Biology- Friendly Biology

Language Arts- not sure.  Notgrass literature for now with their writing assignments.      I will probably add something else later.

ALS- Lifeprint. FLVS if they ever open the class


PE- swimming

Personal Finance- Dave Ramsey

Health- Apologia


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Ds14 will be a 9th grader.

Math: Jacobs Geomettry

Science: Discovering Design Chemistry, + readings from Chemistry in the Kitchen * Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry Experiments (if anyone knows where I can get the equipment and chemicals for less, please let me know.)

Languages: Mandarin II at CLRC, Breaking the Barrier Spanish I

English: The Lost Tools of Writing, Our Mother Tongue, lit published in the 1900"s

Elective: Board Game Design

We haven't done logic with him, but I'm not sure I want to make another class for him. I think we'll just talk about informal logic this year. It seems like I am forgetting something, but I can't think what this morning.


ETA: stlily figured out what I was forgetting. History will be a homegriwn study on the 1900's.

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2 hours ago, Meriwether said:

Ds14 will be a 9th grader.

Math: Jacobs Geomettry

Science: Discovering Design Chemistry, + readings from Chemistry in the Kitchen * Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry Experiments (if anyone knows where I can get the equipment and chemicals for less, please let me know.)

Languages: Mandarin II at CLRC, Breaking the Barrier Spanish I

English: The Lost Tools of Writing, Our Mother Tongue, lit published in the 1900"s

Elective: Board Game Design

We haven't done logic with him, but I'm not sure I want to make another class for him. I think we'll just talk about informal logic this year. It seems like I am forgetting something, but I can't think what this mornin

What are you doing for History and Literature?

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10 hours ago, stlily said:

What are you doing for History and Literature?

I am making my own this year. Lots of reading, with discussion and essay questions. Not much else.

So, for weeks 1 & 2, Ds14 will read O. Henry short stories and The Hound of the Baskervilles, while Dd15 will read The Jungle. (Sometimes they will read the same lit and history, sometimes not.) Both will read a Teddy Roosevelt biography, The Shepherd of the Hills, at least the first 100 pages of David McCullough's biography The Wright Brothers, and a chapter from America: A Narrative History. Week 3 they will read a set of comic books called Boxers and Saints as well as The Cherry Orchard. They will also do a Jackdaw on the Boer Wars. I'll have them answer some essay questions and write one essay per week. And that will cover the first decade for lit and history.

I hope it goes well. They enjoy reading, and I tried to give them a good mix of books.

ETA: I'm sure that was more than anyone wanted to know, but I am excited.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/6/2018 at 7:32 AM, TCB said:

My dd really wants to learn Elvish for a semester as an elective. Has anyone else done this and if so do you have any suggestions? 
She really wants to do it!


I haven't done it, but what about using the workbook from The Council of Elrond? http://www.councilofelrond.com/content/languages-of-middle-earth/#studyelvish 

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On 8/2/2018 at 5:37 PM, Arcadia said:

Tentative plan

History/social science (“a”)   - AP European History (Noah Nation)

English (“b”) - Writing Analysis & Persuasion (CTY JHU), and other courses to be determined 

Mathematics (“c”) - Multivariable Calculus (probably with OHSX), AP Statistics (completed Summer 2018)     

Laboratory science (“d”) - no idea, probably dual enroll in Spring

Language other than English (“e”)  - German (Saturday class), Chinese (tutor)

Visual and performing arts (“f”) - probably dual enrollment in Spring

College-preparatory elective (“g”) - AP Macroeconomics (completed Summer 2018), AP Microeconomics (completed Summer 2018)

PE - Tennis (recreational level)


In case you're not able to dual enroll for the fine arts requirement, there are two options that are A-G approved and accredited so that it does count towards A-G and that's Florida Virtual School and Calvary Prep Academy...


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1 hour ago, Calming Tea said:

In case you're not able to dual enroll for the fine arts requirement, there are two options that are A-G approved and accredited so that it does count towards A-G and that's Florida Virtual School and Calvary Prep Academy...



DS13 is aiming for the Graphics Design classes because he wants to learn the Adobe suite and they would count for UC and CSU. 


He is interested in this one

“Introduction to graphic design and visual communication. Projects include composition, typography, image editing and logo design. Design principles are explored through creative projects. Students practice fundamental software skills using Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign to complete the graphic design activities in this course.”

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This school year has completely snuck up on me! DD’s classes at the public high school begin tomorrow, and we’ll pick everything else up next week. 

Geometry – Discovering Geometry
American History (1890-present) / Literature / Government – America: A Narrative History, A People’s History, etc., selection of American lit, parts of WWS 3 & Excellence in Literature
AP French 
Honors Spanish 2 (taken at our public high school)
Honors Biology (public school)

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6 hours ago, ccolopy said:

This school year has completely snuck up on me! DD’s classes at the public high school begin tomorrow, and we’ll pick everything else up next week. 

Geometry – Discovering Geometry
American History (1890-present) / Literature / Government – America: A Narrative History, A People’s History, etc., selection of American lit, parts of WWS 3 & Excellence in Literature
AP French 
Honors Spanish 2 (taken at our public high school)
Honors Biology (public school)


What are you using for AP French?

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I think I'm really late in responding but will anyway:

Writing - Completed Bravewriter Expository/Persuasive essay class over the summer for 1/4 credit. We're focusing on literary essays during the year and also some other writing projects using the high school They Say, I Say book.

Literature - I created an LGBT+ interdisciplinary course that will cover a full credit of English plus additional partial credits in history, science, and psychology

Science - Environmental Science using Oak Meadow + supplements

Math - Algebra 2 using AoPS

Geography - Oak Meadow + some Global Village

Spanish 2 - I'm teaching using Español Santillana and Homeschool Spanish Academy for ongoing conversation practice

Health - Completing OM Health that we started over the summer

Electives - chorus, 2 dance classes, 1 aerial dance class, private lessons, outdoor program

Plus, she'll continuing performing with her circus troupe and TA for 4 aerial classes (kids through adults)

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is my first time with 9th grader.  I hope we are not overdoing it but on the schedule is the following:

English:  Writing for High School (Co-op)

Math:  Saxon Algebra 2

PE/Health:  Still deciding between two health curriculums

Fine Arts:  Piano (Private lessons) and Beginning Guitar (Co-op)

Theology: Veritas Press Omnibus 3

Literature: Veritas Press Omnibus 3

History: Veritas Press Omnibus 3

Elective:  Cake Art (Co-op)

9 credits

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My first 9th grader, too! We're starting our third week and slowly ramping up, adding in work little by little. He's an aspie who loves checklists and getting things done, so, so far, so good. 

Math: MUS Algebra I

English: CW Homer, LLftLotR, Wordly Wise 3000

History/Social Studies: BJU Geography

Science: MPOA Biology

Foreign Language: BJU French

PE: sailing

Elective: he's interested in animals and natural history museums. I've picked out some books, both biographical and scientific, about curating a natural history museum. Not sure what to call the course: Intro to Natural History Museum Curating? Ha! I figure I have a little time to come up with a name.


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Love to see what everyone is doing for 9th!  My oldest is also in 9th this year.  It's our first go-around so she's our guinea pig...lol   And, I'd call it a success if she gets time management down to something reasonable since we're really ramping it up this year.

English: WWS/writing, Homeschool Connections recorded/Lit., Ancients
Math: AoPS Algebra I + Dolciani review
History: Homeschool Connections recorded, Ancients
Latin I: local Catholic high school
Biology w/labs: state online high school eLearning
Religion: Cavins/Gray's Walking with God
Logic: Kreeft's Socratic Logic
Piano: lessons/performances
Oral Interp: local retired teacher w/homeschool group
Personal Finance: local teacher w/homeschool group (fall semester)
Art: possibly 2nd semester opposite Personal Finance (may not...she doesn't like it)
Volunteers at a local games/fish/parks education center
AHG Patriot
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