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damn..I'm starting to lose my mind here (I don't eat sugar..LOL)


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The thrush is coming back.  I don't freaking even know what in hell to do.  I don't know what is going on and I'm starting to feel like I'm just nuts or something.  The docs keep trying to figure out what is wrong, but nothing is off/wrong that they can find.  I don't know which doctor to call or what.  I think I'll start with the GP doc because I know I won't have to wait as long for an appointment or maybe they'd even call something in for me.  But what is going on?!  It's hard to ignore because it's quite painful. 


And it's stressing me out on top of that so I feel even worse!



Edited by SparklyUnicorn
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The thrush is coming back.  I don't freaking even know what in hell to do.  I don't know what is going on and I'm starting to feel like I'm just nuts or something.  The docs keep trying to figure out what is wrong, but nothing is off/wrong that they can find.  I don't know which doctor to call or what.  I think I'll start with the GP doc because I know I won't have to wait as long for an appointment or maybe they'd even call something in for me.  But what is going on?!  It's hard to ignore because it's quite painful. 


And it's stressing me out on top of that so I feel even worse!

I'm very sorry to hear this.  :grouphug:


My opinion of what doctors know about yeast infections is very low.  The tests are extremely expensive, so they use them sparingly.  As a result, thrush is severely underdiagnosed.  Finally, doctors, then consider it to be more rare than it likely is.


MomsintheGarden was only able to address her thrush (that she shared with the twins when they were nursing) was to use caprylic acid and eliminate as much sugar as possible.  The prescription medication has sugar as the first ingredient, so she had to stop using that. :glare:


Sorry, but I don't know what regimen she used, but I will ask her to have a look if she has any time this evening.

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I'm very sorry to hear this.  :grouphug:


My opinion of what doctors know about yeast infections is very low.  The tests are extremely expensive, so they use them sparingly.  As a result, thrush is severely underdiagnosed.  Finally, doctors, then consider it to be more rare than it likely is.


MomsintheGarden was only able to address her thrush (that she shared with the twins when they were nursing) was to use caprylic acid and eliminate as much sugar as possible.  The prescription medication has sugar as the first ingredient, so she had to stop using that. :glare:


Sorry, but I don't know what regimen she used, but I will ask her to have a look if she has any time this evening.


I eat as little sugar as possible. 


And the second round of meds had no sugar (the first did..and also didn't work as well). 


But yeah anything different I might try would be good!  Thanks! 


I did put in a call to the doc and asked if she can just call something in. 


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I am sorry. I've never had oral thrush, but my babies have. And I've had in in my nipples. It's awful.

Things I do (which you've probably tried/do, but I'll throw them out there anyway):
Cut out as much sugar as possible (even fruit)
Take probiotics
Eat lots of plain yogurt (I eat a bite or two every hour...and more at meals)

Have you tried using gentian violet? It's my go-to treatment.

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Sparkly, I think you should start every post with




I'm so sorry about the thrush.  I have read that people who have it either as babies or as nursing mothers tend to have recurrences; I wonder if you've just got an internal environment that is susceptible, because of bacteria colonization issues or acidity issues or something.

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She already doesn't eat sugar.  She's on a low carb diet.



Go get empty capsules (at a health food store or Amazon).  3 times a day take them with 10 drops tea tree oil, 10 drops cinnamon oil, and 10 drops peppermint oil.  All fight fungal infections.  I didn't feel right after multiple rounds of walking pneumonia until I did the above combo.  I took this with a big glass of water 3 times a day for about ten days.  I meant to take it for 30 days, but I started feeling so good I forgot all about it.

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Sparkly, I think you should start every post with




I'm so sorry about the thrush.  I have read that people who have it either as babies or as nursing mothers tend to have recurrences; I wonder if you've just got an internal environment that is susceptible, because of bacteria colonization issues or acidity issues or something.


(and btw I don't have diabetes... :laugh: )

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I looked at our Amazon history, and here are the books that MomsintheGarden purchased when she was suffering from Thrush:


Complete Candida Yeast Guidebook, Revised 2nd Edition: Everything You Need to Know About Prevention, Treatment & Diet


The Candida Control Cookbook:  What You Should Know and What You Should Eat to Manage Yeast Infections (New Revised & Updated Edition)


The Candida Albican Yeast-Free Cookbook: How Good Nutrition Can Help Fight the Epidemic of Yeast-Related Diseases


I'm 95% sure that it was in the first book that MomsintheGarden found the cure for her, which was primarily based on caprylic acid.  If I'm wrong, she can correct me.


I hope you can find relief soon.

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Sorry...I seem to have stepped on toes for not remembering the eating habits of the OP. (I can barely keep straight which of my kids like/don't like any given food, so I am not shocked by that.)

I thought of something else. I eat raw garlic.  For persistent oral thrush I wouldn't be above trying to let as much sunlight into my mouth as possible. I'd go outside in my yard and open my mouth for a minute to let the sun in a few times a day.

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One M.D. needs to be "in charge".  Try to task the one you like/trust the most with that job. Sorry you are suffering with this!


At this point I don't trust either of them.  One of them is quick with appointments, but makes me feel ignored.  The other one is more responsive, but I wait months for an appointment!!

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One M.D. needs to be "in charge".  Try to task the one you like/trust the most with that job. Sorry you are suffering with this!

No M.D. needs to be "in charge".  Unfortunately, the medical and drug establishments do not offer any real solutions for yeast infections.  In fact, many of the prescriptions we have seen make it worse.


But the good news is that YOU can address this once you know what to do.  The information is out there.

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No M.D. needs to be "in charge".  Unfortunately, the medical and drug establishments do not offer any real solutions for yeast infections.  In fact, many of the prescriptions we have seen make it worse.


But the good news is that YOU can address this once you know what to do.  The information is out there.


Yeah, but I'm essentially already doing that.  And it's not working. 


So I dunno. 

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I'm sorry.  :grouphug:


I don't know much about thrush, but could someone in your household be a carrier and you keep catching it from them? Or could you be re-catching it from your toothbrush or something like that?


Nobody else here has it.


And I've been extremely meticulous about keeping my toothbrush sanitized.  I keep it in a container with some mouth wash and rinse it in super hot water before using it again.  I bought a new one after each time I had thrush.  I mean I can't keep buying a new one for each tooth brushing!  That would get crazy expensive.


So I don't think it's that.

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If you haven't already cut out sugar from your diet, do so now. Bacteria LOVE sugar. Cutting it out of your daily 

diet should help quite a bit! Praying things improve for you!


PS I'm "losing my mind" too but for different reasons. In any case, I understand the frustration!

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Hm..since I don't eat sugar, maybe that is my problem.  Maybe I'll fill up a mug with sugar and just go to town.  :lol:




It's ok.  It's the first thing I read when I go looking for info too.  Frankly, I think it's some weird something or other someone made up though.



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Sparkly, I think you should stop eating so much sugar.  



Thrush is a fungal infection, not a bacterial one.  Sparkly doesn't eat sugar.  She does have long-term GERD, for which she has been on PPIs for some time; the GERD has not always been well controlled.  I have to think the two things (the thrush and the GERD/treatment thereof) are related.

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I am sorry if you said no to this already but do you have dry mouth, try to keep it more wet.  Second the yogurts, kefirs, probiotics- I have a nystatin bottle that I in fact need to get again because I get them so frequently.


Unless that's TMI, why do you get them so frequently?  I just can't seem to get to the bottom of the cause.


I mean in and of itself it's not deadly or anything, but it's quite unpleasant and I'm stumped.

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Sparkly did they check for SIBO?Sorry you have it again.

Can you see an acupuncturist?

When my dd was sick we were looking at all kinds of possibilities and a friend sent me 

these links



I may have more and will edit this post  if I do find them.


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That crossed my mind, but I don't (think I) have any other signs really.


What's I3C?

One of the active components in cruciferous veggies. There are studies -- you can probably dig them up as easily as I can link them for you but it was shown up reduce estrogen. Not necessarily your problem but a particular problem for many women which can manifest in extra belly fat, extra breast tissue, women's cycle issues, etc.

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When I was struggling with what they thought was candida, the product recommended to me was ThreeLac or FiveLac.  Amazon was the best source back then,  Maybe something that acts as a natural counterbalance would be useful as you are working through your GI issues.  Could your naturally high acid environment be killing off your natural defence/balance system for candida? 

Edited by Tap
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No, I am so willing to share my medical issues so others can learn from them.  I get them because both Sjogren's Syndrome (dryer mouth cause here for me) and some of my medications increase chances- Advair, Flonase, and Medrol (a corticosteroid).  I am normally pretty good about it and used to a very light case of it.  But you don't sound like you have it light at all and I know how awful that is. When I had my bad rheumatologist and everything autoimmune with me was going all to hell about four years ago, I had it really bad too.  I was able to kick it and then had a relapse and kicked it again and the best thing for me not having such a bad case is that my autoimmune diseases are in better control now.  But I like to have the nystatin to keep it well under control.  I also eat yougurt every day and drink kefirs too.  I go on full change of diet if it is bad but it hasn't been bad or even mediocre for quite a while which is why I didn't notice my nystatin had run out.

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What is EMF?



Electromagnetic frequency. "the invisible rainbow" wave energy.   No idea if that could in any way be related, but sounds like you are already dealing with all the usual culprits.  Some people I know and believe even for anecdotal stuff said that their mold situation (this is like for house walls and surfaces) went out of control after a cellular tower went in to their area.  When looked up it seems there are others also noticing similar issues.

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When I was trying to help my husband's tummy issues, I read that diets that are too low carb can make your body produce ketones, and yeasts can actually feed on ketones! (That's just ridiculously unfair, in my opinion.) If your diet really is too low carb, you may want to add some "safe starches" (potatoes, rice - not gluten or corn) and see how you feel. Too low carb also makes the thyroid malfunction, not sure if that affects yeasts.


Paul Jaminet has something called the "Perfect Health Diet" which may be helpful to you - it includes a low-ish-to-moderate amount of carbs. You can read about it here: http://perfecthealthdiet.com/the-diet/


It would be pretty ironic if the low carb diet, designed to fight candida, actually produced ketones to feed the candida. Maybe you could do a day or two of slightly increased carbs and see how you do.

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No not that.  Thought you were referring to low/no sugar.


The suggestions here are rather dizzying!

No, I'm talking specifically about the regimen which is specified in the first (of the three) Amazon book references I provided.  MomsintheGarden feels that without the caprylic acid included in that plan, she would not have gotten out of the thrush hell that she had been experiencing.  Based on that, I recommend that you get ahold of that book and give it a try.

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I dunno, I tend to distrust the Candida as a source for everything wrong with your body people because a lot of it seems pretty woo.


One of the sites I read re: candida said I should stop eating mushrooms because it was a fungus like yeast and therefore would cause my yeast to grow.  That's just ridiculously stupid, so I discounted everything else at the same time.


That said, thrush is very definitely candida, so at least in that area, you have a chronic overgrowth of yeast.  

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She already doesn't eat sugar.  She's on a low carb diet.



Go get empty capsules (at a health food store or Amazon).  3 times a day take them with 10 drops tea tree oil, 10 drops cinnamon oil, and 10 drops peppermint oil.  All fight fungal infections.  I didn't feel right after multiple rounds of walking pneumonia until I did the above combo.  I took this with a big glass of water 3 times a day for about ten days.  I meant to take it for 30 days, but I started feeling so good I forgot all about it.


Be careful about this. Tea tree oil is highly toxic when taken internally. It should be kept well out of reach of children. Here's a decent source: http://www.poison.org/articles/2010-dec/tea-tree-oil , and another: https://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/cgi-bin/sis/search/a?dbs+hsdb:@term+@DOCNO+8193


It's probably worth considering whether or not the other essential oils are reasonable to use internally given how concentrated a chemical they are.

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Be careful about this. Tea tree oil is highly toxic when taken internally. It should be kept well out of reach of children. Here's a decent source: http://www.poison.org/articles/2010-dec/tea-tree-oil , and another: https://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/cgi-bin/sis/search/a?dbs+hsdb:@term+@DOCNO+8193


It's probably worth considering whether or not the other essential oils are reasonable to use internally given how concentrated a chemical they are.

Not only that but with her Acid reflux issues, it could make it worse. I think we can all agree that is the last thing she wants. Edited by itsheresomewhere
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When I had thrush (I couldnt even swallow water), the dr gave me a prescription for magic mouthwash. There are different recipes, but most contain Maalox, Benadryl and a pain reliever or Nystatin. The maalox is soothing and the benadryl works as an anti-inflamatory. It might be worth it to mix those two just for some relief.


Here is recipe


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I agree with checking if your body is highly acidic. Mine is and I've also struggled with thrush for years. What helps is apple cider vinegar in water every day on an empty stomach. I take lunch around 12 p.m. and the ACV drink around 4 p.m. 

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I agree with checking if your body is highly acidic. Mine is and I've also struggled with thrush for years. What helps is apple cider vinegar in water every day on an empty stomach. I take lunch around 12 p.m. and the ACV drink around 4 p.m. 


I can't tolerate apple cider vinegar.  But this is a strange idea to me because if one's body is highly acidic, how does swallowing acid help that?

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Be careful about this. Tea tree oil is highly toxic when taken internally. It should be kept well out of reach of children. Here's a decent source: http://www.poison.org/articles/2010-dec/tea-tree-oil , and another: https://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/cgi-bin/sis/search/a?dbs+hsdb:@[email protected]<script data-cfhash='f9e31' type="text/javascript">/* */</script>+8193


It's probably worth considering whether or not the other essential oils are reasonable to use internally given how concentrated a chemical they are.


I only took it after reading studies on it being taken internally and it being highly effective on chronic fungal and mycoplasma infections.  Obviously I'm talking about something along the lines of 30 drops spread over 24 hours - far less than 1/8 tsp total.


I have no doubt that large concentrations of anything can be toxic, especially anything that would have a medicinal effect. I've personally previously cautioned people against taking EO's internally here on this board because we don't know much.  I decided to carefully research it myself and take them anyway because I knew if I went to the doctor I'd be prescribed powerful antibiotics that I would probably need to take for far longer.


Peppermint and cinnamon oils have also been shown to calm digestive issues including heartburn, not inflame them.



I forgot, I also included oregano oil supplements as well.. Those were from a health food store, not something I added to a capsule though.


ETA:  I'm going to start taking them again - 5 drops each oil 3x/day, plus the oregano oil supplements. For a full 30 days. Because when I was googling this just now I realized mycoplasma may be the reason I've had multiple miscarriages since I've had that initial diagnosis of walking pneumonia.  I get pregnant every 3-4 months, but lose the baby somewhere between 5-10 weeks.  No medical or genetic reasons have been found.

Edited by Katy
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I had thrush when nursing #3.  It was so painful.  Stabbing pains.

I told my pediatrician about it and she said try Grapefruit Seed oil mixed with coconut oil.

It did work for me, but of course it might not work for everyone.  


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I only took it after reading studies on it being taken internally and it being highly effective on chronic fungal and mycoplasma infections.  Obviously I'm talking about something along the lines of 30 drops spread over 24 hours - far less than 1/8 tsp total.


I have no doubt that large concentrations of anything can be toxic, especially anything that would have a medicinal effect. I've personally previously cautioned people against taking EO's internally here on this board because we don't know much.  I decided to carefully research it myself and take them anyway because I knew if I went to the doctor I'd be prescribed powerful antibiotics that I would probably need to take for far longer.


Peppermint and cinnamon oils have also been shown to calm digestive issues including heartburn, not inflame them.



I forgot, I also included oregano oil supplements as well.. Those were from a health food store, not something I added to a capsule though.



This was on the list of possible triggers for dh's serious GERD issues.  I don't think it is actually one of his triggers though.

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