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Anyone watching Leah Remini's series about Scientology?


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I didn't see that one in particular, but I did recently watch a documentary about Scientology.


Rather disturbing...


I saw that too.  It was good.


I probably should have put this at the top, but here's a link:




Remini is also doing an AMA on Reddit... I think tonight?? 

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I've read some of her interviews.  I've also read a bit on what katie holms did to be able to leave *with* her daughter.


as disturbing as things seem, it sounds like things got far more controlling when miscavege took the reins. 


eta: nicole kidman has adopted children with tom cruise - because of 'scientology' - they're completely estranged.  she has children with her current husband.

Edited by gardenmom5
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What floors me is how a guy who was basically a very resourceful science fiction writer could dupe so many people even after his death.


My husband claims that Hubbard publicly said at a Sci-Fi convention/conference that the way to make money was by making up a religion.  I don't know if it's a true story or not, but Hubbard seems to have definitely figured it out.


The saddest stories are those who have lost everything.  Because Scientology has been around long enough now to become generational, many have raised their children in Scientology.  When they leave they usually lose their children (and grandchildren). It's heartbreaking.

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I've read some of her interviews.  I've also read a bit on what katie holms did to be able to leave *with* her daughter.


as disturbing as things seem, it sounds like things got far more controlling when miscavege took the reins. 


eta: nicole kidman has adopted children with tom cruise - because of 'scientology' - they're completely estranged.  she has children with her current husband.


That's been my impression as well.  Tonight's episode is about Miscavege.  He appears to be very sinister and controlling.

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I haven't seen it (we don't have cable or satellite and I haven't found it on any streaming sites yet). I did read the book by David Miscavige's niece, Beyond Belief: My Secret Life Inside Scientology and My Harrowing Escape, and I saw the documentary based on the book Going Clear. I started reading Leah Remini's book but the writing put me off. I'd like to try again, and/or if the show becomes available to stream I'd probably watch it. 

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I've read so many books and blogs about Scientology. It goes along with my fascination with North Korea (there's a lot of overlap in their control techniques, although NK is obviously far more dangerous than Scientology).


The last episode about the Bridge was hard to watch. That poor mother. :(

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I have seen Going Clear and have the book that doc was based on, but I haven't read it yet. 


I am obsessed with watching the Aftermath show in A & E and can't wait for the AMA tonight after the next episode. My DVR didn't have it set to record, so I'm glad I caught that. 


The disconnection policy is brutal. Lucky for us we didn't ever start out in Scientology. We couldn't have afforded it. I found her library and required time to study and the expense to take a course and then, later, retake a course shocking. 


I am no Tom Cruise fan but A Few Good Men is a family favorite. That is the only movie of his I'll watch, well, re-watch. 



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I've read some of her interviews.  I've also read a bit on what katie holms did to be able to leave *with* her daughter.


as disturbing as things seem, it sounds like things got far more controlling when miscavege took the reins. 


eta: nicole kidman has adopted children with tom cruise - because of 'scientology' - they're completely estranged.  she has children with her current husband.


Can you direct me to an article on this?


I would look it up, but I have to be somewhere in 3 hours. Once I start reading about this stuff, I start obsessing. 

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I'm reading the book by Dave Miscavagie's niece right now. I'll watch the Leah Remini show tonight. I forgot the show was on right now.

The book I'm reading is just so crazy to me. How do these people put their kids away in some manual labor camp and just go off to do their thing? I'm having trouble wrapping my head around that part right now. Right now, I'm mid-way through the book and really just want to slap her parents. And I keep thinking about Katie and toms daughter. She'd have been put in that camp, too, right? It's awful.

The camp closed a while ago.


I can't imagine the kind of mental brainwashing that convinced these parents that leaving your child and hardly ever seeing them is a "greater good" for society, and how it's totally okay that their main source of medical treatment was another child in the camp!

Edited by Xuzi
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I've read so many books and blogs about Scientology. It goes along with my fascination with North Korea (there's a lot of overlap in their control techniques, although NK is obviously far more dangerous than Scientology).


The last episode about the Bridge was hard to watch. That poor mother. :(


yup.  I was holding it together until Mike Rinder lost it.  I can't imagine the pain. 

Edited by PrincessMommy
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Regarding Hubbard, my understanding is that he believed very much in the whole life auditing stuff but that he made up all the aliens crap because they needed a bigger "story" to frame everything. And that there are many writings from him that indicate how it's just made up.


I think the internet is finally bringing down Scientology. Leah Remini is doing a great service fighting this fight and it's really the fact that we all now know what's behind the curtain on this crap that they're going to fail. Like, twenty years ago, before the internet was quite this widespread, it was easier for them to hook people and move them through all the levels and so forth. You know, the first thing you're supposed to do when you start Scientology is to stop reading anything about them anywhere and not talk about it with anyone. So they can control the information. But now so many more people know what the deal is - that they use the tapes against you, that there are all these people who have been abused, that there are all these kooky rules, the bizarre aliens nonsense. The curtain's been drawn back.

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I'm reading the book by Dave Miscavagie's niece right now. I'll watch the Leah Remini show tonight. I forgot the show was on right now.

The book I'm reading is just so crazy to me. How do these people put their kids away in some manual labor camp and just go off to do their thing? I'm having trouble wrapping my head around that part right now. Right now, I'm mid-way through the book and really just want to slap her parents. And I keep thinking about Katie and toms daughter. She'd have been put in that camp, too, right? It's awful.


I don't understand that one  either... or that it seems like these kids do not receive a higher/college education.  One way to keep you in and compliant is if you cannot make a living outside of the cult.

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You can watch it on A&E website or YouTube has the episodes.


I read the book by David Miscavige niece and it was unbelievable. I googled her and her life is so normal now.


David Miscavige father also wrote a book (didn't love, but interesting). I liked Leah Remini book but the audio book which she narrates is really good.


I am just fascinated by this stuff. When I was younger my father worried I would join the Hare Krishna group.

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yup.  I was holding it together until Mike Rinder lost it.  I can't imagine the pain. 





I like Mike. It's huge that he left and is talking, since he was a big wig. He and Leah make a great team. Rinder and Remini. 


Like Farrar said, it's only a matter of time. I hope families are restored and abuses stop.

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Can you direct me to an article on this?


I would look it up, but I have to be somewhere in 3 hours. Once I start reading about this stuff, I start obsessing. 


sorry -it's been years.  since they separated.  she had to literally hide everything she was doing.  many women have to before they leave an abusive situation - but she had people watching her almost 24/7. it sounds like even in her home.  she had to fake smiles, etc. and pretend everything was hunky-dory. not just to him, not just to the public, but to scientology practitioners.

her father is a big nyc lawyer - he was doing stuff on his end.  so, when she could- she just got up, got suri - and left.   cruise hasn't even seen her in years.


I don't understand that one  either... or that it seems like these kids do not receive a higher/college education.  One way to keep you in and compliant is if you cannot make a living outside of the cult.


reminds you of quiverfull and its ilk.   especially for girls.  keep them uneducated, dependent, and compliant.

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sorry -it's been years.  since they separated.  she had to literally hide everything she was doing.  many women have to before they leave an abusive situation - but she had people watching her almost 24/7. it sounds like even in her home.  she had to fake smiles, etc. and pretend everything was hunky-dory. not just to him, not just to the public, but to scientology practitioners.

her father is a big nyc lawyer - he was doing stuff on his end.  so, when she could- she just got up, got suri - and left.   cruise hasn't even seen her in years.



reminds you of quiverfull and its ilk.   especially for girls.  keep them uneducated, dependent, and compliant.




At least she had money and a savvy attorney father to help her. I can't imagine living like that. Thank God she pulled it off. I wonder if keeping mum about scientology was part of the divorce agreement, since Tom gave in so quickly and values it so highly. It is always good when both sides take the high road, but, boy I'd love to hear her story. 

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sorry -it's been years.  since they separated.  she had to literally hide everything she was doing.  many women have to before they leave an abusive situation - but she had people watching her almost 24/7. it sounds like even in her home.  she had to fake smiles, etc. and pretend everything was hunky-dory. not just to him, not just to the public, but to scientology practitioners.

her father is a big nyc lawyer - he was doing stuff on his end.  so, when she could- she just got up, got suri - and left.   cruise hasn't even seen her in years.



reminds you of quiverfull and its ilk.   especially for girls.  keep them uneducated, dependent, and compliant.


Is he licensed in NY? He lives in Ohio, or at least, that is where Katie grew up.

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I've watched them today and I'm ready for the new one tonight. I feel like Leah, in that I'm just ready for something to happen, someone to go after them or for it to implode, just something. What these former members have been through is just sickening.

The sad thing is I think when I first read some of these stories would have been 2002 or 2003. And it's 13 years down the track and nothing imploded that I know of and there are new stories coming out... It's almost like it was too unbelievable so nothing was done or something.

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I'm glad you reminded me--I wanted to watch this but apparently have already missed some! Going to look it up now....


ETA: does anyone know why so many famous people are attracted to it? Does it talk about this in the show?

From what I read in Getting Clear, L. Ron Hubbard actively recruited people in Hollywood.  He was very interested in celebrity culture and figured out early on that getting celebrities on board would increase the profile of his "religion."  It was all very calculating and purposeful. 

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From what I read in Getting Clear, L. Ron Hubbard actively recruited people in Hollywood. He was very interested in celebrity culture and figured out early on that getting celebrities on board would increase the profile of his "religion." It was all very calculating and purposeful.

Ahh...that actually makes a lot of sense. Plus they have the money.

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At least she had money and a savvy attorney father to help her. I can't imagine living like that. Thank God she pulled it off. I wonder if keeping mum about scientology was part of the divorce agreement, since Tom gave in so quickly and values it so highly. It is always good when both sides take the high road, but, boy I'd love to hear her story.

The rumor mill has it that she is the one with a lot of info on him.

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Is he licensed in NY? He lives in Ohio, or at least, that is where Katie grew up.

I could easily have the location wrong. She's in nyc.


Eta: it's been several years, and I wasn't reading super closely.

Edited by gardenmom5
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It makes sense. People who want to be celebrities need attention. From what I read in Going Clear, it sounds like celebrities are worshiped and pampered by Scientology. That would be hard to turn your back on.

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I've been watching.


I drive by one of the compounds every day. Once I pulled into the driveway to turn around and a someone appeared put of nowhere and was watching me.


It's been reported that David Miscavige's wife is hidden there and has been seen in my town.

Yes. Really creepy.......I remember being shocked when I found out.

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I find Scientology fascinating.  I've read a few books on it.  I cannot believe they got tax exempt status.  That is nuts. 


A couple years ago, my kid was in a show called A Very Merry Unauthorized Scientology Pageant.  It tells the story of Scientology as a children's holiday pageant.  It's both hilarious and highly disturbing.   And controversial.  Scientology has threatened theaters that do this production.  Here's a sample - this is not from my kid's show.  I can't find a good representative video of that show.  Anyway, if you find cults interesting, I recommend it if you see it coming to your town.


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I find Scientology fascinating.  I've read a few books on it.  I cannot believe they got tax exempt status.  That is nuts. 


A couple years ago, my kid was in a show called A Very Merry Unauthorized Scientology Pageant.  It tells the story of Scientology as a children's holiday pageant.  It's both hilarious and highly disturbing.   And controversial.  Scientology has threatened theaters that do this production.  Here's a sample - this is not from my kid's show.  I can't find a good representative video of that show.  Anyway, if you find cults interesting, I recommend it if you see it coming to your town.




Wow, I had no idea such a thing existed!!.  For years I've had this odd fascination with with cult type groups, especially Scientology.   I, too, am shocked that they received tax exempt status.

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This fascinates me. Did someone say it was available through Amazon Prime? What exactly is the name of the show?


I don't know about Amazon Prime but full episodes can be watched at A&E's website (reposting because my first post with link is a bit buried)



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