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Which posters do you get mixed up?

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For some reason I keep confusing Mama Lynx and CleoQC. I have no idea why.


For a while I got Kay in Cal confused with Kate CA because of the similar names and locations.


But I'd get Kay in Cal and Chris in CA confused when they both had Elizabeth from Pride and Prejudice avatars


I get Debbie in OR mixed up with Dana in OR.


Virginia Dawn and Kelli in TN


sdWTMer always makes me think sad WTMer.


I always wonder how to pronounce cillakat (kill-a-cat?) and what the story behind it is.


dirty ethel rackham and Mad Jenny Flint


I mix up Rich with Kids and GretaLynne because of their avatars


Trivium Academy and Heather in NC


I still mix up PrairieAir (I think she used to be Jenni in KS?) with Hillary in KS


I used to mix up Joanne and Katherine B. in TX


ThatGirlOverThere's avatar reminds me of Pioneer Woman's blog


Heidi @ Mt Hope's picture reminds me of Crissy


That's all I can think of now, but it's easy to get all these names mixed up.


What do you get mixed up?

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It's not so much getting one mixed up with another, it's more of just not being able to single anyone out. There are only a few I can really single out. The rest just blend. There are too many. Sorry ladies, my mind just isn't up to it. So many of these ladies have similar pictures(you know some beautiful woman dressed in victorian garb, seated and reading to her children. And then I can never remember who is pregnant and and who is moving etc. Plus, I get the feeling that some people have left the boards but I can't fully remember them so I am not sure.


I think I'll call the dr for some alzheimer medicine now. :)


How's that for a reply?

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I get Jedi mixed up with someone when they both post on the same thread, I can't remember who right now. I'll have to go find the other. Back in a few.


Okay, it is Pam SFSOM in TN. At some point I think they had similar avatars that kept throwing me off.

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Just curious- am I one of the "Pams" or not?


I assume the obvious exception is alphabet Pam.

No, I'll revise. :) Almost anyone with some variation of Pam in their username. (I have a hard times with names generally and so usually pay attention just to usernames.)


And yes to the exception.

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sdWTMer always makes me think sad WTMer.


Me too!!! I've often thought I should ask her what that means (South Dakota???), so maybe she'll drop in and enlighten us.


I mix up Rich with Kids and GretaLynne because of their avatars


I started to protest that my avatar was quite different, and then I realized that *I* was getting Rich with Kids mixed up with KidsHappen!!!! :lol: I know they're very different people, but their names apparently confuse me. Then again, I'm easily confused.

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For some reason I keep confusing Mama Lynx and CleoQC. I have no idea why.








As cool as Cleo is, I can't speak French to save my life. I should post a picture. We look nothing alike, either.


I get mixed up between the people here, and the people on Facebook. I forget how to connect the real names with the aliases. :001_huh:


Frankly, if you change your name at any point, I will have no idea who you used to be :lol:

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I "recognize" many names here without remembering a single thing that they've posted previously (sorry! I'm just as bad with names/faces/personal histories in real life).


I always wonder if I leave a trail of confused people on these boards because I can get into a rip-roaring fight with someone and then completely forget who I was fighting with by the next day. (Again, pretty much how I am in real life).


If there's ever a "test" on this board, I'm toast.

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This was just because of the similarity in names. I did get confused when a lot of people changed their names when we moved to the new forum. It took me awhile to sort them all out. And I have followed a few posters through several name changes (hello Alphabet Pam). I would say that I "know" about fifty to a hundred posters. I know a lot of their real names and can usually tell you a little bit about them including if they are a long time poster or a fairly new one. Sometimes someone will post something that is different than their usual posts and I find myself wondering, "well when the H*ll did that happen." And I have mistakenly attributed a post to the wrong person because I wasn't paying close enough attention to who posted it in the first place. All in all, I think I do pretty good considering my memory chanllanges.

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I "recognize" many names here without remembering a single thing that they've posted previously (sorry! I'm just as bad with names/faces/personal histories in real life).


I always wonder if I leave a trail of confused people on these boards because I can get into a rip-roaring fight with someone and then completely forget who I was fighting with by the next day. (Again, pretty much how I am in real life).


If there's ever a "test" on this board, I'm toast.



LOL :iagree:

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YES to Aubrey and Audrey (until I click on the thread, of course :D)


Prairie Air and Prairie Phlox


The Jennifers/Jennefers


The Taras


Asta and Astrid (except that for some reason, I always remember that Astrid's got her lighter for an emergency power ballad :D)


The two Elizabeth Bennetts


and finally,


aren't there 2 Elaines? One is Elaine, and one is True Blue, right? You see, I still can't quite figure it all out.... :001_huh:

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As cool as Cleo is, I can't speak French to save my life. I should post a picture. We look nothing alike, either.


Don't worry, there are days I feel I can't speak English either... Those days, I just don't show up here, so I always look good here ;-)


I get mixed up between the people here, and the people on Facebook. I forget how to connect the real names with the aliases. :001_huh:

Frankly, if you change your name at any point, I will have no idea who you used to be :lol:


Oh, on the other hand, that's TOTALLY me... If I have you on my Facebook, you're pretty sure I don't know who you are ;-) Except for maybe three of you!

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Remudamom and Ria. I don't know why. I have absoluatley no clue. But when I read a post I'll think the other. Sorry, Ria and Remudamom.


That's very funny. She has horses; I don't. I have twins; she has triplets. She probably still homeschools her kiddos; mine are in public school. I'm probably older, too (45). My oldest kids are in college now. Of course, she and I both have great senses of humor, right?!





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Don't worry, there are days I feel I can't speak English either... Those days, I just don't show up here, so I always look good here ;-)




Oh, on the other hand, that's TOTALLY me... If I have you on my Facebook, you're pretty sure I don't know who you are ;-) Except for maybe three of you!




There are still people over there whose real names I look at on my friends' list and scratch my head. I should admit my embarrassment and ask for a roll-call.


I do have you on my Facebook list, Cleo! And I'm always thrilled when you post in French and I can figure out some kind of meaning!

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sdWTMer always makes me think sad WTMer.



Me too. Her name makes me want to give her a hug.


I used to think "Rich with Kids" was a wealthy woman.


Whenever I see "Jill, OK" I imagine her correcting someone who has called her by the wrong name. "My name is Jill, OK?"


And then there are all the Tammys...

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I used to think "Rich with Kids" was a wealthy woman.



I thought "Rich with Kids" was a guy at first! You know..."Rich" and his kids?


And I got "SolaMichella" mixed up with "OneLMichele" and now that I've typed that I've gotta confess that I'm not even sure "OneLMichele" is from this board. She might be from Ravelry or some other board I visit.


I am really, really, really bad with names. It is making me feel better to see that some of you high up in the bee rankings have the same problem!

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Me too. Her name makes me want to give her a hug.


I used to think "Rich with Kids" was a wealthy woman.


Whenever I see "Jill, OK" I imagine her correcting someone who has called her by the wrong name. "My name is Jill, OK?"


And then there are all the Tammys...


This reminds me, once a woman introduce herself to me and said ". . . and my dh is Rich." I am thinking, well insn't that nice for you. It took me a minute to realize that she meant her dh's name was Rich. I thought the same thing about "Rich with Kids" at first, as well. :)

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That's very funny. She has horses; I don't. I have twins; she has triplets. She probably still homeschools her kiddos; mine are in public school. I'm probably older, too (45). My oldest kids are in college now. Of course, she and I both have great senses of humor, right?!






I know it really odd and there is no good explanation it just happens.:001_huh::D

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This reminds me, once a woman introduce herself to me and said ". . . and my dh is Rich." I am thinking, well insn't that nice for you. It took me a minute to realize that she meant her dh's name was Rich. I thought the same thing about "Rich with Kids" at first, as well. :)


HA! That's my husband's name....I'll bet I've done that to people :lol:



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That's very funny. She has horses; I don't. I have twins; she has triplets. She probably still homeschools her kiddos; mine are in public school. I'm probably older, too (45). My oldest kids are in college now. Of course, she and I both have great senses of humor, right?!






Nope, I'm older by five years. I do have one in college, the rest in high school.

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What a show-off, eh? :lol:


Me too! I was reading it "Rich, with kids."


I used to think "Rich with Kids" was a wealthy woman.





Hey, now...


When my ds was little, he used to play a Harry Potter video game where you had to collect beans. The game would say, "You're rich with beans!" One day we were talking abour grandmas and how he had 2 gms and 2 great gms. He said, "Hey! I'm rich with grandmas!" A month or so after that I met DH and when we decided to marry, Aaron said, "Mom! We're rich with kids!"


This same ds also named our blog. He was collecting acorns and made a Nut Village in the backyard. It fit too perfectly!


I am hoping Dave Ramsey will help us also be rich, with kids!:D

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I thought of another one- I confuse pretty much everyone with "mom" in their name. Especially if they don't have a distinctive avatar.



My avatar is the fabulous Carolina Panther! 6-2 as of today!!


I have also confused Audrey and aubrey, asta and astrid, as well as kalanamak and katalaska, cat in black and cathmom


I didn't think I'd been here long enough for anyone to confuse me with anybody else. I feel noticed now!

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This reminds me, once a woman introduce herself to me and said ". . . and my dh is Rich." I am thinking, well insn't that nice for you. It took me a minute to realize that she meant her dh's name was Rich. I thought the same thing about "Rich with Kids" at first, as well. :)



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Wait a minute, is Apiphobic Linksalot?


I don't know how I missed that. :001_huh:


Yep, remember I posted that long wtm roll call list again? You even posted a welcome.


That's okay, I have a hard time keeping people straight here, too. I even had to look up a bunch of names up for the original post. You'd think I'd remember better since I started coming to the boards back in 2003. But I had a hard time then and still do. I use the avatars a lot to help.

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On the old board I got BirkenKathi (sp?) confused with BirkenstockMom. I might have spelled them both wrong. But there were two Birkies.


I have mental categories. There are the Germanic Moms: no-nonsense, shoot from the hip, take no guff, practical women. Ria, Colleen and now Remudamom, though she's Germanic with a southern accent. I have learned to channel my inner Ria, for instance. I should wear a bracelet that says WWRD?


Then there are the Icons, my Board Heroes: Doran, The Germanic Moms (they get two categories!), Jenny in Atl, Spy Car (a.k.a., "Bill, Dear Bill"), Flaming Sword Pam, Mrs. Mungo, Ellie, Joanne, Crissy, Kelli in TN and many others. There are a few from the HS board, too, Nan in Mass, Lori M, Kareni.... These people have brains and hearts the size of Texas. If one of their names appears on a thread as the last person having commented, I'll open that thread, even if the title does not engage me, because I want to know what they've said.


And of course the Whippersnappers: women who are totally more together than I was back in the Olden Days when I was their age(s). Abbeyej, Trivium Jessica, Aubrey. Wish I'd had their gumption and courage away back when.


The Moms of Many. You know who I'm talking about. Women who get a special place in heaven, just for surviving.


And there are The Mysteries: Chris (clwain? did I get the letters in the right order?), Peek, Kathleen in VA, and a couple Heathers, I think. These folks make my world a much bigger place. They surprise me every time. They're the ones who are way on the other side of the religious and / or political spectrum from where I stand, and shed a light on their side, so I can see what the heck is going on over there. Not that I always understand, or want to go over there, but I can see it now.


The Story Tellers. Some of these people do not have names, but they've told stories here that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. The story of the woman who traveled to her mother's bedside to be with her when she died. (Kalanamak?) The woman who was with her husband after a terrible tractor accident that killed him. The mother whose husband dug their baby's grave. The woman whose brother is mentally ill. I feel privileged to have read those stories. Truly.


So that's how I keep y'all straight.

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I "recognize" many names here without remembering a single thing that they've posted previously (sorry! I'm just as bad with names/faces/personal histories in real life).


I always wonder if I leave a trail of confused people on these boards because I can get into a rip-roaring fight with someone and then completely forget who I was fighting with by the next day. (Again, pretty much how I am in real life).


If there's ever a "test" on this board, I'm toast.



That cracks me up! I am so like that!! I have no idea who hates me and who tolerates me!!


And remember everyone, If my signature offends you, or my picture confuses you, I am approachable (on non hormonal days, I'll warn you) and easy to get along with. Did I just say that?

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Just thought of another inexplicable one: strider and tap, tap, tap.


Well you have company with that one cause I do the same thing. Maybe it's their style.


I also confuse Astrid with Mom to Ally...I think because Astrid use to be Molly's Mom.


There's alway the obvious - Mamagistra and Magistra.


You know I have a confession to make. I though all of you guys knew each other and had park days and such. I had images of you having family vacations together! I am amazed that some you wonderful people are as confused as I am. I do not feel like such an outsider now.


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