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What do your tweens do?


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My 11 year olds are involved in a lot of things... sports, music, Awana, co ops, etc. We have something every night. But like when we have a short school day and hours before any evening activity, sometimes they get bored. And even sometimes when they have a friend over, it's like they don't really know what to do! They don't play with toys, it's been really cold out so they haven't been able to play outside much, and I prefer they don't play video games or watch TV Mon-Th, though I have been a little lenient on that lately since it's been so cold, and I do let them have screen time when friends are over if they want to play Wii or something.


So anyway, I'm just curious what a typical tween does to entertain themselves :)

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We have long school days, activities only a few nights, and early bedtimes... so there really isn't much down time in our lives. We rarely have friends over.


Usually they want to read, play with lego or playmobil, colour, paint, make arts and crafts, bake or play with one another in games of pretend. Listening to music is beginning to gain popularity. They also have very good outdoor gear and I don't make outdoor time optional unless there's serious risk of frostbite.

Edited by bolt.
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board games

rearrange the Magic: the Gathering cards... again

make things - movies, music, games, strange contraptions that don't quite work

video games

debate things I don't understand (which device is better, what video game rule is something, who's in love with who on Steven Universe... I don't even know)


They both do a lot outside the house with activities. I'm okay that they mostly veg when they're not doing school or activities.

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I say don’t fill that down time with screens or anything structured. (I’m not anti-screen, but I wouldn’t increase it to get through this patch.) Let them figure it out even if it gets worse before it gets better. Maybe one night a week let them prep dinner. Those short school days go away in high school, so you don’t want to commit that time. I know winter makes it hard so there is an argument for doing whatever gets you through for now.

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My kids are also pretty busy between b&m school, extracurriculars, and essentials of life.  However, they manage to fill whatever spare time they have:


Kid 1: 

  • Nail polish experimentation, watching how-to videos about nail polish ... make-up and hair styling too, but nails are the big thing now.
  • Organizing her room to suit her fancy.
  • Planning.
  • Watching stupid videos / TV shows about teen girl stuff.
  • Some reading, but not much.

Kid 2: 

  • Reading.
  • Science projects, arts & crafts, building toys - the messier the better.
  • Experimenting with food in the kitchen.
  • Playing with all manner of toys - doll toys, stuffy toys, etc.
  • Playing instruments for fun.

Both together:

  • Any or all of the above.
  • Wrastling, teasing, annoying each other, scheming....
  • Playing with their pets.
  • Playing outdoors, riding bikes (weather allowing).
  • Playing board and card games.
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At the moment my 12 year old is mostly majoring in eye rolling and snarky, with a minor of picking fights with her brothers...


Otherwise she reads, does very messy crafty stuff, climbs trees, swims in the pool, wrestles in the dirt (again, brothers!) cooks, plays with the cat, board games, lego, drawing, extra chores for cash...


We're homebodies, they have a decent amount of at home down time.

Edited by LMD
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fly drone

listen to music and sometimes dance. They like to watch Youtube and figure out new moves.

board games

wrestle/pillow fight - pillow fights rule here 

bonfire - one of our best purchases for giving the kids something exciting to do at home that's not tech  https://www.homedepot.com/p/Hampton-Bay-Crossfire-29-50-in-Steel-Fire-Pit-with-Cooking-Grate-25915/205087441



bike, skate, scooter around neighborhood

four square and other outside games like tag with each other and neighbors

Play their instruments.  They're not skilled enough yet to just jam together unless DH is around to help. - We have a keyboard, piano, drum set, violin, electric and acoustic guitar, and percussion instruments. Piano and drums are in DH's office in the garage because our house is tiny.

They all sold their Legos recently because they weren't using them much and wanted to fund other hobbies/interests.

They walk to the library and play video games for hours and check out books and go out to dinner together somewhere nearby weekly now.

My younger two have a friend they walk to about weekly and play on fridays in the late afternoon until dinner time. DS14 is riding the bus for the first time to go visit his BF tomorrow for the afternoon.

Lots of hose and water play when it's warmer. 

Baking. I don't make snacks but provide all the ingredients. No bake cookies, brownies, muffins, popcorn, kettle corn, quick breads, etc.

Work with dad and earn money.

Listening in for more ideas.






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As long as you have plenty of books, art and craft supplies, etc available they can figure it out themselves (boredom is good for a kid). If you don't mind the mess let them bake something from scratch.   If they expect YOU to provide entertainment or tell them what to do, offer CHORES.   By all means, do NOT turn on the tv or allow iPad/phone media zombie time. 


No one has to be 100% busy/entertained 100% of the time.  Daydreaming itself is great!!!

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Mine would like to zone out with electronics during that afternoon time, but they’re not allowed on until 4:30. They like to:


Play basketball in the driveway (basketball goal has been the best money spent on outdoor stuff)


If it’s after 3:00-ish, they’ll play with some neighbors that have gotten home from school

Board games

Lego occasionally

Art occasionally

Argue lol

Made up games (obstacle courses, spy, etc)

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At the moment my 12 year old is mostly majoring in eye rolling and snarky, with a minor of picking fights with her brothers...




Mine boys are 12 year old twins and I'm getting this too  :smash: !


They swim 3 days a week.  They have been working on sit-ups, pull-ups, push-ups in their spare time.  Always a competition.


They are still into Legos.


One will draw.  They both read in their free time.  I do allow screen time (Minecraft, Wii, and 3DS).


I give them extra chores if they get to mouthy or act bored  :lol: !


Fun times!

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Well, we allow screen time once school is finished. They usually play vide games or apps for 30 minutes each (sometimes longer). After that, I don't limit tv/movie watching, but they mostly play outside with the little kids next door. Sometimes we spend 30-40 minutes on a read-aloud. (Right now it's Harry Potter #4.) Sometimes the 11 year old hangs out in her room, reading or drawing.

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Mine boys are 12 year old twins and I'm getting this too :smash: !


They swim 3 days a week. They have been working on sit-ups, pull-ups, push-ups in their spare time. Always a competition.


They are still into Legos.


One will draw. They both read in their free time. I do allow screen time (Minecraft, Wii, and 3DS).


I give them extra chores if they get to mouthy or act bored :lol: !


Fun times!

Twin 12 year olds?! You have aaaall my respect! :lol: Edited by LMD
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Mine do some of the things mentioned here.


I believe there is totally value in finding yourself bored and figuring out how to fill the time (Not saying you don't, I just haven't had enough coffee to find better wording) If you bring your boredom to me I will fill it with cleaning tasks, but if you keep it to yourself you can do whatever you want.

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I have a 16, 14 and 12 year old. They have all gone through a phase where they had outgrown toys and pretend but not yet found what they wanted to do. There were lots of days of 'boredom'. But they outgrow it, they find interests. I did offer lots of activities and ideas, but that transition is hard and it takes time. 

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My tween- plays outside a ton whenever the weather is decent at all, watches random youtube videos when she gets a chance, diy's random things, plays imaginative things with the girls (with babydolls sometimes, or playing different roles, or putting on make-up, or making a show for us, or having a party). For structured activity she does TKD 2 nights a week and Scouts 1 night, Co-op some Friday days. Sleepovers have been sporadic and generally on birthdays but I'm trying to increase them, living outside town they don't have any friends close and I'd like to establish our house as the ones kids are welcome at before they get older.

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My tween is really never bored. She will read, draw, write, play with the dog, listen to music, play piano and occasionally play with her younger brother.


He, on the other hand, is massively extroverted and is "bored" if he doesn't have people to play with. (He has loads of social time and activities.)

He actually entertains himself well with legos, playmobil, dress up, reading, listening to music, play doh, snap circuits, art, playing outside, cooking, fort-building, playing with the dog, playing piano etc. He is 10 and already snarky!

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My 11 year old DD: crafts, video games, watching You-tube videos about doing hair and then practicing, making slime, she also plays a lot with her sisters


My 13 year old DS: watches crazy you-tube stunt videos, builds fires in the fire pit in the back yard (he’s a BOy Scout and recently got his fire certification), builds things out of old wood... he also plays a lot with his buddy down the street, and does a lot of things at church.

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Primarily, mine follow me around the house telling me about all sorts of things I have to feign interest in!


They also read, take broken electronics apart, write their own D&D stuff or work on adventure stories, play their instruments, draw, and my current 12yo will play with his 6yo sister.


They do have more screen time than they probably should, but since they tend to watch things like CrashCourse, GeographyNow, and SciShow I don't mind so much....at least they are often choosing educational content!


My now 14yo plays too many video games, but most of his favorites are strategy games like Civilization; though he does also love Fallout. I know more about Fallout than I ever wanted to from that thing I mentioned they do in my first comment.....follow me around the house telling me about all sorts of things I have to feign interest in!

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My 11 year old DD: crafts, video games, watching You-tube videos about doing hair and then practicing, making slime, she also plays a lot with her sisters



This is what my 10yo DD does with her friends as well. They also make lots of music videos either on Musically or just recording and filming each other with a phone. Lots of slime, lots of crafts. They watch YouTube videos about slime, crafts and replicate.


When they join their big sisters who are also always around, they let the big girls (13yos) practice makeup and hair on them from YouTube. The big girls also make scripts and music videos (we have wireless microphones, drums, piano, guitars). In fact, they have an elaborate script they have been working on for the last year, splicing scenes together and editing. It's slow going making it because all the neighborhood girls (10yo-13yo) are in the film, so they are restricted to when everyone can show up (7 girls).

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Jump on the trampoline, even when it's freezing out

Make movies


Board games

Teaching self to play guitar (YouTube, big brother)


Learn magic tricks (YouTube)

Play soccer in the field with friends

Ride bike

Read (Harry Potter right now)


HOWEVER... this is my most creative/self-entertained child. I have other kids who would just mope around bored and ask for screen time. I think a lot depends on the kid.

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When mine are bored - any of them, not just tweens - they will find something to do because they know Momma doesn’t put up with increased arguing, fussing, or whining and will start assigning chores.


Depending on the kid, they’ll read, play Legos, build puzzles, color, play outside, write stories, or even lay on their beds and daydream. Anything to avoid extra chores.

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