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Do your things go missing too?


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I'm so annoyed.  I had 3 large storage containers that I use to freeze stuff in.  Mysteriously they are all missing.  I'm also missing the one and only slotted spoon I own.  Nobody knows where these things are.  I use these things very regularly. 


I just don't get how this happens.  Of course I assume someone knows and is not telling me.  Unless someone broke into the house and decided that some worn out looking plastic containers and a cheap plastic slotted spoon were highly attractive items to take.  I'm leaning heavily in the direction that that is not the case though.




I ordered more containers.  They don't give those damn things away.





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I have things that go "missing" but I know why.


Dh likes to stash things...make a lot of things fit into as small a space as possible.


This is an excellent skill for packing a moving truck and playing Tetris. It, however, is not useful in the kitchen. Especially because he is taller than I so stuff he stashes is often impossible for me to see or retrieve.


The problem is he never remembers *what* he stashes so asking him where something is is fruitless.


At least we laugh about it! (and once a year kind of reset the cabinets)

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It's the kids. At least in my house. And it's the scotch tape, scissors, and my hole punch. And even my stapler recently.


You never want the house to get so messy that dh starts cleaning. You never know where things will end up. It's usually the homeschool materials we need for Monday morning--our current read-aloud is shelved randomly on some random bookcase where he found room, the plan book is completely missing, etc.

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All the darn time.

It's milk jugs (we often buy milk in a bag), rubbermaid containers, spoons, tape, scissors (not a single one of mine likes kid-size scissors), and more.

The containers and spoons are usually in the sand pile or dirt pile. I wish I could find the other things.

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Yes I have this all the time.  For the dishes I know it's the kids fault.  They unload the dishwasher, they don't care where things go and so they stash them in the first available space.  Even when I instruct them otherwise.  Utensils are especially problematic because that kid just keeps stuffing and stuffing and stuffing.  Eventually things get pushed to the back and the smaller items get pushed over the edge in the back and end up in no man's land in the back of the cabinet.  I've learned to pull all the drawers out periodically and clean out the stuff that got shoved out put didn't manage to land in the drawer below it.


I have SEVEN scissors that are suppose to be kept on the window sill in the kitchen.  On a good day I can find one of them.


I'm tempted to staple paper to the Christmas gifts this year because everyone keeps helping themselves to the tape and I don't feel motivated enough to buy more for the second time this month.

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Yes. The only around the house thing I get truly perturbed about is my sewing scissors. I have seriously considered chaining them to a table in the sewing room.


My clothes, shoes and kitchen tools have recently started slithering away. But since they're a strange little link to my kids living away from home, it's really okay. When I'm tempted to get annoyed because something disappeared, I just use it as a reminder to pray for them instead. Shoes missing? Prayers for beautiful feet, iykwim.

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Mine is the same as others - school supplies - tape, scissors, glue, stapler, permanent markers, etc....  Everyone has their own stash, but everyone prefers mine (because mine is supposed to be kept where it belongs, except when other people use it).  Then when I need to use my own stuff, it is gone!  Very frustrating!  

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This drives me nuts.  My reaction is completely disproportional to the missing scissors, for example, but completely appropriate when one considers the totality of MY things that have gone missing over the years.  In other words, every single time it happens, I get angry about the other 12,000 times it has happened.

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Scissors, pens, Sharpees, and tape -- KIDS. Don't get me started. They don't understand the concept of "borrow and return."

Forks -- Kids, I think. I have several who go to school and I think they take them to eat leftovers for lunch and mistakenly throw them away or lose them.

Charging cords -- Dh. He is constantly moving them around -- car, laptop, counter in kitchen. I can't understand why we can't just have one location for each cord!!! Why do they have to migrate to other places???


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I'm so annoyed.  I had 3 large storage containers that I use to freeze stuff in.  Mysteriously they are all missing.  I'm also missing the one and only slotted spoon I own.  Nobody knows where these things are.  I use these things very regularly. 


I just don't get how this happens.  Of course I assume someone knows and is not telling me.  Unless someone broke into the house and decided that some worn out looking plastic containers and a cheap plastic slotted spoon were highly attractive items to take.  I'm leaning heavily in the direction that that is not the case though.




I ordered more containers.  They don't give those damn things away.



Do things go missing at my house?



Oh.  My.  Goodness.


Yes, but not the things I'd like... the dogs are all still here.  Sigh.

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It's the little people between time.  You have gone looking for the item before they were finished with it. When they are done they will return the item.  Either to a place you have searched 3 times already or a strange location like the bowl in the credenza.  All you can do is stop looking and wait for the item(s) to return.

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Iphone chargers disappear and then are found all over the house with middle ds' initials on them.  Yeah, sure son, you had twenty of them and we had none.


I bought my dog a Christmas collar, which has disappeared, so the poor guy is still wearing a collar that says- Gobble Gobble- on it.

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I *hate* not being able to find things - *loathe* it - and one of the hardest parts about having kids was how stuff of mine that I carefully kept track of would end up walking away because of someone else.  It was *maddening*, and I've dealt with it by putting a fair bit of energy into finding places for everything that it hacks me off to not be able to find, and then put an inordinate amount of energy into restricting access to those things as well as making sure that those things always, always, always get put right back immediately.  Plus I have an extremely strict standing rule that *no one* is allowed to get *anything* off my desk without asking, *ever* (and it's a standing desk, so kids too young to reliably follow that rule couldn't reach it anyway).  (Also, no one is allowed to *put* anything on my desk without asking, because no one but me is allowed to junk it up ;).) 


Because, yeah, we're lucky if we can find one of the three kid scissors, etc.  And the kids never know where all their Barbie shoes are, or doll clothes, or anything, really (on the really important/valuable things *I've* established places for them and make sure the kids put them back in there each time, every time, but something things still fall through the cracks).  (And dh isn't that much better - important things of his get lost semi-regularly.)    I'm kind of sad that I suck so much at teaching the skills of keeping track of things :(.  It doesn't help that I'm not all that organized - I just have a good memory and am observant, so I see where things are and remember them (even when the locations are something like "midway down the second pile on the right on the shelf of horribleness" ;)).  But that does little good with a family of people whose executive function skills are as mediocre as mine, but are *far* less observant, and with less good a memory.  (And the older I get, and the more crap there is to keep track of, my memory is no longer up to the task - so I'm painfully learning how to be somewhat organized.)

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I get weirdly attached to my things.  It's just stuff.  But yeah I've had that slotted spoon for 15 years.  : (


The containers weren't that nice, but I did use them all the time.  I think I'll like the new ones better.

Somehow I missed about your slotted spoon.


Yes, mine went missing 4 years ago. I keep waiting for it to "show up". Somehow I think it may be buried in the garden--or scraped into the trash by some child.

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Boxes of my most favoritest pens ever: Pentel RSVP fine point #90.

I buy them in bulk and a few weeks later, every single one of them is missing.


But can I find the #91 and other generic crappy pens? By the buttload.  They never go missing. :glare: :banghead:

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I actually have some things which are important to me that I keep out of general circulation, so to speak. I keep them in the china cabinet, my nightstand, or dresser. I use them, and then put them away in those places.


My dh hides snacks from our teen boys :)


and me :)


but I find them


I do this too, but occasionally if I'm not thinking about it, I may put it away when dh is in the room, then it will end up walking away  :glare:

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Iphone chargers disappear and then are found all over the house with middle ds' initials on them. Yeah, sure son, you had twenty of them and we had none.


I bought my dog a Christmas collar, which has disappeared, so the poor guy is still wearing a collar that says- Gobble Gobble- on it.

I have a charger cord thief, too! And yes, she takes a sharpie and adds her initials! She must have a dozen squirreled away.

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Scissors, glue, tape, pens, stapler, etc. My two younger girls love doing craft things and take my stuff all the time even though they have their own. They never put anything back either so it gets used up and nobody knows. The thing that is currently missing that I know they took is my ring that DH got for our 10th anniversary. One of them took it before and finally returned it but it's gone missing again! I couldn't wear it while I was pregnant so it sat in my jewelry box forever. I can finally wear it and they've lost it. Guess he'll have to get me a new ring for our 25th.

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Yes, I've had to buy kitchen scissors again and again and whenever I need to check to see if meat is done, someone has stolen the thermometer.  I just bought a new one of those.  Oh, and the tool set I bought just for myself, so I could find a tool when I need one, has also been confiscated. 

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