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Free ebook about presidential elections

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I have trouble bragging on my own work, but I can totally share this one because it's the work of dh, who wrote this little ebook about the upcoming presidential election for our kids for a mini-unit that he's teaching them. He said I could put it up on my blog. It's really good, you guys. I was so impressed. Though, he's worked in politics and political journalism for a long time so I shouldn't have been a bit surprised that he could knock this off so fast. If you're worried about the slant, fear not - it's not about political issues so much (they're mentioned, of course, but in a very neutral way) but more about the process and our political system. There are questions to think about and extra resources at the end. It's specific to the upcoming election and meant to be read now.



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The only part I disliked was the small paragraph concerning social issues.  The rest of the book is appropriate for even my littlest of littles.  Maybe we'll do it as a lunch read-aloud.  (We do stealth learning during lunch. ;) )


I especially like the timeline aspect of the book, starting with "why do they start so early".  That was excellent!


I know a lot of people get frustrated that the election process starts so early, but I was a journalism minor in college and I'm still very much a news junkie.  :)

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To clarify for anyone wondering about the "social issues" - the only thing it does is list some of the social issues candidates talk about. That includes things like gay marriage and abortion. But it doesn't discuss them - just says they exist and candidates talk about them. But if that's going to raise questions in a family, it's easy to skip.


I'm glad lots of people can make use of it. Dh was so cute and happy writing it. He kept sending me the final draft and then sending it again and then again... and (seriously) then again, saying, every time, this is it, the really final final one.

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Sorry, Farrar.  I realized after the fact that I shouldn't have said anything about the social issues in my post.


To everyone else, it really is only one sentence and super easy to skip or mark out.  I tend to avoid having these conversations far longer than most people (and probably longer than I should).


This fault is mine, and not the author's.



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No, it was just a pet project. But he'd be flattered to know anyone thought it was good enough. :)


Definitely good enough!!  I don't know that it would work as a book, because of publishing deadlines -- it would take a while to get published -- but I think that it would make an excellent tabloid-sized newspaper insert.


Your husband should try to get some of the major papers to pick this up!!

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Well, he can't do that, unfortunately. This is okay because small scale and all, but his job prohibits him from writing about politics most of the time - definitely for newspapers. That's part of why it was fun for him though. Even writing for kids.


I'm glad that he had so much fun with it!  Definitely good enough to be published, imo.

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A big thank-you to your husband! This is the perfect resource for us to get our head around American politics and will enable us to discuss how the US system differs from our system in Australia.


That's a really cool use for it!. Dh told me he wanted this book to be like one semester in college when his apartment included a foreign exchange student who was like, what in the world is going on with your presidential race, it makes no sense! So he sat down with him and went through the whole process. He said the foreign student was rightfully appalled. But it's probably actually a really good book for non-American adults who are interested but confused by American elections.

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  • 3 months later...

Bumping this to the top for anyone who missed it.


This is a great resource for explaining the long presidential election process.


My high school dc are really enjoying the election process this year.  They've watched most of the debates so far and they're interested in the different positions on policies.


It's hard to believe that they'll be old enough to vote in the presidential election after this one.

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My DD10 and I will finish it today. It was my intention to use it when originally posted back in the fall, but it got bumped by a hectic schedule. In retrospect, I'm glad we waited. Yesterday, my husband overheard us reading it aloud and discussing the questions posed at the end of each section. He got hooked and joined us at the table for a bit. Our family is funny in that we are a house-divided when it comes to politics; I think he just didn't want me to put a liberal spin on anything without having a chance to offer his very different (more conservative) perspective on things! Good times...

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Wow. This looks great. I love the topics it covers - the primaries, polling, media, etc. I wanted to do something like this with my kids, but everything I find is about the constitution, balance of powers, # of congress people, etc. Fine stuff, but not where I wanted to focus. This is going to be a great starting off point for what I wanted to do. YAY! I love this and I'm super excited... if you can't tell. :tongue_smilie: Thank you to both of you!!!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Dh was laughing the other day because when he wrote this he put in something about how contested conventions work, just like half a sentence or something, but basically saying but that never happens nowadays... Except... surprise. A real possibility this go around! I'm glad it's still useful though, even if the candidates are now a little outdated. It's certainly an interesting one to be following and teaching from.

Edited by Farrar
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Thank you so much for this download. My 12 yo is very interested in the process. Your ebook is a great addition to a read aloud we are doing from the library that I recommend "See How They Run - Campaign Dreams, Election Schemes and the Race to the White House by Susan E. Good and and Elwood H. Smith.

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Thank you so much for sharing this! This is just what I have been looking for as a spine for discussing the elections in a more cohesive (dare I say well-rounded) way than our dinner time debates. We talk a lot about politics and current events so the election is getting a lot of dinner press in our house right now. I was impressed by this and thrilled to see pictures and discussion of third party candidates; Kudos to your DH! Thanks again for sharing, your blog has become one of the few that I follow.

Edited by fairy4tmama
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  • 4 months later...

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