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I need "man" help. (no bashing involved--and any male input is welcome)

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He likes Alison Krauss, so I was thinking of downloading some of her music, but I'm not sure I've heard anything by her except what she did for O Brother, Where Art Thou.


I sell Partylite candles, so yea, I'm stocked up on those! LOL


As for wine, I have some, but I'm not sure he drinks wine. I was thinking of iced tea, but real tea, not the kind referred to in the other thread. LOL


Wow--Alison Krauss. This guy sounds AWESOME! :001_smile:

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He likes Alison Krauss, so I was thinking of downloading some of her music, but I'm not sure I've heard anything by her except what she did for O Brother, Where Art Thou.



Don't go playing music he likes, play music YOU like. You are his mystery, he's not yours, catch my drift?


We've got to get started with the right foot forward :D


If in doubt, Sinatra.


Bill (who though Sinatra was a despicable mobbed-up thug...but knows magic when he hears it)

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Oh, my!!!!!! I just put the pan on the stove to make dinner when I realized IT'S SUNDAY for crying out LOUD!!!!! and I haven't checked WTM about the big date!!!! So, I run to the computer and see your response and of course I can't stop reading this thread -just then I smell the most peculiar sme... :eek:AHHHH the pan is SMOKING!!!! :lol::lol::lol:


This date is really affecting my day...:D

I got butterflies just picturing you working up the courage to ask him and then picturing the look on his face when he grinned awwww how sweet!!!


I don't read romance novels but if I did, this is one I'd read!


Thanks for letting us come along for the ride!!

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Sorry for taking so long. I had to wait until after church when people weren't hovering around. Then, I had two quick errands.


I didn't videotape it or anything, but here's how it went:


After people (finally) left, he went back into the kitchen to check supplies. I went in and asked if he'd be interested in having dinner at my place. He grinned and said, "Dinner? Whatcha got in mind?" I said, "Lasagna" and he said, "Yep, I can do lasagna," grinning the whole time. Dd popped up and said, "You have to come on a night I'm home!" So, we'll have to figure out what night. He works for the state, so his work schedule is at the whim of the governor and legislators.


I can't believe it.


That's wonderful!! Thanks for sharing!



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I was upstairs getting baby girl's outfit for her b-day party and realized I had not checked for an update. Gotta live vicariously ya know. I am so happy for you when he said yes. NOw here is what you do on the night he comes over. YOu set up a laptop with a webcam facing the table, under the rouse that it is simply playing your music. But really you are giving us all front row seats of how your date is going. :D

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NOw here is what you do on the night he comes over. YOu set up a laptop with a webcam facing the table, under the rouse that it is simply playing your music. But really you are giving us all front row seats of how your date is going. :D


:smilielol5:Yeah, THAT'S gonna work! But I like the way you think, swellmomma! :D

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Now, what will you wear? Besides the boots of course!


Yes, yes--this is the next question! I recently got some spot-on advice from the fashionistas on this board. I've gotten raves about the blouse that I bought at their recommendation. So what is SolaMichella to wear to dinner, y'all?? :bigear: :lurk5:

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OK, now that WE got up the never to ask him, and WE decided what music to listen to and WE know what we are going to make for dinner.....what are we going to wear!?! I feel as though I have nothing in my closet that is just right for the occasion!! I don't want to be overdressed, yet I want to look cute....Oh wait!! This isn't really all about me, right?! I haven't been on a first date in over 20 years, so I'm a little excited for us!!

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I'm not sure about what to wear. I wore the green outfit to ask him, so that's out. Maybe a denim skirt and black top? Black denim and teal top? Olive skirt and black top? I don't want to totally gussy up, but I'm thinking capri pants and a t-shirt isn't enough. I think the boots are going to wait; it's just not cool enough and I'd feel silly wearing boots in the house.


Did I mention that last night at church, he was wearing the only shirt I've ever complimented him on? One he doesn't wear very often? Coincidence? :D

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I'm not sure about what to wear. I wore the green outfit to ask him, so that's out. Maybe a denim skirt and black top? Black denim and teal top? Olive skirt and black top? I don't want to totally gussy up, but I'm thinking capri pants and a t-shirt isn't enough. I think the boots are going to wait; it's just not cool enough and I'd feel silly wearing boots in the house.



Disclaimer: I have NO FASHION SENSE AT ALL. Having said that, I totally think you're on the right track with your outfit ideas. Having said THAT, and given my lack of ANY FASHION SENSE AT ALL...perhaps you should be scared. :001_huh:

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OK, here's the thing. You don't need a new outfit or a make-over, because he likes you just the way you are. I think there's a Billy Joel song* about this ;)


Just wear something YOU feel really comfortable and confident in.


And wear something that is literally and figuratively "soft".


As in "soft to the touch". Don't ask why, just trust me:001_wub:


Jeans are (generally speaking) not "soft". Think about it.


Bill (who knows a guy wearing THE SHIRT is a clear (CLEAR) signal) :tongue_smilie:


* ignore the part about not needing "clever conversation", hum through this section, because clever conversation is (can I say "sexy" on WTM?) enchanting!

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I'm not sure about what to wear. I wore the green outfit to ask him, so that's out. Maybe a denim skirt and black top? Black denim and teal top? Olive skirt and black top? I don't want to totally gussy up, but I'm thinking capri pants and a t-shirt isn't enough. I think the boots are going to wait; it's just not cool enough and I'd feel silly wearing boots in the house.




Did you read this from Anne that was posted earlier?:


Dressing .... dark jeans, nice top a little look at the BooKs...but not too much...brush a little blush on your cleavage. Perfume yes, but only something very expensive. Earings small and classy. Never wear your pearls on a first date. Shoes nice leather slipons, this is your house and you want to show that you aren't making a fuss. Makeup and hair.....oh yes, make sure your make up is subtle but very sexy. Concentrate on the eyes. Hair neat and casual, but you want to choose a style that will make him think about running his fingers through your hair. Don't do the "naughty librarian look" that's going too far, but do not change your hair radically for this first date.


I'm not so sure about the cleavage/hair/makeup stuff, but I like the idea of little flats, jeans and a nice shirt. A little bit of jewelry would be nice. I think you would look casual/elegant!


I'm glad I know where I can turn when I need fashion advice!!!:) My only advice would be to wear something you feel comfortable in, but also an outfit that you like how you look in. Does that make sense?:)

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OK, here's the thing. You don't need a new outfit or a make-over, because he likes you just the way you are. I think there's a Billy Joel song* about this ;)


Just wear something YOU feel really comfortable and confident in.


And wear something that is literally and figuratively "soft".


As in "soft to the touch". Don't ask why, just trust me:001_wub:


Jeans are (generally speaking) not "soft". Think about it.


Bill (who knows a guy wearing THE SHIRT is a clear (CLEAR) signal) :tongue_smilie:


* ignore the part about not needing "clever conversation", hum through this section, because clever conversation is (can I say "sexy" on WTM?) enchanting!


Bill has some good points, and was thinking the same thing I was about wearing something comfortable/like! Maybe a casual skirt?:)

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I can not tell you all how much I appreciate all the help. Seriously. My mother spent my high school years calling me a sl*t as well as totally disparaging doing anything feminine for your man (are you shocked she's divorced, twice?) so I'm really dense when it comes to these things.


I don't do jeans (don't even own any!), so I'm going to go with a skirt and top ensemble, but I am now thinking a soft aqua sweater I have, and either the black or denim skirt. Both are more flowy than rigid, both are casual but nice. Definitely flats.


I don't wear jewelry at all. It just bugs me. The only jewelry I've ever worn as an adult was my former wedding band, which I obviously don't wear now!


For perfume. I don't have any that's expensive--I usually just do body sprays. I'm not even sure he likes perfume. Do all men like it?


As for my hair, not to toot my own horn, but I do have great hair. My hair is very thick, slightly wavy, layered and long, so I don't ever need to fuss with it, it just does what it's supposed to when I wash it. For make-up, I'm just going with the regular face, which is the full eye make up, hint of blush, neutral lipstick.


I don't have a day yet; there's a huge funeral at church today (which he's supplying and transporting food for) and I'm not sure if he flies today or not. Surely I'll know something in the next day or so.

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Do all men like it?



No, not all men like perfume, dh actually doesn't prefer it, as it really bothers his sinus's, so I'd go light if any. About a week ago I got Blizzards from DQ and dh could smell the perfume on the cup and he kept complaining all night that the person working was wearing way too much perfume.



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No, not all men like perfume, dh actually doesn't prefer it, as it really bothers his sinus's, so I'd go light if any. About a week ago I got Blizzards from DQ and dh could smell the perfume on the cup and he kept complaining all night that the person working was wearing way too much perfume.





:iagree: I'm married to another who prefers a la naturale. :-)

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m going to go with a skirt and top ensemble, but I am now thinking a soft aqua sweater


This will sound unbelievable (as in I wouldn't believe it) but I was actually thinking of a soft aqua sweater. Honestly!


I have, and either the black or denim skirt. Both are more flowy than rigid, both are casual but nice. Definitely flats.


Flats, perfect. Skirt, right choice too (go with the softer one).


I don't wear jewelry at all. It just bugs me.


No need, Distraction.


For perfume. I don't have any that's expensive--I usually just do body sprays. I'm not even sure he likes perfume. Do all men like it?


No we don't actually. Actually counterproductive (especially the body spray). Your body will be pumping out so many intoxicating pheromones nothing should get in their way. Trust me :D


As for my hair, not to toot my own horn, but I do have great hair. My hair is very thick, slightly wavy, layered and long, so I don't ever need to fuss with it, it just does what it's supposed to when I wash it. For make-up, I'm just going with the regular face, which is the full eye make up, hint of blush, neutral lipstick.


With the make-up, if you feel confident about it, you could put a small spin on the "regular face", a subtle (I said "subtle" right?) shift towards a nighttime look. Something he can't put his finger on. Hmm?


Bill (who's giving out make-up advice? :D)

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OK, here's the thing. You don't need a new outfit or a make-over, because he likes you just the way you are. I think there's a Billy Joel song* about this ;)


Just wear something YOU feel really comfortable and confident in.


And wear something that is literally and figuratively "soft".


As in "soft to the touch". Don't ask why, just trust me:001_wub:


Jeans are (generally speaking) not "soft". Think about it.


Bill (who knows a guy wearing THE SHIRT is a clear (CLEAR) signal) :tongue_smilie:


* ignore the part about not needing "clever conversation", hum through this section, because clever conversation is (can I say "sexy" on WTM?) enchanting!


Bill, you are so awesome!!! :-) (Even when you can't remember my name ;)) I love that you are participating in this thread, and the countless others as well.

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This will sound unbelievable (as in I wouldn't believe it) but I was actually thinking of a soft aqua sweater. Honestly!




Flats, perfect. Skirt, right choice too (go with the softer one).




No need, Distraction.




No we don't actually. Actually counterproductive (especially the body spray). Your body will be pumping out so many intoxicating pheromones nothing should get in their way. Trust me :D




With the make-up, if you feel confident about it, you could put a small spin on the "regular face", a subtle (I said "subtle" right?) shift towards a nighttime look. Something he can't put his finger on. Hmm?


Bill (who's giving out make-up advice? :D)



This whole thread is so fun, but I must say that you , Bill, are making this thread even better. :D


Keep the advice coming! (I'll log it all away for another time...says another single gal... :)

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For perfume. I don't have any that's expensive--I usually just do body sprays. I'm not even sure he likes perfume. Do all men like it?




My two cents? Where what you always wear (soap, perfume, lotion etc). Chances are he likes the way you smell already. I just talked to an old high school boyfriend recently and he asked "Do you still wear that peach stuff? I always think of you when I smell peaches." :) Pick the you scent, it will be stuck in his head. :)

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