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I'm such a dunce with new things. I don't get it.

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I don't do change.:D I want to understand if these new features serve some sort of purpose but so far I'm clueless. What's the purpose of contacts and friends? And what's the difference between the two? What/why are social groups? Is the feedback thing-y just for buy/sell/swap transactions? And does anyone else find it odd that we can read visitor messages left for other people on their profile pages? Count me confuzzled.:001_huh:

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And does anyone else find it odd that we can read visitor messages left for other people on their profile pages? Count me confuzzled.:001_huh:

I was wondering about that. Maybe it's suppose to be like facebook or something and we can still send private messages if we don't want other people to see what we write. At least that is how I am understanding it...I could be wrong.

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I don't do change.:D I want to understand if these new features serve some sort of purpose but so far I'm clueless. What's the purpose of contacts and friends? And what's the difference between the two? What/why are social groups? Is the feedback thing-y just for buy/sell/swap transactions? And does anyone else find it odd that we can read visitor messages left for other people on their profile pages? Count me confuzzled.:001_huh:



I could have written this entire post myself. I wander around in a permenent state of confussion.Just about the time I figure one thing out someone goes and changes it on me. :confused:

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Maybe it's suppose to be like facebook or something and we can still send private messages if we don't want other people to see what we write.


Yeah, I read Heather's post about the changes and she said the Visitor Messages are "kind of like the "Wall" on Facebook". That has no meaning to me since I don't do Facebook. I'm hoping this board doesn't evolve that direction.

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Yeah, count me among the clueless. I don't know the difference between contacts and friends, nor do I understand the purpose of having friends (but I still want you to be mine :D). I have no clue about social groups, either. And it is kinda weird that others can view the messages on your profile page... but I guess it's kinda neat in a way, too.


But I do like being able to add photo albums, that's fun. :001_smile:

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Yeah, count me among the clueless. I don't know the difference between contacts and friends, nor do I understand the purpose of having friends. I have no clue about social groups, either. :001_smile:


:iagree:...why do we need to know who is "friends" with who? Unless there is some sort of benefit in having those categories, other than that, I am missing something.


I am not into Facebook either, Colleen. :001_smile: I wouldn't be able to find the time to keep up with that, the boards, and my blog!

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I don't do facebook either. I'm also a little confused and, as a confirmed introvert, a little nervous. Am I supposed to do something?


What if I ask someone to be my friend and they don't want to be?

What if they ask me and I don't want to be?

What if nobody asks?

What if someone changes their mind?


Ugh. Maybe I should just crawl into my hole today.

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I don't do change.:D I want to understand if these new features serve some sort of purpose but so far I'm clueless. What's the purpose of contacts and friends? And what's the difference between the two? What/why are social groups? Is the feedback thing-y just for buy/sell/swap transactions? And does anyone else find it odd that we can read visitor messages left for other people on their profile pages? Count me confuzzled.:001_huh:


I've already discovered that you can either approve or disapprove comments left for you. So, the ones you don't like, you can remove yourself. Less work for admin, and there is no more anonymity in comments.


Speaking in general terms (and not to you specifically, Colleen)... the purpose of contacts, friends and social groups seems to be to replace the rep toy, and still placate the desperate need for validation by total strangers.

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I don't do change.:D I want to understand if these new features serve some sort of purpose but so far I'm clueless. What's the purpose of contacts and friends? And what's the difference between the two? What/why are social groups? Is the feedback thing-y just for buy/sell/swap transactions? And does anyone else find it odd that we can read visitor messages left for other people on their profile pages? Count me confuzzled.:001_huh:



What I find REALLY odd is that people can invite certain people to their group and have discussions with JUST the people they invited and yet anyone and everyone can read it??!! Weird.

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:iagree:...why do we need to know who is "friends" with who? Unless there is some sort of benefit in having those categories, other than that, I am missing something.


I am not into Facebook either, Colleen. :001_smile: I wouldn't be able to find the time to keep up with that, the boards, and my blog!





I feel odd knowing who other peoples friends are or others knowing mine.


I am not into facebook either, I thought that was for a younger crowd...:confused:

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This is getting more and more confusing for me. I'm not so sure I like Change.


I don't do change.:D I want to understand if these new features serve some sort of purpose but so far I'm clueless. What's the purpose of contacts and friends? And what's the difference between the two? What/why are social groups? Is the feedback thing-y just for buy/sell/swap transactions? And does anyone else find it odd that we can read visitor messages left for other people on their profile pages? Count me confuzzled.:001_huh:
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What I find REALLY odd is that people can invite certain people to their group and have discussions with JUST the people they invited and yet anyone and everyone can read it??!! Weird.


My thoughts exactly. I'm trying to play along, agreeing to be friends when asked because, well, that just seems like the right thing to do. (I've not yet figured out how to ask others to be my friends, or whether there's any reason to do so.) Because I don't like not understanding, I want to "get" these new features, but they seem rather...well...Let's just say "invite only" social groups are just wa-a-ay to Heathers for me. (Apologies to all you very nice Heathers out there.;)) I mean, for goodness sake. What's the point of a private circle with public conversation? I hereby vow not to join any "invite only" social groups, but I confess I'd like to know how such features are supposed to be "upgrades".

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My thoughts exactly. I'm trying to play along, agreeing to be friends when asked because, well, that just seems like the right thing to do. (I've not yet figured out how to ask others to be my friends, or whether there's any reason to do so.) Because I don't like not understanding, I want to "get" these new features, but they seem rather...well...Let's just say "invite only" social groups are just wa-a-ay to Heathers for me. (Apologies to all you very nice Heathers out there.;)) I mean, for goodness sake. What's the point of a private circle with public conversation? I hereby vow not to join any "invite only" social groups, but I confess I'd like to know how such features are supposed to be "upgrades".



Well the one group I was talking about in particular I can no longer find. So maybe it got set to private if that is possible. And that only makes sense! Why have an exclusive group that only certain people can respond too yet everyone can read?? That is where I was :confused: .

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I've already discovered that you can either approve or disapprove comments left for you. So, the ones you don't like, you can remove yourself. Less work for admin, and there is no more anonymity in comments.


Speaking in general terms (and not to you specifically, Colleen)... the purpose of contacts, friends and social groups seems to be to replace the rep toy, and still placate the desperate need for validation by total strangers.


I don't feel validation as much as amusement knowing few of my "friends" would want to be friends with me IRL. I still somehow feel this is someone's psych experiment. :D

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I don't do facebook either. I'm also a little confused and, as a confirmed introvert, a little nervous. Am I supposed to do something?


What if I ask someone to be my friend and they don't want to be?

What if they ask me and I don't want to be?

What if nobody asks?

What if someone changes their mind?


Ugh. Maybe I should just crawl into my hole today.


I feel the same way. (Also as an introvert).

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I don't feel validation as much as amusement knowing few of my "friends" would want to be friends with me IRL. I still somehow feel this is someone's psych experiment. :D


I think I feel like it's somewhat the opposite. While we chat and converse with many here, there may be a few people that we honestly connect more with. Or perhaps do know IRL, or through email, etc. Those are the people I would think of as "friends". Kind of a way to have a smaller circle within such a large (and growing) message board. *shrug*


Even on the old board there were people who emailed one another more, or IM'd, or arranged real life meet-ups. It's not necessarily cliquish to connect more with one poster than another.

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Well, so far, I'm finding all of this amusing, but I'm just glad I can still do the main things that brought me to this forum in the first place - ask questions, answer questions, and discuss "Classical" hs'ing, and hs'ing in general. :D :D


I'll figure out all of the new-fangled stuff later, or maybe not. :D

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Well the one group I was talking about in particular I can no longer find. So maybe it got set to private if that is possible. And that only makes sense! Why have an exclusive group that only certain people can respond too yet everyone can read?? That is where I was :confused: .


It was deleted. I only set it up to test the feature. I don't actually want a social group with my name on it. That would be a bit narcissistic. I just did not know any way to try it out other than setting one up. I invited some people to join it to test out how you invite people to join a group. Then we chatted on it for a day and tested out how the whole thing works. Once it served its purpose, I deleted it. End of story.


If someone puts a new feature on the forums I feel a responsibility to test it out!:lol:

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I think I feel like it's somewhat the opposite. While we chat and converse with many here, there may be a few people that we honestly connect more with. Or perhaps do know IRL, or through email, etc. Those are the people I would think of as "friends". Kind of a way to have a smaller circle within such a large (and growing) message board. *shrug*


Even on the old board there were people who emailed one another more, or IM'd, or arranged real life meet-ups. It's not necessarily cliquish to connect more with one poster than another.


That's true.

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It was deleted. I only set it up to test the feature. I don't actually want a social group with my name on it. That would be a bit narcissistic. I just did not know any way to try it out other than setting one up. I invited some people to join it to test out how you invite people to join a group. Then we chatted on it for a day and tested out how the whole thing works. Once it served its purpose, I deleted it. End of story.


If someone puts a new feature on the forums I feel a responsibility to test it out!:lol:


Actually I think its fine to have a private group! I really do, I just can't figure out why the software would make it so everyone could read instead of just the people that were in the private group, kwim?


ETA: That would make it....not private, ya know?

Edited by Momto4kids
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Per SWB, the primary intent of the rep system was to provide feedback on buy/sell transactions. However, it was not helpful, IMO, because no one could actually read the comments and because most of the rep given was NOT for trading transactions.


I's sure someone will probably figure out how to navigate this system to work that way as well. ;)


I hope not because I think it could be a useful tool.

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Well, I was thinking that I could make a couple of people friends because I tend to PM them often to ask questions (or plan to) and it may make it easier to do that. There are a couple of people that I like to follow around because I enjoy their posts. (I am not a stalker, I promise! Don't ya'll ever do that?)


I was thinking of using the social group for all of the people that have requested an email of the curriculum I am using so that I can let them all know of updates.


So, the concept seems like a childish popularity contest type thing... but I am starting to think of uses. I don't know why someone has to accept the fact that I make them a friend. That is wierd. I also do not know the difference between friends and contacts. Contacts don't show up on your profile with a picture? They don't have to agree to be a contact? That would be preferable, I suppose.

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I'm too tired for this tonight. I started trying to play around with it all and figure it out -- but I don't get it. :confused:


I think I'm too simple-minded or something.... :glare:


If you check your user panel, you will be able to see if people friend request you. In the lower right corner of that section, there is a link to manage your friend requests. Once there, you will see the people listed. There is a little square above their name/avatar. Click on it/them, and "save changes". I don't know how to send a friend request yet.


If you click on your user profile, you will be brought to the fun page, which has a window with tabs where you can view feedback on yourself, comments people leave you, and more.


That's all I know so far. :001_smile:

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Well, I was thinking that I could make a couple of people friends because I tend to PM them often to ask questions (or plan to) and it may make it easier to do that. There are a couple of people that I like to follow around because I enjoy their posts. (I am not a stalker, I promise! Don't ya'll ever do that?)


I was thinking of using the social group for all of the people that have requested an email of the curriculum I am using so that I can let them all know of updates.


So, the concept seems like a childish popularity contest type thing... but I am starting to think of uses. I don't know why someone has to accept the fact that I make them a friend. That is wierd. I also do not know the difference between friends and contacts. Contacts don't show up on your profile with a picture? They don't have to agree to be a contact? That would be preferable, I suppose.


There are lots of good uses for it! Keeping up with the preggo ladies, talking about a specific curriculum, political debates, etc.


Now the friend thing, I don't know. I have like a million friends now so how is that going to be convenient?

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If you check your user panel, you will be able to see if people friend request you. In the lower right corner of that section, there is a link to manage your friend requests. Once there, you will see the people listed. There is a little square above their name/avatar. Click on it/them, and "save changes". I don't know how to send a friend request yet.


If you click on your user profile, you will be brought to the fun page, which has a window with tabs where you can view feedback on yourself, comments people leave you, and more.


That's all I know so far. :001_smile:

Do you mean the CP? I see a networking section in the middle of the left side. I don't see a link in the lower right corner, am I on the wrong page?
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My thoughts exactly. I'm trying to play along, agreeing to be friends when asked because, well, that just seems like the right thing to do. (I've not yet figured out how to ask others to be my friends, or whether there's any reason to do so.) Because I don't like not understanding, I want to "get" these new features, but they seem rather...well...Let's just say "invite only" social groups are just wa-a-ay to Heathers for me. (Apologies to all you very nice Heathers out there.;)) I mean, for goodness sake. What's the point of a private circle with public conversation? I hereby vow not to join any "invite only" social groups, but I confess I'd like to know how such features are supposed to be "upgrades".


I actually think the group thing could be very profitable. If you want to have a "Political Group" you can and know what you are getting into before you join. Just because it is public does not negate the possibilities of its use. People who have no desire to be involved in these kinds of threads don't even have to know they are going on, you know? On the General Board it is impossible to miss them because they pop back up over and over. There are many that would like to avoid them altogether. It could also be used for all sorts of side subject discussions.


As you know I am very happy the rep system is gone--primarily for their anonymous aspect. I will miss the kind comments that people made and that I enjoyed making and that is why I like the feedback messaging. I can still leave a note for that poster with reference to their post and now if someone leaves a note it is no longer anon. I don't have anything positive to say that I would not say publicly anyway and only used the + rep system because it was there. I really appreciate that anything we say is now tracked to our name. Hopefully that will stem the anon. ugliness that sometimes cropped up.


As far as Facebook goes - the idea of the "Wall" is similar to leaving comments on someone's blog. It is just a "kudos" or friendly note or an "I'm thinking about you today" kind of thing. (Like the note I left you this AM.) I could not do that via rep because it would eliminate my ability to do so on your posts that I really appreciated. There is no limit now to the notes I can leave. (Which may or may not be viewed in a positive light!! LOL)


Anyway, those are my thoughts about a board that is a very small part of my very busy life. I think the changes are good.

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I don't do facebook either. I'm also a little confused and, as a confirmed introvert, a little nervous. Am I supposed to do something?


What if I ask someone to be my friend and they don't want to be?

What if they ask me and I don't want to be?

What if nobody asks?

What if someone changes their mind?


Ugh. Maybe I should just crawl into my hole today.


Oh, Virginia Dawn, how I long to rep you. This is me to a tee. What if I try to befriend them, and they don't come?!


We're so sad, aren't we?


PS: I'll be your friend. :001_smile: Unless you don't wanna be.... :001_huh:



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Well, I have a few thoughts here. First, I recently worked on a report about social marketing and social networking (MySpace, Facebook, message boards, blogs, etc.). One of the key points made by my colleague was that, particularly if you offer free forums, giving users ways to strengthen their personal identities makes them more loyal users and a stronger community overall. Also, it can help in terms of privacy and security--a troll is more likely to be recognized quickly, YK? I think TPTB are just offering the tools VBulletin is offering. No one HAS TO use them. They can be fun, though.


Also, we complained a lot about the rep system in the beginning. I totally hated it and thought it was pointless. By the end, I had four squares and was checking every day to see if I had more. I think most of us got into the silly fun of it in the end.


I'm on two other boards that offer these features and a lot more. I don't use any of them. I love this community for what it is no matter what.


Just my .02! Carry on...:D

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This is so totally demoralizing. I'm an introvert, too, and I know I'm just going to be excluded from everything. Why can't we just talk?


I hope I can keep posting and keep reading, even if I don't have a friend in the world.






I may just go into Lurkdom and just read all the posts. It took me until just recently to figure out about the rep and pm, where they were and how to use them.


I agree with "why can't we just talk?". I'm afraid, like you Sandy, that I won't have a friend in the world. Will that matter when it comes to asking questions or posting? How will I know?


I hate change. :confused:

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This is so totally demoralizing. I'm an introvert, too, and I know I'm just going to be excluded from everything. Why can't we just talk?


I hope I can keep posting and keep reading, even if I don't have a friend in the world.




You can still post, reply to a post, rate a thread, private message other members who do not have pm'ing disabled, etc.


What is the "everything" that you want to be part of? People's private conversations? Childish maneuvers to rack up a high friendship count and re-establish or start new cliques? Speaking as one who mostly is outside looking in with her nose pressed to the window, I rather enjoy the humor and irony of it all.

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