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What do you do when you just don't want to cook, like, ever?


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Im right there with you. I look forward to reading all the replies. Btw if I served my dh bread, cheese and salad he'd die. or kill me. Id do better by grabbing some random hunk of meat, putting it in a frying pan and then plopping it on his plate, that he could do. hed do without side dishes, but not meat.

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Tortellini and a vegetable; crock pot chicken with a jar of Trader Joe's green curry simmer sauce with rice and vegetables; loaded baked potatoes with chicken meatballs; crock pot lasagna; crock pot chicken chili; crock pot turkey meat loaf.

Edited by trulycrabby
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I hear you, and I'm only cooking for three at the moment. The older I get the more I detest it. Not so much the actual cooking -- that's easy. It's the planning, shopping and cleaning up I get sick of. When DS18 goes to college next month DH and I plan on eating out more often (we already do that on weekends). There's a cafeteria near us. Nothing fancy or especially interesting, but relatively healthy basic food at decent prices. Mainly attracts the 65+ crowd, but DH and I may become frequent visitors. ;)

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One thing a few of us (me, Texasmom33) keep trying to tell you all about (to deafening silence) is the joy of Sous Vide.


Just because it many sound (unpronounceably) French it is the easiest way in the world to get perfectly cooked proteins w/o any time pressure (as food can sit in a temperature controlled water bath almost indefinitely and not get more "done").


You do not need to watch the food. It nearly all passive time. And the results are restaurant quality.


Someday Sous Vide will be "a thing" on this forum. I'll do a seach, bump an old thread, and say "why didn't you all listen back in 2016?"



I want to like this a 1000 times.  It is seriously better than the crockpot.

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I don't know about you all, but salads are often one of the most labor intensive food items I make.


I love to cook and food prep. But good salads don't reduce my work load.




Not only that, but I am of the opinion that salads, sandwiches and steaks taste infinitely better when someone else makes them....

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The awesome Instant Pot people recently introduced a sous vide gadget:




For me, though, I try not to cook in plastic, so that has held me back from looking too closely at it. 



I involve my children in planning meals, generating the grocery list, meal prep, and clean up. Once a week my 12yo makes dinner. He picks his recipe, and lists what he needs. I sit and put my feet up so I can answer questions if he has any. He has pretty good recipe reading skills and I don't sweat the odd waste here and there that a novice sometimes creates. We're building up his repertoire of recipes he can make on his own without any help. So far we're up to two meals he can make without recipe and by memory. Spaghetti and waffles.



This was part of our temporary solution last night. DD11 loves to cook and is kind of a genius at it. She stunned me by making meatballs from scratch a few months ago, no recipe at all (I myself have made meatballs exactly once in my life), so she always has that in her pocket. She also whipped up Instagram worthy udon bowls sans recipe recently :D I'm lucky to have this kid! 


So DD decided she wants to cook more, and I'm going to let her. The main issue with that is that she LOOOOVES food and often wants to cook junk, or things that involved a lot of bread/carbs, and we'll have to try to moderate that a bit. But I guess compared to a steady diet of Moe's burritos and Wawa subs, cooking similar junk at home isn't any worse! We also talked about the kitchen cleanup issue, and she promised to try to do better with that. I don't mind cleaning up after the cook, but I do mind when I have to scrub the cabinets, walls, and floors and degrease the stove and half the counter!


And you guys are right, the delivery boxes are a good idea. I think I may also start doing Blue Apron again. The same DD asked for Blue Apron boxes for her birthday and nailed every single meal. We stopped because of cost and packaging waste, but again, compared to all the takeout packaging we're throwing away, it's not worse.


And I did some web surfing looking for easy meal ideas, and I added a few things to my Plan to Eat database with "quick" and "easy" tags. Maybe that will help me find the joy in cooking again too. I hope...


Thanks for the commiseration and ideas, everyone.

Edited by ILiveInFlipFlops
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I love to cook and I have had times like these for sure.  Long periods of time!  And my family would not be content with bread/cheese/salad.  Neither would I.  How do I get through?  Barely.  Lot of rotisserie chickens, stuff in the instant pot, whatever is as brain dead easy as possible.   I do a lot of "fend for yourself".  Which usually means my family eats crap like cereal or not so great sandwiches. 


My biggest problem is deciding what to make.  I almost like the concept of something like Blue Apron where it has everything right there and a recipe.  Problem is I'm too picky of an eater.  There would probably be several ingredients I'd end up throwing out and recipes that wouldn't work (and ya know..I eat low carb).  So I don't want to do that. 


No real advice I guess!  Just commiserating. 





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There is one thing I sometimes do to get through.  I often will make dinner in the morning.  Yes that means reheating later or whatever, but sometimes that is the time of day I'm less pressed for time and energy.  So I "get it over with".  I also will double/triple an amount I'm making so we eat leftovers for 2-3 days.  Luckily nobody complains about that (although if they did I'd tell them to take a flying leap or get cooking). 



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What did you put in the Mediterranean bowls? That sounds good.


The kids being in and out - that makes it harder. They often don't tell me til the last minute if they'll be here for supper, and either I've been caught off guard and don't have a big meal planned for when all plus friends show up, or I make too much and end up with too many leftovers.



Quinoa, cooked

Black beans or hummus

And any number of the following

Spinach, raw

Red onion sliced very thin

Radishes sliced very thin

Cucumber chopped

Kalamata olives

Blue cheese or feta

Fresh basil leaves, torn

Salt/lemon olive oil


Then top with some of this sauce

Pulse until mostly smooth

Jar of roasted red pepper

1/2 cup olive oil

1/2 cup sliced almonds

1 clove of garlic

Juice of one lemon

1/2 tsp salt



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There is one thing I sometimes do to get through. I often will make dinner in the morning. Yes that means reheating later or whatever, but sometimes that is the time of day I'm less pressed for time and energy. So I "get it over with". I also will double/triple an amount I'm making so we eat leftovers for 2-3 days. Luckily nobody complains about that (although if they did I'd tell them to take a flying leap or get cooking).

I do this with lasagna and meat loaf.....assemble it in the morning and pull it out of frig to cook at 5:30 or whatever.

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I do this with lasagna and meat loaf.....assemble it in the morning and pull it out of frig to cook at 5:30 or whatever.


I cook it in the morning.  Then people can grab and reheat when they want it.


Especially during the school year. 


Right now I'm finding grilling to be easy.  But then the weather doesn't cooperate half the time.

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Hey, can you link the HelloFresh deal? I googled and I'm only finding "not yet available" deals. Thanks!


Ugh, I have tried 3 different ways to paste a link here and it isn't working - this has been an ongoing problem for me with IE or this website.  I'll keep trying.  Are the Groupons different by region?  I live in the Tampa Bay region if you can search for deals that way?

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One thing a few of us (me, Texasmom33) keep trying to tell you all about (to deafening silence) is the joy of Sous Vide.


Just because it many sound (unpronounceably) French it is the easiest way in the world to get perfectly cooked proteins w/o any time pressure (as food can sit in a temperature controlled water bath almost indefinitely and not get more "done").


You do not need to watch the food. It nearly all passive time. And the results are restaurant quality.


Someday Sous Vide will be "a thing" on this forum. I'll do a seach, bump an old thread, and say "why didn't you all listen back in 2016?"



Cooking in plastic? Are you concerned about the chemicals leaching into foods?

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This thread is reminding me, we are leaving for a 3 week vacation in 10 days.  I need to go through my fridge/freezer and make a menu of what to eat so we can use it all up before we leave, well, not all the freezer stuff, but the fridge stuff for sure and use freezer stuff too.


As for hating cooking, I do too, to some degree.  I make EASY meals......one protein, one veg, one starch, often very separated.


Last night I made chimichangas for the first time though, and everyone liked it.  I had no idea the sauce was so easy.  That will be added to my rotation for sure now.


DH likes to grill.  I capitalize on that to have him help with the cooking!

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Cooking in plastic? Are you concerned about the chemicals leaching into foods?


Sous vide bags (and ziploc brand bags, too) are polyethylene and very safe. There are no chemicals leaching. Polypropylene is fine, too.


You definitely don't want to use PVC. Some cheapo plastic wraps and no name baggies are PVC. 


Polycarbonate, which has the BPA concern, is hard plastic.

Edited by regentrude
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I have yet to try sous vide. 


I just bought an expensive cooking toy though so I have to lay low for awhile.  :laugh:


Oh and the cool thing is my older kid took a heavy interest in the toy and has cooked several meals for us!  Win win! 

Edited by SparklyUnicorn
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I hate cooking, planning, shopping all of that.  But I love to eat.  So it has to be done. 




I was going to ask the age of your kid(s).   Your dd sounds awesome.  Use her love to cook.   



We did BA and didn't like it much.  It is really expensive and tons of more work than the normal stuff we do.   

Plus a lot of the times the shipments were bad.  Forgotten items, meat would be leaking all over everything else in the box. 




What do I do? 


Crock pots.  That I will do.  The simple ones.   So easy.  I also like making a lot of it so that I have leftovers.  Chili can last us 3 days at least.  Chili, chili wraps, nachos, over rice, over mashed potatoes, hot dogs......


Easy things 

microwave veggies, noodles


I use my kids to make their own meals a lot. 

Lots of times we just have lunch for evening meals too.  Which means you are on your own.  They know how to make simple things.  And we always have fruits and veggies.



Can You shop every 2 weeks?   


Make big meals with lots of leftovers


simple meals that people handle on their own


Make your kids do meals too. 

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I cook 6 nights a week.  I am neither a particularly inventive nor a particularly enthusiastic cook, but I manage it with more consistency and less grumpiness than various other gotta-do-them-anyway tasks like folding the laundry, washing the dog, wiping down the bathrooms.  


Habits that make it easier include:


- I lean heavily on just a few, straightforward methods to cook virtually everything I make.  I roast, grill, or poach just about all fish/chicken/meat.  I roast, grill or quick-sautee just about all vegetables.  


- When I cook a basic protein, I make 2-3x the quantity needed for dinner (I roast two whole chickens, I grill 3 flank steaks or 2 whole salmon, I poach several pounds of chicken breasts).  We have it hot the first night, then subsequent nights the leftovers are rolled into other meals (diced chicken into Thai salad, sliced steak on arugula, salmon-pasta salad, etc).


- I've worked out combinations that cook at the same time & temperature (roasted chicken & roasted root vegetables, grilled salmon & grilled eggplant/zucchini/summer squash, roast lamb & roasted asparagus etc).  Those combos are so automatically fused that I don't have to think about them either when I'm shopping or cooking.


- We eat a boatload of salad: pre-washed arugula, mixed greens and baby spinach make all the difference in time and accessibility.  Romaine keeps (relatively) forever so I get that too, but the pre-washed makes the habit soooooooooo much easier.


- I keep hard boiled eggs, feta cheese, olives, hummus, prepped carrots & peppers, and smoked fish always on hand in the fridge.  And a range of canned sardines, anchovies and herring in the pantry.  If all else fails that can be dinner, no shame, no apologies.



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I will also say that this is awkward in our household because I am the planner/doer/organizer.  I am the person who makes sure things get done.  I just CANNOT do this with food.  I don't know why or how, it just doesn't happen.  There is something in my brain that does not compute. Planning food and meals takes a tremendous amount of mental energy for me.  


As an example of "roles in marriage interaction" I have expressed to DH that I just am not good at this part, and if he wants anything different (planned meals, more fresh food, less eating out) it is something he needs to take on or help with.  He's not good with it either, so we continue on our way. He doesn't mention it or complain about it.  Although he is tremendously expressive and grateful when I do cook something decent! 


ETA example:

Family:  What are we doing tomorrow?

Me:  We are doing x and y and z at this time and that time, you will need a, b and c.

Family:  What's for dinner?

Me:  I don't know, what's for dinner?


Edited by goldberry
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I will also say that this is awkward in our household because I am the planner/doer/organizer.  I am the person who makes sure things get done.  I just CANNOT do this with food.  I don't know why or how, it just doesn't happen.  There is something in my brain that does not compute. Planning food and meals takes a tremendous amount of mental energy for me.  


As an example of "roles in marriage interaction" I have expressed to DH that I just am not good at this part, and if he wants anything different (planned meals, more fresh food, less eating out) it is something he needs to take on or help with.  He's not good with it either, so we continue on our way. He doesn't mention it or complain about it.  Although he is tremendously expressive and grateful when I do cook something decent! 


Same story here.  I think it bothers me so much because I care about the details.  It's not something that I feel content to just "throw together" and "ignore that nobody likes it much".  I don't want it to just get done.  I want it to be good. 


I'm kind of a perfectionist.

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I'm in a major rut right now myself.  The other day the thought of dinner just hung over my head and I just could not think of anything to make.  The kids weren't much help with ideas either.  I ended up getting some chicken tenderloins and cooking them on the Foreman Grill to make wraps with.  Then I got another pack to make chicken parmesan the next day.  Now again, out of ideas. Normally I have a plan and am pretty good about having a home cooked meal during the week but right now it's such a struggle!! 


My lazy ideas (that everyone is tired of) are rotisserie chicken and Bob Evans mac and cheese, frozen ravioli with marinara sauce and cheese quesadillas. 


And I agree, salads are a pain to make.  I guess you could get the bagged salad. 

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I WANT a Sous Vide, but I'm waiting for the price to come down and it doesn't really solve the problem of not wanting to plan, shop, cook, or clean up.  If they'd eat JUST meat, I'd just give them a brat on a stick and light the firepit.  


My summer formula is:


Meat on the grill

Grain in the rice cooker

Veggies - grilled, salad, or steamed over the rice. 


When I marinate the meats, I try to do one or two extras for another day.  Sometimes I get on a cous cous kick because it's fast and the leftovers can make a nice cold, caprese-type salad.







I'm in the same rut as the OP.  I just don't wanna.  I've had a good two month stretch of phoning it in.  First I was planning a show, so that took loads of time.  Then I crashed for a week while DS was at MDA camp.  Then I traveled for a week.  I got home Friday and have yet to shop or cook.  We're coasting on take-out.  It's getting ridiculous and I feel like I'm going for some kind of record.  I will even do OTHER things to "justify" ignoring our nutritional needs.  I waded in and did a bit of basement clean-up.  (My basement can be a whole 'nother thread.)  I am tempted to put more time into it just so I can be all "Honey, the time got away from me.  Will you take care of dinner?" Then HE will go get take-out.  In my house "Daddy cooked!" means he brought home take-out.  


I'm sick of EVERYTHING.  I just left my Mom's house last week.  She's still cooking THREE times a day. I helped her when we were there, but I certainly didn't do any of the brain work that goes into planning the meals.  I'm not even managing cooking ONCE a day.  We had Dunkin Donuts around noon and nobody is hungry yet.  I'm thinking it's cheese platter night.  The protein can be pepperoni.  



eta SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!!!!!  I just looked at Amazon.  Can you really get set up in Sous Vide land for less than $100?  I thought these things were a thousand bucks.  WHY did I think this? I need help.

Edited by KungFuPanda
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I will also say that this is awkward in our household because I am the planner/doer/organizer.  I am the person who makes sure things get done.  I just CANNOT do this with food.  I don't know why or how, it just doesn't happen.  There is something in my brain that does not compute. Planning food and meals takes a tremendous amount of mental energy for me.  


As an example of "roles in marriage interaction" I have expressed to DH that I just am not good at this part, and if he wants anything different (planned meals, more fresh food, less eating out) it is something he needs to take on or help with.  He's not good with it either, so we continue on our way. He doesn't mention it or complain about it.  Although he is tremendously expressive and grateful when I do cook something decent! ...


Same story here.  I think it bothers me so much because I care about the details.  It's not something that I feel content to just "throw together" and "ignore that nobody likes it much".  I don't want it to just get done.  I want it to be good. 


I'm kind of a perfectionist.



Ah, see, there's the rub.  Me, I just want it to get done.  In this as in so very many domains, it helps a lot to have somewhat slacker standards, lol.

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The awesome Instant Pot people recently introduced a sous vide gadget:




For me, though, I try not to cook in plastic, so that has held me back from looking too closely at it.

I'm hoping it goes on sale on Prime Day. I will cover my ears and lalalalalaaaaaa about the plastic issue. ;)


I'm just burned out on the decision making. If someone planned, shopped, and told me what to make, I would be thrilled. Figuring out what one picky older kid and two little kids (one who refuses meat) and DH and I low carb will eat... It's the minute details that are death by a thousand paper cuts for me right now.

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If it helps anyone, I get a lot of mileage of of this method for pork tenderloin.  




Tonight I think I'll stir fry some blanched green beans and serve a potato skin casserole with it.  That's an easy, quick meal that makes most everyone happy. (It's easier and quicker if don't mention to your family that potato skin casserole is even a thing, but I've already screwed up.)


ETA:  It may be time for me to experiment with Sheet Pan Dinners.  I actually like to cook, but lately I am just burned out and uninspired.  Parchment paper is certainly cheaper than buying a new appliance to spark my imagination.

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Oh, I hate to cook and now I rarely do. We all eat at different times, so we tend to cook our own meals. I should think about this as we're supposed to get groceries today. During school, I'm rarely home to eat and tend to eat out. 


One day, should your children live at home when they get to this age, your child will come to you and profess hunger. You can tell them, great, go make something. Ds and I kid now. He comes to tell me he's hungry, I remind him he's an adult. 


Seriously, I hate cooking and always have. When I had to cook, it became the task I did because I loved my family. Ex ruined it by being a real, um shall we say, piece of work during the last few months of our togetherness. It really pushed cooking over the edge for me and took me years to even care about food preparation. 

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Sandwiches wrapped in bread wraps, OR romaine lettuce OR with just store bought loaf bread.




And you and your family would be happy with that every single day?


I dunno...I'd be very bored.


That's another thing people will often say, "Ok then make this." as if this solves the 7 day a week problem.  Not that I think your idea is bad and it could be part of other ideas.  It's just not really getting to the heart of it.  Some days I don't even want to deal with sandwiches.  Not to mention I really don't eat them (low carb....and no I don't want a sandwich on lettuce leaves because it is hard to eat).  I want gourmet without the work!  :laugh:


Not to mention my husband hates store bought loaf bread. 

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If it helps anyone, I get a lot of mileage of of this method for pork tenderloin.  




Tonight I think I'll stir fry some blanched green beans and serve a potato skin casserole with it.  That's an easy, quick meal that makes most everyone happy. (It's easier and quicker if don't mention to your family that potato skin casserole is even a thing, but I've already screwed up.)


ETA:  It may be time for me to experiment with Sheet Pan Dinners.  I actually like to cook, but lately I am just burned out and uninspired.  Parchment paper is certainly cheaper than buying a new appliance to spark my imagination.


This is how I do pork tenderloin.  Easy and the meat-eaters in this house love it.  Leftovers are great for an inauthentic cubano sandwich a day or two later.  


I'm sick of cooking, in general.  I used to love it.  My husband and I used to cook together. But that was when we could afford to pick up whatever we wanted at the beautiful (expensive) grocery store, and we didn't have to account for ease or anyone else's taste. 20+ years later, things are a little different... :-)

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I will also say that this is awkward in our household because I am the planner/doer/organizer.  I am the person who makes sure things get done.  I just CANNOT do this with food.  I don't know why or how, it just doesn't happen.  There is something in my brain that does not compute. Planning food and meals takes a tremendous amount of mental energy for me.  




I understand this.  But I can do most of it.  I can make sure there is breakfast food and I plan and cook mostly-decent dinners most nights.  We don't eat out much and the closest we get to take-out is take-and-bake pizza from Walmart or Sam's Club.


But, lunch.  I hate lunch.  Most weekdays I pack my husband's lunch.  Yes, I do it.  But he takes pretty much the same things over and over, and isn't picky. But then there's lunch at home.  I just can't manage it.  On Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, whenever he's home for lunch, 1:00 or so rolls around and he's like "hey, is there anything for lunch?" and I just stand there stupidly saying "lunch?  You want lunch?"  


We've been married 22 years and it still hasn't sunk in that people want lunch when they're home.


(I'm a grazer, myself.  Or, popcorn makes a fine lunch.  He'd happily make his own lunch but... there's no lunch food.)

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I just left my Mom's house last week.  She's still cooking THREE times a day. 


Oh, this just made me want to cry. Does it NEVER end?!


Ah, see, there's the rub.  Me, I just want it to get done.  In this as in so very many domains, it helps a lot to have somewhat slacker standards, lol.


I'm kind of a perfectionist too, and I'm accustomed to lots of variety in our meals, so it's hard to go from that to serving easy but boring food every day. Plus, we generally eat pretty organic/natural, and I'm reading all these ideas like, "But all the tortillas around us have those preservatives and dough conditioners! Lunch meat every day is terrible for you! Convenience food has all that packaging waste!" But, um, it's not like Wawa is serving us organic, farm-fresh Italian subs and cheesesteaks. It's not like Panera is providing everything in compostable containers. 




I'm hoping it goes on sale on Prime Day. I will cover my ears and lalalalalaaaaaa about the plastic issue. ;)


I'm just burned out on the decision making. If someone planned, shopped, and told me what to make, I would be thrilled. Figuring out what one picky older kid and two little kids (one who refuses meat) and DH and I low carb will eat... It's the minute details that are death by a thousand paper cuts for me right now.


Yes. I could handle one aspect of the process no problem. All four parts? It's just too much to even think about most days.


I could maybe overcome the plastic thing if I really wanted to try it, but the very last thing I need right now is a new learning curve. Getting ready to homeschool a high schooler in a month or so is already taking every spare brain cell I have. Everything needs to get easier, not harder! Someday, maybe...


Tonight I think I'll stir fry some blanched green beans and serve a potato skin casserole with it.  That's an easy, quick meal that makes most everyone happy. (It's easier and quicker if don't mention to your family that potato skin casserole is even a thing, but I've already screwed up.)


ETA:  It may be time for me to experiment with Sheet Pan Dinners.  I actually like to cook, but lately I am just burned out and uninspired.  Parchment paper is certainly cheaper than buying a new appliance to spark my imagination.


Are you using pre-prepped potato skins, or are you baking potatoes and making them into skins yourself? If it's the latter, that doesn't sound like an easy meal!


I did come across a couple of nice looking sheet pan dinners when I was looking last night and this morning. Although, one had the nerve to call itself an easy, one-pan dinner. First you cook the chicken in a pan. Then, in a saucepan, you make the cheesy sauce. Then, in the actual sheet pan, you combine everything and bake it. I'm no mathematician, but...


And you and your family would be happy with that every single day?



I could probably eat sandwiches and/or salad every day. Except that that's what we're usually eating for lunch. So anything that's easy enough for us to eat for breakfast or lunch has already been eaten so many times each week that no one wants to look at it again for dinner. 


I think I need to start a thread where people list their absolute easiest dinner ideas.

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 It's not like Panera is providing everything in compostable containers. 


But they use real, reusable dishes to serve their customers on the premises. So if you are concerned about environmental impact, dine in.

ETA: or, if you must take out, order as dine in and transfer to your own reusable take home containers.

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I understand this.  But I can do most of it.  I can make sure there is breakfast food and I plan and cook mostly-decent dinners most nights.  We don't eat out much and the closest we get to take-out is take-and-bake pizza from Walmart or Sam's Club.


But, lunch.  I hate lunch.  Most weekdays I pack my husband's lunch.  Yes, I do it.  But he takes pretty much the same things over and over, and isn't picky. But then there's lunch at home.  I just can't manage it.  On Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, whenever he's home for lunch, 1:00 or so rolls around and he's like "hey, is there anything for lunch?" and I just stand there stupidly saying "lunch?  You want lunch?"  


We've been married 22 years and it still hasn't sunk in that people want lunch when they're home.


(I'm a grazer, myself.  Or, popcorn makes a fine lunch.  He'd happily make his own lunch but... there's no lunch food.)



Here is my solution to this problem. Whenever I make a dinner meal, I make the recipe x 1.5 (or double it, depending on what it is). Then I immediately pack up the lunch portion for DH. 


I'm like you, I can make a meal from whatever bits and bobs are laying around. DH, no matter often he says he doesnt care, does not consider it a meal unless there's preparation and at least three food groups involved  :glare: If I'm not cooking a lot (like now, so no leftovers), I try to keep a big box of salad and/or vacuum-sealed packs of cold cuts and pre-sliced cheese in the fridge at all times. DH will almost always eat a salad with interesting toppings (chickpeas and sliced turkey, tuna and chickpeas, fresh mozzarella and roasted peppers, etc.). If there are no good salad ingredients, he can break open a vac-packed lunch meat package and make a sandwich. Shopping at BJ's (or Costco) is great for that kind of thing, because they sell so much vac-packed convenience food. 


Does that help at all?

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But they use real, reusable dishes to serve their customers on the premises. So if you are concerned about environmental impact, dine in.

ETA: or, if you must take out, order as dine in and transfer to your own reusable take home containers.



I have a stomach issue that makes it hard for me to dine in at restaurants without some real pre-planning, because I often end up stuck in the bathroom shortly after the meal. It's the same problem that makes it hard for me to eat fresh veggies--very hard on my digestion :( So we order in a lot. 


ETA: Hmmm, never thought about transferring to containers. That's a good idea, though often DH is picking up dinner on his way home, or I'm going through the drive-through because we're in a hurry. I'll try and remember it for when it's feasible though.

Edited by ILiveInFlipFlops
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I have a stomach issue that makes it hard for me to dine in at restaurants without some real pre-planning, because I often end up stuck in the bathroom shortly after the meal. It's the same problem that makes it hard for me to eat fresh veggies--very hard on my digestion :( So we order in a lot. 


I'm sorry - that must be very difficult.

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I'm sorry - that must be very difficult.



Thanks, it has put a real damper on our lifestyle. I can work around it, but it takes negotiating and either me not eating or eating only tiny nibbles. It's one of the reasons I feel like food is just a huge battle for me all the time. Bleh. 

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Here is my solution to this problem. Whenever I make a dinner meal, I make the recipe x 1.5 (or double it, depending on what it is). Then I immediately pack up the lunch portion for DH. 


I'm like you, I can make a meal from whatever bits and bobs are laying around. DH, no matter often he says he doesnt care, does not consider it a meal unless there's preparation and at least three food groups involved  :glare: If I'm not cooking a lot (like now, so no leftovers), I try to keep a big box of salad and/or vacuum-sealed packs of cold cuts and pre-sliced cheese in the fridge at all times. DH will almost always eat a salad with interesting toppings (chickpeas and sliced turkey, tuna and chickpeas, fresh mozzarella and roasted peppers, etc.). If there are no good salad ingredients, he can break open a vac-packed lunch meat package and make a sandwich. Shopping at BJ's (or Costco) is great for that kind of thing, because they sell so much vac-packed convenience food. 


Does that help at all?


Ah, those are good ideas. They would be great ideas if I could implement them!  It's thinking ahead about them that kills me.  

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So here is the official update:


DD11 and I just came back from Costco. We picked up some convenience foods (chicken apple sausages, pre-prepped veggies, etc.), but DD has also made a meal plan for the next week or two. Tonight she's making sloppy joes, tomorrow is chicken-broccoli soup, and so on. I have one cooking night, and we're going out two nights (pool, MIL's). I saved a few new recipes into my Plan to Eat database, so I'm feeling a little bit inspired there. 


All of this should get us through July at least. Then I'll deal with August when we get there. 


Now to face high school lesson planning. Don't be surprised if you see me crying on the High School board in a few hours!

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Thanks, it has put a real damper on our lifestyle. I can work around it, but it takes negotiating and either me not eating or eating only tiny nibbles. It's one of the reasons I feel like food is just a huge battle for me all the time. Bleh.

You aren't alone. I'm getting tired of making food for other people and not being able to eat it myself. I ate dinner a third night in a row last night and paid a price for it, with severe nausea, followed by meds, followed by a day-long hangover where I could actually eat but cannot get it together enough to cook.


It sucks. I love the idea of cooking, but other times I wish we had a post-food society. Give me a magic pill.

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Ah, those are good ideas. They would be great ideas if I could implement them!  It's thinking ahead about them that kills me.  



That's the beauty of the vacuum packaging and the boxed salad. The box of salad keeps for 7-9 days here, depending on how careful we are with it. The vacuum sealed lunch meats keep for a couple of weeks (unless they're opened--that's why you buy a bunch!). If all else fails, will he eat grilled cheese? Pre-sliced cheese lasts for a couple of weeks even after it's opened. 


At least lunch isn't usually a problem here  :001_cool: It's more packaging waste than I like, but hey, it's better than him buying takeout every day, which isn't any less waste anyway. 


Will he eat things like frozen burritos or Lean Cuisines or the healthier varieties of packaged, shelf-stable ramen? Thai Kitchen makes yummy ones, and there's another good brand too. Maybe Amazon Fresh could be good for you too. They have a lot of that stuff, usually with next day delivery to your doorstep. 

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You aren't alone. I'm getting tired of making food for other people and not being able to eat it myself. I ate dinner a third night in a row last night and paid a price for it, with severe nausea, followed by meds, followed by a day-long hangover where I could actually eat but cannot get it together enough to cook.


It sucks. I love the idea of cooking, but other times I wish we had a post-food society. Give me a magic pill.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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