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I need "man" help. (no bashing involved--and any male input is welcome)

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Well, I hate to quote you when so many others have, Bill (I like to be the odd one out, you know ;)), but I can hear a sort of Barry White voice here stating:


Girl...you two are in love :D -- and now it is ringing in my ears!!!



Like this?


Girrrrrlll... doo doot... doo doot.... You know you two are in love, girl... doo doot... doo doot... Invite that man.... doo doot.. doo doot... Invite that man to dinner, girl... :D

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Holding a teddy bear nanny cam :lol:in front of me while asking the man for dinner is not the image I want to project. He's already 10 years older than I.


Woman, don't you have your daughter at church with you? Get HER to hold the camera. Goodness. You need some help in the whole exploiting-your-child department. That girl is your ticket. He knows it, too. Why else would the man be making a barbie bed?!

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Woman, don't you have your daughter at church with you? Get HER to hold the camera. Goodness. You need some help in the whole exploiting-your-child department. That girl is your ticket. He knows it, too. Why else would the man be making a barbie bed?!


See, it's things like this that I'm just stupid about. You have a point--what kind of manly man would make a doll bed for the fun of it?


And, about dd, he is very nice to her, teases with her, jokes around, all very appropriate and respectful to her.

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We can't hold your hand, any of us, but we can send recipes, and we can wait up late, trolling the boards, waiting, waiting for a report. And then we'll collectively scream with delight when you refuse to tell us whether he kissed you goodnight!



Oh He77's Bell's I haven't finished reading and already we've got a real live "Black Heel to Tractor Wheels".


Go to Ree's site, grab that lasgne recipe and get cooking. Serve with a nice salad and warm brownies topped with vanilla icecream.


He'll propose within the week. :D

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But tomorrow is only Thursday. Why can't you call him tomorrow? And you could invite him for Sunday evening. If you do it your way we'll have to wait longer, and we don't want to. We are dating through you and we don't feel like waiting til sometime next week. We want to have him over this weekend. Do you want us to call him for you?




OK, this is the best larf I've had all week :lol: :lol: :lol:


Oh He77's Bell's I haven't finished reading and already we've got a real live "Black Heel to Tractor Wheels".


Go to Ree's site, grab that lasgne recipe and get cooking. Serve with a nice salad and warm brownies topped with vanilla icecream.


He'll propose within the week. :D


And what a FABULOUS idea!


This thread is totally killing me. Now, I ask you, how can I stay off the boards if stuff like this going on???

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Oh, he's not clueless. He knows exactly what he's doing. He's playing the shy, quiet, type, AND he is giving her time to heal, AND he wants her to make the first move. That way he knows she's ready for a relationship, and doesn't screw it up by moving in too soon.


That man is smart! Go get him Michelle!!


Michelle and the pilot,

sittin in a tree,


First comes...........lasagne!! :lol:


and I'll leave it at that. This is a G-rated board after all. Bwaahhhahaha

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hehehehe Sure I will be right over. :auto: We can put an earpiece thing in your ear and I can tell ya what to say and......................hey wait this sounds like a really bad movie :001_huh:



Ok, now I totally have that scene from "Roxanne" (w/ Steve Martin) running through my head. (But, it's not a bad movie, I loved it.) Michelle, you may want to watch it before your dinner to see if that method of help might work. ;):tongue_smilie::lol:


I think everyone here (incl. me) is feeling giddy for you, lol! Is there a full moon tonight or something?


Good luck! You've definitely got lots of positive support coming from here. :001_smile:

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Ok, now I totally have that scene from "Roxanne" (w/ Steve Martin) running through my head. (But, it's not a bad movie, I loved it.) Michelle, you may want to watch it before your dinner to see if that method of help might work. ;):tongue_smilie::lol:


If you need a laugh, I actually found a trailer for Roxanne & it has some of the stuff where Steve Martin is hiding while telling the other guy instructions what to say during the date. LOL.


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Guest Virginia Dawn
I know what you mean. It is kind of like Pride and Prejudice or Sense and Sensibility all right here on the board! :tongue_smilie:


This story will be much better than a romance novel.


You think her narrative will go anything like this?


"As he amble twoard her with an easygoing stride, he came into the touch of the dappled sunlight and she could see him clearly. He had a rugged, granite look to him. Dark brown hair tumbled over a high forehead. A confident sloping nose, a hard line of mouth, dark eys and a chiseled jaw all complemented his square, handsome face. His big hands gripped the polished porch railing as he focused on her."



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Oh, he's not clueless. He knows exactly what he's doing. He's playing the shy, quiet, type, AND he is giving her time to heal, AND he wants her to make the first move. That way he knows she's ready for a relationship, and doesn't screw it up by moving in too soon.


That man is smart! Go get him Michelle!!


Michelle and the pilot,

sittin in a tree,


First comes...........lasagne!! :lol:


and I'll leave it at that. This is a G-rated board after all. Bwaahhhahaha


:iagree: How exciting for you.

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Ok. I'll ask him to dinner. But I can't do it NOW because it's almost 11 pm and the man is a pilot and most likely has to fly in the morning. So, if it's ok with the rest of you, can I wait until I see him Sunday and do it in person? Email or phone seems chickeny.


Oh, my goodness! I wasn't around for this conversation last night, but I just wanted to add my silly little self to your cheering section. bounce015.gif


Good luck!

And we expect all of the details no later than first thing Monday morning! ;)

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Heck, I'm already planning their honeymoon! (He's a pilot! They can go anywhere! And they'll be so in love that flying standby will be no problem, all that waiting around. My dad was a pilot so I know all the tricks. I'm ready to offer up all kinds of packing advice, too!)


DH is a photograoher. We do weddings :001_smile:

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I missed all this excitement last night! WOW!!!!


A few thoughts. I think he is interested. (duh!) Since he is older and more mature, he is behaving as thus. If he knows about your past a bit, he will be acting very kind and being very patient in order to test the waters and gauge your reaction.


Totally agree with the invite for dinner. And I hope you have a spectacular time. This is very lovely and I wish you all the blessings that you so deserve, dear.

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You guys are making me giggle. LOL


Lasagne is good, but I know he really likes scallops and steaks. Should I stick with lasagne or dive in for the kill with the scallops?


And, I did consider blogging about this, but I have no idea how he'd feel about that and I even hesitated posting the situation. We'll have to see how he feels about blogging. I'd hate for him to feel exposed.

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You guys are making me giggle. LOL


Lasagne is good, but I know he really likes scallops and steaks. Should I stick with lasagne or dive in for the kill with the scallops?


And, I did consider blogging about this, but I have no idea how he'd feel about that and I even hesitated posting the situation. We'll have to see how he feels about blogging. I'd hate for him to feel exposed.


Don't pull out all the big guns on the first go around. Save a little for upping the ante with subsequent meetings.:D

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A few thoughts. I think he is interested. (duh!) Since he is older and more mature, he is behaving as thus. If he knows about your past a bit, he will be acting very kind and being very patient in order to test the waters and gauge your reaction.



OH, he knows the past. He's even seen some of it first-hand--mostly the verbal abuse, and of course, he saw how torn up I was when I filed and all the aftermath of that. You're probably right--he's treading carefully.


This is all very odd. I've never had anyone tread carefully around me, for good reasons, I mean.

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Is he interested in you??? It sounds that way to me. If you aren't interested in possibly starting a relationship, dinner probably isn't the way to go. If you are, I'd say it's perfect :D



My thoughts exactly. If you're not interested then I'd give him a card with a gift card to a general place like Target or Walmart.
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OH, he knows the past. He's even seen some of it first-hand--mostly the verbal abuse, and of course, he saw how torn up I was when I filed and all the aftermath of that. You're probably right--he's treading carefully.


This is all very odd. I've never had anyone tread carefully around me, for good reasons, I mean.


I just finished reading all 80+ posts. I am sitting her with a huge grin on my face! I can't wait to see how it goes for you. I definitely think he is interested in you. So what is his story? You say he is 10 years older....widowed? Divorced? Never married? Kids?

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Oh my gosh!!!!!! I can't believe I missed all this yesterday.


We're going on a date!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited. I have butterflies. What if he says no? What if he doesn't like us? What should we wear?


I love living vicariously through these boards.



PS. I asked dh what he thought of the situation and he laughed and said, "A man doesn't come over and fix cars and volunteer to make doll beds just to be nice."

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Sooo exciting!


Good luck Michelle when you make your move with the invite!


I'm so hormonal...this thread is making me laugh and tear up simultaneously. Elaine's right, it feels just like high school (in a good way for once!), that first crush...does he like me...what should I do??? Would you like one of your imaginary friends to send him a little e-mail card with boxes to check if he truly likes you?!?! :D



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Oh. My. Goodness! I can't believe I have missed all this up until now.


Ok - now that we are living vicariously through you - (and I love my dh dearly, but who doesn't love a little romance?!)...we need to decide on details...


What are your thoughts on the meal. I am thinking Ree's lasagna and cake are great ideas, along with her buttered bread and some salad.


What will you wear? Casual - jeans and nice t-shirt. A little more dressy? - khakis and a blouse.


Music in the background? Barry White, while good, might send the wrong signal, KWIM? Classical? Jazz? Christian? Think, girl


Entertainment? Movie after dinner? a walk around the neighborhood? Coffee on the back porch?


I just wanted to give you some things to think about until the BIG DAY. Anything else you need? We are here for you, dear!

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