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Obama-fied textbooks? Already???

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Wow, Beth, that's amazing. I had to smile when the lady who wrote the letter about her son's textbook said she was only a PTA mom. Isn't that how Sarah Palin got started? This woman may have a political career ahead of her.:)


Anyway, thanks for posting - not good news, but informative.

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All the comments on the blog call Obama a "socialist".


Do they send out a "memo" for this stuff???


Or is it Rush or Fox News setting up today's talking points?


But the attacks are like one big ((((((((((echo-chamber))))))))))


No requirement for "truthfulness", just smear, smear, smear.

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All the comments on the blog call Obama a "socialist".


Do they send out a "memo" for this stuff???


Or is it Rush or Fox News setting up today's talking points?


But the attacks are like one big ((((((((((echo-chamber))))))))))


No requirement for "truthfulness", just smear, smear, smear.


The article states that there is a section of a literature text devoted to Obama. That is true.

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The article states that there is a section of a literature text devoted to Obama. That is true.


And well there should be. Like it or not, he's the first African American to actually win his party's endorsement for President of the United States. THAT is historic. As is Hank Aaron's life story, and Condolezza Rice's biography, and that of Nellie T. Ross and yes, Sarah Palin.


To everything, spin, spin spin.....



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All the comments on the blog call Obama a "socialist".


Do they send out a "memo" for this stuff???


Or is it Rush or Fox News setting up today's talking points?


But the attacks are like one big ((((((((((echo-chamber))))))))))


No requirement for "truthfulness", just smear, smear, smear.



I, for one, think for myself based on the information provided from original sources. I interpret what they mean and draw my own conclusions. Facts are facts.


From each according to his ability, to each according to his need--Marx


Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn't it?" the plumber asked, complaining that he was being taxed "more and more for fulfilling the American dream."


"It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they've got a chance for success too," Obama responded. "My attitude is that if the economy's good for folks from the bottom up, it's gonna be good for everybody ... I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody." ---Obama


That is not smearing. Those are direct quotes.


Gosh. Dh is out of town and I have been avoiding this board for the last week. Logged on for a few minutes and immediately regret it. :tongue_smilie:

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In our state, texts are chosen by each district, with input from teachers (and I guess parents?). If this is what that district wants, then they have every right to use it, imo.


This is one very good reason for education to be local and not national. :)

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In our state, texts are chosen by each district, with input from teachers (and I guess parents?). If this is what that district wants, then they have every right to use it, imo.


This is one very good reason for education to be local and not national. :)


This is also one very good reason to homeschool.:)

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She doesn't hate it. She hates her inability to look away and not post.


It's a foible I share, so I'm sympathetic.


I don't get that. She said she's been, "avoiding the board for a week." That makes me think this is someplace unpleasant for her to be but I don't quite understand why.



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If you hate it so much, why are you here?




I don't recall ever using the word hate. I stated regret.


I have been posting on these boards for yrs. How long have you been here? If it has been for any length of time, you would recognize that the elections have caused a shift in posting demeanor and content.

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I don't recall ever using the word hate. I stated regret.


I have been posting on these boards for yrs. How long have you been here? If it has been for any length of time, you would recognize that the elections have caused a shift in posting demeanor and content.


I'm here for a little bit almost everyday and I don't usually end up with "regrets" about spending time here. I probably wouldn't come at all if I did. But that's just me. I don't have time to waste on things I don't care about.


But I also find reading other people's POVs pretty fascinating, even when they thoroughly disgust me.



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I'm here for a little bit almost everyday and I don't usually end up with "regrets" about spending time here. I probably wouldn't come at all if I did. But that's just me. I don't have time to waste on things I don't care about.


But I also find reading other people's POVs pretty fascinating, even when they thoroughly disgust me.


She misses us, though. And we miss her. :seeya:


(And momof7, that waving guy is saying "hi," not "seeya." Even though he's CALLED "seeya.")

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I don't get that. She said she's been, "avoiding the board for a week." That makes me think this is someplace unpleasant for her to be but I don't quite understand why.



She's trying to rigorously home school a boatload of big kids. This board is sooo addicting to some of us. :001_huh:


It's not unpleasant to her, except that the tone on the board is VERY caustic. It gets that way on occasion, but not to this extent nor for so long. Nor so divisively. This is the very first time we've ever been allowed to talk politics during an election season. We're new at it, and I do not think we're particularly good at it. But she's a very even-handed and fair-minded debater, so she can't just throw out a one-liner zinger. She has to take time for her posts. I imagine that it pains her when information is posted that she considers wrong about a candidate she opposes on deeply held moral grounds, and it's hard for her to step away from the conversation.


I don't agree with her position, or her take on what she is basing her moral disagreement on. But that difference doesn't matter. She is a wonderful woman who contributes to this board with an amazing depth that is not evident if you've not seen her in action. And she cares very much about us, in the way this virtual community is wont to do.


Just cut some slack on her throwaway, self-deprecating comment is all I ask. She's good people.

Edited by Pam "SFSOM" in TN
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Normally I detest textbooks for literature but the link to all the superb diagrams and analysis tools they look terrific thanks for bringing it to my attention. Fwiw, I am equally dismayed to read in some history texts that President Ronald Reagan brought about an end to the cold war more specifically the dismantling of the former USSR. A host of other causes brought that regime to its natural end but very little of its demise had to do with any US policies in my reading, research and life experience working with refuseniks. My point is we all bring something different to the table when evaluating what is good, noble and truthful to our children but am posting to remind readers here that the attitude toward this man, Barack Obama is by no means monolithic in the homeschool community . Nor is it so with other American heroes such as Ronald Reagan. Perhaps that is worth celebrating and at minimum respecting.

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Barack Obama is the most extreme pro-abortion candidate ever to seek the office of President of the United States. He is the most extreme pro-abortion member of the United States Senate. Indeed, he is the most extreme pro-abortion legislator ever to serve in either house of the United States Congress.


He might even get into some non-public school textbooks with those stats.

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From each according to his ability, to each according to his need--Marx


Hey! :001_smile: I do so love to see my man's name pop up!


That's in my top 5 fave Marx quotes!


IMO this world needs a lot more politicians who recognize the truth in that statement.

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Barack Obama is the most extreme pro-abortion candidate ever to seek the office of President of the United States. He is the most extreme pro-abortion member of the United States Senate. Indeed, he is the most extreme pro-abortion legislator ever to serve in either house of the United States Congress.


He might even get into some non-public school textbooks with those stats.

Pro-choice does not equal pro-abortion, but I suspect you already know that. It just doesn't make your point as nicely when you tell it truthfully, though, does it?

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Barack Obama is the most extreme pro-abortion candidate ever to seek the office of President of the United States. He is the most extreme pro-abortion member of the United States Senate. Indeed, he is the most extreme pro-abortion legislator ever to serve in either house of the United States Congress.


He might even get into some non-public school textbooks with those stats.


:confused: He's pro-choice. Like a lot of people. What's extreme pro-abortion? Does he sit down any pregnant woman he sees and lecture them on the need to get an abortion? :001_huh:

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If you hate it so much, why are you here?




Ummm...I didn't see her saying anything about hating this place, but like others, she is trying to avoid coming here because it's getting pretty heated with all of the political discussion.

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Going back to the OP I think a lot of the issue was lost in that blogpost cited. It's got some pretty ridiculous language (like socialist) that's going to ensure some people reading the post are going to be defensive rather then engage the topic. I wish people would take more responsibility for how they use language...


Regardless, it looks like the piece in the (literature) textbook is his speech on race in America. It's not profiling one candidate at the expense of others, it's looking at one moment in current politics that was important for a lot of people. A black man running for president and speaking on one of the most divisive topics in your country, and a darn fine speech to boot. Regardless of the outcome of the election, that was an important moment and deserves to be critically examined.


It's not a bio or an account of his campaign. Though even that would, I think, be reasonable since he has made history.


I think where I wonder a bit is that his speech is only a year old. History hasn't judged whether is was just a good speech in the moment or a great speech and yet, here it is in a literature textbook going to schools. If in 5 years everyone has forgotten the speech, what then? New text of course. A literature text shouldn't (I don't think anyway) be so temporary or trendy or so vunerable to needing to be replaced.


Of course, there's the REAL crime in all this. By making the text so of the moment it's built to go obsolete very soon and then schools will need to order new editions. Cha-Ching!


Actually, how that speech fares in American memory probably doesn't bother the publisher one whit. If it's remembered as a great speech then it's a win because it's in their text. If it's forgotten in a few years then it's a win because it will fatally date the book.

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She's trying to rigorously home school a boatload of big kids. This board is sooo addicting to some of us. :001_huh:


It's not unpleasant to her, except that the tone on the board is VERY caustic. It gets that way on occasion, but not to this extent nor for so long. Nor so divisively. This is the very first time we've ever been allowed to talk politics during an election season. We're new at it, and I do not think we're particularly good at it. But she's a very even-handed and fair-minded debater, so she can't just throw out a one-liner zinger. She has to take time for her posts. I imagine that it pains her when information is posted that she considers wrong about a candidate she opposes on deeply held moral grounds, and it's hard for her to step away from the conversation.


I don't agree with her position, or her take on what she is basing her moral disagreement on. But that difference doesn't matter. She is a wonderful woman who contributes to this board with an amazing depth that is not evident if you've not seen her in action. And she cares very much about us, in the way this virtual community is wont to do.


Just cut some slack on her throwaway, self-deprecating comment is all I ask. She's good people.


(((Pam))) You're one of the people that make this board a great place. Thank you for being a voice of reason, even when things get "sticky" around here. You're good people, too. :001_smile:

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Pro-choice does not equal pro-abortion, but I suspect you already know that. It just doesn't make your point as nicely when you tell it truthfully, though, does it?

You are right Judy, but Laura is too. (I sound like a politician don't I?) We can't help but put spin on things through our words intentional or not because we are all biased on some things. But Obama's record in the pro-choice or abortion rights area is well established. Listen to his speech to Planned Parenthood last May? Saying the first thing he would do in the White House would be to sign into law the freedom of choice act. My understanding is that it would take power away from the states to decide on the issue of life. One more power, and a very important one, given over to the federal government. We have become more like France with a hybrid market/command economy since the bailout especially and Obama will only take us further down the road to Soviet Union status.

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But we also know that Roe v. Wade is about more than a woman's right to choose; it's about equality. It's about whether our daughters are going to have the same opportunities as our sons. And so to truly honor that decision, we need to update the social contract so that women can free themselves, and their children, from violent relationships; so that a mom can stay home with a sick child without getting a pink slip; so that she can go to work knowing that there's affordable, quality childcare for her children; and so that the American dream is within reach for every family in this country. This anniversary reminds us that it's not enough to protect the gains of the past Ă¢â‚¬â€œ we have to build a future that's filled with hope and possibility for all Americans.


What an inspiring thing to read this morning. Thank you for sharing that!!!!!

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Obama Statement on 35th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade Decision


Chicago, IL | January 22, 2008


Chicago, IL -- Senator Barack Obama today released the following statement on the 35th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision.

"Thirty-five years after the Supreme Court decided Roe v. Wade, it's never been more important to protect a woman's right to choose. Last year, the Supreme Court decided by a vote of 5-4 to uphold the Federal Abortion Ban, and in doing so undermined an important principle of Roe v. Wade: that we must always protect women's health. With one more vacancy on the Supreme Court, we could be looking at a majority hostile to a women's fundamental right to choose for the first time since Roe v. Wade. The next president may be asked to nominate that Supreme Court justice. That is what is at stake in this election.


"Throughout my career, I've been a consistent and strong supporter of reproductive justice, and have consistently had a 100% pro-choice rating with Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America.

"When South Dakota passed a law banning all abortions in a direct effort to have Roe overruled, I was the only candidate for President to raise money to help the citizens of South Dakota repeal that law. When anti-choice protesters blocked the opening of an Illinois Planned Parenthood clinic in a community where affordable health care is in short supply, I was the only candidate for President who spoke out against it. And I will continue to defend this right by passing the Freedom of Choice Act as president.

"Moreover, I believe in and have supported common-sense solutions like increasing access to affordable birth control to help prevent unintended pregnancies. In the Illinois state Senate, when Congress failed to require insurance plans to cover FDA-approved contraceptives, I made sure those contraceptives were covered for women in Illinois. In the U.S. Senate, I've worked with Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO) on a bill that would make birth control more affordable for low-income and college women, and introduced the Senate version of Representative Hilda Solis' bill to reduce unintended pregnancies in communities of color. As President, I will improve access to affordable health care and work to ensure that our teens are getting the information and services they need to stay safe and healthy.

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What an inspiring thing to read this morning. Thank you for sharing that!!!!!


That said (my previous posts) I was not attempting to inspire anyone with Obama's statement. I was just using his own words to show how pro-abortion he is. I will not hijack this thread with another abortion debate but I did want to clarify that I was not supporting his position on this issue.

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What an inspiring thing to read this morning. Thank you for sharing that!!!!!


But we also know that Roe v. Wade is about more than a woman's right to choose; it's about equality. It's about whether our daughters are going to have the same opportunities as our sons. And so to truly honor that decision, we need to update the social contract so that women can free themselves, and their children, from violent relationships; so that a mom can stay home with a sick child without getting a pink slip; so that she can go to work knowing that there's affordable, quality childcare for her children; and so that the American dream is within reach for every family in this country. This anniversary reminds us that it's not enough to protect the gains of the past – we have to build a future that's filled with hope and possibility for all Americans.


Please tell me how Roe vs Wade equals equality. How does this enable our daughters to have the same opportunities as our sons? Really...I don't get this argument at all. Roe vs. Wade has NOTHING to do with the statements made after that first sentence. Providing help (community/church organizations, and I would even support govt funded programs for women/men in abusive relationships) to those in tough situations has NOTHING to do with Roe vs. Wade - legalized murder, IMO. There is no logical way as it is presented above to tie those statements together.


Just my 2 cents and I am putting on my flame-protection suit. And I don't mean to go off-topic, but I needed to respond to this.

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Things like this are written to incite fear in the unintelligent and anger in the bigoted. I'm glad schoolchildren will be studying Obama's candidacy and speeches.


I'm glad, too. I'm all for giving the man his due. Think back to the 1960's....who would have even thought we'd see someone of mixed race running for the presidency? I think it's great.


Ria (who is not an Obama supporter, btw)

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Obama Statement on 35th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade Decision


Chicago, IL | January 22, 2008


Chicago, IL -- Senator Barack Obama today released the following statement on the 35th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision.

"Thirty-five years after the Supreme Court decided Roe v. Wade, it's never been more important to protect a woman's right to choose. Last year, the Supreme Court decided by a vote of 5-4 to uphold the Federal Abortion Ban, and in doing so undermined an important principle of Roe v. Wade: that we must always protect women's health. With one more vacancy on the Supreme Court, we could be looking at a majority hostile to a women's fundamental right to choose for the first time since Roe v. Wade. The next president may be asked to nominate that Supreme Court justice. That is what is at stake in this election.


"Throughout my career, I've been a consistent and strong supporter of reproductive justice, and have consistently had a 100% pro-choice rating with Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America.

"When South Dakota passed a law banning all abortions in a direct effort to have Roe overruled, I was the only candidate for President to raise money to help the citizens of South Dakota repeal that law. When anti-choice protesters blocked the opening of an Illinois Planned Parenthood clinic in a community where affordable health care is in short supply, I was the only candidate for President who spoke out against it. And I will continue to defend this right by passing the Freedom of Choice Act as president.

"Moreover, I believe in and have supported common-sense solutions like increasing access to affordable birth control to help prevent unintended pregnancies. In the Illinois state Senate, when Congress failed to require insurance plans to cover FDA-approved contraceptives, I made sure those contraceptives were covered for women in Illinois. In the U.S. Senate, I've worked with Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO) on a bill that would make birth control more affordable for low-income and college women, and introduced the Senate version of Representative Hilda Solis' bill to reduce unintended pregnancies in communities of color. As President, I will improve access to affordable health care and work to ensure that our teens are getting the information and services they need to stay safe and healthy.


This is awesome too! I am so glad my dd will probably get to have a President who will preserve her rights (and mine). Things like this put the minds of so many women voters I know at ease. Thanks again for sharing!!!!!


BTW- I'm not pro-abortion. I don't know anyone who is. That is a ridiculous thing to say- and again- meant to incite fear in the unintelligent and anger in the bigoted.

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All the comments on the blog call Obama a "socialist".


Do they send out a "memo" for this stuff???


Or is it Rush or Fox News setting up today's talking points?


But the attacks are like one big ((((((((((echo-chamber))))))))))


No requirement for "truthfulness", just smear, smear, smear.



Well, if it walks like a duck...


This is from Gary Bauer and the Campaign for Working Families:


In our report yesterday, we told you about a plumber who approached Barack Obama during a campaign event in Ohio over the weekend. As you know, Obama has repeatedly promised to raises taxes on successful entrepreneurs and families, and this plumber called him out on it. He asked Obama, Do you believe in the American dream? I'm being taxed more and more for fulfilling the American dream.


Obama responded by saying, "It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody that is behind you, that they have a chance for success too. I think that when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."


Let me again quote the German philosopher and founder of the communist ideology, Karl Marx: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs."


In other words, you will produce what you can using your talents and then government will use its power to take your earnings and "spread" them to others who are unable or unwilling to do as well. "Spreading the wealth" may sound nice, but it has never worked. The "workers paradise" Marx dreamed of was tried in the Soviet Union with its mandated results and planned economies. The Soviet Union no longer exists.


But Obama wants to try it here. He constantly talks of tax policy in terms of "fairness" whether or not it actually works. Consider this exchange with ABC's Charlie Gibson during the April 16th Democrat primary debate on the subject of raising capital gains taxes:


GIBSON: All right. You have, however, said you would favor an increase in the capital gains tax. As a matter of fact, you said on CNBC, and I quote, "I certainly would not go above what existed under Bill Clinton," which was 28 percent. It's now 15 percent. That's almost a doubling, if you went to 28 percent."


OBAMA: Right.


GIBSON: And in each instance, when the rate dropped, revenues from the tax increased; the government took in more money. And in the 1980s, when the tax was increased to 28 percent, the revenues went down. So why raise it at all, especially given the fact that 100 million people in this country own stock and would be affected?


OBAMA: Well, Charlie, what I"ve said is that I would look at raising the capital gains tax for purposes of fairness. So, whether or not the policy is sound doesnăƒ»t matter. What matters is Barack Obama"s sense of "fairness." Government will decide what's "fair," government will decide how much of your hard-earned income you get to keep, government will determine what your "needs" are.


The Ohio plumber who questioned Obama"s tax plan ought to be running for public office. He"s got it exactly right -- Obama"s tax policies will punish success and they will punish working families.


So there it is. Obama wll raise the capital gains, hurt small businesses and takes his cues from Socialism. Wrap the word "Socialism" up in any fancy way you want, it's still socialism.

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This is awesome too! I am so glad my dd will probably get to have a President who will preserve her rights (and mine). Things like this put the minds of so many women voters I know at ease. Thanks again for sharing!!!!!


BTW- I'm not pro-abortion. I don't know anyone who is. That is a ridiculous thing to say- and again- meant to incite fear in the unintelligent and anger in the bigoted.



There are a lot of people who are pro-abortion. And then there are those of us who aren't. To insinuate that we unintelligent and bigoted is an insult. FWIW, in my much younger days, I too upheld a woman's 'right to choose.' Working on a labor and delivery floor as a nurses aide afforded me the opportunity to see a 16 week old fetus in the dirty utility room, waiting to go out with the trash. Then, I oriented at a facility that was going to provide abortions up to 24 weeks. That day I heard that I would see "feet and hands in the container jar". (After that, I never went back.) Those two experiences combined led me to change my view, many years before I found my faith. So have I made an unintelligent and bigoted decision? I don't think so.


And I'm off to start my day for I don't think that either of will affect how the other views this.

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This is awesome too! I am so glad my dd will probably get to have a President who will preserve her rights (and mine). Things like this put the minds of so many women voters I know at ease. Thanks again for sharing!!!!!


BTW- I'm not pro-abortion. I don't know anyone who is. That is a ridiculous thing to say- and again- meant to incite fear in the unintelligent and anger in the bigoted.

I didn't say that you were pro-abortion. I have never said anything against you. I said Obama is pro-abortion. He is so far for it that he voted twice in the Illinois state legislature to not pass the Infant Born Alive Protection Act. C'mon, not wanting to protect a born baby? Pro-abortion is too mild a term for someone condoning infanticide.

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I think this is a blatant politicizing of literature. There are so many pieces of great literature that are no longer covered and this is a fine example of why. Instead of teaching classic literature we are filling our students head with agenda. When I was growing up we studied great speeches in historical context not literary. Speeches tend to be inspiring and motivational and easily understood by the masses. They do not need to be analyzed as literature... though it would be understandable to analyze them in history or political science to check for truth under the rhetoric.

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So, whether or not the policy is sound doesnăƒ»t matter. What matters is Barack Obama"s sense of "fairness." Government [i.e. Obama, Pelosi, et al.] will decide what's "fair," government [i.e. Obama, Pelosi, et al.] will decide how much of your hard-earned income you get to keep, government [i.e. Obama, Pelosi, et al.] will determine what your "needs" are. (brackets are my additions).


This is truly scary. Since when did we become a nation of whiners screaming, "It's not fair!"? Why don't we give trophies to everyone who plays a sport, even if their team is in last place while we're at it? Oops, we already do that, too, because it's "fair".


Speaking of fairness, I am reminded this morning, as my dd is taking the PSAT, that when she took one of the standardized test last year at the ps, she brought her own graphing calculator as recommended by the testing agency (the SAT group). It was an approved graphing calculator, but my dd was not allowed to use it at the ps. They passed out standard 10 key calculators for everyone to use. They said it wouldn't be "fair" if my dd used her graphing calculator because not everyone can afford one. Who cares? Honestly, my dd's scores aren't being compared to those of the students at the ps; she uses the home school code not the ps code. Her scores are used to determine National Merit status which could translate into scholarship money down the road and a nice thing to have on her transcript. Rather than buying their kids the latest fashion trends (shoes, iPods, cell phones, etc.) parents should be buying their kids the necessities to succeed in school.


This morning before I took my dd to the ps for the test, I printed the page from the SAT website about approved calculators and made sure the counselor at the ps knows that I know what's allowed and that my dd's calculator is approved for usage. No where on that page does the SAT say, "You can only use this calculator if it's fair."


Okay, back to the originally scheduled OP. Sorry, I just had to vent my frustration at the ps and the current sense of "fairness" prevading our culture. It's rampant.

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OBAMA: Well, Charlie, what I"ve said is that I would look at raising the capital gains tax for purposes of fairness. So, whether or not the policy is sound doesn't matter. What matters is Barack Obama"s sense of "fairness." Government will decide what's "fair," government will decide how much of your hard-earned income you get to keep, government will determine what your "needs" are.



Please provide proof that Obama actually said all of this part here. I have searched and can not find anywhere he actually said this.

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There are a lot of people who are pro-abortion. And then there are those of us who aren't. To insinuate that we unintelligent and bigoted is an insult.


I have never, in all my born days, EVER met ANYONE who was pro-abortion. I am sure there are some out there, just like there are some doozy right wing nut jobs out there who bomb abortion clinics. I've never met one of those either.


There is nothing unintelligent about being against a woman's right to choose. There is something extremely unintelligent and ignorant about saying pro-choice = pro-abortion.

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Please provide proof that Obama actually said all of this part here. I have searched and can not find anywhere he actually said this.


The first line is what he said... he did not talk about himself. He said he would consider raising the capital gains tax rate for the purposes of fairness. You can find this from the debate on youtube here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpSDBu35K-8

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I have never, in all my born days, EVER met ANYONE who was pro-abortion. I am sure there are some out there, just like there are some doozy right wing nut jobs out there who bomb abortion clinics. I've never met one of those either.


There is nothing unintelligent about being against a woman's right to choose. There is something extremely unintelligent and ignorant about saying pro-choice = pro-abortion.


I must be beyond extremely unintelligent and ignorant. If a person is pro-choice and one of the choices they are pro about is abortion, then how can the person NOT be pro-abortion.


Wouldn't doctors and the staff at an abortion clinic be pro-abortion?

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I must be beyond extremely unintelligent and ignorant. If a person is pro-choice and one of the choices they are pro about is abortion, then how can the person NOT be pro-abortion.


Wouldn't doctors and the staff at an abortion clinic be pro-abortion?


I would suggest making a point to go out into the world and talk one on one with some people who are pro-choice. You will learn that most of us are not pro-abortion. Actually, many of us give time and money to charities that help the women who choose life.

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