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So what are u doing to improve yourself?


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Exercising more, with a personal trainer.

I've been better about my skin care routine and taking my supplements.

How long do you swim? I swim for fun but it does nothing for me :)

Not long, but enough to get my pulse up. The most I have achieved is 80 m straight. Then I rest and go again.

Seems to be working.


My dd is training to start Nippers (Junior Australian Surf Life Saving) etc... so I thought I'd train with her.

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Not long, but enough to get my pulse up. The most I have achieved is 80 m straight. Then I rest and go again.

Seems to be working.


My dd is training to start Nippers (Junior Australian Surf Life Saving) etc... so I thought I'd train with her.

Oh, I swim for an hour at a time but it is... Leisurely :)
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I started kung fu again 3 months ago. It is where I met dh, he's the head instructor, but I stopped after having my second child because it was too distracting to have the kids with me at the school while I took class. 5.5 years later and it is even more enjoyable.

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Lately I do some mooji meditation, swimming (1hr 3xweek), walking with my old dog (who loves it - I think it's good for both of our mental health), enrolled in Education degree, having regular energy healing sessions with a practitioner.


Also, trying to be more regular with my iron supplement, washing my face with honey, using coconut oil as a facial moisturiser, starting a 10-week Paleo Activation challenge (tomorrow).


I'm pleased to see all the things I do for myself to make me feel good!  I didn't realise I was doing so much till I wrote it down.  Most of this is fairly newly implemented, so I'm hoping to turn the corner and start seeing some benefits.

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Weight training three times a week.


At least one brisk walk every day (weather permitting).  Walking for me is like meditation--it helps keep my mind clear.


And overall shooting for a total of at least 12,500 steps a day.


Keeping a consistent sleep routine.

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I guess I'm the odd woman out. I like myself how I am and don't think in terms of needing improvement.


I choose activities that bring me joy and make me happy.

Hmm, I don't really view it as me needing an improvement so that is why I do it. But doing kung fu has improved me. It has improved my happiness because it is something I thoroughly enjoy, it has improved my health because I'm getting back in shape with it, and it has improved my focus. But I am not doing it for those improvements.

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Hmm, I don't really view it as me needing an improvement so that is why I do it. But doing kung fu has improved me. It has improved my happiness because it is something I thoroughly enjoy, it has improved my health because I'm getting back in shape with it, and it has improved my focus. But I am not doing it for those improvements.

Then I could get on board with a thread about "What are you doing that you thoroughly enjoy that improves your happiness?"

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Less computer (and subsequently making time for everything below!)

Saying yes more.

A walk and/or a swim every day.

Taking more time to really listen and play with the kids. 

Taking time to read every day. 

Trying to be more creative in my boring kitchen.

Vegan twice a week. 

Writing a good juicy letter to a friend every week. 


I am in a groove right now, feeling great. I think a lot of this has to do with the "less time on the computer" thing. I know that this stuff ebbs and flows, but it does feel good when I hit my stride. 

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Then I could get on board with a thread about "What are you doing that you thoroughly enjoy that improves your happiness?"

I lift heavy weights under the guidance of a trainer :D


I now exercise 6 days each week. I love feeling strong and healthy :)


I read lots and lots of books without feeling guilty ;)

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Going back to school

Being more conscious of how I'm eating and making better food choices as well as paying attention to when I'm full.

Cut out sodas all together and drinking water and unsweetened iced tea.


A coworker teaches Brazilian Jujitsu and has been encouraging me to try it. I don't know...it sorta scares me! I told him I wasn't sure old fat girls could do it. He looked around and said, "I don't see any old fat girls. But you come and give it a shot!" That boy's mamma raised him right! LOL


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Brain: Going through AOPS on my own

Body: made myself some sweat pants so that I can go walking in the morning now that the weather is cold.

BSoul: spending more time praying and reading

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My b00ks have gone up at least 1 cup size and I've lost 17 lbs in 4 days on the "give birth to a baby" plan. I can walk without pain and stand up without making grunting noises. I can roll over in bed. Physically, I am much much improved. And to top it all off I get to snuggle and smell and kiss and tiny little human whenever I want. :-)

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Tap Dancing (Once a week)

West Coast Dancing (Once a week)

Running Club (Twice a week)

Learning French with Duolingo. (Completed the English to French tree. Half way done the French to English Tree)

Website creation and maintenance of websites for the dance hall, and some volunteer stuff. Someone is coming over in an hour to introduce me to something new in this area.

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