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If you could eat just one thing for breakfast, lunch and dinner for one week, what

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I think I ate a turkey sandwich every lunch and dinner for four years. My parents could have saved a lot of money buying me a some meat and bread rather than a cafeteria meal plan. I never ate the main meal they were serving, just turkey sand and a salad. Mmmmmm. I still love turkey sandwiches.

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Hmm...this is tough. I just love food. My close friend's homemade salsa is so delicious I could drink it from a cup, but I can't handle too much because the chips are salty and salt makes me feel yucky after a while.


I would have to say a good brick-oven style pizza with lots of veggies on top. If I were hungry I could eat that all day every day. I'd only get sick of it if I wasn't truly hungry. YUM!


But cereal is really good, too! :)

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I'm thinking fruit salad, but there can't be too much citrus in it or my tummy will get angry at me, and there's no way I could do cereal everyday, or every meal for even one day- I'd get SO sick. I can't have cereal for breakfast very often, it just leaves me wiped out (and I'm talking "healthy" cereal here folks, NOT Cap'n Crunch LOL).

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Bagels...tho I would want diff. flavors and diff things to put on them for the different meals. Chocolate chip bagel toasted w/strawberry cream cheese for breakfast, a plain or onion bagel at lunch with melted cheese on it or made into a sandwich w/lunch meat, and a plain bagel with egg salad for dinner. I could live on bagels.

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my dad's chicken-fried steak, which I only get ONCE A YEAR when he visits!


When I was growing up, there was a Mexican restaurant named Guale's (after the owner). They had the best cheese dip, ever. And the best tacos. And the best tex-mex food I've ever had, and I still dream of it. I went there for every special occasion where I got to pick the restaurant, and so did my Mom. They closed when I was about 18, and were supposed to reopen in another location, but they never did. My Mom and I have even tried to track him down (he knew our family) to get some of his recipes, but he must've gone into the witness protection program, or something. Or we just stink at hunting people.


Anyway, I'd eat that cheese dip, easily, every day for a week. No question.

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Loaded Cheddar Cheese Fries from Snuffer's in Dallas. Oh. my. They are to die for! (and if you eat them for every meal for one week, you probably will) They ran an article once that said they have @ 3500 calories and an insane fat count. Like in the 100's!:eek: But, they are soooooo yummy.


So because I don't want to die, I'd probably choose Lucerne string cheese.

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I could live on pasta easily 3 meals a day. My favorite is a delicious homemade meat sauce and parmesan cheese and if I could vary the sauces so much the better. There is also a seafood fra diavolo sauce that I adore (spicy red sauce with clams, mussels, shrimp). Now I have to go make some - I'm hungry just thinking about it.

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I could live on pasta easily 3 meals a day. My favorite is a delicious homemade meat sauce and parmesan cheese and if I could vary the sauces so much the better. There is also a seafood fra diavolo sauce that I adore (spicy red sauce with clams, mussels, shrimp). Now I have to go make some - I'm hungry just thinking about it.


I love pasta, too. But, I was trying to narrow the options, thinking that's what was wanted from the OP's question. Pasta, just PASTA would get mighty old after 21 meals. But, if you could change the topping -- well, by all means.


Now, about that seafood fra diavolo thing?????? :p



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