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What are you giving your 14 yr. old boy for Christmas?


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I have a 12 and a half year old son, so not quite 14, but I'll chime in anyway ☺ï¸.


Under armour shorts (for wrestling practice - he specifically asked)


An XBox One (the Madden bundle - for all the kids)




A bag full of deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, body spray, underwear, socks, etc.


New Orleans Saints pj bottoms and t shirt




Under armour hoodie

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Mine is 13.5, is that close enough? :tongue_smilie: He's not needing much grooming stuff, yet...


Nerf gun stuff. I'm looking for a tactical vest but they don't seem to come in adult sizes.

extreme dot-to-dot books and pens

graphic tees

fleece lined sweatpants


flip flops



pokemon cards and a megabloks pokemon building set

another megabloks set - Terminator

multimodel erector set

a reference book on weaponry

Concept board game

expansion for our Smash Up! board game

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Mine is 13.5, is that close enough? :tongue_smilie: He's not needing much grooming stuff, yet...


Nerf gun stuff. I'm looking for a tactical vest but they don't seem to come in adult sizes.

extreme dot-to-dot books and pens

graphic tees

fleece lined sweatpants


flip flops



pokemon cards and a megabloks pokemon building set

another megabloks set - Terminator

multimodel erector set

a reference book on weaponry

Concept board game

expansion for our Smash Up! board game



Nice list! Thank you! One son would love the reference book on weaponry!! (Edited to add: which book are you giving him?)


And I'm looking into the Concept game. Also, did you find fleece line sweatpants that you like?



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My 14 yr old has asked for Dungeons & Dragons manuals & items, so I'll be getting him that for "something you want." (We do the "something you want/need/wear/read.") I haven't picked out a book yet for "something you read," but he's a big sci fi & mystery fan, so it'll be something in one of those genres. His stocking is usually snack food and a couple of $10 gift cards (Steam, Kindle, etc.) 

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Maker supplies here, and he’s asked for film making supplies but I’m not sure what do for that. Maybe a helmet mount for the go pro? Probably some canned smoke for special effects.


A 3D printer is the big gift. He uses one regularly at our maker space, and the adults there gave us a lot of advice about which to buy that for our budget. We just received it, and I’m so excited about it. Filament to go with it, obviously.


Lots of foam for building - if you’ve seen cosplay melee, you’ll know why. :) Glue sticks, spray paint, not sure what else in that area.


Steampunk supplies - gears and little metal doo dads.


A nice leather journal, good sketch pencils.


He wants a calligraphy set.


I’ll hit Lands End for clothes.


There will be several books.


I’m watching this thread for more ideas.


Oh! We have a family gift. Tickets to see Walk Off the Earth. Those will be wrapped in a band T-shirt.

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Thanks Megan! Love the bag full of needed items! Thank you! What books are you giving him? I have one youngish 14 yr. old and one going on 39.



He is getting the new Guinness Book of World Records and the new Ripley's Believe it or Not book. He loves to browse those books.


He's also getting a set of I Survived...books. They are way below his reading level (he loves the Eragon books which are freaking huge - I can't even finish those) but he enjoys the I survived because they're quick interesting reads.


I bought a 10 pack of Newberry books from scholastic so he'll get some of those.


Hope that helps!

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Every year we get my DS15 one of those day planner calendars that's a little book with 7 days on each page, like this: https://www.amazon.com/Day-Planner-Calendar-Journal-Diary/dp/0692321543/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1511558439&sr=1-2. Every night before he goes to bed, he jots down a phrase or two of what he did that day. Not a bunch of sentences or a diary or anything. Just a few words about what he did. "Braces off today." "Played Battlefront all day." "Flu shot today." "Vacation in Arizona started today." Etc. He's done this for a few years and we keep them so he can look back when he's grown and see what he was doing as a kid. I'm going to start that for my 12 yo this year.



Last year (when he was 14) we got him a bubble wrap calendar. https://www.uncommongoods.com/product/bubble-wrap-calendar?country=US&aw_cid=419001177&aw_aid=23041672977&aw_dev=t&aw_loc=9006733&aw_key=&aw_mtype=&aw_net=g&aw_ad=90124539657&aw_pos=1o2&aw_shopid=17735&aw_prod_partid=194850157977&gclid=CjwKCAiAo9_QBRACEiwASknDwfQN6fE1ibG2RECdJ27g8QhVn9FJ0pn_eAOYUZBzS4KcTkl4QaJ9wxoCHfMQAvD_BwE.


He wants a new indestructible phone cover. He bought himself a phone last year when he started working, and about a week ago had to buy himself a new one because he dropped the first one too much and messed it up. There's a certain type he wants that does really well for keeping dropped phones safe. (Can't remember what it's called now.)


We often get him a new tshirt from snorgtees.com. They're tshirts with funny sayings on them.


One year, we got both boys bed tents. They have been using them for a couple of years now and like them still at age 12 and 15. They share a room, so it helps them to have a bit of privacy. https://www.privacypop.com/shop/tent/privacy-pop-bed-tent/?gclid=CjwKCAiAo9_QBRACEiwASknDwY92RQ-VJF-FGlBNvKjDECx_GccNRGnyN_7r8WDcTU7icuKENeoccBoCYRYQAvD_BwE


I get my other son dried marshmallows from a local farmer's market. I get him a box of Lucky Charms and he adds extra marshmallows to them. Anyone who likes the marshmallows in Lucky Charms may like that as a gift. DS15 doesn't happen to like them.


My 15 year old lost his Pokemon Y game about a year ago and every now and then tries to find it by looking in all the corners of the house (under the washing machine, behind bookcases.). I'm pretty sure he'll never find it, so I'm going to get him a new one.


For the past few years, I've considered getting one or both of them a DVD or download (or something--technology has me a little puzzled lately) of Pink Panther cartoons. It's sort of a "if we have money left over" idea, and we never have money left over. :). They're the sort of cartoons that you can watch as a teen and are still fun. But...maybe they really are getting too old. I dunno. My 67 year old dad still watches Loony Toon Cartoons every couple of months. :)

Edited by Garga
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One other very specific thing for my ds15: the Seventh Doctor umbrella (from Doctor Who.). We go to a Doctor Who Convention every year and he likes to dress up in Doctor costumes when we're there. Actually, sometimes he wears parts of his costumes to his youth group just because. He'll probably use the umbrella any time it rains and not just at the convention.

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A Beats Pill (blue tooth speaker)

Running tights that he can also wear biking

A bike pump that attaches to the frame of his bike (he rides his bike for miles and recently had a leak 5 or 6 miles away; he was rescued by someone else with a frame pump)

A hoodie from Baseballism

This backpack from ebags, which I have but which he covets because it is perfect for three-day trips, which he seems to take a lot of.  It is regularly $87'ish with whatever coupon ebags has that day.




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A 3D printer is the big gift. He uses one regularly at our maker space, and the adults there gave us a lot of advice about which to buy that for our budget. We just received it, and I’m so excited about it. Filament to go with it, obviously.




Would you mind sharing what you bought?  DS1 has one of these on his wish list.

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Nice list! Thank you! One son would love the reference book on weaponry!! (Edited to add: which book are you giving him?)


And I'm looking into the Concept game. Also, did you find fleece line sweatpants that you like?




I'm looking at "illustrated encyclopedias" like this, this, and this.


I bought the pants online during Black Friday... haven't seen them yet, but they have good reviews.

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I'm looking at "illustrated encyclopedias" like this, this, and this.


I bought the pants online during Black Friday... haven't seen them yet, but they have good reviews.

Just wanted to let you know that I just bought one of those illustrated weapon guides for my 16 year old son off Amazon!  What a great idea!  My son loves swords and knives, but I never thought about a book like that!  

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Every year we get my DS15 one of those day planner calendars that's a little book with 7 days on each page, like this: https://www.amazon.com/Day-Planner-Calendar-Journal-Diary/dp/0692321543/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1511558439&sr=1-2. Every night before he goes to bed, he jots down a phrase or two of what he did that day. Not a bunch of sentences or a diary or anything. Just a few words about what he did. "Braces off today." "Played Battlefront all day." "Flu shot today." "Vacation in Arizona started today." Etc. He's done this for a few years and we keep them so he can look back when he's grown and see what he was doing as a kid. I'm going to start that for my 12 yo this year.



Last year (when he was 14) we got him a bubble wrap calendar. https://www.uncommongoods.com/product/bubble-wrap-calendar?country=US&aw_cid=419001177&aw_aid=23041672977&aw_dev=t&aw_loc=9006733&aw_key=&aw_mtype=&aw_net=g&aw_ad=90124539657&aw_pos=1o2&aw_shopid=17735&aw_prod_partid=194850157977&gclid=CjwKCAiAo9_QBRACEiwASknDwfQN6fE1ibG2RECdJ27g8QhVn9FJ0pn_eAOYUZBzS4KcTkl4QaJ9wxoCHfMQAvD_BwE.


He wants a new indestructible phone cover. He bought himself a phone last year when he started working, and about a week ago had to buy himself a new one because he dropped the first one too much and messed it up. There's a certain type he wants that does really well for keeping dropped phones safe. (Can't remember what it's called now.)


We often get him a new tshirt from snorgtees.com. They're tshirts with funny sayings on them.


One year, we got both boys bed tents. They have been using them for a couple of years now and like them still at age 12 and 15. They share a room, so it helps them to have a bit of privacy. https://www.privacypop.com/shop/tent/privacy-pop-bed-tent/?gclid=CjwKCAiAo9_QBRACEiwASknDwY92RQ-VJF-FGlBNvKjDECx_GccNRGnyN_7r8WDcTU7icuKENeoccBoCYRYQAvD_BwE


I get my other son dried marshmallows from a local farmer's market. I get him a box of Lucky Charms and he adds extra marshmallows to them. Anyone who likes the marshmallows in Lucky Charms may like that as a gift. DS15 doesn't happen to like them.


My 15 year old lost his Pokemon Y game about a year ago and every now and then tries to find it by looking in all the corners of the house (under the washing machine, behind bookcases.). I'm pretty sure he'll never find it, so I'm going to get him a new one.


For the past few years, I've considered getting one or both of them a DVD or download (or something--technology has me a little puzzled lately) of Pink Panther cartoons. It's sort of a "if we have money left over" idea, and we never have money left over. :). They're the sort of cartoons that you can watch as a teen and are still fun. But...maybe they really are getting too old. I dunno. My 67 year old dad still watches Loony Toon Cartoons every couple of months. :)


Garga -- Hat off to you! These ideas are super creative! I'm doing #1 for both boys -- great idea!


Cartoons are a neat idea too. They've never seen the Pink Panther.




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Great thread. Just came here looking for ideas for my 13yo. He wants a computer. I cannot afford that. I need ideas that are less than $100! LOL

 2 places that I have gotten many computers for home and office for around $100  are Staples.com in their refurbished section, and Goodwill.  At Staples.com ( will take some site navigating to find the refurbished section) there are many to pick from at around $100 to 129.  These are factory refurbished and come packed like new, with keyboard and mouse.   The other place are the Goodwills that have a Computer Store attachment.  These are used and usually full units with monitors for $100 or so.  Laptops a little more.  There is usually a tech at GW who can help you pick out a good system.  7 day return at most GWs.   Never a problem with Staples.  For GW, I suggest that test all features, equipment , and drives within the test period. In maybe 20 systems that I  purchased from GW, I had one dud that I took back for store credit. 

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I haven't bought anything yet, but here's some of what I'm thinking.


headphones with microphone

pull up/chin up bar for a doorway

wall calendar (maybe the new Star Wars); I get one every year. 

Exploding Kittens game

t-shirt or two

a couple of books that are the first in a series 




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I want to know about the 3D printer too!


I'm reading this thread for ideas for my almost 13yo son.  He might like a chin-up/pull-up bar; it's hard to get exercise inside in the winter, although he has a kick dummy too (we got it for all the kids a few years ago).  He likes band t-shirts, concert tickets, books, video games.


Garga, maybe OtterBox for the phone?  Mine's done a great job at protecting my phone, even when I've dropped it on tile or when my little guy grabs it to take selfies.  

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At 12 they asked for and got LEGOS

At 13 they asked for and got LEGOS

At 14 they asked for and got LEGOS

At 15 they asked for and got LEGOS


At 16 they asked for and got LEGOS and Culver's Gifts cards (yeah there is hope they will branch out in life)


At 17 they asked and got/will get LEGOS and Culver's Gift cards


At 18 (oldest only has reached this point), asked for and received LEGOS and Culver's gift card


At 19 he has asked for Culver's gift cards (he did however just buy himself a couple hundred dollars of LEGOS and probably knew there was nothing he wanted in my price range)

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My 14 year old will be getting a few gifts for Prophet Muhammad's bday which this year is roughly November 30th/December 1st.  (Most Muslims do not do this FWIW....but we try and make a big deal of any/all Muslim holidays.)


He requested the new Pokemon Ultra Moon Nintendo DS game....and I got that for $31 on Amazon through some Prime deal before it was released.



He, too, got a gift box of AXE stuff.....deodorant, cologne, body wash, shampoo.  



There is a shirt he wants and will get, as well.

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My 13 yo mainly wants cash, he has been working on building a computer. 


I think for our part we will help him buy a monitor.


I'm also buying him some clothes, dh had the bright idea to get some Overwatch (his favorite game) themed clothes. The boy always wears the same thing and the shirts he does have are getting too small (growth spurt). I picked up an athletic shirt on sale at Academy yesterday and will also get him a new pay of pants for Scouts. 


Maybe a really nice pair of earbuds as the cheap ones keep breaking. I thought it was ridiculous at first to spend so much on earbuds but considering how much he's had to replace them it seems it may be worth it. 


A big nice fuzzy cover for his bed. 


He really needs hiking boots, I wish he would stop growing!


A book or two, odd as it sounds I am getting every kid Favorite Poems Old and New, they fight over it every poetry time. 


I just bought him new socks but will probably throw some underwear in his stocking, along with some candy, lip balm, and I'm not sure what else.

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For my 13 y/o ds: 

An electric guitar and an amp

A pair of all-weather Vans shoes
SmartWool socks 

Two books: Perks of Being a Wallflower and The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
Some funky colored hair dye (his hair is currently blue!)

A strand of LED Christmas lights to go around his room
A Peanuts/Snoopy skater style sweatshirt (his grandmother bought this for him)

He would also really like some more flannel shirts (think 90s grunge, lol) and a Fuji instant camera, but the guitar (a want) and the all-weather shoes (a need) are so expensive that it'll have to wait for another gift-giving opportunity. Other than the guitar and shoes, the two big ticket items, everything else I'm buying is in the $10ish or less range. 

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DS14 is getting Lego. He spends hours each day sitting in his bed turning all his Lego sets into creations of his own. He’s made smaller versions of Lego sets we can’t afford, copied figures from a video game (Destiny), frequently makes realistic looking tractors for his youngest, tractor-loving brother, and with him you can’t go wrong with Lego!


DS15 has never been a huge Lego builder. He enjoys putting the sets together, but that’s it. Once they’ve been built, he does nothing with them. He asked that we skip the Lego for him from now on â˜¹ï¸ and we’ve moved on to other things. His passions right now are Warhammer and puzzles. He’s big on other board games too, so we have a new game for him, a set of his preferred faction of Warhammer figures, and a puzzle.


All of our big kids (ds15, ds14, ds12, and dd10, as well as the little kids) are getting hot wheels in their stockings. It’s tradition. 😄 DS3 is the only one who really plays with them now, but they all collect them and pull them out occasionally. It’s always a challenge to find odd/unusual vehicles for them all and they have fun seeing what we’ve found.

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Have you decided on which one of these you are getting? My son has asked for an electric guitar and amp, but he has no idea which one he wants.


We just ordered this set. It's not a particularly high end guitar and amp, but it's a reliable manufacturer and not a piece of toy junk either. Seemed like a good choice for an entry level instrument for a kid his age. He was able to try one out at a local music store too which helped: 





Edited by Wabi Sabi
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