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A new venting thread


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My vent is: my head is going to crack in two. And that is despite popping Advil as if it were bon-bons.


Fluctuating hormones can just go to hell. It wasn't this bad during puberty.

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I've been up since 3am, fuming, so my vent might not be written well.


Dh has a friend.

Friend had been working part time for a well known superstore, and frequently vented about how awful it was, and how he needed to make more money.

Dh handed Friend a THIRTY dollar an hour job with tons of overtime.

Last night, "friend" stated he was too good to be making so little and working so much.


For reference, dh started in this industry at less than $10/hr.  He makes very good money now, after more than a decade and a half of experience, but if you were to divide his salary by the crazy hours he sometimes works, it is not significantly more than $30/hr.  So, basically, this schmoe just told dh to his face that he deserves to make more money walking in off the street than his boss who has experience, education, certifications, and long established relationships with industry professionals all over the country.


I don't understand how people's brains work.  And now it's keeping me awake!


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I'm always embarrassed to vent because the issues are so trivial, and some of them are problems other people wish they had, but I'm just so, tired!


First, literally, as sleep is ever elusive. Although I got 6.5 hrs last night which was pretty incredible. I remember when 8.5 was standard...


I haven't been 'up to date' on my university work at any point this semester (running since August). I keep thinking this is the week I'm going to get there, and I never do.


I have to do a 3 week practicum placement in a few weeks. It's been 13 years since I worked and I'm terrified.


Our house has been on the market 7 weeks. That's at least 14 open house sessions which I've had to clean and tidy for. And I'm a bit of a perfectionist... We have to vacate the house for at least an hour each time, often at lunch or dinner time. We're eating out a crazy amount, and both the waistline and budget are objecting.


The water heater needed replacing last week, and we've discovered that every single indoor light fitting needs replacing as IKEA has recalled both types we have. We can't find anything we like for an even vaguely similar price.


We have to find a new house but we can't really look until we sell ours. I have given notice at ds's private school so we have to move to a suburb with a decent public school before February. Dh is taking a pay cut so I'm not entirely sure we can afford the suburb we were looking at, but I won't know until the cut is final and I know the net salary.


We go away in December for a month. If our house doesn't sell soon the sale won't go through before we leave. We get back early January and I then have 3 weeks to find a house in a suburb with a suitable school. That would mean renting as an interim measure until ours sells. If the house does sell I'm looking at moving house in the middle of my work placement when I won't be able to get time off. Dh is already working 6 day weeks due to a crazy workload so time off is a problem there too.


The month long holiday is a huge multi country trip and I just don't have the time to organise things. Every booking seems to take an hour online to finalise. It's way too much money to be casual about and "take each day as it comes", I have to plan things out.


And then there's dd-nearly-16 who just will not get herself organised with her school work and accept that she's the only one who can fix that...


And now it's back to the university work, because what else would I want to do at 8pm on a Saturday?


(That's more whining that venting, I think, but there you have it!)

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Ugh!  This sounds far more horrid than just a vent.   :grouphug:  Do you have help for daily activities?  Since hundreds of people saw it, are a few stepping up to help (if you want/need it)?



Luckily, my husband is local and is taking Tuesday off for my doctor apt and any others I may have. He took our daughter in before work yesterday for a doctor's appointment, picked up her meds and some grocery items, picked up groceries, etc. He is usually working non-stop or out-of-state working non-stop, so it is much appreciated. Our neighbors across the street have been phenomenal. Bringing me meals here and there, keeping Meg occupied, etc. He even drove me to the hospital after it happened. Church is new and we have sporadically attended, however we like it. I am upset though that I had asked if there was a wheelchair available and the person who was in charge of that never got back to me. Trying not to have that be an excuse to not go to church. Thanks for the concern. I get so tired of it. All the time it is something and it is me. tendonitis, prickly heat, bedbugs, stroke, broken and dislocated ankle and that has been the last ll months. I am fed up!!! The Loritab barely works...sorry I am really cranky from the pain.

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Not sure if this is a vent or a pity party, but I'm so frustrated with all the problems with the school options here. Everytime I think I have a possible solution, it's like, "nope, try again." I have been pondering the public school and trying to figure out how bad exposure to the EMFs from the substation would be. I bring it up to dh and he says, "oh, that school isn't accredited." Meanwhile, the school I'd love to send ds to is too far away and too expensive. Dh posted something on FB and a friend said, "Send him to xyz school. He'd love it." I've already told them face to face we cannot afford it. I don't know why people have to keep suggesting things others can't afford. (But despite all this I'd like to believe when there's a will there's a way... so I'm going to attend the open house anyway. I don't know if I'm just going to depress myself more lol)

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I'm glad your mom saw a doctor finally. Sorry it was frustrating, though :(


My vent is that The Marvelous Flying Marco is waitlisted for almost every OT/ST clinic I can find (that also does natural environment). If I want to take him TO the clinics, he can get therapies immediately... but he isn't the only one with upcoming necessary appointments, and the last recommendation was 20+ hours weekly of therapies for him. There is no way I can swing that, in a clinic setting outside the home, AND keep up with DD15 and DS7's schoolwork and their doctor's appointments (DS7 has his yearly specialist visits coming up soon, too). 

But, he really, really needs especially the feeding therapy. He's down to about 2 or 3 things he will eat (as in, he would rather cry in hunger than eat anything else) and I feel trapped, so I'll probably end up doing the clinic sessions instead, even though I'm really hesitant to start it in-clinic for several (relatively valid) reasons. 

My heart goes out to you. My husband was out of state when I went through all this but I do not have all the young children that you have. I am praying for your situation.

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Can I vent?


I'm in pain. Big pain. I'm allergic to almost all pain meds. I'm nauseated, vomiting, have heartburn, no appetite, and goodness, the pain. We think it's a gallstone in the bile duct. I don't even have a gallbladder, for goodness' sake!


My doc is in Africa. So I saw an NP, who ordered an MRCP (special MRI). The results are in, but NP hasn't called me back to tell me. I left her a message this am, and the receptionist told me the results had just arrived. I hope she'll call at lunch time.


I'm in pain. I hate waiting. This stinks.


On top of the gallstone, I have an ovarian cyst issue and a kidney stone that hasn't dropped yet. Something to anticipate!


I want to cry.

Oh Spryte.


I have had kidney stones in the past and I consider it number ten on my pain scale. Above child birth. I have also had a blood cyst when I was 15 and ended up having to have a tube an ovary removed. I have no words...I can not imagine the agony you are in...

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Not sure if this is a vent or a pity party, 


Eh, it doesn't matter.  Both are welcome on this thread.  I hope you find you qualify for a scholarship or something so "perfect school" can work out.



I'm always embarrassed to vent because the issues are so trivial, 


Personally, I'm glad all share/vent.  Yes, there are varying degrees of topics being vented and some make me really want to hug boardies (since I can't make things better) or offer them assistance or something more than other topics do, but literally all topics have helped me realize we're all experiencing life as it is rather than the storybook or Hollywood version - or even tamed version we hear about in regular conversations/threads.  It can be easy to think we're the only ones dealing with issues.  That might be true for a particular issue, but not with issues (plural) in general.  I guess it's the sense of "yes, this is not the way I'd want things to go, but having various things happen is fairly normal, so press on."  


I'm not sure if that makes sense or accurately conveys my thoughts or not.


I'd love to fix it all if possible.  Since it isn't, perhaps it's the idea of strength in numbers to help us all out?  Maybe that's what venting is all about?  Getting it off our chest, then continuing to plod through the rougher edges of life?  Still... knowing others are running the same race is strangely helpful vs thinking everyone else has it easy and it's just "me" dealing with the WTH moments...

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Hugs/support to all who need them.  


My doc came back into town yesterday, and has been supportive and helpful, despite having zero sleep.  We have a plan to get me through the weekend, and we'll go from there.  So, I'm surviving.  :)

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Grr - vent of the day for me... getting a pony back that has been "in training" for almost two years and finding out she knows relatively nothing - pretty equivalent to what 60 days should have done - and nothing at all to the level I was told she was at.   :cursing:   It was a "trade" situation, so there's no chance of getting any money returned (sigh).  The good thing is the pony shows promise to be a decent riding pony and is only 4 years of age (practically 5).  The bad thing is she needs to have more training done and I had been hoping for a Christmas sale.   :glare:  I suppose I can market her at a lower price as a project, but that's not nearly as good as what I had been expecting.

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Creekland, too funny. I was reading your post and thinking "wait a minute, that was just like my middle school boys." There were and are certain days when I wish I could mark them down and sell them as a "project" to someone else.


I've been part of conversations both on here and IRL where we've tossed about the idea of switching kids for a little bit when they get in their moods.  We think it would work out decently since most kids behave better when with others than at home.   :lol:


But then again we've also talked about setting up a matchmaking service for our college age kids since if they're married they get to use their own income for financial aid and not their parent's.  :coolgleamA:


All these worthwhile ideas get tossed around, but then we haven't actually tried any - testing them out.  I suppose we are all underachievers not living up to our potential?  All talk, but nothing in reality.

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For a long time it seemed like life just rolled along, nothing happened, but we couldn't afford for anything to happen anyway, whether fun or disaster.

Two years ago it all came to a bright shiny head, popped and has been oozing and infectious ever since. 

I kept a journal of all the bad stuff and it is almost up to 100 incidents over 2 years. Weird. From car accidents, miscarriage, heart problems in kids, mental illness, in-law problems, insurance or lack of, tooth problems, job loss, job problems, lice on us (I never!), fleas and worms in the pets (also never!), toxic people at church, toxic family relationships and basically feeling shunned and now the black sheep of both families, I can say I am definitely a veteran venter.  :patriot: 


Right now, both of us are achy and sore from falling over the past two weeks, or in my 2nd case, I hit my shin REALLY hard on the dishwasher door, like a bat on a baseball. My other fall, I tripped over my sewing machine which I couldn't see because I was carrying a big heavy box which blocked my view. (I am grateful I didn't hit my head on the dresser as I went down). We are not clumsy people. 

I have bruises on my legs, chest and arms. Dh had to have stitches on his fingers. He is limping. A doctor friend examined him and told him he probably bruised the ligament by his knee for which there is no treatment, just allow it to heal.

Plus his shoulder is messed up and he can't do much lifting and we did just finally move into a house. Yay. No more hotel life. 

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Vent: I finally got caught up on all laundry after not doing any for a week while I was sick and within 5 minutes of getting the last load out of the dryer I discover a murder scene in my room. I walk in and discover blood all over my comforter and bed sheets. That is bad enough but it was also all over the last load of laundry that was just washed and waiting to be folded and put away. The culprit, my dog. She ripped one of her claws entirely off! It bled for another hour bit she's fine now. I really do hate that she likes hiding in laundry baskets full of clothes though.

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I think my seven-year-old has hand, foot, and mouth. We're heading to the doctor in a bit. We're supposed to have a family get together this weekend now that my parents are home after traveling for over a month. I think dd will still be contagious by then if it is HFM, so no extended family time for us Ă°Å¸Ëœâ€¢

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Good luck doing something about it.  If you find something, let me know.


I was thrilled that one morning last week (Wednesday to be precise), I actually slept in until 6:51am.  I haven't been able to sleep in that late since one morning back in 2013.  It doesn't matter how late I go to bed.  They are that memorable that I can recall exactly where I was and what was going on at the time.




This incident actually made me respect my own local doc a wee bit more.  When I had chest pains (right side - NOT cardiac, though still unexplained) he insisted I do a stress test pretty quickly "just in case."  I'll admit I wasn't terribly pleased at the times as symptoms really didn't match IMO, but when I think about it I'd rather he err that way.


It boggles my mind that my mom went to her doctor with her symptoms, age, and condition and HE told her just to try painkillers and wait it out - it was probably a pulled muscle.  I keep feeling I missed part of the story somehow.


I guess I expected after my experience that the default would be to check out cardiac, then consider other things.  Apparently not.



I can't vent about my mom waiting a couple of days before seeing a doctor.  I'd have done the same.  I have done similarly for anything going wrong.  I believe pretty strongly in letting the body have a chance to heal itself and the role of being a patient is not one I enjoy.  My vent is that when she did go see a doctor he dismissed her symptoms even though they were pretty classic - or at least I thought they were.


That aside... I hope you feel better and can get a decent camping trip in!  With good weather, this weekend would be ideal.  Does Matthew's turning away from the coast help your weather forecast at all?




See above about my mom.


And you either need to vent or share the wine...  :coolgleamA:   I'll give you time to think.  I need to head out into the fields to get more cockleburrs down before the ponies decide to "help."


I suppose I could vent about how difficult cockleburr plants are to kill without using herbicides (these are right near our stocked pond - herbicides and fish generally don't get along well).  We never had these years ago.  Some unknown critter brought them in when I was out of commission a couple of years back and they exponentially increase in numbers, so the next two - three years will require all out war if we're to win the battle (sigh).



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I shop at Aldi and Walmart on the same day. The problem with Aldi is that they ring up the items and dump them all willy-nilly back into the cart and you have to bag them yourself.


Pick up item

Put in cart.

Pick up item

Put on conveyor belt

Pick up item

Put in bag

Pick up bags

Put in cart

Pick up bags

Put in car


Drive to walmart


Pick up item

Put in cart

Pick up item

Put on belt

Pick up bags

Put in cart

Pick up bags

Put in car


Drive home.


Pick up bags

Put in kitchen

Pick up items

Put on shelf.


It's a silly problem, of course, but my brain is mush by the time the shopping is done.


The grocery stores need to start using the same system as our public library now has for checking out books. You put the items on a scanner and it scans them all at once for you. For a grocery store, this should go: Put your bags in the cart, fill them as you shop, put the cart on the scanner at the end, skim the list of what's rung up, finish checking out by paying (or, have a store account that is automatically charged based on your smart phone app, set up to whatever card or bank account is convenient for you), and go, your stuff is already bagged and in the cart!

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Pretty minor compared to everything else...


DS lost his favorite toy at the park.  I'd scheduled a bunch of necessary and overdue medical appointments yesterday, so DH took the afternoon off to watch the kids.  I'd preprogrammed a nearby park into the GPS for him, so he took them there after dropping me off at my first appointment.  Apparently, at some point DS buried the toy in the giant sand pit and couldn't find it again.  DH was on his phone instead of watching him so had no idea where he was playing when it was lost :glare: .  Of course this led to such an epic meltdown that they couldn't pick me up, so I had to walk from the hospital to the park and spent way too long digging in the sand for it, which made me late for my next appointment.  This morning was DS's first day back at preschool after his surgery, and he spent pretty much all of it crying because "I lost <toy>.  <toy> in the sand."  Of course, the toy is 3x the price on Amazon now, so I'm planning to drive 45 minutes this afternoon to a Walmart I thought I saw one at a few weeks ago.  I'm kicking myself now for not buying it as a backup!


Honestly, I'd have said, "wow, that stinks, DS! Moral of the story, don't bury your toys and forget where they are!" and he wouldn't get a new one before the next gift holiday, at the soonest.

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I've been up since 3am, fuming, so my vent might not be written well.


Dh has a friend.

Friend had been working part time for a well known superstore, and frequently vented about how awful it was, and how he needed to make more money.

Dh handed Friend a THIRTY dollar an hour job with tons of overtime.

Last night, "friend" stated he was too good to be making so little and working so much.


For reference, dh started in this industry at less than $10/hr.  He makes very good money now, after more than a decade and a half of experience, but if you were to divide his salary by the crazy hours he sometimes works, it is not significantly more than $30/hr.  So, basically, this schmoe just told dh to his face that he deserves to make more money walking in off the street than his boss who has experience, education, certifications, and long established relationships with industry professionals all over the country.


I don't understand how people's brains work.  And now it's keeping me awake!


Good grief, with overtime the guy probably makes more than I do. What a jerk!

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My vents: SIL's dog keeps chewing up DS's toys. She's a sweet dog, but the chewing since SIL had her baby has been ri-di-cu-lous! She's chewed on the blinds, too...there goes our security deposit.


I want my private space back. That's the room currently being occupied by SIL, BIL, and baby. They are saving to get their own place, and their moving back in with us after we moved was an emergency situation, I don't really begrudge helping them, but it's really getting old having so many people crowded together.


I don't want to sacrifice my Saturday to the realtor. But I must if we want to buy a house. I'm not even sure why this realtor is our realtor. They latched on to us like lampreys after we made an inquiry about a house, hooked us up with a mortgage company that gave us a preapproval, and we haven't bothered to shake them off, I guess.


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We took our car in for a minor but expensive repair that really couldn't be put off. They found another expensive repair that really couldn't be put off either and since they were already in there and had done the labor it made sense to do both. Technically we're saving on labor, but the bill will be twice what we expected.

Edited by Forget-me-not
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Vent: I finally got caught up on all laundry after not doing any for a week while I was sick and within 5 minutes of getting the last load out of the dryer I discover a murder scene in my room. I walk in and discover blood all over my comforter and bed sheets. That is bad enough but it was also all over the last load of laundry that was just washed and waiting to be folded and put away. The culprit, my dog. She ripped one of her claws entirely off! It bled for another hour bit she's fine now. I really do hate that she likes hiding in laundry baskets full of clothes though.


how scary! And frustrating about the laundry.

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Our fencing won't keep goats in.  Otherwise, I have thought about it - esp if we were to have goat curry in the late fall/winter afterward.  My boys (who have eaten goat overseas) tell me goat curry is tasty.  I've never had goat (yet) myself.


What about renting goats for landscape clearing? Is there anyone who does that in your area?

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Can I join in?


I broke at least two, maybe three toes about 2 weeks ago.  Yesterday morning after I had rolled out of bed and not put the medical shoe on yet, I stubbed them almost exactly the same way (only less forcefully) while opening the curtains.  It was painful for hours and the bruise has darkened... I must have set the healing back by at least a week. The weather is cooling off and getting so beautiful, and I can't take long walks in it :(


On Sunday dh started the furnace, only to find that it is overheating and shutting itself off, so we need a new furnace immediately.  In another week or two it's going to be reeeally cold at night.  Even now we are bundling up.  Our savings is pretty meager compared to others, and it is painful to watch a big percentage disappear!  We already lost a lot of money this year on a lemon of a used vehicle we bought in anticipation of the new baby.


Speaking of money, I'd love to restart my little side business but the baby wants to be held all the time and I can't do much of anything.  Baby doesn't have the head control to "sling-em-and-forget-em" yet.  I can keep mostly on top of meals, dishes, washing and drying laundry (folding? hah!), and homeschooling, but that's about it.


Lastly, for weeks I have been combing this house for size 2T and size 10 fall/winter clothes and I cannot. find. them. anywhere. aaaaagh :cursing:

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I've been up since 3am, fuming, so my vent might not be written well.


Dh has a friend.

Friend had been working part time for a well known superstore, and frequently vented about how awful it was, and how he needed to make more money.

Dh handed Friend a THIRTY dollar an hour job with tons of overtime.

Last night, "friend" stated he was too good to be making so little and working so much.


For reference, dh started in this industry at less than $10/hr.  He makes very good money now, after more than a decade and a half of experience, but if you were to divide his salary by the crazy hours he sometimes works, it is not significantly more than $30/hr.  So, basically, this schmoe just told dh to his face that he deserves to make more money walking in off the street than his boss who has experience, education, certifications, and long established relationships with industry professionals all over the country.


I don't understand how people's brains work.  And now it's keeping me awake!


Maybe my dh could have that job instead? (J/k, I guess, 'cause we can't move right now.) I don't want to put too much detail, so am trying to figure out how to say this. Due to certain circumstances, we had to get insurance on the Marketplace this year. Two children recently got jobs so we called this afternoon to have them removed from our plan. It made our cost triple. Now it will cost us more than underemployed-but-looking-for-better dh even makes right now. That's just one part of the whole schmoodle.

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Maybe my dh could have that job instead? (J/k, I guess, 'cause we can't move right now.) I don't want to put too much detail, so am trying to figure out how to say this. Due to certain circumstances, we had to get insurance on the Marketplace this year. Two children recently got jobs so we called this afternoon to have them removed from our plan. It made our cost triple. Now it will cost us more than underemployed-but-looking-for-better dh even makes right now. That's just one part of the whole schmoodle.


So...your kids got jobs with employer insurance?

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My house is disgusting. I'm a terrible housekeeper and I've always thought I could figure out how to get my act together and magically fix everything but I don't think that any more. I think I'm doomed to live in a revolting house. I'm trying to get things in order but it's sooo hard with a toddler. She's wants me to play with her and read her books and I want to do those things with her of course. The older two aren't much help. Middle Child is busy with school and Oldest....


I'm so tired of feeling like my oldest's maid. She's the least considerate messiest person in the family by a lot. You can follow her trail through the house. She woke up and got dressed and threw her pajamas on the floor. She went to the bathroom and didn't flush (yes, at 15 years old.) She put on makeup and left it all over the bathroom counter. She ate breakfast and left the food out in the kitchen and the dirty dishes on her desk. Before leaving for school she pulled old papers out of her backpack and left them on the couch. Yes this is every day. When i point things out, she says sorry and cleans up about half the mess. So I have to tell her to clean up every thing twice. I can't exactly devote my life to teaching her to be neat because I'm not neat. I'm just not as messy as she is. And in the end, I clean up my messes and whatever messes of hers I've given up on her doing a halfway decent job on.

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So...your kids got jobs with employer insurance?


Yes. One was in grad school, and the other graduated during the course of the year.


ETA: I guess that read funny in my post because I said "children." Adult children but still young enough to be on our insurance.

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The grocery stores need to start using the same system as our public library now has for checking out books. You put the items on a scanner and it scans them all at once for you. For a grocery store, this should go: Put your bags in the cart, fill them as you shop, put the cart on the scanner at the end, skim the list of what's rung up, finish checking out by paying (or, have a store account that is automatically charged based on your smart phone app, set up to whatever card or bank account is convenient for you), and go, your stuff is already bagged and in the cart!


We have a local grocery store that does something similar.  You can pick up a hand-held scanner when you enter the store, scan your items as you go through the store, place them directly in your bags.  When you're done, you go to the checkout, call up the number of your scanner, pay your bill and go.


My vent is basically about 2016.  This year has sucked big time.  Things should have settled down by now but I still feel like I can't quite get a handle on a routine.  I constantly feel like I'm playing catch-up, the house is a wreck, and things are getting missed.  And I have awful insomnia that nothing is helping, so I'm too tired to do what's necessary to get things to a place where they work.    The kids are doing school and getting to their activities but everything else is chaos.

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My vent is basically about 2016.  This year has sucked big time.  Things should have settled down by now but I still feel like I can't quite get a handle on a routine.  I constantly feel like I'm playing catch-up, the house is a wreck, and things are getting missed.  And I have awful insomnia that nothing is helping, so I'm too tired to do what's necessary to get things to a place where they work.    <snip>



I agree with all of this, down to the insomnia.


New vent: I'm doing a detox diet at the moment (I know they are questionable but I'm trying it anyway) which means no caffeine and I really am jonesing for a chai. Any chai would do. I've gone over 60 hours without a chai and I really really really really want a chai.


Unsweetened herbal tea is not chai. Just saying.

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Ok, here is my vent:


1.  It's been 5 weeks today since my dh suddenly passed away and still no death certificate.  I can't do ANYTHING without the stupid death certificate. I have an appointment at the Social Security office on Thursday.  They tell me to still come, but things won't be processed until they receive the death certificate.  I got a second letter from the life insurance company stating they need documents sent in to process the claim, and I don't have the stupid death certificate.


2.  In the past 5 weeks, I've been to the ER because I wasn't paying attention and jabbed my hand with scissors and it required 6 stitches.  The Er doc put me on a precautionary antibiotic that totally wrecked havoc on my gut and I ended up at Urgent Care for dehydration.  Was told by that doc that the Er doc should have told me that if my cut looked ok I could stop the antibiotic after 3 days. I've had some random leg pain for the past few days that has me freaking out since my dh died from a pulmonary embolism with absolutely no symptoms.  Why can't I just concentrate on grieving without having to worry about more health issues than I've had over the past 5 to 10 years!


3.  I have the most wonderful, wonderful kids (they are adults) .  They have really stepped up here at home.  I still have a 13 yo, 16 yo, 18 yo, 20 yo, and 25 yo that lives at home.  My 27 yo ds will be moving in temporarily while he looks for a house to buy.  I went away for the weekend with my sister-in-law to visit my dd and grandbabies who live about 4 1/2 hours away.  Was good for me.  Got home yesterday and saw that my 25 yo and 27 yo made a trip to Sams while I was away. I have large containers of food all over the house of things we really don't eat, or at least didn't.  Large container of in the shell peanuts, large boxes of raisins, large containers of applesauce, a 12-pack of canned corn.  I don't use canned corn, we like the taste of frozen corn better.  I felt I was losing control of my house.  Why couldn't I just appreciate what they tried to do, instead of feeling that way?


4.  I'm not sleeping well at all.  Hard to go to sleep and then wake up early and can't go back to sleep.  It's so hard sleeping in an empty bed.


5.  For the first time in the past 35 years, I am going to have to buy my own health insurance and that scares me to death after hearing some of the horror stories about the Health insurance Marketplace.


Ok, vent over, thanks for letting me get it all out.

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Ok, here is my vent:


1. It's been 5 weeks today since my dh suddenly passed away and still no death certificate. I can't do ANYTHING without the stupid death certificate. I have an appointment at the Social Security office on Thursday. They tell me to still come, but things won't be processed until they receive the death certificate. I got a second letter from the life insurance company stating they need documents sent in to process the claim, and I don't have the stupid death certificate.


2. In the past 5 weeks, I've been to the ER because I wasn't paying attention and jabbed my hand with scissors and it required 6 stitches. The Er doc put me on a precautionary antibiotic that totally wrecked havoc on my gut and I ended up at Urgent Care for dehydration. Was told by that doc that the Er doc should have told me that if my cut looked ok I could stop the antibiotic after 3 days. I've had some random leg pain for the past few days that has me freaking out since my dh died from a pulmonary embolism with absolutely no symptoms. Why can't I just concentrate on grieving without having to worry about more health issues than I've had over the past 5 to 10 years!


3. I have the most wonderful, wonderful kids (they are adults) . They have really stepped up here at home. I still have a 13 yo, 16 yo, 18 yo, 20 yo, and 25 yo that lives at home. My 27 yo ds will be moving in temporarily while he looks for a house to buy. I went away for the weekend with my sister-in-law to visit my dd and grandbabies who live about 4 1/2 hours away. Was good for me. Got home yesterday and saw that my 25 yo and 27 yo made a trip to Sams while I was away. I have large containers of food all over the house of things we really don't eat, or at least didn't. Large container of in the shell peanuts, large boxes of raisins, large containers of applesauce, a 12-pack of canned corn. I don't use canned corn, we like the taste of frozen corn better. I felt I was losing control of my house. Why couldn't I just appreciate what they tried to do, instead of feeling that way?


4. I'm not sleeping well at all. Hard to go to sleep and then wake up early and can't go back to sleep. It's so hard sleeping in an empty bed.


5. For the first time in the past 35 years, I am going to have to buy my own health insurance and that scares me to death after hearing some of the horror stories about the Health insurance Marketplace.


Ok, vent over, thanks for letting me get it all out.

(((Hugs))). I'm so sorry for your loss.

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My vent.


When my husband coughs, it is a very high decibel cough.  Even one cough will about make your ears ring.


He coughed 3 times at 3:30am.  I have been wide awake over an hour now.  I have an admin observation today.  NOT COOL!


I gotta be honest, when we did have separate bedrooms, due to his moving around, even in his sleep, and my snoring, I slept SO MUCH BETTER!


I love him but we do better sleeping apart.

I have a CPAP now and we have a split king bed so I don't feel his moving around, but I still slept better apart.

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ds11 is sick AGAIN.  I am just now starting to get back to feeling normal after a bad cold ran through our entire household last month.  Yesterday ds11 woke up with a sore throat an fever.  During the night, he woke me up 3 times.  His fever was 102.6, which is the highest I think I have ever seen in our household.  Poor guy felt miserable.  I am being very careful and washing hands often with hopes of not catching it this time.  When my sinuses get messed up, they take forever to get back to normal.  And, of course, this also impacts school AGAIN.  Just when we start getting back into a good routine....  At this rate, we are going to be doing school all summer.

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What about renting goats for landscape clearing? Is there anyone who does that in your area?


I don't know of anyone doing this around us - and there could still be the fencing problem.


One other issue with cockleburrs is we've tried cutting them the past couple of years and earlier this year.  That didn't help at all.  It seemed to give them a better root system actually.  I think goats eating them would probably do the same.  We're pulling them this year and expect to do the same the next two years.  Time will tell if that makes a difference.  They're pretty easy to pull where they haven't been cut and developed that better root system.


Due to certain circumstances, we had to get insurance on the Marketplace this year. Two children recently got jobs so we called this afternoon to have them removed from our plan. It made our cost triple. Now it will cost us more than underemployed-but-looking-for-better dh even makes right now. That's just one part of the whole schmoodle.


Wow.  Something is wrong with that formula.  Very wrong.  Best wishes to your dh for finding a job and I really hope the US gets on the ball with getting a better health system so no one has to deal with this type of stuff.


Ok, here is my vent:


1.  It's been 5 weeks today since my dh suddenly passed away and still no death certificate.  I can't do ANYTHING without the stupid death certificate. I have an appointment at the Social Security office on Thursday.  They tell me to still come, but things won't be processed until they receive the death certificate.  I got a second letter from the life insurance company stating they need documents sent in to process the claim, and I don't have the stupid death certificate.


2.  In the past 5 weeks, I've been to the ER because I wasn't paying attention and jabbed my hand with scissors and it required 6 stitches.  The Er doc put me on a precautionary antibiotic that totally wrecked havoc on my gut and I ended up at Urgent Care for dehydration.  Was told by that doc that the Er doc should have told me that if my cut looked ok I could stop the antibiotic after 3 days. I've had some random leg pain for the past few days that has me freaking out since my dh died from a pulmonary embolism with absolutely no symptoms.  Why can't I just concentrate on grieving without having to worry about more health issues than I've had over the past 5 to 10 years!


3.  I have the most wonderful, wonderful kids (they are adults) .  They have really stepped up here at home.  I still have a 13 yo, 16 yo, 18 yo, 20 yo, and 25 yo that lives at home.  My 27 yo ds will be moving in temporarily while he looks for a house to buy.  I went away for the weekend with my sister-in-law to visit my dd and grandbabies who live about 4 1/2 hours away.  Was good for me.  Got home yesterday and saw that my 25 yo and 27 yo made a trip to Sams while I was away. I have large containers of food all over the house of things we really don't eat, or at least didn't.  Large container of in the shell peanuts, large boxes of raisins, large containers of applesauce, a 12-pack of canned corn.  I don't use canned corn, we like the taste of frozen corn better.  I felt I was losing control of my house.  Why couldn't I just appreciate what they tried to do, instead of feeling that way?


4.  I'm not sleeping well at all.  Hard to go to sleep and then wake up early and can't go back to sleep.  It's so hard sleeping in an empty bed.


5.  For the first time in the past 35 years, I am going to have to buy my own health insurance and that scares me to death after hearing some of the horror stories about the Health insurance Marketplace.


Ok, vent over, thanks for letting me get it all out.


:grouphug:  Plenty of  :grouphug: .  I wish there were more we could do.  Don't feel the need to use the canned corn.  When we've gotten some things we don't use (kids shopping or similar), I've just opted to donate them to the local food bank.  There are usually food drives around and being canned, they'll keep until you see one.  

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Wow.  Something is wrong with that formula.  Very wrong.  Best wishes to your dh for finding a job and I really hope the US gets on the ball with getting a better health system so no one has to deal with this type of stuff.




In our case, the formula is based on tax returns from the year before. Income was steady, much higher, and included some bonuses at the time of leaving. It takes nothing into account about current income and current circumstances--except for the fact that we have two less dependents. It seems if that affected the formula, so should current income.

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In our case, the formula is based on tax returns from the year before. Income was steady, much higher, and included some bonuses at the time of leaving. It takes nothing into account about current income and current circumstances--except for the fact that we have two less dependents. It seems if that affected the formula, so should current income.


:iagree:  except I think current income and factors ought to be able to factor in even if your dependents hadn't changed.  Is there any way to appeal - a way to get someone to look at the situation in hand instead of just having to plug your numbers into a formula?

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Dh thought dd was improving with language so he canceled the Early Intervention appointment. I don't know if I just suck at working with her or if vocabulary will come later or what. I may need to reschedule an appt. In the meantime I get to hear her squawk, yell and point all day long. She does use some words, but not many and not particularly useful words.

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When people have a revelation for themselves and assume that they alone are the only humans to ever have such an amazing thought and then go on to preach. Ugh.


Go ahead and share but just share your experience *without* assuming and preaching at people!



Edited by happi duck
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Today is mine and DH's anniversary and we had a lovely date night last night to celebrate. :)


Today my DS11 has said some really hurtful things to me that I know is mostly preteen nonsense because I am making him do schoolwork, but his words really stung me and have basically ruined my mood on what should have been a special day.


Thank Heavens he and the other kids and are going to visit their grandmother later so I will just pamper myself while they're gone.

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Can I join in?


I broke at least two, maybe three toes about 2 weeks ago.  Yesterday morning after I had rolled out of bed and not put the medical shoe on yet, I stubbed them almost exactly the same way (only less forcefully) while opening the curtains.  It was painful for hours and the bruise has darkened... I must have set the healing back by at least a week. The weather is cooling off and getting so beautiful, and I can't take long walks in it :(


On Sunday dh started the furnace, only to find that it is overheating and shutting itself off, so we need a new furnace immediately.  In another week or two it's going to be reeeally cold at night.  Even now we are bundling up.  Our savings is pretty meager compared to others, and it is painful to watch a big percentage disappear!  We already lost a lot of money this year on a lemon of a used vehicle we bought in anticipation of the new baby.


Speaking of money, I'd love to restart my little side business but the baby wants to be held all the time and I can't do much of anything.  Baby doesn't have the head control to "sling-em-and-forget-em" yet.  I can keep mostly on top of meals, dishes, washing and drying laundry (folding? hah!), and homeschooling, but that's about it.


Lastly, for weeks I have been combing this house for size 2T and size 10 fall/winter clothes and I cannot. find. them. anywhere. aaaaagh :cursing:

I break at least one toe about every 2 months. I do not like to wear shoes in the house (or anywhere really). 

We used to not have the money for the heating oil and would close off the living room and use the woodstove overnight, all sleeping in the living room, snug as bugs. Our van was wrecked by one of our new drivers, down to one vehicle. 

What is your side business?

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So tired of "the responsible route" being the long, hard, slow way to reach goals, and sometimes (often) means things we want never happen.  And so tired of watching people who just 'whatever' sail through apparently totally fine and doing what they want.  The standard "they have their reward now" isn't working; my faith's a bit bruised and battered these days.  Just tired and feel like crying today.  Hope it's hormonal.


To be fair, I used to be really reckless and "sailed through," and even now I don't do things 100% right, so... :( 

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My youngest has a fever that popped up overnight. Because of it I got no sleep since I can't sleep if I'm cuddling someone who is perpetually overheating me. So now I have to figure out a way to function until 7:30, bedtime for the kids, and it is not going well. I have a headache from tense shoulders after holding this sick lady for over 12 hours, the other 3 kids are bored so they are starting to get on each other's nerves. And I don't know what is going to be for dinner

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:iagree:  except I think current income and factors ought to be able to factor in even if your dependents hadn't changed.  Is there any way to appeal - a way to get someone to look at the situation in hand instead of just having to plug your numbers into a formula?


We will try. And see if there are any other options. His conversation on the phone just went round and round. 

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Someday it's going to be a day like today when I say adios to this world.   :cursing:   I absolutely detest "bad day" health issues that won't leave and are unlikely to ever get better.  For now, I can remind myself that good days still come and endure these bad ones when nothing I try helps (sometimes key things do help), but when those good days no longer come...


The real world can be downright frustrating sometimes.


Hopefully tomorrow will be better.  In the past the best days have followed the worst, so there really is hope, but sometimes too, those worst days can linger on more than a day.   :glare:


And... this is just a vent.  Really.  No particular advice needed nor is it a depression issue.  It's 100% a physical health issue.

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Petty vent coming-


Due to some medical conditions, the dog has had to completely change his diet. He is not happy with the changes and continues to show me this.  His current tactics is to walk up where I am and fart and walk away or pee in the dog food bowl.  Getting really tired today of either gasping for breath or having to clean the food bowl.   

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