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No sugar! 30 day challenge. Who is with me?

Desert Strawberry

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I'm doing it! I'm going to stop eating sugar. 

I've not been a big sugar eater for years and years, because it does me no favors. But with all of our travelling and moving across the country and whatnot, it has crept in. I don't think I've ever had this much sugar in my life since 8th grade 


 Here's the rules: 30 days. No white sugar, natural sugars, besides whole fruits, no artificial sweeteners. My exceptions will be Thanksgiving dinner, to which I am bringing at east one dessert TBD, and a little flavored creamer in my coffee. 

Anyone else need to give their pancreas a break? Who's in?

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I've been gathering supplies for a few weeks and am starting on Monday. My family and I have done this before and everyone just feels so much better. The first few days are hard with withdraws and all, but then the good stuff happens: better sleep, more energy, better mood, and more. We will be using whole, ground stevia (the green stuff, not processed) but no fruit though. We'll probably cheat for Thanksgiving. Which is good because everyone will feel like crap and be more understanding with the no sugar/high carb foods diet.  We'll just be doing it a few months - a full parasite life cycle. Ha! After most of our family being dx with parasites a few years ago, doing a parasite cleanse (it's completely safe, don't worry!) is just something we do annually. I also deal with candida overgrowth (blood tests sow this, I'm not self diagnosing), so I'm always trying to overcome that too.  It's a good thing to reset taste buds and remember how much better we feel without the carbs and sugar too.

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I'm in...as long as someone will hold me accountable.  I didn't eat sugar for a long time and felt great but got busy and my diet has gone downhill fast.  It currently consists of primarily leftover halloween candy, candy bars, coffee and coke zero.

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I don't ever "add sugar" to anything, but I assume there is sugar in a lot of the foods I eat.  Does that count?  It would be hard for me to cut everything that is manufactured (or naturally occurring) with sugar.  Not because I crave sugar, just because it's hard to avoid.  Nice idea, though.  :)

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I have not been eating any sugars (natural or artificial) for awhile.  limited fruit (veggies are preferred), no bread.  I've been super strict in the past, and this time I'm allowing myself or holiday meals/birthdays.  (there was no way I was passing up blackberry pie for a farewell dinner for some long time friends who are moving out of state).


I'm putting it back in it's place of truly for special occasions only - not every day, (or even every week) and especially NOT multiple times a day.


the holidays killed me the last time I did this - so, I'm limiting rather than banning.

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I give you guys a lot of credit. I don't have the willpower to eliminate sugar during the holiday season. 


it's less about willpower when you know how much better you feel not eating very much sugar.  I just have to focus on eating well (eating protein when I have a sugar craving is important too.) - and then I dont' want it.  I feel so much better - and my liver numbers are so much better.  I focus on that - then the sugar just isn't worth it.

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I do this a couple of times a year (Lent and Halloween to Thanksgiving) but NOT Thanksgiving to Christmas! Actually if you do this Halloween to T'giving you retrain yourself to not want so much sugar over the holidays. But there are too many once-a-year treats I would hate to miss entirely over the holidays.

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I have just finished a five week No Added Sugar set.  It really wasn't bad once I got started.  I am going to see how my self-regulator works over the holidays now that I have hopefully re-set my attitudes and taste buds somewhat.   I plan to go back to some form of No Added Sugar in January.



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I strongly recommend talking rain if they sell it in your area, especially for soda drinkers. It's a carbonated beverage with no sugar, no sugar substitutes, and no calories. It's very tasty. People are often disappointed in the first sip because they're expecting soda, but keep drinking! By the time you finish the can you'll be hooked.

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In January I'll try!


instead of waiting until january - just eat sugar on the main holidays/family gatherings/parties.  not other times, and not when you're by yourself.  save it for "special" occasions.


one thing I've done when sugar cravings were really bad - I'd do a yeast cleanse.  yeast craves sugar - and it sends out toxins if it's not getting enough.  so, I do a cleanse to kill it.  start slowly. by the third day - I have no cravings.  also, good probiotic.


Edited by gardenmom5
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I don't ever "add sugar" to anything, but I assume there is sugar in a lot of the foods I eat.  Does that count?  It would be hard for me to cut everything that is manufactured (or naturally occurring) with sugar.  Not because I crave sugar, just because it's hard to avoid.  Nice idea, though.  :)


I have developed a pastry habit. Also, diet coke. Occasional sweet drinks. I bake.

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I've been gathering supplies for a few weeks and am starting on Monday. My family and I have done this before and everyone just feels so much better. The first few days are hard with withdraws and all, but then the good stuff happens: better sleep, more energy, better mood, and more. We will be using whole, ground stevia (the green stuff, not processed) but no fruit though. We'll probably cheat for Thanksgiving. Which is good because everyone will feel like crap and be more understanding with the no sugar/high carb foods diet.  We'll just be doing it a few months - a full parasite life cycle. Ha! After most of our family being dx with parasites a few years ago, doing a parasite cleanse (it's completely safe, don't worry!) is just something we do annually. I also deal with candida overgrowth (blood tests sow this, I'm not self diagnosing), so I'm always trying to overcome that too.  It's a good thing to reset taste buds and remember how much better we feel without the carbs and sugar too.

What supplies? 

I'm not really adding anything. Just not buying sweets. Besides the stevia, what else will you need?

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I strongly recommend talking rain if they sell it in your area, especially for soda drinkers. It's a carbonated beverage with no sugar, no sugar substitutes, and no calories. It's very tasty. People are often disappointed in the first sip because they're expecting soda, but keep drinking! By the time you finish the can you'll be hooked.

I haven't seen this brand, but I drink mineral water when I need a fizzy drink. I prefer the unsweetened taste. But alas, D buys soda, so its always here. 

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I do this a couple of times a year (Lent and Halloween to Thanksgiving) but NOT Thanksgiving to Christmas! Actually if you do this Halloween to T'giving you retrain yourself to not want so much sugar over the holidays. But there are too many once-a-year treats I would hate to miss entirely over the holidays.



I give you guys a lot of credit. I don't have the willpower to eliminate sugar during the holiday season. 

I can't think of any holiday treats I want to eat. If anything, this is the best time to do it, because there is so much stuff around that I really wouldn't enjoy anyway. Not worth messing up my body for nothing. 

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I'm very lucky that I have almost no sweet tooth.  It wouldn't bother me a bit if I never saw another cookie, candy or piece of cake.  Or fruit.  I think the last time I ate fruit was in August, and the last bite of sweet I had was around June or July.  Not on purpose, they just aren't on my radar.  I do buy (or make) sweets for DH and the boys, but I'm not usually tempted. I'm especially lucky in this regard because I have a very strong family history of diabetes! 


But I do like some Splenda in my coffee.  And I'm not giving that up. ;)

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I actually started about three weeks ago when I did a low carb thing with a friend. I decided to keep off the sugar since the horrible part was over. I've been No S for years so I really only needed to cut back the S days. I thought a dial down before the holiday bachanal couldn't hurt. I can't say I feel better or have lost weight but I am less hungry. I have occasionally used some stevia. I do have every intention of having a piece of pecan pie for Thanksgiving though. And wine!

Edited by joyofsix
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What supplies? 

I'm not really adding anything. Just not buying sweets. Besides the stevia, what else will you need?


start looking at lables.  it's disguting the amount of added sugars many products have - even ones you wouldn't think of as "sweets". 


and stevia is sitll a sugar replacement. I don't use it, or honey, or agave, or anything else.


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I'm in. I lost a good bit of weight cutting sugar & empty carbs a while back, but I've been in a rut for over a year now.  I have bee slacking badly lately.  I have bad back pain and fatigue when I'm over a certain weight, and I've been creeping up to that.


My rules are:


No sugar


No carbs from grains unless I bake the bread (given how often I bake and the ingredients I use, this will eliminate the bad stuff and greatly reduce the wheat.)


Kefir daily with fruit, cut the stevia (I may gradually reduce instead of cut altogether.)


Keep fruit and veggies prepped for snacking.  (This is key for me.)


Limit stevia to 2TB/day.  Coffee...cream and CO.

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start looking at lables.  it's disguting the amount of added sugars many products have - even ones you wouldn't think of as "sweets". 


and stevia is sitll a sugar replacement. I don't use it, or honey, or agave, or anything else.


I don't really eat packaged foods. What are you replacing, and with what?


I don't use stevia, but lavender girl does.

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I can't think of any holiday treats I want to eat. If anything, this is the best time to do it, because there is so much stuff around that I really wouldn't enjoy anyway. Not worth messing up my body for nothing. 


I've already made a cranberry sauce with a handful of locally grown cranberries- it required some sugar. It's a seasonal treat for me to spread on a turkey wrap.   



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instead of waiting until january - just eat sugar on the main holidays/family gatherings/parties.  not other times, and not when you're by yourself.  save it for "special" occasions.


one thing I've done when sugar cravings were really bad - I'd do a yeast cleanse.  yeast craves sugar - and it sends out toxins if it's not getting enough.  so, I do a cleanse to kill it.  start slowly. by the third day - I have no cravings.  also, good probiotic.



Can I ask how you do the yeast cleanse? Is it a product you purchase? I think my ds has a sugar addition. He craves carbs and sweets. I would love to get him off sugar for a period of time and see how he does. The yeast cleanse might be a good starting point. Any advice you have would be appreciated.

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Can I ask how you do the yeast cleanse? Is it a product you purchase? I think my ds has a sugar addition. He craves carbs and sweets. I would love to get him off sugar for a period of time and see how he does. The yeast cleanse might be a good starting point. Any advice you have would be appreciated.

Gemini had a problem with yeast. We did the Candida diet. It was rough. He was only 4. I think he was down to 12 foods that he could eat.  It worked though. We saw huge improvements in his behavior, growth (he was 25 pounds), and other symptoms. 



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Can I ask how you do the yeast cleanse? Is it a product you purchase? I think my ds has a sugar addition. He craves carbs and sweets. I would love to get him off sugar for a period of time and see how he does. The yeast cleanse might be a good starting point. Any advice you have would be appreciated.


I use candigone by renew life.  it starts slow (you want that), then builds up.  that reduces the reaction to yeast die-off.  it works best if you cut out sugar during the cleanse (or at least seriously minimize) - and add in probiotics.  (I use pro-15 - it is enteric coated, and has 15 kinds of probiotics.)


it takes a couple weeks or so, but when I started doing them, I felt a whole lot better in just a few days - at most.  I might do one once a year or so.  I did one after I had to do three rounds of strong antibiotics last spring.  (antibiotics also kill off all the *good* gut bacteria.  the resulting vacuum is often filled by yeast.)


when someone has a sugar craving - try eating protein.

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Alright, as I'm sitting down to my purple potato and zucchini hash for breakfast, I want to clarify that this is NOT low carb. I'm not going that far. I like my taters. 

I'm going to continue to use sweet sauces. It's a minor part of my diet and I'm ok with a gram or two of sugar on occasion. If they start to be too sweet, I'll stop. 

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instead of waiting until january - just eat sugar on the main holidays/family gatherings/parties.  not other times, and not when you're by yourself.  save it for "special" occasions.




This is a fantastic idea for me because I only eat sugar when I'm by myself! 


With coffee after kids go to school, late at night with a cup of tea after kids go to bed, etc.


So, I'm in!   :hurray:


But I need to be held accountable in some way.. Should we report back on this thread from time to time?

Edited by MiMi 4under3
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This is a fantastic idea for me because I only eat sugar when I'm by myself! 


With coffee after kids go to school, late at night with a cup of tea after kids go to bed, etc.


So, I'm in!   :hurray:


But I need to be held accountable in some way.. Should we report back on this thread from time to time?


Yes. Let's do that. I'll start. 


I'm starting today.


Last night, I made myself some farewell cupcakes. The cakes themselves are not bad. She doesn't include sugar in her recipes, but allows the reader to choose how much, if any, and what type. I made a triple batch, for 6 small cuppies, and used 3 tbs of sugar. 

Then I topped them with my own butter frosting, which is not terrible as frosting goes, but it was too sweet. I didn't eat all of them, but I was satisfied that I've had enough sweet to last me through the first few days. 


So today, I've had my coffee with a tsp of sugar, but really, I could have left it out. Tomorrow I'll try it without. 

I made a hash for breakfast. Half potato, half veg, topped with cheese. I used a splash of sweet BBQ sauce. It's really sweet. Not sure I'll use it again. 


I'm hoping to feel some changes in the next few days. I'm not sure if I will experience withdrawal. I never have before, but I don't think I've ever eaten so much sugar consistently. We'll see how it goes. 


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I don't really eat packaged foods. What are you replacing, and with what?


I don't use stevia, but lavender girl does.


I don't replace - I get rid of.  I do NOT use honey, agave, stevia, etc. they are still a form of sugar.   I do not use aritificial sweetners (I consider to be worse. they mess with the brain's ability to deal with sweetness.)

i. e. I put cinnamon on my oatmeal. sometimes cut up apple (as much as I dont' like how much fructose it has - it has a number of other health benes).  or minced nuts.  many of them with cinnamon, but usually just cinnamon.  a typical breakfast is berries, uncooked oats and plain greek yogurt.  (no added sweetener.)  the yogurt is my only milk product.

spices are great for adding flavor.


someone once gave me prepared costco spaghetti sauce - it was so sweet, it was gross.  I couldn't believe how much sugar (in multiple forms) was added.  I make my own - from scratch.


most things we make from scratch.  it tastes better, is cheaper - and it's healthier.


HFCS really is one of the worst forms you can eat - and it's in many prepared foods: many yogurts, crackers, cereals, breads, soups, some bacons, in addition to the you'd expect - ice cream, pop, etc. etc.  plus, it contains mercury.  (yeah, that was my reaction.  I looked it up. it is made with caustic soda, and that contains mercury.  dudeling had a blood draw while drinking ONE normal sized pop.  his mercury level at that draw was 7.6. . . . his provider was freaking out trying to figure out where it came from.  that's the equivalent of swallowing the mercury from a thermometer.).

that doesn't even include how it messes with the brain's ability to deal with it.


the best I've ever felt in my life - I at no fruit, and absolutely nothing containing sugar.  no bread, no milk, etc.  (I did use butter - but that's fat.) I had tons of energy, skin was soft, allergies went away, could think clearly, etc.  it's a hard way to live. 


eta: I don't drink juice, I don't drink soda - I drink filtered water with lemon.  (it doesn't need to be sweetened.)  you can also throw in lime, or mint leaves, etc.


lest you think I never had a sweet tooth - my mother could tell stories of how much I went after sugar as a kid.  I was majorly addicted.  I do have to focus on NOT falling back into old habits because they're familiar, not because I'm still craving sugar.

Edited by gardenmom5
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I don't replace - I get rid of.  I do NOT use honey, agave, stevia, etc. they are still a form of sugar.   I do not use aritificial sweetners (I consider to be worse. they mess with the brain's ability to deal with sweetness.)

i. e. I put cinnamon on my oatmeal. sometimes cut up apple (as much as I dont' like how much fructose it has - it has a number of other health benes).  or minced nuts.  many of them with cinnamon, but usually just cinnamon.  a typical breakfast is berries, uncooked oats and plain greek yogurt.  (no added sweetener.)  the yogurt is my only milk product.

spices are great for adding flavor.


someone once gave me prepared costco spaghetti sauce - it was so sweet, it was gross.  I couldn't believe how much sugar (in multiple forms) was added.  I make my own - from scratch.


most things we make from scratch.  it tastes better, is cheaper - and it's healthier.


HFCS really is one of the worst forms you can eat - and it's in many prepared foods: many yogurts, crackers, cereals, breads, soups, some bacons, in addition to the you'd expect - ice cream, pop, etc. etc.  plus, it contains mercury.  (yeah, that was my reaction.  I looked it up. it is made with caustic soda, and that contains mercury.  dudeling had a blood draw while drinking ONE normal sized pop.  his mercury level at that draw was 7.6. . . . his provider was freaking out trying to figure out where it came from.  that's the equivalent of swallowing the mercury from a thermometer.).

that doesn't even include how it messes with the brain's ability to deal with it.


the best I've ever felt in my life - I at no fruit, and absolutely nothing containing sugar.  no bread, no milk, etc.  (I did use butter - but that's fat.) I had tons of energy, skin was soft, allergies went away, could think clearly, etc.  it's a hard way to live. 


eta: I don't drink juice, I don't drink soda - I drink filtered water with lemon.  (it doesn't need to be sweetened.)  you can also throw in lime, or mint leaves, etc.


lest you think I never had a sweet tooth - my mother could tell stories of how much I went after sugar as a kid.  I was majorly addicted.  I do have to focus on NOT falling back into old habits because they're familiar, not because I'm still craving sugar.


emphasis mine


This is the diet we are doing and THE ONLY time I feel like a normal person and can THINK CLEARLY is when I'm on it.  It's night and day for me. It are terribly hard way to live especially with our food allergies and the fact that I eat NO grains, beans, nuts, seeds, so I never stick with it. But for a few months out of the year, at least, I get relief from mental confusion and get to remember what living is/should really be like.  



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the best I've ever felt in my life - I at no fruit, and absolutely nothing containing sugar. no bread, no milk, etc. (I did use butter - but that's fat.) I had tons of energy, skin was soft, allergies went away, could think clearly, etc. it's a hard way to live.



See, this is what depresses me. I've done Whole 30, a low carb thing and now no sugar. I feel just the same. Granted I always feel pretty good but.... I guess my body is descended from some sugar loving Germans. I'm laying off sugar because I'm pretty sure it's not great for anyone but I don't feel any different. I had to come up with other ways to fuel my run and workout but that's about the only change.
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Chiming in to show support.  I've been off sugar completely for about 15 months.  The first two weeks were the hardest for me so keep in mind that it gets easier.  If you continue to stick with it long term, the cravings typically fade away.


As mentioned, be sure to read labels on anything that you plan to eat, unless you will be preparing everything from scratch from whole foods.  They put sugar or other sweeteners in almost all packaged products.  It ended up easier for me to just stop eating almost anything packaged.


Good luck!

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What supplies? 

I'm not really adding anything. Just not buying sweets. Besides the stevia, what else will you need?


We're also doing some yeast/parasite cleansing, so those are more the supplies I'm talking about. I had to order the stevia from our food co-op and had to wait for the monthly order deadline and then for it to get here.


Gemini had a problem with yeast. We did the Candida diet. It was rough. He was only 4. I think he was down to 12 foods that he could eat.  It worked though. We saw huge improvements in his behavior, growth (he was 25 pounds), and other symptoms. 




This is what we're doing except we have egg and dairy allergies so that alone limits what we can eat on the diet, but we also don't do the nuts and seeds and grains. I think those are too carby for a yeast diet.  We follow this one: 




If do feel so much better after doing the cleanse, but because of how sick I am, eventually the symptoms come back. I really need to be on it longer to really rid myself of Candida. When my kids are a little older (just too hard at this parenting stage), I'm def. going to try.


I've done RX antifungals and everything. You really need to do the diet plus probiotics plus antifungals (RX, natural, or a combo) for a good amount of time, until all symptoms are gone and then longer to irradicate yeast. 

Edited by LavenderGirl
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I gave up sugar in early September. I have only had it twice since then. I gave up artificial sweeteners for the first 30 days too. I let myself have a little now, but still keep it very limited. 


I am planning to have sugar at Thanksgiving, so I can't join you now, but I will say it has been really good for me and I highly encourage it! 

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See, this is what depresses me. I've done Whole 30, a low carb thing and now no sugar. I feel just the same. Granted I always feel pretty good but.... I guess my body is descended from some sugar loving Germans. I'm laying off sugar because I'm pretty sure it's not great for anyone but I don't feel any different. I had to come up with other ways to fuel my run and workout but that's about the only change.


Count yourself lucky!  I'm glad you feel pretty good and healthy. That is a wonderful thing and nothing to be depressed about!

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Can I ask how you do the yeast cleanse? Is it a product you purchase? I think my ds has a sugar addition. He craves carbs and sweets. I would love to get him off sugar for a period of time and see how he does. The yeast cleanse might be a good starting point. Any advice you have would be appreciated.


We use these products for our antifungals (they're also good for most other parasites) because they're cheaper than a formulated product and some of the most potent:








http://www.thecandidadiet.com/goldenseal.htm - Goldenseal is actually pretty expensive but we only do it here and there during the cleanse. The others are done daily

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See, this is what depresses me. I've done Whole 30, a low carb thing and now no sugar. I feel just the same. Granted I always feel pretty good but.... I guess my body is descended from some sugar loving Germans. I'm laying off sugar because I'm pretty sure it's not great for anyone but I don't feel any different. I had to come up with other ways to fuel my run and workout but that's about the only change.


I didn't go low carb.  I ate potatoes (with butter even) and pasta - as much as I wanted.  just - absolutely NO sugar (and low sugar foods.  carrots have sugar . . . beets have sugar . . . so, I'm getting some. )  no bread - because bread contains yeast.  I put my toppings on rice cakes.  I wasn't hungry. 


I actually went on it for reasons other than weight - but the weight melted off.  despite how much I ate.


dd recently did some diet at her gym.  it was supposed to be low carb - but it made her physically sick. she had to have carbs.  she still lost the two dress sizes.


I plan on getting through the holidays by allowing myself some 'treats' at parties/festivities. (and limiting it to 'the day/event'.  just not 'cause I feel like it. 

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I would like to, but not now. I've thought about it in the past couple weeks, as I've been buying a size larger jeans. And I don't want to think I'm just procrastinating or putting it off, never to do it, but I cannot do it going into the holidays. I have had so many fails in the past years doing low-carb, no sugar, whatever and the idea of trying this again during this season is setting myself up for failure. I know I need to get off sugar. It's not good for me. And I want to lose 25 lbs. I need to lose 25 lbs. but I am so discouraged and just don't want to try it now. I'll wait till after Christmas.

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Completely ate badly today.  T-day celebration.  That's my excuse.  We are traveling this week, and I'm telling myself I already had my cheats for the week.  I need to get to the store and pack some healthy snacks.  My goal is to be the same weight when we get back home.


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I'm doing it! I'm going to stop eating sugar. 


I've not been a big sugar eater for years and years, because it does me no favors. But with all of our travelling and moving across the country and whatnot, it has crept in. I don't think I've ever had this much sugar in my life since 8th grade 


 Here's the rules: 30 days. No white sugar, natural sugars, besides whole fruits, no artificial sweeteners. My exceptions will be Thanksgiving dinner, to which I am bringing at east one dessert TBD, and a little flavored creamer in my coffee. 


Anyone else need to give their pancreas a break? Who's in?


What about foods that have some sugar in them?  BBQ sauces on meat, milk with natural sugars, etc....

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I'm considering popping in here. I ran out of blood glucose strips and then life became busy and I got lazy with watching what I eat. I didn't go crazy but my body doesn't tolerate much(life seems unfair when I already eat a fraction of the carbs and sugars of other people and my bg levels are still higher). I'm working now to get my glucose levels back. So, I've had hardly any sugar for about 3 weeks now, trying to get my numbers down. Unfortunately for me it is more my overall carb level, not just sugars, just as I had perfected the roasted potato of course. My only goal is to go low enough with my food to get my numbers where they need to be, fasting levels under 100(my after meal levels are pretty good- ideally I'd prefer fasting in the lower 90s but I'm just trying to get under 100 first- I hit 95 today lowest it has been since before I ran out of strips a few months ago). I'm trying to decide if I want a few splurges on Thanksgiving..... It seems perhaps that I can tolerate more carbs and sugar for lunch, while supper needs to be very low, and since we have our official meal at lunch I'm thinking of making some kind of dessert that is pretty low carb but still a treat. 

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