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Do You Like to do Jigsaw Puzzles? Do your kids?


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I'm putting together a beautiful Ravensburger puzzle and I'm just wondering if many people even do this still. Is it dying out among younger people?


I remember my parents often having puzzles they worked on for periods of time; my MIL used to do them often as well.


How about you and your family?

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I do like jigsaw puzzles, especially Clue mystery puzzles. We used to have a few before the kids came. I got rid of them thinking I'd never have time to put them together again, and now I would love to get them back. I know my oldest dd would love it.


Funny story about puzzles. When my dh and I got married we enjoyed doing puzzles together. We started the first one together and my dh started finding all of the edge pieces. I asked him what he was doing, and he told me. I said, "Huh, that's a good idea." He asked me how I started a puzzle, and I told him that I would just choose a random piece and start. I had never been taught how to start a puzzle, and it apparently didn't come naturally to me.


I worked for a non-profit for a while, and our accountant told me she could tell a lot about a person from how they put together a puzzle.



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I do like jigsaw puzzles, especially Clue mystery puzzles. We used to have a few before the kids came. I got rid of them thinking I'd never have time to put them together again, and now I would love to get them back. I know my oldest dd would love it.


Funny story about puzzles. When my dh and I got married we enjoyed doing puzzles together. We started the first one together and my dh started finding all of the edge pieces. I asked him what he was doing, and he told me. I said, "Huh, that's a good idea." He asked me how I started a puzzle, and I told him that I would just choose a random piece and start. I had never been taught how to start a puzzle, and it apparently didn't come naturally to me.


I worked for a non-profit for a while, and our accountant told me she could tell a lot about a person from how they put together a puzzle.




Never heard of Clue mystery puzzles.  Sounds interesting.


I wonder what she could supposedly tell about a person from how they assemble jigsaw puzzles. 

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Never heard of Clue mystery puzzles.  Sounds interesting.


I wonder what she could supposedly tell about a person from how they assemble jigsaw puzzles. 


I got the feeling that people like me, who start with a random piece, were more free spirited and out of the box. Those who started with edge pieces were more analytical and methodical. Maybe?


I have to admit I do teach my own kids to start with edge pieces, but my youngest dd likes to start with random pieces. She's my mini me in personality ;)


I'm really bummed about getting rid of them, because we bought them at garage sales for 25 cents each, and now on Amazon they are going higher than that.


You start the puzzle by reading the mystery about what happened, then you put together the puzzle without knowing what it looks like. You are supposed to be able to solve the mystery by looking at the finished puzzle.



Edited by SquirrellyMama
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I got the feeling that people like me, who start with a random piece, were more free spirited and out of the box. Those who started with edge pieces were more analytical and methodical. Maybe?


I have to admit I do teach my own kids to start with edge pieces, but my youngest dd likes to start with random pieces. She's my mini me in personality ;)




Haha, funny.  I am very methodical with how I put puzzles together.  My husband and I started off doing one a couple of weeks ago (he fizzled out quickly).  I bit my tongue about not really enjoying it when someone else touches my puzzle, but geesh what struck me was how differently he approaches puzzles. 

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My kiddos just moved up from 100 pieces to 300 pieces. My husband can do a 1,000 piece puzzle in a day or two. I enjoy them but seem to lack the puzzle knack. I try piece after piece to fit. My husband can look around for a minute and choose several pieces that fit together - no trying lots of pieces to find what fits!

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I love puzzles. Ravenburgers are my favorites. I always get one for Christmas from DH, and often another for my birthday.


Neither my parents or siblings are big on jigsaw puzzles, and my kids aren't either. DH enjoys puzzles he can do in an hour or two. I like larger puzzles that spread out over several days.


I'm an obnoxious fellow puzzler. I have learned to bite my tongue about other people's wrong approaches to puzzling, [emoji6] but I tend to work quickly and that discourages family members from joining in. I feel sad about that, but I haven't been able to fix it yet.

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My youngest and I both love to do puzzles. My oldest is indifferent, he enjoys them but doesn't seek out puzzles to do on his own (he's always too busy with Legos or books). My youngest does puzzles nearly everyday and checks them out from the library to get more.


ETA: My husband isn't really a puzzle person. And I always start with the edges. When I put the puzzle away I put the edge pieces in a sandwich bag, cause I dislike the sorting process.

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I do them. I'm doing one right now. Nobody else here does them though.


Speaking of which, do you have any interest in trading a puzzle?

Maybe. :) Not the one I am doing right now though, because it is spectacular!


It is hard to beat Ravensburger. That View of Ancient Rome is gorgeous!

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Haha, funny. I am very methodical with how I put puzzles together. My husband and I started off doing one a couple of weeks ago (he fizzled out quickly). I bit my tongue about not really enjoying it when someone else touches my puzzle, but geesh what struck me was how differently he approaches puzzles.

Meticulous puzzler here, too. I was just telling DH that I wish this was something I could get paid for.

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I love doing them. My kids will do them if they are out. The biggest one we did was a Ravenburger 5000 piece - https://www.ravensburger.com/us/shop/2d-puzzles/adult-puzzles/views-of-modern-rome-17409/index.html


I need a new puzzle.

How long did it take? I'm wondering where I could put one that size and leave it until it was finished. I would really enjoy that challenge.

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How long did it take? I'm wondering where I could put one that size and leave it until it was finished. I would really enjoy that challenge.


We started in January and I think ended around October/November (we would really go in spurts - ignore it for a month, work on it for hours in a day, that sort of thing).  It was on my dining room table but was HUGE.  There was hardly any room to lay the pieces out once you had the frame put together.


Somewhere on YouTube there is a time lapse video of someone putting that puzzle together.  It is pretty neat to see.

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Maybe. :) Not the one I am doing right now though, because it is spectacular!


It is hard to beat Ravensburger. That View of Ancient Rome is gorgeous!


I have so many.  I don't know what to do with them.  I don't tend to want to do them more than once.  Although I've resorted to doing that recently. 


I would love to get that Ancient Rome one, but geesh I don't know if I could fit it anywhere.  (It's cheaper on Amazon btw.)

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We like puzzles- we always had one going when my folks and siblings visit because we can sit around a table doing a puzzle, snacking, talking, and laughing.   Our kids like them well enough but not as much these days. This summer I did a puzzle with the oldest two grandkids while their mom took a long, much needed nap. They didn't seem to enjoy it at all. That really bugged me and I was just this week going through our puzzle stash to see if there is one I can take when I visit them in April. I'm determined to give it more time before I give up...I think chatting while doing a puzzle can be  so good for families. 

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I enjoy them, and a year ago got myself a couple, but I don't really have a table big enough, and find it harder to sit comfortably to do it. I have a puzzle roller to allow it to go away, and a puzzle sorter to let you put pieces away sorted into categories while working on it. Growing up my mom had a big board with an edge that could slide under the couch.


My kids vary on puzzles.... they all liked them when younger. My problem is they never get put away correctly so pieces get lost or there is a big mix of puzzle pieces. Sigh.


Sent from my SM-T530NU using Tapatalk

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I enjoy them, and a year ago got myself a couple, but I don't really have a table big enough, and find it harder to sit comfortably to do it. I have a puzzle roller to allow it to go away, and a puzzle sorter to let you put pieces away sorted into categories while working on it. Growing up my mom had a big board with an edge that could slide under the couch.


My kids vary on puzzles.... they all liked them when younger. My problem is they never get put away correctly so pieces get lost or there is a big mix of puzzle pieces. Sigh.


Sent from my SM-T530NU using Tapatalk


I tried one of those puzzle roller things and it didn't really work out well. 

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We do, but no of us are into really complicated one where there is only a slight variation in color - I'm thinking of a dalmations one that a friend got me.  I like to do them but still be able to chat or watch a movie.


I do love to start with the edge and then sort pieces by dominate color/design.  Haha!  I am definitely an analytical and organized person, at least in general.  :)  I to love the Clue Mystery puzzles.

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I think there is one that is 32,000 pieces (but it comes in 8 bags). It comes with a handtruck too. :lol:

I saw online that one family bought a 32000 piece puzzle and instead of building one section/bag at a time, they mixed all the bags up 😱. It took them a long time (couple years?) to finish it.

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Yes, we love them. However finding a space to leave one set up is a problem. And then there are the grand toddlers. One our favorite vintage artists is Robert Blair Martin or Bob Martin. They are quite expensive if you find them on eBay or etsy, but I have found them in second hand shops.

My SIL frequently has one on her kitchen table. I would, but I would rather be sewing. Maybe when those grandkids no longer need me to sew for them. Actually I hope that never happens. I love sewing for them.

Edited by KatieinMich
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Yes, I do. We hadn't done puzzles for a couple years, then my sister gave us a fun Dr. Who jigsaw puzzle for Christmas, and we did a couple while on vacation. I'd forgotten how relaxing it can be to sit and work on a puzzle.


We've also got a Ravensburger puzzle going, African savannah in the shape of a lion.

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I love jigsaw puzzles. But I'm not a fanatic. I don't do the ones that are all one color or 1000 pieces. I prefer them to be 500 pieces and of moderate difficulty. My second DS likes them, too, but none of my other kids. In fact, it's a tradition of mine the day after Thanksgiving I sit around all day, drink coffee and work a Christmas jigsaw puzzle.

Edited by KrissiK
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We do two or three per year and are about to start one now.  I usually get them for my mom and she regifts them to us when she's done with them.


My two older boys loved working on them when they were here.  Youngest never did - until his girlfriend came over and loved it.  Now he enjoys them too (at least when with her).


We start by getting the edges done, then I work from the outside in (sky, water, or whatever) and hubby works on main parts inside.  We've always had our different styles.  Once we each did a puzzle timing ourselves, then swapped and repeated.  Either my way is faster or I'm faster.   :coolgleamA:   But we enjoy working and talking together.

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I love doing jigsaw puzzles but I never do them anymore because we just don't have the space for one to be kept out long enough. My mom and I did a 10,000 piece together in the months before I married and moved out. It was nice to have something to do like that with her before I left home.


My kids both enjoy them, but especially my 3yo. For almost a year, from about her second birthday to third, it was nearly all she did, ever. She would have four large puzzles (anywhere between 24 and 100 piece) in progress  around the room and would go from one to the next. She amazes me with her knack for puzzles. She's not *as* obsessed now, but still really likes them and does them a lot.

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Yes, love them. But once it's set up in the house, it's all consuming until it's done, so I limit myself. I have a 1,000 piece one with all the state birds and flowers that I have set up right now at the science classroom where I teach twice a week. Some of the students that arrive early work on it with me a few minutes at a time.


Erica in OR

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I've always loved jigsaw puzzles.  My kids used to, but not any more.  I miss having a place to keep one up. We just don't have the table space and I know if we bought one of those felt mats to keep it on, it would still get shoved aside and not used.


When I was in college (as an adult, going at night) I always had a puzzle going. When I would get stuck on some part of writing a paper, I'd go work on the puzzle for a few minutes.  it always helped me clear up my thinking. 


May I say I look forward to the day when my kids are out and I have a place to keep my sewing machine and a jigsaw puzzle available to work on at any time?  (Or a bigger house, whichever comes first... betting it's getting the kids out.)  :-)


(Have not read other responses yet.)

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I'll be the odd person out. I don't enjoy them that much. But I have no visual-spatial ability. I just can't tell if things are the same size or will fit or whatever. So puzzles are really hard for me.

However, I firmly believe it's good for the brain..especially the developing brain of young kids. I must not have done enough as a kid.

Therefore, we have lots of puzzles for our kiddos (3 kids 5 and under) to do. I try to make sure the puzzles get pulled out and used at least once a week. And doing the puzzles at the library after storytime is one of their favorite things, probably because our library has a stash of giant floor puzzles.

My parents gave our 3 yo a 100 piece puzzle. It's beyond her capabilities on her own.  I put the thing together and then numbered the pieces on the back so I can put it together quickly when she wants. 

We have a cat so we can't leave undone puzzles out (she just pushes cardboard on top to the side and off the table). 

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I love puzzles. My mom was a public school teacher/administrator. We did a puzzle during Christmas break every year. Our sizes ranged from 2000-3500 pieces. 



After my mom died, I started working a puzzle here every year at Christmas time. My dd works with me, but only if I stay at 2,000 pieces or smaller. I've gone with that to keep her puzzling with me, although to be honest, I'm like Sparkly and Quill, it is hard for me to let someone else touch my puzzle. Dh doesn't follow my puzzle rules at all, so it is best if he just keeps his hands off  :lol: .


I do think puzzles are a dying hobby. There are just too many other more attention grabbing things to do. I still love them though and I'll do my best to teach my grandchildren to love them too someday! 


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We started in January and I think ended around October/November (we would really go in spurts - ignore it for a month, work on it for hours in a day, that sort of thing).  It was on my dining room table but was HUGE.  There was hardly any room to lay the pieces out once you had the frame put together.


Somewhere on YouTube there is a time lapse video of someone putting that puzzle together.  It is pretty neat to see.


I could do the dining room table.  Maybe cover it up with a table cloth if I need to hide it.  I have one of those table top spinny things, a round one, that will hold a 1000 piece puzzle.  I can slide it under a bed if I need to move it.


My biggest worry is my granddaughter getting hold of a piece. I was working on my Christmas puzzle, and sure enough, there was one piece missing.  We hunted high and low with no luck.  I asked my dd to keep her eyes open in case her little one had hid a piece somewhere.  She finally found it stuffed in the bottom of the diaper bag.


So what do you all do with your finished puzzles.  I was saving mine up with the idea that I might glue some of them.  Finally, I ended up taking pictures and putting them in big ziploc bags.  All those hours of work, but at least I have pictures to prove it.


I love doing puzzles.  It's my stress release.

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I have had entire years where I couldn't see my dining room table; my dh gets on jigsaw puzzle benders.  

Me, not so much.  I think it has more to do with my vision than with my interest, but I am also not one who can do POINTLESS THINGS LIKE JIGSAW PUZZLES when there are perfectly useful chores that need to be done :::eyeroll:::    I'm glad he likes them, but they are not in my nature to appreciate.  I did enjoy them as a child.  

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I'm putting together a beautiful Ravensburger puzzle and I'm just wondering if many people even do this still. Is it dying out among younger people?


I remember my parents often having puzzles they worked on for periods of time; my MIL used to do them often as well.


How about you and your family?


So, did I miss a link to the one you are doing?  


Now I want to find a way to have a puzzle around here.  Ravensburger puzzles are gorgeous!

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We do, but no of us are into really complicated one where there is only a slight variation in color - I'm thinking of a dalmations one that a friend got me. I like to do them but still be able to chat or watch a movie.


I do love to start with the edge and then sort pieces by dominate color/design. Haha! I am definitely an analytical and organized person, at least in general. :) I to love the Clue Mystery puzzles.

Yeah, I have no interest in those "impossi-puzzles." Besides which, I care what the picture is...I don't want to go theough all the effort of putting one together in order to have a picture of 9,000 gumballs or something.

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