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Purity Balls for boys??


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I'm watching the first season of Shameless. One of the characters bribed his daughter to go to a purity ball. His wife asks if there are purity balls for boys and he says "No, why would there be?" Anyway, it just got me thinking. I've never seen any kind of purity event for boys. Is it a thing?

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I'm watching the first season of Shameless. One of the characters bribed his daughter to go to a purity ball. His wife asks if there are purity balls for boys and he says "No, why would there be?" Anyway, it just got me thinking. I've never seen any kind of purity event for boys. Is it a thing?


Never heard of that.  But then I think purity balls - or any event or group based on sexual activity desired or engaged in or even prohibited - is pretty weird.

I gave exactly the same talks to my children of both genders and exactly the same warnings. 


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I have not heard of one. But I think there used to be a true love waits conference for teens. It wasn't a ball, just seminars, and then the kids were asked to make a pledge at the end which I think involved both genders.

I think it is a really scummy and shaming thing to encourage very young people to make pledges of any kind.  Biblically, that is very close to a VOW, and you had better not make those lightly, scripturally speaking.


But then I won't even "pledge" income whenever a church decides to browbeat people that way.  That is unscriptural.  The Bible says to bring what you have stored up cheerfully at the beginning of the week, not make assertions far in advance that you will give a certain amount.


Ask me how I really feel about this...   ;)

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Never heard of that.  But then I think purity balls - or any event or group based on sexual activity desired or engaged in or even prohibited - is pretty weird.

I gave exactly the same talks to my children of both genders and exactly the same warnings. 



That whole purity (fertility cult) culture is weird. And of course, a lot of it is sponsored by perverts. I have crossed over to blaming the parents who used to get a wee bit of a pass for being uninformed...but if anybody doesn't know about Gothard, Bill Phillips, and all the others by now, it's because they don't want to know.

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Ha ha, we just watched that episode last night! :)


That scene was so creepy, both DH and I were totally wigged out by the guy in charge (" c'mon now, you need to share *details*"... Ewww!). And then of course the dad's response that you are referring to...spot on. Gross in every way.


It's the most appropriately named show, for sure!

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Ha ha, we just watched that episode last night! :)


That scene was so creepy, both DH and I were totally wigged out by the guy in charge (" c'mon now, you need to share *details*"... Ewww!). And then of course the dad's response that you are referring to...spot on. Gross in every way.


It's the most appropriately named show, for sure!

For sure! And, just so everyone reading this thread knows, the show was originally on Showtime so consider yourself warned!!

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I think it is a really scummy and shaming thing to encourage very young people to make pledges of any kind.  Biblically, that is very close to a VOW, and you had better not make those lightly, scripturally speaking.


I agree. We don't say the Pledge of Allegiance, or Girl Scout oaths, or any other kind of pledges.


"But above all, my brethren, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or with any other oath; but your yes is to be yes, and your no, no, so that you may not fall under judgment." James 5:12


“Again, you have heard that the ancients were told, ‘You shall not make false vows, but shall fulfill your vows to the Lord.’ But I [Jesus] say to you, make no oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is the footstool of His feet, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. Nor shall you make an oath by your head, for you cannot make one hair white or black. But let your statement be, ‘Yes, yes’ or â€˜No, no’; anything beyond these is of evil." Matthew 5:33-27


Take that, Purity Ball people. 


ETA: And I agree the whole scene seems pervy and weird. 

Edited by MercyA
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I think it is a really scummy and shaming thing to encourage very young people to make pledges of any kind.  Biblically, that is very close to a VOW, and you had better not make those lightly, scripturally speaking.


But then I won't even "pledge" income whenever a church decides to browbeat people that way.  That is unscriptural.  The Bible says to bring what you have stored up cheerfully at the beginning of the week, not make assertions far in advance that you will give a certain amount.


Ask me how I really feel about this...   ;)


I agree. When we were active church members, I liked to donate in cash anonymously. I'd just put cash in the plate each week . . . I hated pledging. I did it a few years because that's what everyone was supposed to do, but I hated it every time. I think that churches should aim to have a year's funding in cash on hand, and budget for the following year based on what is on hand . . . If I managed a church, that's what I'd do. :) But, then, they wouldn't be able to twist folks' arms for weeks/months each year . . . manipulating people into donating more than they want to . . . I HATED that stuff. 


I was apoplectic when my mom's long-time former church cashed a check she mailed them . . . At the end of the pledge year, soon after a visit back to her home church . . . She's already more than met her annual pledge (I was managing her finances, as she had Alzheimer's . . . ) but that visit hearing about pledge stuff made her more worried about the money . . . They were always talking about money and figuring out more ways to weasel more money out of vulnerable people. Even months/years after they'd known she had Alzheimer's and could not understand or manage her finances! She was so stressed about it, and that's why I'd made sure her pledge was met to honor that wish of hers . . . (And she'd moved away in JANUARY . ..  and had ALZ, so needed to preserve every dollar of her funds to ensure HER care . . . But, we honored that entire year's substantial pledge, even though she was gone, and now supporting a NEW church . . . and also even though she'd made the pledge when she was already very compromised from dementia . . . STILL it wasn't enough for them!)


Anyway, she mailed them a $500 check TOTALLY filled out wrong (like TO: FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, signed in the wrong line, etc) and they knew she had advanced dementia which was why she'd moved away to my home . . . Anyway, they cashed that check, and I had no idea she'd even written and mailed it until I saw the image on a bank statement. I had a conniption fit. They offered to return the funds, but I told them to keep it, with the warning never to cash another check over $100 from my mom . . . (who wasn't even supposed to have access to her checking account . . .  I just hoped that my fit helped one or two of the folks there recognize the wrong they had done and reconsider their future treatment of vulnerable members. .  . That experience reminded me (AGAIN) just how hypocritical and awful that church was. All about serving the needy, supposedly, but very eager to take advantage of a vulnerable member. Anyway, rant over. 

Edited by StephanieZ
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But then I won't even "pledge" income whenever a church decides to browbeat people that way. That is unscriptural. The Bible says to bring what you have stored up cheerfully at the beginning of the week, not make assertions far in advance that you will give a certain amount.


Ask me how I really feel about this... ;)

I am the exact same way!

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Yes, we are watching the American version.


I've only heard of purity balls on this board.

I don't think the formal balls are popular but all the churches in my area have a Father-Daughter dance where the father gives his daughter a ring. So she'll see it in the heat of the moment and have second thoughts? I have no idea.

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I've officially been playing too much Pokemon.  My thoughts were "What kind of Pokemon does that catch?" "Are they making toys now?" and "Wait, girls play Pokemon, too!!"


I have heard of that kind of purity ball, but only for girls...it's super creepy.  I guess I was trying to block the concept from my mind.


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