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Do colleges ask for high school diploma?


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Do I need to prepare high school diploma for my senior DS? It never occurred me that he might need one, but today I was told I'd better have one for colleges. Any experiences? Is homemade diploma- you know, the kind you can buy online- sufficient? What is the point then?


We weren't under any kind of umbrella or organization, just fulfilling state requirement. Do I need to worried?

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My mother in the 80s had to produce her diploma to take some classes at our local university . She had a college degree, but they wanted to see the actual high school diploma. So, he may not need it now, but it is worth making one in case it ever comes up.

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My mother in the 80s had to produce her diploma to take some classes at our local university . She had a college degree, but they wanted to see the actual high school diploma. So, he may not need it now, but it is worth making one in case it ever comes up.

So do I just buy it through like HSLDA store? Will it count?

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You may need one for other puroses, but we never needed it for college.  If you are able to issue a diploma according to the laws of your state, then your diploma is no less valid.  We had one made up at homeschooldiploma.com.  I was very happy with the product. 


:iagree: I have also been very happy with the diplomas from homeschooldiploma.com. 


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I think it is very worthwhile to issue a diploma - however, it can be homemade or one you buy.


I don't think you need one for colleges, however sometimes later in life you need to show a diploma. I know I have been asked for my high school diploma even though I have multiple other degrees.


Also, it's not unusual to be asked on applications - Did you receive a high school diploma. I want my kids to KNOW that the answer is YES they got a high school diploma and not to stumble over the answer even though they go on to college.

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I was thinking that I have seen applications that ask if you have a diploma.  I think it is worthwhile to check that box even if you just have a homemade diploma.  (Of course you know that you graduated and that is the question really being asked).


For colleges my ds has only needed a transcript to apply and then a final transcript after graduation.  

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Do I need to prepare high school diploma for my senior DS? It never occurred me that he might need one, but today I was told I'd better have one for colleges. Any experiences? Is homemade diploma- you know, the kind you can buy online- sufficient? What is the point then?


We weren't under any kind of umbrella or organization, just fulfilling state requirement. Do I need to worried?


My oldest kid needed a diploma. The administration wanted a transcript, but financial aid needed a copy of his diploma. Go figure. :glare:  A homemade diploma was sufficient. :001_smile:

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We do one "because." Mine go through a local graduation where the parents given them one, and we like www.homeschooldiploma.com as well.


For whatever reason, the local community college wants a transcript and copy of their diploma if they were homeschooled. Yes, it's discriminatory. I fought many battles with the local high school to get mine into their PSAT and AP exams, but we chose just to let it slide with the community college. It's a wonderful place in many ways with outstanding professors, but their admissions and advising people can be utterly clueless.

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You may need one for other puroses, but we never needed it for college.  If you are able to issue a diploma according to the laws of your state, then your diploma is no less valid.  We had one made up at homeschooldiploma.com.  I was very happy with the product. 


Same here. I've ordered two so far from homeschooldiploma.com. I only got the diploma to show at the graduation party to make relatives happy. :D Colleges just wanted to see transcripts.

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The colleges my ds applied to only wanted transcripts. *I* wanted him to have a diploma. I also ordered from homeschooldiploma and his looks as nice if not nicer than my diploma from a big public school. There had been a previous conversation here about some foreign entities wanting to see a diploma either for university admittance or jobs, can't remember if it was one or the other or both. Ds has some interest in studying abroad, so I wanted to have all of our bases covered. 

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I would double check with a few of the colleges that you think might be on your child's list of possibilities.


Here is a link to the admissions page of our local community college - scroll down to Freshman Student's Requirements




A new policy that was not on the website last year! This means that not only will they not take a transcript or diploma issued by me, but they also wouldn't accept a diploma from any of the private homeschool programs I can think of - ABeka or PA Homeschoolers or Veritas. Of course, there are other schools in NY but CUNY is affordable/convenient for my family and some of the colleges are excellent. So I am always keeping an eye out for changes in their application process.


IOW, some colleges will make you jump through hoops. If it is a college that is likely to be high on your list, I recommend that you investigate and be clear on the hoops in advance.

Edited by Liza Q
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You can also contact the school directly and ask questions. My Dd applied to a school without realizing that it requires the GED from homeschoolers. When we noticed it, I contacted them and asked them to withdraw her application bc she would not be taking the GED. They told us that they would not require it. Not only did they not require it, she was 1 of 70 kids invited to compete for their full ride scholarship.


Otoh, I contacted another school that stated they required 4 specific subject tests from homeschoolers and they were 100% inflexible about that requirement.

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My mother in the 80s had to produce her diploma to take some classes at our local university . She had a college degree, but they wanted to see the actual high school diploma. So, he may not need it now, but it is worth making one in case it ever comes up.

Diamond needed to show her original parent-issued homeschool diploma to one of the college she is applying to. They accepted my high school transcripts, but needed to actually see the diploma. Even though she also has an associate degree. DH & I designed her diploma, printed it at home, and signed it. Of course she fulfilled all state requirements, above and beyond, actually, but really, the diploma was just a decoration on the dessert table at her grad party.


I'm just happy I knew where to find the dang thing ;)

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I know I live in England and that's where my dc's are currently going through the application process but here it seems to be more about the diplomas etc not the transcripts. You may need proof of exam scores, by that I mean things like GED, AP and SAT subjects but when I mention doing a transcript to anyone including friends in the home ed world they look rather amazed. I am pointing this out because I think I am hearing more about showing a diploma in the US. I think in 10 or 20 years your formally homeschooled adults might be really glad to have that piece of paper.

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DS didn't need one for any of the schools he applied for so I never bothered to make one up.  Didn't think he'd ever have a need to show the physical paper (I know I never did and wouldn't even know where to find mine if I did) And then he was offered job and needed to send in a copy of his to finalize his offer.  So I needed to come up with one in a few hours.  Lesson learned.  Make one up on the computer even if you don't think you will need it.

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Otoh, I contacted another school that stated they required 4 specific subject tests from homeschoolers and they were 100% inflexible about that requirement.


Some colleges are funny on their homeschool policies.  One school DS looked at required, 3 Sat subjects from homeschoolers (but not anyone else), one had to be math and one had to be science and the other could be anything.  DS had 5's on AP Chem, AP Calc BC, AP Stats, AP Macro, AP Micro, and a 4 on AP Computer Science. They said that wasn't acceptable and he needed to take a Sat subject tests including the math one (that only covers through precalculus) because they needed to make sure he was ready to handle college level work. Needless to say DS didn't apply there.

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I know I live in England and that's where my dc's are currently going through the application process but here it seems to be more about the diplomas etc not the transcripts. You may need proof of exam scores, by that I mean things like GED, AP and SAT subjects but when I mention doing a transcript to anyone including friends in the home ed world they look rather amazed. I am pointing this out because I think I am hearing more about showing a diploma in the US. I think in 10 or 20 years your formally homeschooled adults might be really glad to have that piece of paper.


You wouldn't need a diploma for the UK either.  We don't have them.  I don't have any kind of 'high school' diploma, just the certificates for each of the public exams I took (12 O levels and 3 A levels).  The reason you need neither a diploma nor a transcript is that pretty much everything is documented by the exams.

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I needed HS and college diplomas on file with state of OH to teach preschool. Sometimes the college transcript will state that a HS diploma from HS was received. I figured it is easier for our licensing inspector to just see diplomas to check off her list.

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