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Even after concluding that both DS and I HATE lapbooks, I still bought a few more from Hands of a Child! I think I bought a total of five or six, at over $20 per pop. We only completed one of them, and what a waste of time it was.


Sigh. I'm my own worst enemy when it comes to wasting money!

Michelle T

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I am a homeschool mom and I hate lapbooks.


Will my badge be taken away now?


I love the IDEA of lapbooks. I have even purchased lapbooks.


But we don't actually MAKE them. No. I just leave the lapbook packages artfully strewn around as a cover when other homeschoolers visit.



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A lapbook is a visual outline of what you are studying, using small, creatively folded booklets, often attached to a file folder that has also been creatively folded. The booklets can contain a lot of information on one aspect of the topic, or can be very simple (copywork sentences, for example). People often incorporate pockets and other interesting goodies into the lapbook.


Here's the most elaborate one I've ever seen, on the Medieval portion of SOTW:

Middle Ages Lapbook on Steroids


There are other, very simple kinds, too.



Some love them, some don't. Some moms love them but their kids hide when it's time to do them. I'm in that catagory. I'd rather make notebooks.

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I have downloaded some of the freebie ones. I quickly looked through them and realized it would be a waste of our time. This is how part of the conversation would play should we be forced into completing one.


MOM: We are going to do a lapbook.

Z: Why? Do I have to do it on my lap?

MOM: No, it's just a name. It's like a scrapbook for what we are studying.

Z: What are we studying?

MOM: ___________ (fill in the blank)

Z: Can we do one on Pokemon instead?

MOM: No!

Z: Why?

MOM: Would you please cut out these things?

Z: Can you do it, I can't cut the straight lines very well.

MOM: Now we are going to fold the paper

Z: (folds paper) Look, I made a paper airplane.

MOM: We are not studying aviation today. (smiling through gritted teeth)

Z: Can we? Why don't we fly anywhere anymore?

MOM: It's easier to drive most places now. Would you please glue these pictures now.

Z: Should I use the regular glue or the glue stick?

MOM: Either will be fine. (watches as Z now spreads a gallon of glue on each picture)

Z: Can I color his face? (he grins pointing to a picture of some historical figure)

MOM: No.

Z: Is this supposed to go this way?

MOM: Let me look at the instructions.

Z: (zooming sounds are heard as he is now flying his paper airplane around the room)

MOM: Would you focus please.

Z: What? I'm just trying to have some fun?

MOM: This is supposed to be fun! (again through gritted teeth)

Z: I'd rather play with my airplane. Look I accidentally glued my fingers together.

MOM: Would you sit down and finish please.

Z: How much longer until break?

MOM: Once we are finished here.

Z: (now glues one final picture) there done.

MOM: Can you tell me about what we've just studied? (trying to be serious now)

Z: (spouts a few brief sentences about lapbook) Are we done now?

MOM: Yes, after you help me clean up.

Z: Ah, can't you do that, I want to play with my plane.

MOM: (slams head on table, hair landing in the scraps of paper covered in glue. Lifts head now has paper hanging from hair)

Z: Nice hairdo, Mom.


That is why we don't do lapbooks.

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We did one on the American flag over the summer and we all had a good time. Well, I didn't have a good time, but I didn't glue the boys to the walls, so I considered it a win.


Then we did one on the Olympics. It's one of my worst homeschooling memories. The boys enjoyed it, for the most part, but I just remember it as a glue/marker/paper scrap/noisy/rambunctious mess. I actually posted here for you guys to stop me if I ever considered doing one again.


You are not alone.

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Oh gosh, same here.


Busy work.


Waste of time.


For us, that is.


I have bought a few, printed them out, then put the paper through the shredder. My son says they remind him of public school.


I think if I had a child that liked that kind of thing, we'd do it. I'd still see it as a waste of time, though.


They are pretty, when I see them all done on websites--I just question the value. For us, that is.

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From someone who does a lot of lapbooks, it is not a big deal whether you do them or not. Lapbooking is just creative notebooking. It accomplishes the same thing. If you notebook, you might do some copywork, mapwork, coloring pages, crafts and stick them in your 3-ring binder. If you lapbook, you take the same info and put it into little booklets or flaps and put it in a lapbook folder. It accomplishes the same thing.


If you want to enjoy lapbooking, never buy pre-packaged lapbooks. They are boring and overwhelming. I like lapbooks, but I hate these things. If you want to seriously try it, make it work for you. Put the info in that you think is important and want to go back over. I have a six year old, so we might have drawings and coloring sheets. (Trust me, there are plenty of very good, free lapbooks online to try that are better than those you can purchase.)


But seriously, it is just a substitution for notebooking. We notebook history and lapbook science. To each his own.



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I *want* to like lapbooks. After many attempts and failures, we are about to start not just one, but TWO lapbooks. Maybe next week. I want to do one on Ancient Egypt, and discovered that I already own 2 lovely options! I don't remember downloading them, but hey, they're magically on my computer.


I also want to try the bird one again, since we're studying birds and we never finished it last time. :D


Every time I try them, I end up hating them and swear I will never do another one. Then, when enough time passes, I decide it couldn't have been *that* bad, and we get to try again. That's where we are now - the forgetfulness phase. The girls like them if they don't have to do all the cutting so I'm planning to spend some time getting things cut out ahead of time. I really, really like the CM way of doing things but I feel like we need something visual to go along with our studies and I'm hoping lapbooks will provide that.... even though it hasn't worked so far. :lol:

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I always avoided 'parent projects' where someone cuts out everything for the kiddo and then they put it together. Not creative for them, and lots too much busy work for both them and me.


But once DD was 11, she started to enjoy putting together the occasional lapbook. She did it herself. She incorporated illustrations that she drew. She cut out everything herself. My job was just to help coach her through the writing parts, and cheer, which I have gladly done. She loves having those finished projects to show people and to remind herself of her scholarship. We use ideas from Steward Ship on these, and that is just enough guidance for us--no excessive 'cuteness' or preprinted cutouts.


But she prefers those big 3 panel cardboard project presentation formats for social studies or science projects.


I wish she would shift to lapbooks a little more--those 3 panel boards are much more bulky and difficult to store.

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Lapbooks? Detest them. I have, on occasion, forced myself to do a few because I have these that just love those things. What is wrong with them, I ask? Poor, abused children of mine.


My 11 yr old dd now puts her own notebooks together without my assistance. That I can deal with.



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You may officially join the "No Fun Mom's Club". We hold monthly meetings where we discuss ways to make sure our homeschools are "no fun". You will get your official ID card at the next meeting. ;)


May I say "Thank Goodness" for this club. It has saved my sanity many a time. Plus it saves me oodles of money, because now I have permission in the form of an official ID card *not* to buy all sorts of lovely and useless craft and activity materials, guides, planners, storage boxes, etc. etc.


Boy, did I get a ribbing when I volunteered to give a talk about the importance of outdoor play & activities for my local parenting group. They all knew of my No Fun Moms membership from of old, and they wondered how in the world Sharon could possibly have anything to say about getting your children to do outdoor activities. I patiently explained that the first step in getting your children to play outdoors is to lock the door behind them. Boredom will do the rest. :lol:

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I hate arts and crafts projects!


My poor kids have no idea what construction paper is for. They have never glued macaroni on something or strung it on a string for a necklace. They've never dressed up like Egyptians to celebrate our Egyptian Unit Study, either!


I'm just a bad mom, I know. Hanging my head in shame!:001_smile:

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I was so excited when I learned that my library had Arts & Craft project Wednesday, one day a month for the 1st - 5th graders. My son was there everytime. It was wonderful, he loved it, and the planning & mess was all theirs.


Thankfully he finally picked up the lack of interest in arts & crafts from me and no longer wishes for me to find him an art class to attend.

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