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For fun: Life skills: What did your kids learn (from experience) today?


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Mine learned that 60 seconds in the nuker is too long if you're trying to soften butter so you can spread it.  :p


My other kid learned that the upper left of the envelope is for the return address, not the destination; and also, that you don't apply the stamp until after you are sure the envelope is right.


What about your kids?

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DD13 mixed up a pitcher of lemonade for the first time today. (We never have powdered drinks. I think this is the first time in thirteen years that I bought a canister of lemonade mix.) The younger kids had fun trying to keep the bugs out of their cups while they were drinking it outside, so it was a kind of life skills lesson for them, too.

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That you can, in fact, buy clothes on a budget.  (Why I haven't done this before, who knows..but handing them an amount of cash and them getting to keep whatever was left over made them MUCH more frugal in clothing purchases)


That the DMV is never fun, even when you are excited about getting your permit.





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When you go get the chicken feeder that was just washed in the front yard, make sure you don't carry it to the chicken coop upside down because you will drop the spring, washers, and nuts in the tall grass.


If you throw an open bag of chicken feed into the metal trash can in the coop, it will land sideways and spill chicken feed all over the inside of the can.  It is better to gently lower the bag into the can.


If you leave a water bucket on the ground in the freshly cleaned sheep stall it will get filled with shavings; the bucket hook is a better place to put the water bucket to avoid this problem.

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That doughnuts are yummy for breakfast and that it's fun to play in the park with said doughnuts* before 9am.  (Thank you, National Doughnut Day!)


*and requisite string cheese -- had to get some protein in there!

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As a teen, it is hard to choose between:


a) The fun decision  --which could mean hurting someone else a little bit, and possibly a bit of social suicide 

b) The right decision --not as much fun, but retains your social status and protects someone else's feelings at the same time.  (ugh!  High school social structure is nothing to mess with LOL)


She did good in the end, but 'the fun' decision almost won out for a moment!

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As a teen, it is hard to choose between:


a) The fun decision  --which could mean hurting someone else a little bit, and possibly a bit of social suicide 

b) The right decision --not as much fun, but retains your social status and protects someone else's feelings at the same time.  (ugh!  High school social structure is nothing to mess with LOL)


She did good in the end, but 'the fun' decision almost won out for a moment!


My DSD made a fun decision earlier this year and is still dealing with it. :(

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Speaking of the fun decision, mine decided to finish watching a movie this evening instead of stopping it in order to watch our traditional weekly episode of Kung Fu.  The movie finally ended at 11:40pm, and they have horse riding and a TKD belt test in the morning.  Did they really think I was going to let them stay up until nearly 1am watching the boob toob?  Yes, I guess they did.  :/  Sadly, they were wrong.

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ds11 learned If you want to live to see tomorrow do not take the last of the pumpkin pecan crunch pie your mother was saving in the fridge.  HE has also learned that if he continues to harass me into buying him a laptop that I will raise him from the dead (see above) just to make sure he dies again.  I am so over hearing it (every day, several times a day for months now).  I may have lost my sh*t a bit about both of the above.

dd15 learned that if you feel you have the right to back talk your mother, your mother will unhook the router leaving you unable to get online on your laptop and that you must earn it back.


ds16 has learned that if you want to be a jerk and be rude to the family, your mother will unhook HER xbox and unplug HER tv and make you get off the danged couch and make yourself useful.  

DD7 has not learned anything new today, she did quite proudly in her most know-it-all voice say "mom has not had coffee today and I think it is her crazy week, you guys shouldn't make any noise today,  I'm calling on J, bye" crazy week=pmsing lol  

I think she might be onto something.

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Dd learned that packing an open bottle of face wash straight inside the suitcase is not a good idea, even if you're only going up the road to grandma's.


Guess we'll be replacing part of the $50 Harry Potter boxed set we gave her on Sunday for her birthday...

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My eldest discovered that she WILL be tired before 8:30 PM if Mom pulls her out of bed at 5 AM to go pick berries.  She is also learning yet again that not wanting to go paddling tomorrow is irrelevant -- she's going because we are all going.  And tomorrow she will discover (again) that she doesn't dislike paddling as much as she thinks she does.

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Dd learned that packing an open bottle of face wash straight inside the suitcase is not a good idea, even if you're only going up the road to grandma's.


Guess we'll be replacing part of the $50 Harry Potter boxed set we gave her on Sunday for her birthday...


Horrors!!!  My youngest would be a basketcase if anything happened to her Harry Potters!

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Mine learned that if you wait to pack until the day before leaving for a weeklong camp you will learn the following:


Mom cannot pull the random personal supplies you need out of thin air at 10 p.m. If you're going to need something, you have to tell me BEFORE I go grocery shopping. Oh, wait. I reminded you several times to do that, didn't I? Oh, well, not my problem.



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