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An update on my concussion kid


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Just thought I would post another update on my dd who suffered her second concussion just about seven months ago. We have  had a long few months. Not sure what the last update I posted was but back in early May they took her off school completely and put her on complete brain rest and gave her medication to ensure that she rested and slept. We had a pretty horrible May and at one point they were even worried she may have suffered a stroke. She is on a combination of new meds now, some that enhance her mood and one still to make sure she sleeps at night, which takes a while to wear off in the morning. She had one break for about 10 days where she was great with no headaches and a good attitude and then it went downhill again. Her last stretch of headaches lasted 13 days. They are trying different meds to see if they are tension headaches or migraines.


She started Neuropyschology counseling and she does that weekly. They are still evaluating for PTSD. She has an appointment in the TBI specialty clinic in August. She will undergo the 6 hours cognitive testing sometime in August or September. She will likely have a modified schedule come August with an IEP for support.


On the up side, once she balanced back out in early June she asked the doctor if she could try riding again. Up until that point she had no interest in doing so. The doctor, to my surprise gave her the ok. He said it was important for her complete healing. She has worked pretty hard over the past few weeks, at first she could only do about 10 minutes and then would get off pale and sick to her stomach. Now, she has worked up to about 30 minutes.


Today, she competed in her first show! It was just one class and it was for new show riders. There were only 3 kids and she came in 3rd but she did it! Nearly seven months later I feel like I am finally getting my old kid back. I know she still has a long road ahead of her and she was nervous leading up to today but it was something she wanted to do. And, she came home and slept for 5 hours after!


Anyways, just wanted to share an update with you all. You've been so supportive in our recovery journey and we finally had some good news to share! :D

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So glad to hear things are improving! My oldest DS has had two concussions and for a while there with the second one, we weren't sure if he was ever going to be able to function independently again. Fortunately, he is fine now with no residual effects, but the healing process can be scary at times. Hang in there Mama - sounds like she is doing great!

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Thanks for the update. I think of her (y'all) often and am happy to see this.


Curious, has her appetite came back? I remember at one point that was a major concern.


Continued prayers for your daughters full and complete healing.


Aw, thank you for that. I always if wonder if people actually like the updates on stories that they have read. I just know I posted so much about her and received such great support that I wanted to share a bit of the good as well.


Her appetite is still an issue. Overall, she has lost 20 lbs. The medication that makes her sleep, also gives her an appetite which is why they picked it and it also suppose to help her mood too. She is also on prozac now and that was just increased to 20mg recently. So, yes she is eating better but not without the help of medication. In fact in May they took her off the trazadone because she was so off. She kept hitting her legs and telling me she couldn't feel them. She didn't want her medication, she didn't want to eat. She literally said she just wanted to "waste away". May was a tough month! Taking her off that medication seem to make all the difference.


They said she would probably be on the medication for the next 6 months at least so we still have a long road ahead but slowly things are getting there. The counseling is a huge plus and I think that will help long term. So far June has been her best month yet.


I do think she may have pushed herself too hard yesterday though. She took the 5 hour nap when she got home, was up at 7pm and still back in bed for the night by 10pm and slept for another 10 hours. Today, she has a bad headache and is back to lying in the dark. She will have a day of rest today and and hopefully she will feel better tomorrow. But, she didn't get the headache from the actual riding which is why they think it's more the PTSD then the concussion at this point. She is more nauseous and pale when riding.


Figuring this out day by day!

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Prayers for your dd. I very much relate to her recovery journey. I was kicked in the head and trampled by a horse when I was 5 years old. It was a long recovery but I'm happy to say that the majority of my childhood was headache free after a couple years. Now I get tmj headaches which I think are much worse since it involves neck, shoulder, and sometimes chest pain! I hope she bounces back soon from this current flare. Brave girl!

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Prayers for your dd. I very much relate to her recovery journey. I was kicked in the head and trampled by a horse when I was 5 years old. It was a long recovery but I'm happy to say that the majority of my childhood was headache free after a couple years. Now I get tmj headaches which I think are much worse since it involves neck, shoulder, and sometimes chest pain! I hope she bounces back soon from this current flare. Brave girl!


Oh! Stories like this are hard to hear. I have no doubt that my being narcotic about her while she is around horses is not helping her! In some ways I would have been content to see her walk away from riding altogether but I know this is what she loves.


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My apologies. I didn't mean to frighten you. I continued to ride for the rest of my childhood until I moved away for college. I never had another accident and the initial accident was due to not having parental supervision and being a little girl who wanted to sit on the neighbor's horse that was tied to my porch! I later did ride that horse after he was actually broken and there were no hard feelings. Fandango was his name. A beautiful animal.

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My apologies. I didn't mean to frighten you. I continued to ride for the rest of my childhood until I moved away for college. I never had another accident and the initial accident was due to not having parental supervision and being a little girl who wanted to sit on the neighbor's horse that was tied to my porch! I later did ride that horse after he was actually broken and there were no hard feelings. Fandango was his name. A beautiful animal.


No worries. I was teasing. This has been a hard process for me but I am slowly getting back to where I was and I am able to enjoy watching her ride again.


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  • 1 month later...

How quickly things turn from good to bad. The last post was at the end of June. She had been doing better. July 11th was the last time she rode, one month ago today. She just quit. She doesn't want to ride, doesn't want to go to the barn and doesn't want to talk about it anymore. She is doing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy weekly and all of sudden she just stopped talking about the horses and refused to do so anymore. July was absolutely horrible. She was completely withdrawn and it was a trial to just get her out of bed. The doctor finally switched up her meds early August and things have been slightly better. We went to the TBI clinic today and he told us she is not ready to do school which I guess doesn't surprise me given her day to day energy but I thought they would have her do something. He said school was like a marathon and she was no where close to being ready for that. He said realistically it would probably take another year and was doubtful that she should ever ride again. Absolutely no riding now (even if she wanted to). He said she could try and walk for 30 minutes at a time but if she got a headache or felt sick then she needed to stop. That's psychically  where she is at right now. We are almost at 9 months. He also said she was severely depressed. He had her score her symptoms and said at 15 they call in a psychiatrist. She is at 19. There were many nights in July where I wished they would have hospitalized her. Not in a psych ward but I would have felt better if she had been in a hospital with someone watching her. They said they don't do that. I wasn't really thinking she would do something to herself but I felt like I was loosing her.


Just feeling overwhelmed with the new information. I guess it's stuff I already knew as we have living it but it's so damn wearing. By the time we left for the appointment and got home it was almost 4 hours. I guess I am just tired and I thought things were improving. I am just sad she is still struggling so much and what this means for her long-term. I know it could be worse and I am grateful that at some point she will get better but right now it's just hard.


Thanks for listening. it helps to get it off my chest.

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Thank you everyone. I didn't get much sleep but hoping today is a good day. If any of you can help me plan high school for my 9th grader I just posted on that board. I'm so tired and stressed I have no clue what her year will look like and school starts in two weeks. Thanks for the cyber hugs I needed those.

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If at some point she'd like to talk to someone that has a brain injury, and is living a fantastic life even with the long term effects, PM me. A writer friend has a brain injury (in fact, she's unable to learn touch typing even though she writes really well), and she is also an artist. She draws, paints and sculpts amazing things. Shes also a mom and wife. I'm sure she'd be willing to talk to your daughter about the frustrations of not being able to do what you want as well as working around those limitations eventually. 


Also, if your daughter can't do school, could she do some sort of art? Maybe even art therapy? doesn't have to be "good", just an outlet, you know? Hell, just swirling colors, playing with clay, etc might be good. I know that veterans with TBI often find a lot of peace in art therapy. 






This is one of the dolls my friend sculpted, fyi: 11150889_1608864792694139_76177004165754

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Thank you for the suggestions. I have been so tired today, I will look them all over. I think art therapy is a great idea, maybe even an art class if I can't find art therapy. You would think there might be support groups for TBI or PTSD for kids and families. I will look into those.


thank you again

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