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is anyone else sappy or cries at any little touching thing?


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This morning at church I spent the last 15 minutes of the service wiping away tears.....no Kleenex to be found and in the middle of a crowded row.


The pastor was interviewing 3 people from the church.....one lady adopted as an infant, one father with 4 kids adopted through foster care, and one mid 20s guy who had aged out of the foster system never having been adopted and had gone through 15 foster homes in his preteen and early teen years.


Looking around I was, as almost always, about the only one shedding tears. I hate that I am so sappy. I cry at books, songs, commercials, when frosty the snow man melted, etc.


Of course today was super touching as we have 3 adopted through foster care and currently have an 11 year old foster boy who has been in care 3 different times and we are his 2nd home this stint.


I see and hear of so many kids needing homes and always wonder if we should take one on....or more.


My son's bio brother had a girlfriend for years that was in foster care and the day after her graduation she was booted out by her foster family when their payments stopped.


Anyway, is anyone else someone that cries at anything remotely touching or sappy? I am a pretty tough person and handle a great deal. Put me in a crisis and I can take charge andanage everything without a breakdown but showe a hallmark commercial and I need a box of Kleenex.

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I recently read somewhere that adrenal issues wreak havoc on one of your glands, maybe the hypothalamus, but don't quote me, I could be wrong about which gland it is.  Here's the kicker: that gland is critical for consolidation of memories and for regulation of emotion.  IOW, my memory issues and the fact that I tear up at every little thing have a physiological basis.  Holy, moly!  I thought it was just me all these years.


So, what's your cortisol tellin' ya?

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Recently I watched an episode of Friends where Phoebe told everyone how she'd never had a bike so Ross surprised her with a brand new bike with a basket and bell and everything.  I lost it!  It just struck me as such a touching beautiful thing.  And don't even get me started on Doctor Who.  There some episodes that are absolutely guaranteed to make me cry every time.

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SO.........those of you sappy people, how do you not turn into a weeping, red eyed, mess at church, weddings, funerals,missionary stories, or any big gathering where touching things happen????  It makes me want to avoid these things in public.


I remember saying that I would have bawled my eyes out at Michael Jackson's funeral............and I didnt' even like the guy.

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Yes, I can tear up over the smallest things (and when I'm angry, which I really hate!). I'm less likely to cry over serious stuff that it's more normal to cry over! Greys anatomy a couple weeks ago had me a major mess. Doctor Who gets me often. We don't have cable but commercials used to get me when we did. All those cheesy videos on fb. Children's books! Seriously, I think it was a Franklin book last week that made me tear up. Franklin! Wth?!?

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SO.........those of you sappy people, how do you not turn into a weeping, red eyed, mess at church, weddings, funerals,missionary stories, or any big gathering where touching things happen????  It makes me want to avoid these things in public.


By scowling. This is not a more socially acceptable reaction. Some situations are lose-lose. :lol:

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Yeah, I can be a disaster. Not always, but sometimes. A friend sent me a wedding picture of me hugging her at her wedding, my face all screwed up in a weepy cry. I was so happy for her that she finally found the man of her dreams, cry/weep, and was having a beautiful, sniffle, wedding and it was all just so, sniffle, her dreams coming true. Sheesh! I looked like a disaster. Lol.

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This morning at church I spent the last 15 minutes of the service wiping away tears.....no Kleenex to be found and in the middle of a crowded row.


The pastor was interviewing 3 people from the church.....one lady adopted as an infant, one father with 4 kids adopted through foster care, and one mid 20s guy who had aged out of the foster system never having been adopted and had gone through 15 foster homes in his preteen and early teen years.


Looking around I was, as almost always, about the only one shedding tears. I hate that I am so sappy. I cry at books, songs, commercials, when frosty the snow man melted, etc.


Of course today was super touching as we have 3 adopted through foster care and currently have an 11 year old foster boy who has been in care 3 different times and we are his 2nd home this stint.


I see and hear of so many kids needing homes and always wonder if we should take one on....or more.


My son's bio brother had a girlfriend for years that was in foster care and the day after her graduation she was booted out by her foster family when their payments stopped.


Anyway, is anyone else someone that cries at anything remotely touching or sappy? I am a pretty tough person and handle a great deal. Put me in a crisis and I can take charge andanage everything without a breakdown but showe a hallmark commercial and I need a box of Kleenex.

Sometimes I get a crazy emotional response to stuff other times I am unemotional about stuff that should probably upset me. Pregnancy and that time of the month mess me around... Don't show me orphans or puppy dogs!!!


It's also made it hard with doing read alouds at times.

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Anyway, is anyone else someone that cries at anything remotely touching or sappy? I am a pretty tough person and handle a great deal. Put me in a crisis and I can take charge andanage everything without a breakdown but showe a hallmark commercial and I need a box of Kleenex.


This.  Exactly.


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SO.........those of you sappy people, how do you not turn into a weeping, red eyed, mess at church, weddings, funerals,missionary stories, or any big gathering where touching things happen???? It makes me want to avoid these things in public.


I remember saying that I would have bawled my eyes out at Michael Jackson's funeral............and I didnt' even like the guy.

I keep Kleenex in my purse and don't worry about it. At church if I'm especially a mess, I'll sneak to the bathroom during the closing song to regain my composure. I guess I don't mind being sensitive, it's just part of who I am. I think it helps having friends who are just as sensitive though.

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I keep Kleenex in my purse and don't worry about it. At church if I'm especially a mess, I'll sneak to the bathroom during the closing song to regain my composure. I guess I don't mind being sensitive, it's just part of who I am. I think it helps having friends who are just as sensitive though.

I typically do that as well............I did sneak out during the closing song.  Typically we sit near the end of the row but yesterday we ended up right in the middle which made it harder.

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And don't even get me started on Doctor Who. There some episodes that are absolutely guaranteed to make me cry every time.

I am NOT a crying person (INTJ, what emotions?), but I had a piece of sawdust or something from our bedroom renovation stuck in my eye the other day and needed to get the waterworks going.


Vincent and the Doctor dislodged it for me.

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What really gets me are those videos of military personnel returning home and surprising their family members. 


And there are a few songs we sing at church that get me in tears every single time.


And my eyes well up with tears every time I read a facebook post from a friend of mine, who lost a son to suicide three years ago. Even when she posts about something good these days -- she and her husband and surviving son are doing amazingly well -- I tear up. 

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I was NEVER that way....until I became a Christian when I was 36.  Since then I can get very sappy.  It's still very hard to get me to cry, but I do get teary-eyed at movies, songs, certain church services....in short, anything remotely emotional.  It used to make me angry.  Now, at 51,  I just go with the flow.

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I tear up at every little thing. Ads, songs. tv shows, movies, it doesn't matter.


Someone like me should not be allowed to watch Call the Midwife. I binge watched the previous seasons on Netflix and just caught up on the PBS Roku app. There wasn't One. Single. Episode. during which I didn't cry.

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I am NOT a crying person (INTJ, what emotions?), but I had a piece of sawdust or something from our bedroom renovation stuck in my eye the other day and needed to get the waterworks going.


Vincent and the Doctor dislodged it for me.


Ugh!  That one is brutal.  The actors just nailed it.

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