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30 day Healthy Eating/Fitness Challenge

Desert Strawberry

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I need to get myself back together after the holidays. 

My goals are to eat simply-coffee, toast/bagels, tea, salad, soup, fresh fruit, do a brief, daily yoga routine to improve my posture, take a walk with my dogs, and do a 30 day squat challenge.  


Please post your fitness goals for the month. Healthy eating, exercise, meditation, whatever.  We can check in here each day. 



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My current goal is to learn more about and implement a pre-diabetes improvement diet.  :glare:

Unless dh's re-test comes back this week showing the previous was a fluke.


Any tips on diabetes in super skinny people would be appreciated!


ETA: while avoiding eggs.  :glare:  :glare:

Edited by Carrie12345
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I'd like to join in! I did Trim Healthy Mama last year and loved it (THM is way of eating that focuses on blood sugar, for anyone who is interested). Then of course he holidays came around, and the next thing I know I'm snacking on cookies and eating frozen pizza. Also, I feel horrible. So today is the day that I start back. I kind of dread this week because I know how that first week of no sugar makes me feel (angry and tired). But once I get through it, I will feel so much better.


I also just got a Fitbit and would love to start logging in 10,000 steps on most days. Not sure exactly what my goal will be there.

Edited by Just Kate
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I do have a plan, starting tomorrow:


1. Healthy eating at home (excludes all outings & group events)


B: oats (or whole grain), protein, fruit

L1: hot veggie(s), meat

L2: dairy or egg, with veggies, fruit

D: meat, 3 veggies, usually a small healthy starch, fruit 'dessert'

Extras: fruit, dark chocolate, whole grain cereal, whole grain crackers, popcorn

Hydrate well, without sugars


2. Slacking Sucks:

- No internet (or other screen time slacking) until mid-morning, after 'daily chore loop'.

- Books or reader ok

- Illness not exempt, just abbreviate the chore loop itself

- Prioritize self-care, true rest, and real recreation above merely slacking


3. Prayer / Soul Care:

- Daily time to prayer-meditate or journal prayerfully

- Pray casually, frequently (at least morning & evening)

- No 'fun' audio books until after audio bible


4. Preserve strict bedtime plan:

- Settle kitchen/house/chores anytime before 9:00

- 9:00 personal care

- 9:15 reading with orange glasses

- 10:00 sleeping


5. Fitness (excludes illness, but not laziness)

- take vitamins

- get outside daily, in good gear

- take a 'wrong turn' to walk if not too cold

- shovel snow (even if it is cold)

- work on indoor fitness (not sure yet)

- weekly swimming


6. Positive Relationships

- heart-to-heart hugs

- affirmations

- few distracted moments

- almost anything can be gently voiced

- present, pro-active and positive for the routines of the day, including afterschooling

- provide spiritual formation & leadership


Mnemonics for these priorities:


Family Rhyme:

"To have a good day, we start from the basics,

This is how it goes:

Food and water, body and brain,

Heart, and soul, and home."


My 6 unconditionals for family members:

Food, water; presence, 'platitudes'; peaceable spaces and routines

Edited by bolt.
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I'm going to stop eating

C-carbonated things ( I only have when out but I try to stop completely.)

R-refined sugar

A-artificial foods

P-processed food


Continue working out running, yoga and weights.

Duct tape-quit rushing in to help, suggest,inform...my mouth is sealed unless asked.

Edited by joyofsix
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My goals are --


Maintain the 25 pound weight loss I achieved last year

Walk a minimum of 10,000 steps a day (my goal is actually 12,500) and at least 30 minutes of that be from fitness walking

Weight training and/or kettle bell swings three times a week

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I am loving reading all these goals.

Last night, I started my squat challenge, ate one of my planned meals, and finished off my chocolates ;) 

I'm finishing up my coffee, already had my breakfast, and then I'll head out with the doggies in a little bit. 

I'm going to do some checking around on You Tube for dance videos. I love to dance. Our new living room has a nice open space here I can dance. 

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I'm also getting back together.  thanksgiving really threw me out of kilter.  I really do have to watch what I eat - and it seems I really do react badly to bread/gluten.  (I'd hardly been eating any gluten before thanksgiving.)


cutting sugar, doing yoga.  increasing veggies. 

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My dh and I started the Whole 30 yesterday, as we do every January, as a way to kick off the New Year. This year we are making two days a week vegan days because by the end of the month I am so sick of meat I never want to eat it again. 


We are also walking every morning and swimming every afternoon. 


I am trying to get more sleep too. 





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I need to get myself back together. I am joining an exercise group with some friends. I hope that's enough to keep me motivated. My body is actually sore from Not. Doing. Anything. I'm looking forward to being sore from actual exercise.

I feel like I eat ok, but I need to cut way back on wine and diet coke.

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In 2007 I lost about 10 pounds and had no trouble keeping it off for many years. I've gained it back now, so I'm trying again to lose 8-10 pounds, not super fast, but maybe by Easter. As part of that effort:


-using My Fitness Pal daily, at least for awhile. I have goals for eating more fruits/veggies, at least 25 gm fiber per day, etc. MFP really helps me with overall quantity of food--I can see that I have eaten enough for a given day and it's time to stop.


-I have a good habit of regular treadmill workouts. I hurt my back over the summer and had to stop running, but I slowly did Couch to 5K again and am back running. I haven't done much strength training type stuff for the last year, so I'm trying to get back into that habit--just an additional 10 minutes after the treadmill.


-I've fasted from sweets at various times (Lent, Halloween to Thanksgiving most years). But non-fasting times I tend to go a little crazy. I'm trying the idea of having a nice dessert of some kind on Sundays, but no sweets the other days of the week. Maybe that's something I could maintain long-term and not think I need to eat dessert daily, but not making sweets a totally forbidden fruit. Sweets wouldn't be a quick junk-food craving, but something I've planned all week and prepared myself.


-less soda, even if it's diet. Didn't used to drink much, but now kind of look forward to it several times a week. I'm okay with once a week. That would be a great improvement.


This time of year it's much easier to be in control of eating and exercise. I've realized that I really lose control the busier I get. When my life seems to be nothing but homeschooling and driving kids to activities (and those activities preclude being home to make a nice dinner), I think I use food to comfort myself--give me a treat after all of that living for others. I will see if I can do better at staying in control during the busy days.

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I started a Whole 30 on the 31st, and about a week before that, I committed to at least 30 minutes of moderate to intense exercise every single day, no exceptions (a 30 minute walk counts for the exercise on a day when I'm exhausted or extra sore). I do best if I go for streaks because I don't like to mess up a chain of success. I haven't missed a day yet. I'm also aiming for 10,000 steps and 10 flights of stairs daily because I like it when my Fitbit gives me all green stars! I'm already feeling so much more energetic.

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My dh agreed to a weight loss challenge at work, so I decided to 'support him' and join in from home.  I definitely need to lose the weight, so it is a good motivator to have him doing it at the same time.  We are following a diet plan that I used successfully years ago.  

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Let us know what you find in the dance video department - I like dancing, too!


First day is going well although I'm glad I checked in here b/c I forgot all about WATER!





There are a gazillion. I googled "you tube dance videos". They look super fun. I'll give some reviews when I've had a chance to try them. 


It rained and the wind is howling, so no walk for me. 


Lunch was 1.5 pita breads, yummy, yummy fresh hummus, and sugar snap peas. Not exactly what I had planned, but good enough. 


I just went to the kitchen to start dinner and we are out of drinking water. I'm having iced coffee instead, while I wait for D to come home so one of us can go get some. 

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My dh and I started the Whole 30 yesterday, as we do every January, as a way to kick off the New Year. This year we are making two days a week vegan days because by the end of the month I am so sick of meat I never want to eat it again. 


We are also walking every morning and swimming every afternoon. 


I am trying to get more sleep too. 

I would LOVE to hear what your vegan meals are. I tried a vegetarian Whole 30 a while back and it was a screaming failure. I got SO sick. 

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I got yesterday under my belt. I actually eyed the Diet Pepsi at the grocery check out and then remembered I've quit. Good save. I avoided tha pancakes I made the kids ( first day back to condition owning, they needed to eat!) and had chicken and broccoli from the freezer for dinner. Refined sugar would have been yummy though.

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Day 2. I fail. Hard.


I ate a bag of potato chips.


I want to eat all the bad things.


Today was rough.

So now you pick yourself up, dust yourself off and continue. You're human. It happens.


I had a mini fail. I was at a meeting. I avoided the cookies but grabbed some trail mix. I didn't even think about those raisins and M&M's until I chewed a mouthful. I picked the rest out so I'm considering it an absent minded misstep.

Edited by joyofsix
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Monday -- 12856 steps, 28 active minutes


Tuesday -- 14005 steps, 57 active minutes


I've stayed within my maintenance calorie goal, but weight was up a pound this morning from my lowest.  No biggie.  I started a new kettlebell workout yesterday and have some soreness, so no doubt a little fluid retention.  And we had soup for dinner that was just a tad salty, so likely a little sodium related fluid retention, too.

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I did ok. Got three days of good exercise in. Need to work on being more consistently active on other days. Food was ok. Was up several pounds today but HOPING that was water weight because I didn't do anything that would suggest a gain! Gotta keep it up! 

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My "grades" for this week:


Note, it was an unusual week of dealing with sick family members and basically being confined to the house.


1. Nutrition: C. Still eating like I'm on holidays. Personal standards are hard to maintain when it's all soup, simple carbs and jello for the rest of the family, and the grocery store feels impossible to get to.


2. Slacking: Mon/Tue/Wed D-. Pretty much in rebellion against my own good intentions, spending even more slavk time than usual. Thu/Fri: B+ Much better. Would be happy to maintain this.


3. Soul Care: B-. Better than usual, but I'm looking for more once I actually have some solitude.


4. Bedtime: C. Intermittent success, unforeseen circumstances.


5. Fitness: F. Pretty much housebound.


6. Relationships: B-. Not bad, but I'm looking for more.

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I'm doing okay on fitness objectives --  Wednesday I got 11501 steps and 27 active minutes, yesterday 11739 steps and 58 active minutes.


Food is okay in general.  Today for lunch oldest DS wanted to go out to his favorite local biscuit place before he heads back to school tomorrow.  How can a mom say no to that?  I got a BLT and fries.  The calories I can work into my daily intake, but the sodium was off the charts.  I may have to avoid the scale tomorrow. ;)

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Down two pounds so I feel pretty good about that although I haven't felt well this week.  Iron is low so hopefully I will feel better once I can get my levels up.  I have been trying to avoid the junk though.  I poured out a 2 liter bottle of Coke because I knew I would be too tempted. 

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Good first week.


-using My Fitness Pal everyday which helps me meet goals and stay honest! I'm in my calorie range, and getting 25 gm fiber per day leaves me not hungry at all. Down 1 lb since last Friday (Jan 1)--no loss since Monday. Mondays will be my official weigh-in day


-good exercise week. Added 10 minutes of weights/stretches/lunges kind of stuff in addition to 30 min on treadmill.


-where are my ab muscles??? I do little bicycle-style crunches, so I assumed I had some abs. Then I tried real sit-ups with my feet pinned under the dresser and had serious trouble getting all the way up. I'm at 10 sit-ups, 15 girl push-ups, 10 lunges each leg while holding 5 lb weights. Lots of room for improvement!


-Looking forward to my weekly soda tonight--small root beer at McDonald's before a basketball double-header at dd's high school (she's in the pep band, not basketball!) . Looking forward to weekly dessert on Sunday--homemade chocolate pudding.

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I'm not doing so hot. I don't know if the timing is just bad-all kinds of stressful stuff going on- or if my heart just isn't in it. 

We ate out twice this week. Not horrible. We went to buffets. I ate mostly soup and salad, not desserts, but I did eat more than I should have. 


I haven't done yoga once. Not once. 


I'm doing my squat challenge, but I fell asleep with Luna last night at 6pm and slept all night. I didn't get up and do my very brief work out. I just slept. I think must have needed it. 

We made homemade, baked donuts this morning. I'm not if I did good because we made them ourselves and they were not fried, or if I badly because they are donuts. I think good. They are mini donuts and I just had 3. My kids were over the moon, so either way, it was worth it. 


I think the rain finally stopped today. I will be in a much better mood, and more pleasant and energetic when the sun shines again. 

I went shopping today. I got a couple of cheaty meals, but for the most part, I am stocked up with decent foods. 

I sent D out for a bottle of wine. I'm about to indulge. 


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I have exercised every day this week-----combinations of cardio (walking outside when nice, elliptical amd bike at the gym when not), a bodyweight bootcamp class, two sessions w a trainer at the gym, and core work (pushups, planks, various ab things I learnd during training) at home and at the gym.


I have been following the NoS "diet" (no snacks, no sweets, no seconds except for Saturday/Sunday/special days) except I let stress get the better of me yesterday and ate a serving of dark chocolate during the afternoon and had a fruity non-sweet martini. Or two.


Oops. So tomorrow will have to be a NoS day!

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My fitness stamina is increasing-ran 6 miles this morning and swam an hour yesterday.  These are both up in duration.  I fell off the bandwagon with Whole 30, but am ok with that, because I am not comfortable eating so much animal protein.  I continue to eat lots of veggies-but would like to increase this, protein, and good carbs.  


I am finding that I am most comfortable when I under-eat.  It almost doesn't seem to matter what I eat, but how much I eat for me to find my happy sweet energy place.  Is that true for anyone else?



For me, it seems frequency is the key. If I don't eat something first thing in the morning, my energy lags all day. If I go more than 2-3 hours without eating, I lose my appetite, energy and start putting on weight. I can consume 800 calories a day and GAIN 20 pounds a month. But if I stoke my engine, small meals through out the day, I do much better. 

I tend not to tell people this because will outright refuse to believe me. "You must have been eating more than you thought." "You must be eating less now." "You must have cut out junk food, because you are more aware of your intake." "It's the exercise that is doing it." Blah blah blah. 


No. My metabolism is a mess and I need to eat MORE and frequently. That's it. 

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How is everyone doing?


I have learned a valuable lesson this month. 

I eat WAY too many carbs. 

And I need a better plan. 

I am reading up on a few diet and cook books. My take away is that I need more protein, fewer carbs, and more planned meals. Just stocking up on bagels and salad greens isn't adequate. 


So while my weight has increased and I look not so wonderful and feel less than fabulous, I have learned where the flaws are and I can start to address them. 

My squat challenge is going well. Day 10- 105 squats. 

I also have found that I need MUCH more exercise.
I'm not getting out to walk the dogs. I have no stroller, and I can't leave Luna with her brothers. D comes home while I'm cooking dinner, and then it's dark. I can walk while he's home if it's not raining. 
I wanted to exercise in the evenings, but it's so cold in the living room, and I'm usually asleep right after/with Luna. Evenings just aren't a good time. 
I need to figure something else out. 

Anyway at the halfway point, I am reassessing and looking some changes I need to make. 

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I have learned that sugar is not too hard for me to quit but I really miss " starchy" carbs. I just like beans darn it. I don't care much about meat but if I don't force it I end up eating a smoothie and two salads for the day. That feels fine but probably isn't. I need to reassess and find a middle ground. It also irritates me that I pretty much feel the same whether I eat well or consume junk. I am obviously descended from folks who did well as scavengers while the industrious types were hunting and gathering.

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I saw the nutritionist/RD at the gym (she's also the day time manager so I've been friendly with her for a year). She agrees that I should be losing weight based on my food logs (thank you MFP) and level of exercise. I am perimenopausal which does have an effect. She's going to do some more research about metabolism before we meet again next week.


Thanks for sharing your findings, Desert Strawberry. Perhaps more frequent small meals might work for me. Right now I eat three meals within a 8-10 hour window. Intermittent fasting like 5:2 is also an option.


I am on the low end of overweight. If I do not tackle it this year before I turn 50, I am afraid I will be overweight for the rest of my life. I gained weight a few years ago when my parents were ill and died.

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I saw the nutritionist/RD at the gym (she's also the day time manager so I've been friendly with her for a year). She agrees that I should be losing weight based on my food logs (thank you MFP) and level of exercise. I am perimenopausal which does have an effect. She's going to do some more research about metabolism before we meet again next week.


Thanks for sharing your findings, Desert Strawberry. Perhaps more frequent small meals might work for me. Right now I eat three meals within a 8-10 hour window. Intermittent fasting like 5:2 is also an option.


I am on the low end of overweight. If I do not tackle it this year before I turn 50, I am afraid I will be overweight for the rest of my life. I gained weight a few years ago when my parents were ill and died.


Anecdotal, but it might be of interest.


I too was at the low end of overweight for years-age 48-53. Before that I was a normal weight. When I approached menopause and went through the other side I saw as my weight increase. It became harder and harder to get off. In fact, it did not come off at all. Instead it increased regardless of the amount of exercise I did or how I tweaked my diet. 


Then, I took a vacation to a city where I walked all day and ate very little for three weeks. What I mean by eating very little is I ate bread maybe twice over three weeks, drank lots of water, and soup. I did have some sweets, but no more than a few cookies/biscuits a day. The soups were cup-o-soups. I did have a few fish dinners. I was not hungry. I wasn't thinking about food. Figuring out a new city occupied my thoughts. I lost 10 pounds and have kept it off for four months, but the holidays saw me gain five pounds back with lots of sweets being eaten. Yet somehow that 10 pound loss kicked my sluggish metabolism into gear. Those five pounds from the holidays are easier to lose.


Goals for the second half of January:


  • Drink more water!
  • Cut down on sugar
  • Eat more fruit


  • Continue swimming 3x a week, but don't just sit on the off days. My biggest challenge is to get exercise 7 days a week--walking on my non-swim days. Weights consistently working on my core strength. 
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I'm doing okay with my goals. I've made it through the first half of the Whole30 and it's pretty easy now. I only got in 4 days of 10,000 steps last week. I could have done the 5th day but I simply didn't want too. I have 4 days in for this week and I should be able to get the 5th in tomorrow. I'm feeling good. My energy level is up. My pants fit better. I'm pretty happy with how this month is going so far. :-)

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I'm mostly meeting my goals. Tuesday was not so good food-wise--I think I didn't eat enough fiber or fat or something at lunch and I was just too hungry to make it through the rest of the day without significant snacking. But back on track the next day. I have not yet lost pound number 2. Well, I did for a day, but it came back. But I'm still motivated to stick to my plan. Exercise went pretty well--push ups, sit ups, and lunges getting a little easier. Less sore.

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I'm doing okay on my goals.  I'm making my 10,000 fitbit steps and working on core/weights - I'm using 

Body by you: the You are Your Own Gym guide to total fitness for women by Mark Lauren, and I really like it so far.


My eating is okay.  My main goal is No Added Sugar and eating modified low carb/paleo.


Will be interested to see the scale on Monday.  Last week I fell off the wagon and the scale showed it.    :crying:







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I'm doing okay, although I've been unaccountably sore and achy for the past few days.  Like coming down with the flu achy, but I'm pretty sure I'm not sick at all.  It's weird.



My fitness stamina is increasing-ran 6 miles this morning and swam an hour yesterday.  These are both up in duration.  I fell off the bandwagon with Whole 30, but am ok with that, because I am not comfortable eating so much animal protein.  I continue to eat lots of veggies-but would like to increase this, protein, and good carbs.  


I am finding that I am most comfortable when I under-eat.  It almost doesn't seem to matter what I eat, but how much I eat for me to find my happy sweet energy place.  Is that true for anyone else?


Yes, but just by a very small amount.  I really feel great if I can stay in that sweet spot of having an empty tummy but not into hungry territory yet.  Too bad it's such an elusive and hard to maintain place!



How is everyone doing?


I have learned a valuable lesson this month. 

I eat WAY too many carbs. 

And I need a better plan. 

I am reading up on a few diet and cook books. My take away is that I need more protein, fewer carbs, and more planned meals. Just stocking up on bagels and salad greens isn't adequate. 


So while my weight has increased and I look not so wonderful and feel less than fabulous, I have learned where the flaws are and I can start to address them. 

My squat challenge is going well. Day 10- 105 squats. 

I also have found that I need MUCH more exercise.
I'm not getting out to walk the dogs. I have no stroller, and I can't leave Luna with her brothers. D comes home while I'm cooking dinner, and then it's dark. I can walk while he's home if it's not raining. 
I wanted to exercise in the evenings, but it's so cold in the living room, and I'm usually asleep right after/with Luna. Evenings just aren't a good time. 
I need to figure something else out. 

Anyway at the halfway point, I am reassessing and looking some changes I need to make. 


It's so hard to exercise when you have little ones!  One of my favorite perks of getting older and having grown/almost grown up kids is that I have so much more "me" time!



I saw the nutritionist/RD at the gym (she's also the day time manager so I've been friendly with her for a year). She agrees that I should be losing weight based on my food logs (thank you MFP) and level of exercise. I am perimenopausal which does have an effect. She's going to do some more research about metabolism before we meet again next week.

Thanks for sharing your findings, Desert Strawberry. Perhaps more frequent small meals might work for me. Right now I eat three meals within a 8-10 hour window. Intermittent fasting like 5:2 is also an option.

I am on the low end of overweight. If I do not tackle it this year before I turn 50, I am afraid I will be overweight for the rest of my life. I gained weight a few years ago when my parents were ill and died.


I'm 53 and have lost 25 pounds since about August.  Now most of that was made possible due to a diagnosis of hypothyroidism and getting it medicated, but still -- it IS possible to lose weight after 50.  In some ways I think it's easier than when I was younger.  I have more time to devote to exercising, shopping for and cooking healthy meals, etc.  And not having to deal with time-of-month weight fluctuations, increased appetite and cravings are very big pluses.

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My current goal is to learn more about and implement a pre-diabetes improvement diet.  :glare:

Unless dh's re-test comes back this week showing the previous was a fluke.


Any tips on diabetes in super skinny people would be appreciated!


ETA: while avoiding eggs.  :glare:  :glare:



Please post what you find or post links to info.  I am pre-diabetes as well.


But I am not super skinny.   :crying:   Not even remotely close.

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