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Our dog is sick

Nan in Mass

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She is old. She spent the morning alternating sleeping with panting and shivering. She has been drinking but I can't get her to eat. When I took her to the vet's yesterday because she was weak and not eating, they did blood work, which came back with elevated liver enzymes. We go again later today. It might be something she ate at Sunday's graduation party or a tick byte I missed, or it might be the end. If it is the end, oldest, wants to know so he can fly home. He and the dog rescued each other all those years ago. I am hoping I don't mess that up, on top of everything else.

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Thank you everyone.


It is her gall bladder. They sent us home with 5 kinds of medication and said she will probably be ok when the inflammation goes down as long as the stones aren't blocking any ducts. So we are waiting on that. Could be bad but not cancer at least. And she is drinking. Still won't eat but drinking is good.

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Thank you everyone.


It is her gall bladder. They sent us home with 5 kinds of medication and said she will probably be ok when the inflammation goes down as long as the stones aren't blocking any ducts. So we are waiting on that. Could be bad but not cancer at least. And she is drinking. Still won't eat but drinking is good.

Thank you for the update. All things considered, it's better than I was worried it would be, because I was worried that it might be cancer, too. I hope the medications work! :grouphug:

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Thank you for the update. All things considered, it's better than I was worried it would be, because I was worried that it might be cancer, too. I hope the medications work! :grouphug:

I know, hunh? I was quite sure it was the end. Still not out of the woods but at least there is a nice, reasonable hope.



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I'm sorry about your dog; this is such a hard issue to deal with.

She is old. She spent the morning alternating sleeping with panting and shivering. She has been drinking but I can't get her to eat. When I took her to the vet's yesterday because she was weak and not eating, they did blood work, which came back with elevated liver enzymes. We go again later today. It might be something she ate at Sunday's graduation party or a tick byte I missed, or it might be the end. If it is the end, oldest, wants to know so he can fly home. He and the dog rescued each other all those years ago. I am hoping I don't mess that up, on top of everything else.


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She's better!!! Gobbling down chicken and drinking lots.  She is terribly gaunt and doesn't want to go up or down any stairs and sleeps a lot (probably the pain med) but she is feeling well enough to make giving her her pills hard.  : )  She has to be on antibiotics for a month for an inflamed gall bladder, so we are going to have to come to some agreement about this.  I am sooo relieved!  No blocked ducts.  Nothing wrong with her liver.  Phew!



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