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Husband wants us to fast (!!!) when kids go to sleep away camp


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Is this crazy, or is it me?


We are coming off a rather emotional year of homeschooling (tween boy resisting everything and erratic 7 yo boy-when he's good, he is sooooo good, but when he is bad....) and our kids are heading off to their first ever sleep away camp. The 7 year old has never even had a sleepover, or sitter.


Both husband and I are significantly overweight, and he is suggesting we go on a bone broth fast as soon as the kids leave. One the one hand, I like the idea of not having to cook much...but on the other hand, I'm likely going to be a mess when they leave and adding zero food seems like a recipe for disaster. We tend to be on or off as far as eating well (to lose weight), but he also thinks we needn't diet.


I feel like a lost cause sometimes....


What would you say to your husband? Would you try the fast?

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Intermittent fasting can be a healthy way to lose weight, but you have to ease into it gently, one step at a time, and give your body a chance to adapt. I think jumping straight into an extended fast sounds potentially very dangerous.


Perhaps you guys can spend that time establishing an exercise routine, or adopting some healthier eating habits instead?

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I think he thought of fasting as more of something to try, with weight loss as a bonus. He knows about losing weight in the healthy way--we just tend to be different. I cannot have sugar or grains involved in a healthy eating/lifestyle plan. I just cannot do it in moderation, it always starts small, but avalanches, you know? He is more of a "just need to eat less food" kind of guy.


I'm not adverse t trying a bone broth detox, I just don't think the first day kiddos are away is a smart day to try it....



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Using the time to reboot your diet is not a terrible idea, but broth fasting is.


What if you guys did Whole 30 and used the time to clean out your cupboards of any junk? Then when your kids get home, the kitchen will have been emptied of the garbage and the entire family can eat better.



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I think he thought of fasting as more of something to try, with weight loss as a bonus. He knows about losing weight in the healthy way--we just tend to be different. I cannot have sugar or grains involved in a healthy eating/lifestyle plan. I just cannot do it in moderation, it always starts small, but avalanches, you know? He is more of a "just need to eat less food" kind of guy.


I'm not adverse t trying a bone broth detox, I just don't think the first day kiddos are away is a smart day to try it....



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Yes, I know exactly what you mean because I'm the same way!


I could see replacing one meal a day with bone broth, but I wouldn't jump into an extended fast.

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I think he thought of fasting as more of something to try, with weight loss as a bonus. He knows about losing weight in the healthy way--we just tend to be different. I cannot have sugar or grains involved in a healthy eating/lifestyle plan. I just cannot do it in moderation, it always starts small, but avalanches, you know? He is more of a "just need to eat less food" kind of guy.


I'm not adverse t trying a bone broth detox, I just don't think the first day kiddos are away is a smart day to try it....



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That's just it.  It should be your choice and you need to figure out what works for you.  He is free to try whatever half baked diet idea he wants.  KWIM?


I get wanting support and a partner, but it doesn't sound like you are on board with this approach so that's not a partnership. 

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Using the time to reboot your diet is not a terrible idea, but broth fasting is.


What if you guys did Whole 30 and used the time to clean out your cupboards of any junk? Then when your kids get home, the kitchen will have been emptied of the garbage and the entire family can eat better.

Whole 30 is a great idea! I recently finished my first W30 and I'm in the reintroduction phase right now. It's been great!

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I would tell him that successful long term weight loss involves learning to deal with food in a healthful way. Fasting to lose weight quickly is the exact opposite of that.

This. I've lost a significant amount of weight like starting BMI in the 40s(?). Your body doesn't need detoxes and fasts. Anything that overly restricts your diet in order to "jumpstart" weight loss is by its nature not a long term, sustainable solution. It's just not. Small, sustainable changes that you can keep at for basically the rest of your life will always win out in the end.


I'd spend the week sans kids finding a few changes I can make to start including getting myself more active in ways that I enjoy while also sleeping in and not driving anyone anywhere.

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Think lifestyle not diet. It might help you to lose weight, but I don't believe that the weight will stay off like that. I've know way too many people who did fasts and lost the weight. But guess what? They all gained the weight back and sometimes more. Fasting doesn't teach you how to have a better relationship with food.

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This is a tangent, but why is everyone so hip on drinking bone broth right now? I have made bone brother for decades, but I make it into soup or use it in my regular cooking. The thought of drinking it as a beverage just skeeves me out. But then, I also never liked the idea behind those drinkable soups, or drinkable yogurts.


But seriously - why is everyone so hip on this drinking broth trend?

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I like the idea several have mentioned about activities. Maybe choose some enjoyable way to get out and moving each day. Make a plan ahead of time, and make the time each day a type of mini-date. I have been way too sedentary the past year, and even a few days of increased activity is motivating.

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This is a tangent, but why is everyone so hip on drinking bone broth right now? I have made bone brother for decades, but I make it into soup or use it in my regular cooking. The thought of drinking it as a beverage just skeeves me out. But then, I also never liked the idea behind those drinkable soups, or drinkable yogurts.


But seriously - why is everyone so hip on this drinking broth trend?


Yeah really....same here.


I joined a bunch of low carb groups recently and the weird stuff people do.  Good grief.  Isn't low carb weird enough?  LOL

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He'd do better to spend the week reading about nutrition and prepping some healthy freezer meals. And enjoying quiet time without kids!!

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One, fasting is not an appropriate way to lose weight. Go the Y and start a class if you actually want to lose weight. 


Two, if my dh said that to me, I'd SLAP him. None of his business what my weight is or what I want to eat. What he eats is his biz. I suggest you go buy packs of turkey bacon and eat one a day and say you're dieting.



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Agreeing with others that's not the way to lose weight and/or maintain weight loss. Change your diet(s) and don't do it all at once drastically. You'll have more success and be healthier if you do it that way.


SIL has tried every fad medicine and diet that's come along in the past 20 years (including some sort of cabbage diet, the potentially deadly fen-fen, and hcg!) and every single time she's put the weight right back on. Recently she's been eating healthy foods and healthy portions and though her weight loss has been slow she's kept it off so far.

Edited by Lady Florida.
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One, fasting is not an appropriate way to lose weight. Go the Y and start a class if you actually want to lose weight. 


Two, if my dh said that to me, I'd SLAP him. None of his business what my weight is or what I want to eat. What he eats is his biz. I suggest you go buy packs of turkey bacon and eat one a day and say you're dieting.


I recommend pork bacon. 


If you are going to do a crazy fast...do a bacon fast.  It's way nicer than a bone broth fast. 

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I think fasting is very healthy and an extremely effective way to lose weight (that can be intermittent fasting or longer fasts). Long term weight loss from fasting isn't from calorie restriction but from lowering insulin.

I fast regularly, anywhere from 18 hours to several days.


All that said, you shouldn't fast if you don't want to or you're not ready. Look into the work of Dr. Jason Fung if you want to learn more.

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I recommend pork bacon.


If you are going to do a crazy fast...do a bacon fast. It's way nicer than a bone broth fast.

I know a lot of people that do fat fasts (bacon, avocado, and olives is a popular one). It has some of the benefits of a fast because it still keeps insulin very low.
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Detox is a meaningless word when used in connection with eating. Your liver and kidneys have a job. That job is to filter and remove unwanted "toxins" (another ambiguous, pretty much meaningless word). If those organs are working correctly you don't need to detox. It's at best a pointless endeavor and at worst potentially unhealthy.







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It's good that he wants to try something and make a change, but this is a bit much out of the gate.  What if you compromise?  Smoothie breakfast, bone broth lunch, then a nice dinner.  Maybe get in the habit of having a salad 15-20 minutes before the main dish, then it can be smaller and still satisfying.  What if you each signed up for a class this week?  You could do one together if you can finagle childcare each week, or you can each take a different night and do your own thing?  Maybe commit to trying a new class every quarter and take turns choosing until you each find something you can stick with regularly?  Or just start the habit of taking a morning or evening walk together.  Or HE could do the bone broth thing all day and you could join him for one meal, or just cheer him on.

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I just finished a 20 day juice fast last month and lost 10 pounds. I felt wonderful afterwards.

I have kept it off and am on day 2 of another 3 week fast.

Bone broth fast does not seem like something I could do though.


I think it is a very personal decision.

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It's not that I think he's crazy, but I do think that fasting requires a deep commitment from the person embracing the idea.


Personally, I wouldn't/couldn't fast. I lost 48 lbs. ten years ago on Weight Watchers. I still tally my points daily and am mindful of the fact that I overeat at the drop of a hat.


If he wants to fast, he can. But to encourage someone else who is totally reluctant (and her kids just went to sleep away camp for the first time), not cool.



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One, fasting is not an appropriate way to lose weight. Go the Y and start a class if you actually want to lose weight.


Two, if my dh said that to me, I'd SLAP him. None of his business what my weight is or what I want to eat. What he eats is his biz. I suggest you go buy packs of turkey bacon and eat one a day and say you're dieting.

I'm HFLC so that is my diet!!

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Detox is a meaningless word when used in connection with eating. Your liver and kidneys have a job. That job is to filter and remove unwanted "toxins" (another ambiguous, pretty much meaningless word). If those organs are working correctly you don't need to detox. It's at best a pointless endeavor and at worst potentially unhealthy.





Thank you!! I can't get behind any guru or program that uses the word "detox"!!

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I'd concentrate on exercise and making healthy eating choices - finding good recipes you love - instead.


I thought I'd take advantage of never being hungry to lose weight back when it first happened (by skipping quite a few meals).  I did lose weight.  I also slowed down my metabolism significantly (google "Biggest Loser" and metabolism changes).  Now if I eat normally I gain weight super quickly - even with exercise.  It's super annoying.  I wish I had known not to fast back then!  If I ever get those hunger feelings back again keeping weight off is going to be difficult.  I've already put 15lbs back on eating far less food than before.   :glare:


Tis far better to make healthy changes than fad changes IME.

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Yeah really....same here.


I joined a bunch of low carb groups recently and the weird stuff people do.  Good grief.  Isn't low carb weird enough?  LOL


Bone broth drinking was a huge component of getting my rashy, growth stalled, allergy ridden baby well again.  A lot of things sound weird, and are a godsend in the right situation.  That said, our goal here was to get him to GAIN weight, but I lost 60 pounds (nearly) last year on a very restrictive diet that revolved around broth, meat, certain vegetables, and eliminated a vast VAST number of foods, but no calorie restriction.  It was out of necessity if I wanted to keep nursing.  The weight loss was a side effect.  I'm the first person to think food fads sound ludicrous, and found myself in a weird situation that had me getting advice from folks I would have otherwise thought were off their rocker.  Those nutters totally saved us from more invasive options.

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Bone broth drinking was a huge component of getting my rashy, growth stalled, allergy ridden baby well again.  A lot of things sound weird, and are a godsend in the right situation.  That said, our goal here was to get him to GAIN weight, but I lost 60 pounds (nearly) last year on a very restrictive diet that revolved around broth, meat, certain vegetables, and eliminated a vast VAST number of foods, but no calorie restriction.  It was out of necessity if I wanted to keep nursing.  The weight loss was a side effect.  I'm the first person to think food fads sound ludicrous, and found myself in a weird situation that had me getting advice from folks I would have otherwise thought were off their rocker.  Those nutters totally saved us from more invasive options.


Oh I eat low carb.  Have for years.  I don't actually think it is weird, but many people do.  My point was mostly even among the low carb dieters who get flack for their weirdness there are astoundingly strange things they will try to lose faster or what not... Some people just want a quick fix I guess.

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No. This is not the way to enjoy a break. If he wants to detox for a week, suggest partaking of lots of fresh fruit and veg in some tropical island setting.

Amen. The kids away is time for the parents to play. If he's wanting to work on good healthy habits, get outdoors and do some things you can't when the kids are in tow.


You could use this week to clean out the fridge and pantry to toss any junky snack foods you have, and commit that upon return you'll only be serving meals of quality food. But a fast, when you are free from parenting responsibilities? No way would that turn out well at my house.

Edited by Seasider
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Intermittent fasting is an ok way to lose weight but I think any situation when you feel pressured against your will is most likely to backfire. If hubby wants to fast he can fast and you can support him by not eating in front of him but if you don't want to take part you shouldn't.

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It's a terrible idea.


But, I also think it's a terrible idea to send a child away to sleepaway camp if he has never had an overnight with a friend or grandparent or even a babysitter.




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Well, he is onboard for Whole 30. [emoji106]


Guess I won't have a vacation from cooking, but at least no one will be nagging me for pancakes.


And fwiw, we try to eat pales with dairy, in general. Bread is very difficult to keep at bay, and my husband (me too, really) loves wine. So W30 will be cleaning things up.


Activity suggestions are great, thank you.


Now, I just have to let go of the guilt of sending them to camp. He wants to go, if that matters at all, Terabith.



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