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What is your opinion of "shhhhh!"?  

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  1. 1. What is your opinion of "shhhhh!"?

    • Own and glad I do
    • Own but find it useless
    • Don't own but have considered
    • Don't own and have no desire to do so.
    • Other (always!)

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I hear you. My suggestion would be that you buy a back up if you're going with battery operated tea kettles. As I said before, running out of power, just as your water is reaching a nice simmer, is so not a good thing.


And at the risk of further upsetting Leila, I have heard that in a desperate situation, and astonishingly enough, even an electric toothbrush can brew that tea up in no time at all.

I want to say, "You have GOT to be kidding me!", but I know you're not! The rock I live under seems to be getting bigger and bigger with every post! But still I keep reading! I'll be informed under this rock, even though not experienced!!!



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I want to say, "You have GOT to be kidding me!", but I know you're not! The rock I live under seems to be getting bigger and bigger with every post! But still I keep reading! I'll be informed under this rock, even though not experienced!!!




I was shocked, too. But the woman who enlightened me, under my rock, said simply, "Nicole, desperate times call for desperate measures."


And I am refraining from making comment here, out of respect for Leila's spleen. I'm sure others will be able to run with this one....

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I was shocked, too. But the woman who enlightened me, under my rock, said simply, "Nicole, desperate times call for desperate measures."


And I am refraining from making comment here, out of respect for Leila's spleen. I'm sure others will be able to run with this one....

My 13 yo ds is the only one in our family who has an electric toothbrush. How am I ever going to not laugh when I see him brushing????


It's too late to worry about MY spleen!



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I forgot. Look for a teapot that takes at least "C" batteries. Double As aren't going to do much for you that you can't already do yourself while er, brewing. If you ever brew your own tea of course... Personally, I need to brew my own tea. It makes my hair shiny. :D



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I want to say, "You have GOT to be kidding me!", but I know you're not! The rock I live under seems to be getting bigger and bigger with every post! But still I keep reading! I'll be informed under this rock, even though not experienced!!!




:lol::lol::lol: Glad to know I'm not the only one living under a rock. :D

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And at the risk of further upsetting Leila, I have heard that in a desperate situation, and astonishingly enough, even an electric toothbrush can brew that tea up in no time at all.


Oh.my.gawsh. NO words. :blink:


Of course the irony here that you don't know about, Nicole, is that I've been a chronic over-brusher since I was little. Yes, I'm practically OCD about brushing my teeth--got the whitest, cleanest teeth in town. Now, let's get all Freudian with that little tidbit!! :smilielol5:

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I CANNOT CANNOT CANNOT believe I am reading this thread on this board. I'm alternately hysterical, horrified, and mesmerized :lol::lol::lol: You are all the best group of people EVER!


When I was PG with my first, I was on a due date board where someone asked if it was safe to use her BOB while pregnant. A whole discussion evolved over it, and it took me quite a long time to figure out that BOB stood for battery-operated boyfriend. That was the last time I've seen this discussion on a message board (at least, the kind I frequent)!


This does not a romantic picture paint. I think I'd feel like I might as well have made a purchase from Makita.


I'm pretty sure romance is not quite the goal there!

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:lol::lol::lol: Glad to know I'm not the only one living under a rock. :D

Erin, I tried to rep ya because I noticed the "rock" reference is even in your whatever-you-call-that at the top right of your posts! Alas, I couldn't, so I just have to tell you that I appreciate you and your posts!



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Okay, I have a question. Let's see if I can get my analogies straight.


Let's say you and dh brew up a nice pot of steaming hot tea. I don't care how you brew it - with electricity, on the stove, or with the good ol-fashioned rubbing of two sticks together.


You've brewed it, you've enjoyed it, life is good.


But wait....perhaps you'd like another cup. Dh and I are of the "no-batteries-needed" fast or slow variety....but hanging around for a second cup requires a little patience. I am not known for my patience, LOL.


So....how do you speed up preparing that second cup? Or how do you extend one cup right into another? Would anyone care to share their second-go-round speed-brewing technique?


(Or will this be the post that kills the thread?) :lol:

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I'd like to know the answer to this too! The older we get the more I'm "getting" the attraction of Demi Moore to Ashton Kutchner (sp?).
I find that my pot is ready for more tea before the kettle can reboil (after a long stretch of ambivalence about anything more than a single cup of tea on my part, due to extended nursing), hence my recent flirtation with alternate tea making devices -- a man need not use his own kettle exclusively when making tea.
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Great thread!! I haven't been able to stop grinning! My dh came in and thought I was nuts (no idea what the little missus is reading:D)


While we've always enjoyed tea, it's become a bolder, even more satisfying brew this year;)



TIP from a neurologist: a bag of frozen peas or blueberries placed strategically :001_smile:before the tea ritual sometimes helps ladies enjoy a more robust cuppa.

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Okay, I have a question. Let's see if I can get my analogies straight.


Let's say you and dh brew up a nice pot of steaming hot tea. I don't care how you brew it - with electricity, on the stove, or with the good ol-fashioned rubbing of two sticks together.


You've brewed it, you've enjoyed it, life is good.


But wait....perhaps you'd like another cup. Dh and I are of the "no-batteries-needed" fast or slow variety....but hanging around for a second cup requires a little patience. I am not known for my patience, LOL.


So....how do you speed up preparing that second cup? Or how do you extend one cup right into another? Would anyone care to share their second-go-round speed-brewing technique?


(Or will this be the post that kills the thread?) :lol:


Well, surprisingly I have no problem with subsequent cups. I find that what works best for me is to have my tea first and then while my hubby is working on brewing his cup I can usually get in a couple more cups. Of course, I use electricity to get the fire going in the first place, so maybe give that a try or use electricity to re-heat the water. These methods work especially well if you are not very patient and don't like to wait for your tea.


As I mentioned before, I don't like to have tea very often but I really enjoy my tea when I do have it. As matter of fact, I think that I probably enjoy it more because I get a higher quality of tea and more of it if I drink it less often. I don't know if that is much comfort to my hubby though. Poor guy gets less tea, less often than he would like and definitely doesn't get as strong a brew.

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I once saw one for sale at the Goodwill. Ummmmm...no thanks.



My Gma, who has been divorced for years, knew that tea had been painful for me. I have had endometriosis and other problems. She actually brought me one... really old and apparantly used and said, "this may help you" and sat it down!!!:ohmy::smilielol5:

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So....how do you speed up preparing that second cup? Or how do you extend one cup right into another? Would anyone care to share their second-go-round speed-brewing technique?


(Or will this be the post that kills the thread?) :lol:


When we have decided on a second, we normally chat/nap for a bit, then start brewing afresh.



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Okay, I have a question. Let's see if I can get my analogies straight.


Let's say you and dh brew up a nice pot of steaming hot tea. I don't care how you brew it - with electricity, on the stove, or with the good ol-fashioned rubbing of two sticks together.


You've brewed it, you've enjoyed it, life is good.


But wait....perhaps you'd like another cup. Dh and I are of the "no-batteries-needed" fast or slow variety....but hanging around for a second cup requires a little patience. I am not known for my patience, LOL.


So....how do you speed up preparing that second cup? Or how do you extend one cup right into another? Would anyone care to share their second-go-round speed-brewing technique?


(Or will this be the post that kills the thread?) :lol:


Jeepers Creepers, I'm jumping in....for the sake of posterity and all. Awkward doesn't begin to cover it, but it's a good and worthy cause.....


First, the more days I go between cups of tea, the longer it takes me to "finish my cup". I've found that I enjoy that cup much easier if I enjoy it at least 2-3 days a week. Longer than that, and it seems my body has to remember HOW to enjoy it. I get rusty. After a week with none, it takes me so long to finish the first cup that dh is too worn out to brew me another.


Second, the more 'assisted' cups of tea I have, the longer it takes me to "finish my cup" when it comes to the real deal. Again, my body is apparently easily confused. So, again, just one cup.


Third, when "conditions are perfect", after that first cup, (good grief I am BLUSHING) if I pause for no more than a few seconds, dh can start brewing another....even if he's already finished his tea and the second pot is a much weaker and decaffeinated brew....and keep sipping as if it's a strong, first pot. And amazingly, 2nd and 3rd cups of tea generally take less than a minute to drink. I think the main contributing factor is the short pause. Waiting longer than a few seconds would have me needing to start all over again from scratch and dh would pass out before that could happen.


Please, Lord, let no one that shares my DNA be reading this.

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OMG, I never in a million years would have ever expected to see this thread on this board. I'm just stunned.:w00t::blink::eek: Really.






Melmac? -- hey, MELMAC!?


















Good golly, I think she's fainted.






Sorry for the shock. Hope you recover. :D

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  • 3 months later...

Haha....owned one. Ex husband bought it for me. New husband NOT happy regarding purchaser and requested it be disposed of properly. I did as he asked and have not missed it one bit. I could have fallen into the "own one and find it useless" category except that I no longer own one. ;)


Mine had an extra errr...ummmm...part that did something with another part in the close vicinity. I found it to be too fast and not all that great at all.

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Where is Doran anyways? I haven't heard from her in a long time.
Maybe she had a visit from a UPS guy bearing gifts. :lol:
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Lol, who resurrected this ? I thought it seemed familiar, but I went to vote and noticed I already had- months ago.

It was a bit of a shock to come onto the boards and find an apparently new, fun thread that already had 34 pages happening! Lke, I was only here a couple of hours ago, how did that happen?

Funny thread though.

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Lol, who resurrected this ? I thought it seemed familiar, but I went to vote and noticed I already had- months ago.

It was a bit of a shock to come onto the boards and find an apparently new, fun thread that already had 34 pages happening! Lke, I was only here a couple of hours ago, how did that happen?

Funny thread though.


Someone added tags. Tags allow old, buried posts to be resurrected more easily. I'd almost forgotten all about this one, but must have not unsubscribed from it when I cleaned out my subscriptions (my settings automatically subscribe me to any thread I post it; makes things easier to follow.)

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Where is Doran anyways? I haven't heard from her in a long time.


What a hoot to pop in here and find this thread resurrected. :tongue_smilie:


I'm here sometimes, Cindy. Just not so much as I used to be, you know?














Too busy with my new toy.









(sorry, I couldn't resist that one)

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I agree. Doran, you rock! But Nicole M., it cannot be forgotten that you started this tea business! Hilarious!



If we're rolling the credits, then we really have to include Amy Loves Bud whose post about instant hot water for tea seemed to give us all the metaphor we needed. Nicole took it from there. The rest is...herstory!


In all sincerity, there was a lot of giggling and blushing going on in this thread away back when, but I really think (hope) a few of us learned a thing or three. I know I did!

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I agree. Doran, you rock! But Nicole M., it cannot be forgotten that you started this tea business! Hilarious!


Thanks, Jenn, for remembering me. Doran is right. Amy punted, I ran. But I have to say, that was one of the most inspired moments of my writing career and I'm proud of it in a devilishly giggly sort of way.


I sure learned a lot, and I mean that in a most sincere way.

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  • 2 years later...

Oh, please, please, don't let me be the last person to post on this thread :)


I got something, just for myself, a couple of years ago. I had to think a long time, and assure myself that it was going to be delivered discretely. It was funny how embarrassed I was to even hit the "pay now," button.


It's very simple, and not gross. . .important to me :)


Hubby doesn't even know I have it. Sometimes, the afternoons are stressful.

I think he'd just chuckle, though, honestly, and say, "Good for you, honey."


It was a good purchase.

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