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pokemon go...


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Today I saw an article on a couple of guys who managed to fall off a cliff playing this game:




And of course there are warnings floating around that the game invokes demons in churches.


My jaw dropped when I read about there being a poke-stop at a rehabilitation center for child sex offenders. Oh my word.

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I believe there will be a lot of accidents involving people playing this game, and I believe a lot of people playing this game will be victims of violent crimes.  Much safer to play games Online. Here's a link that illustrates some of the things that have already happened:



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I believe there will be a lot of accidents involving people playing this game, and I believe a lot of people playing this game will be victims of violent crimes. Much safer to play games Online. Here's a link that illustrates some of the things that have already happened:



A lot of this boils down to using common sense.


Pay attention to your surroundings.


Don't follow lures into isolated/remote locations, particularly at night.


Dont follow people you don't know.


Be respectful--just because a place may be a Pokemon location does not mean you should go there and be a public nuisance with your presence or worse break the law. (Cemeteries, memorials, private property).




The game can be fun and safe if you follow common sense.

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I believe there will be a lot of accidents involving people playing this game, and I believe a lot of people playing this game will be victims of violent crimes.  Much safer to play games Online. Here's a link that illustrates some of the things that have already happened:




I'm sure you're right on both counts. There are already lots of people getting distracted and not paying attention to their surroundings who end up getting hurt. As for violent crime, I expect that will spike short-term at this point when the game has first come out and is really "hot", and then fizzle out as the crowds thin. Online games certainly are safer. Safer isn't necessarily better, though. Sitting at home alone on a computer is certainly less risky than actually walking around a busy neighbourhood and interacting in public places with other people who have similar interests. One of those things sounds more worthwhile though. After all, it's a dangerous business, going out your door. You step on to the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.

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Does anyone have suggestions for a relatively inexpensive cell phone? DD is attempting to play on my iPad, since we don't have a phone that will run it, and just looking at my Facebook, it looks like it's a real social thing for kids her age, so if we could upgrade her account to a better phone on her tracphone plan, it might be worth it. She is usually completely disinterested in games at all.


I have this one and I love it



Dd just bought this, came yesterday and it is a fantastic phone


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Today I saw an article on a couple of guys who managed to fall off a cliff playing this game:




And of course there are warnings floating around that the game invokes demons in churches.




That last bit cracked me up.  Last Sunday after church the kids were talking about Pokemon Go and what they found in the church building, and by the end of the conversation they'd gathered a crowd of over-50's and basically had a little tutorial for how to download and get going with the game. 

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I downloaded the game to try it out. It is so glitchy. On our normal 3 mile walk in the neighborhood I found about 20 pokemon but was only able to collect 4. I had to keep restarting the game. There's no way that my kids will have the patience for that. Also, this game is a total battery hog! 

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I downloaded the game to try it out. It is so glitchy. On our normal 3 mile walk in the neighborhood I found about 20 pokemon but was only able to collect 4. I had to keep restarting the game. There's no way that my kids will have the patience for that. Also, this game is a total battery hog! 


I had the same problem on my phone, but on DH's phone it's fine. I think to run properly, you need a top-of-the-line cell. :/ Are there minimum requirement listed anywhere? I'm upgrading my phone soon, might as well get something that the kids can play Pokemon on.

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I think the game is just glitchy, and the servers are overloaded right now. I've heard people with the iPhone 6 and fairly high end Androids have similar complaints. I have problems even in my own house on strong wifi with an iPad Air 2. Last night there were a bunch of kids at the tumbling gym (and a few parents) catching pokemon, and most were regularly losing GPS and getting the spinning pokeball thing at times-no matter whether they were on "mom's old phone that only works as an iPod now" or "new phone just purchased last week". It also seems to depend on when and where you're playing. I have no trouble collecting Pokemon in my neighborhood early in the morning, but after it gets dark, it's impossible. Apparently, the Pokestop at the park near our house seems to attract whatever the bat pokemon are, and a lot of people are coming to try to catch them. It does mean that lures get dropped there regularly, which DD loves because she can pick up pokemon in the living room.





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I believe there will be a lot of accidents involving people playing this game, and I believe a lot of people playing this game will be victims of violent crimes.  Much safer to play games Online.


Obesity is a much bigger health risk in this country than playing Pokemon Go, imo, but injuries sustained while playing a game outside are much more newsworthy than the negative health consequences from sitting on your butt all day (nobody cares to read a headline like "obese kid diagnosed with type 2 diabetes" every time it happens, but "man falls off of cliff while playing Pokemon Go" is newsworthy). That said, don't be stupid while playing.

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I think this game is really neat and has some wonderful positives!


Of course, I find the accidents distressing but I am optimistically hoping that this becomes a teachable moment of sorts.


We already live in a world where people follow GPS into lakes and people ignore "silence please" signs at memorials.


I've seen Pokemon Go tips about being respectful, careful etc so maybe not *everyone* but hopefully some people will learn some of that via this game.




Edited by happi duck
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I just had a mom send me a link to Pokemon's evil and demonic/occultic roots and how horrible it was that my children played.  




And it's a gateway drug to Magic: The Gathering, which must be a million times worse.


Seriously though, I'd just laugh it off.

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I discovered that one of the courthouses I frequent in my work is a pokestop. It's a small enough courthouse that, while the stop is centered out front, I can spin it while I'm sitting in the courtroom waiting for my clients to be called for hearings. 


With the sound off, of course!

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And it's a gateway drug to Magic: The Gathering, which must be a million times worse.


Seriously though, I'd just laugh it off.



And my son used to play that every Friday night.  He has now switched to Dungeons and Dragons, another satanic drug.


Oh, and he is majoring in Game Development in college and will be designing evil.

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I had the same problem on my phone, but on DH's phone it's fine. I think to run properly, you need a top-of-the-line cell. :/ Are there minimum requirement listed anywhere? I'm upgrading my phone soon, might as well get something that the kids can play Pokemon on.


It needs at least 2 gb of RAM or it won't download at all I discovered. DH and I had to trade phones so DS could play on mine because I'm the one with a data plan but my phone didn't have enough RAM.

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For all those focusing on the evils of just not using common sense, there are great things happening because of the game. I already mentioned my clinically depressed neighbor getting out of her house. And everyone knows there are a lot of pale chubby people exercising. Today my oldest took public transit ( he does that a lot 21 and no car) and went to museums. He went one he hadn't been to and really liked it--enough to call me and tell me how great it is.

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This game may be an evolutionary even in human history. What with people literally walking into the middle of busy highways and such. 


But really, lots of good things are happening. And a lot of these are people with some social skills issues to start with, but maybe this will be a chance for them to learn. 

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It needs at least 2 gb of RAM or it won't download at all I discovered. DH and I had to trade phones so DS could play on mine because I'm the one with a data plan but my phone didn't have enough RAM.


Which still doesn't solve the mystery of Google telling me my phone won't run it, since I have 2GB of RAM. I wish they'd at least let me try to install it, but they won't. I'll probably get the Note 6 when it comes out, but by then everyone will have moved on to the next fad. Oh well.



And everyone knows there are a lot of pale chubby people exercising.


Can we quit bashing pale people? Some of us don't color, even if we're outside a lot. You should've seen me when I came back from a year in Thailand (and was outside all the time), still paler than most other 'white' people.

Edited by luuknam
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This made me laugh.   You just can't take this kind of thing seriously.  It's too ludicrous. 


It does make me a little sad for kids who have parents like that though. Of course, those people are probably sad for my kids, who have heathen LGBT parents, and had over 500 Pokemon cards before Pokemon Go existed (most of the cards used to belong to my brother and he gave them to us for free).

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It was kind of neat-this afternoon in our little pocket park, we had two middle school age boys, a 8 yr old girl, my 11 yr old girl, a 20 something who had stopped and gotten out of his car, and this 44 yr old mom. All congregated around a Pokestop because the two boys had used a lure, all talking. DD found a real Sphinx moth, and they were all looking at it and enjoying it.


For my kid who spends her life collecting and catching and classifying real organisms, this is really awesome. It's giving her a common language to invite others into her world and share what she loves. And that's pretty awesome. As she says, it's harder for people to be scared of a real snake when they're trying to hunt down Ekans ;).

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Can we quit bashing pale people? Some of us don't color, even if we're outside a lot. You should've seen me when I came back from a year in Thailand (and was outside all the time), still paler than most other 'white' people.


I don't colour either.  I don't think I was bashing anyone.  They were pale and lanky.  That's what they were.

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A lot of businesses in my area are doing some fun marketing things to take advantage of Pokémon Go popularity. A local bar and restaurant has advertised a Pikachu drink, not sure what's in it. Places are offering a free charging station and advertising that they have lures.

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I don't colour either.  I don't think I was bashing anyone.  They were pale and lanky.  That's what they were.


It's the "it's good to see pale people outside" thing that's annoying. As if all pale people are pale because they're inside all the time. Some people are pale because of genetics, not due to a lack of sun exposure.

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I have three dc. Two are pale. One of those pale dc is always pale. She is outside a lot. Recently spent two weeks hiking. She has two skin colors blinding white (at night she sometimes appears to glow) and red. The other pale person is pale because he doesn't get out. He's also overweight. So, I actually had a specific reference to a pale, chubby person.

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A lot of businesses in my area are doing some fun marketing things to take advantage of Pokémon Go popularity. A local bar and restaurant has advertised a Pikachu drink, not sure what's in it. Places are offering a free charging station and advertising that they have lures.


Seriously, this is a fantastic plan, especially for a business lucky enough to be near a Pokestop. Free charging stations and keep lures going, maybe a "pokemon of the day" where people get a small percentage off their bill if they've caught a certain Pokemon or something. There are so many awesome marketing opportunities right now for retailers and restaurants.


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I'm so glad for this thread.


Just last night a friend of DD's mentioned in front of me that "pocky" must be getting hot at the local high school.


I thought she was talking about a new drug craze, maybe a new designer drug. I even google different versions of what sounded like "pocky".


I didn't have a chance to ask DD about it before I went to sleep. So it was still on my mind, and I had a dream about DD and her friend smashing egg shells and snorting them.


First chance I got today, I asked DD about what her friend was talking about and she said it was the Pokemon game. I felt really dumb, and I still didn't really get it. This thread clears it up a bit.


I've got a relative in rehab right now and I guess I've got drugs on my mind.

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We just got home from an outing to the river and when crossing a busy major intersection with four lanes, we saw five people walking across several lanes of traffic through a red light while looking at their phones. One of them was pushing a baby stroller. We guessed they were playing Pokemon go from the looks of it. I'm afraid someone is going to get killed while focused so intently on the game.

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My 3 kids play (21, 19, 17). Many of my friends play (18 - 60).


I think it's awesome.


Better than Candy Crush Saga which was stationary and non social.


I can't see being critical of it, but supportive of fantasy football (which sometimes includes stupidity and drunkeness).

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One of my FB friends is around my age (30s) and posted on FB: 'There may or may not be tons of Pokemon at *local university art center*.  Of course, *I* was there looking at art.'  :lol:  

I was there like the next day and forgot to even look.  They do a thing during the summer for kids - a free art studio every day - and the boys have mostly outgrown it but I've been taking Pink.  This week was tie-dye, though, so all the kids went... you can't have too much tie dye, apparently!!


And the museum of fine arts in the city about an hour away is advertising that you can catch Pokemon there.  :)  


I think it's all pretty fun.

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Also, I think people are quick to say that people are playing pokemon if they see them on their phone being oblivious, but let's be realistic. People have been being dumb while using their phones for a long time...texting while driving, texting while walking, etc. They do't need Pokemon to be doing it. 

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