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S/O Fundraisers: what's the strangest thing you've seen?


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So last week I received a phone call from my good friend's daughter. The drama department at her HS is raising money for a trip in the spring to go to NYC to see a few shows and participate in a master class with a well- known director. Great - sounds like a worthy cause for fundraising.


Then she tells me what they are selling: mattresses. She goes on to say they will have all sizes from Twin to King, plus memory-foam, gel, traditional, etc. Such a bizarre thing - who wakes up one Saturday morning and thinks, I'm going to swing by the high school and pick up a mattress?!


I told her we are all set for mattresses, but that I will happily contribute so she can go to New York.


What strange items have you seen being used to fundraise?

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Here's a funny fundraising story. You know those impassioned pleas you get in the mail? The one with quotes, italics, bolding and underlining?


I have a colleague who was once writing one and put some place holder language into the second paragraph..."blah blah blah blah..." He intended to go back and add something specific.


Well, you guessed it. It went out to the printers and the mailhouse that way and that is what their entire donor base received


Apparently though the mistake was found to be refreshingly funny because they got more donations than typical for that campaign and people complimented him on being clever.

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Sheets are popular here, but I've seen the mattress one also.  I know it's popular, but I think selling grapefruit and oranges is weird.  We live in Georgia; fruit in the winter is not a novelty anywhere any more, but especially here.  I buy it anyway because my rule is that I'll buy whatever a kid (not a parent) asks me to buy.


My favorite is the Boy Scouts who come around and collect Christmas trees for a donation.  We email them right after Christmas to get our address on the list and tie $15 to the tree, and they pick it up the weekend after Christmas.  Saves my having to load the dry tree into my car.  I wish a group would do Christmas wrapping:  your little squad of cheerleaders or violinists comes to my house and wraps everything with my paper and supplies.  If anyone's looking for an idea, there's one for you.

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Sheets are popular here, but I've seen the mattress one also. I know it's popular, but I think selling grapefruit and oranges is weird. We live in Georgia; fruit in the winter is not a novelty anywhere any more, but especially here. I buy it anyway because my rule is that I'll buy whatever a kid (not a parent) asks me to buy.


My favorite is the Boy Scouts who come around and collect Christmas trees for a donation. We email them right after Christmas to get our address on the list and tie $15 to the tree, and they pick it up the weekend after Christmas. Saves my having to load the dry tree into my car. I wish a group would do Christmas wrapping: your little squad of cheerleaders or violinists comes to my house and wraps everything with my paper and supplies. If anyone's looking for an idea, there's one for you.

That is an awesome idea! If you find a group doing that, PM me. I'll hire them, too.

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I want a fundraiser where they come weed my garden or mulch my landscaping.


Lots of youth groups around here sell pine needles in the spring and fall. For an extra fee, they will spread them in your yard. I know of several that sell Christmas trees too.


I've heard of groups asking people to DONATE mattresses (for children who don't have one) but never SELLING them as a fundraiser. Seems like an odd thing to sell something so expensive and that only gets replaced every 10 years or so. Why not sell toilets too? :confused1:


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I've never seen a weird fund raiser in person but this came across my facebook a while back and it cracked me up and summed up how I feel about fund raisers in general. :)


Link is just to the image, not the article about it.





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I've never seen a weird fund raiser in person but this came across my facebook a while back and it cracked me up and summed up how I feel about fund raisers in general. :)


Link is just to the image, not the article about it.



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So last week I received a phone call from my good friend's daughter. The drama department at her HS is raising money for a trip in the spring to go to NYC to see a few shows and participate in a master class with a well- known director. Great - sounds like a worthy cause for fundraising.


Then she tells me what they are selling: mattresses. She goes on to say they will have all sizes from Twin to King, plus memory-foam, gel, traditional, etc. Such a bizarre thing - who wakes up one Saturday morning and thinks, I'm going to swing by the high school and pick up a mattress?!


I told her we are all set for mattresses, but that I will happily contribute so she can go to New York.


What strange items have you seen being used to fundraise?



Our local HS does this.....I find it strange too.

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Oh, here's another story right out of the annals of my professional fundraising career. So I was hired to be the development manager for a nonprofit right before their annual fundraising breakfast. The person I am replacing was leaving 2 days after the event. My first day of work was to be the day after the event.


Anyhoo, I attended the breakfast and the keynote speaker, who was to take the microphone and talk about the mission of the organization for about 20 minutes took the microphone and slowly devolved into a tirade about politics and a personal slide show. Then he further devolved into a rant about the need to legalize pot. He went way, way way overtime, mostly about pot and when he was done, he forgot to ask for money for the organization AND the staff was so flustered they forgot to do it either. And of course, many people had left before the event was over because ain't nobody got time to be late for their jobs because this dude wouldn't stop talking. And no, the organization had nothing to do with pot legalization whatsoever at all.


This was not a known loon either, he is a nationally known person with a high profile.


Needless to say my first day of work was, um, interesting. Talk about damage control. I was on the phone with sponsors and donors for weeks smoothing things over. I ultimately managed to woo all the sponsors back.

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I think the fact that mattress fundraisers 1. exist and 2. are apparently widespread counts as my learning opportunity for the day.


Also, mattress fundraiser sounds wrong.


Maybe it should be paired with the "topless" car washes I've seen (where they wash everything but the top of your car)...




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Same thing: mattresses. I was flabbergasted when I saw the kids on the side of the road, waving their fundraising signs, directing people to the high school, for...an impulse buy mattress?


I just rolled my eyes and carried on.


We'd look at it. We could replace our mattress. And DS's. But his is a non-standard size so I doubt they could help with that.


ARe they taking the old mattress as well?

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My dd's middle school band did the mattress fundraiser for the first time last year.  The mattresses were actually a top brand sold for far less than you would normally pay retail (almost 50% off).  The sale was for a few hours in the school gym and the purchase included delivery and removal of your old mattress (you weren't able to buy a mattress and drive home with it).  They made over $5,000. I didn't buy a mattress because I didn't need one but people I know who did were very happy with them.

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I want a fundraiser where they come weed my garden or mulch my landscaping.

My neighbor is a minister (not at our church). She asked if her middle school youth group could come and do our weeding/fall cleanup. I said yes. $200 later I had more weeds than I would expect and no roses. They dug up and hauled away my roses.
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Our local high school has been doing the mattress sales, too.


We have some friends that adopted and did a lot of hard work raising money. They had several yard sales and during one they found a fur hat. Another friend, who is quite the card, came up with an idea. People could challenge him to get a picture certain places wearing the fur hat. If he was successful, the challenger paid a certain amount into the adoption fun. Fun was had by all. :)

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A shotgun raffle (it's not for a school fundraiser, though). 


Here in Nebraska and Wyoming gun raffles are very common.  Earlier this year a local Catholic church was raffling off a really nice .12 gauge shotgun and a really nice rifle (I forgot what kind).  We bought tickets from our neighbor but sadly didn't win.  

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