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The princess looking perfect after labor -- funny blog post

Janie Grace

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Same here! The poor woman has gone through a rough pregnancy where she felt awful a lot of the time, and then she finally has the baby and has to look perfect 10 hours later. That is a lot of stress!


I felt particularly sorry for her having to step right in to the car and sit down like it wasn't absolutely killing her to do it. Instead of being able to try to find an even remotely comfortable position for the ride home, she had to smile and wave like it was just another day.


I have to say that I admire her for being able to put on such a good show. I don't know that I would have been able to do it, with or without hairstylists and a makeup artist.

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My sister texted me a picture of Kate and said "Here she is, just 10 hours after giving birth. I bet inside she is seething and thinking 'I hate all of you! I'm bleeding like my insides are about to fall out AND I'm wearing a white dress! You people suck.'" 
This is one more time where I am perfectly happy to not be royalty. (She is stunning as always, though.)

ETA: Just read the article and EXACTLY!  This blog pretty much sums up my thoughts on a daily basis. 

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I have to say that I admire her for being able to put on such a good show. 

:iagree: You know, it's part of the job, and she does it very well, bless her.  I feel for her, but thinking of all the help she'll have available when she's finished smiling and waving, I can't pity her too much.  

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:iagree: You know, it's part of the job, and she does it very well, bless her. I feel for her, but thinking of all the help she'll have available when she's finished smiling and waving, I can't pity her too much.

As I understand it, Kate and William are very hands-on in the care of their children, and they will be taking care of the new arrival on their own. (I don't know how true that is, though!)

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Some births, with a makeup artist, I could have done that. I felt awesome and everyone kept trying to get me to stay down. Some births that would have been laughably impossible. And I feel badly for Kate that she doesn't really get a choice.

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I read through some of the comments.  One says that she should have stayed in hospital for the amount of time 'usual for the UK'.  Well, usual for the UK is going home the same day.  Nothing strange there.


We do, however, have at-home midwife visits after birth (or did when I had Calvin) every day for the week or so following.  I had to persuade my midwife that I was doing fine, and she should stay home with her family rather than visit me on Christmas day.

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I read through some of the comments.  One says that she should have stayed in hospital for the amount of time 'usual for the UK'.  Well, usual for the UK is going home the same day.  Nothing strange there.


We do, however, have at-home midwife visits after birth (or did when I had Calvin) every day for the week or so following.  I had to persuade my midwife that I was doing fine, and she should stay home with her family rather than visit me on Christmas day.


Yes, I'm assuming she is going home to some in-home post-natal care. I'm sure it's preferable to a hospital -- but it's too bad she couldn't just sneak out the side door in sweatpants.

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Talk about a no-win situation! She is criticized for looking too good, can you imagine what the press would say had she walked out sans makeup and hair? Plus the pressure she is now under to get back to pre-baby shape. No thanks!

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okay... is anyone else shocked by the comments.   A surrogate??  Are they serious?   Poor Imp.. what a hassle.

Their reasons for surrogacy ("she didn't look like she was carrying an 8lb baby") are laughable. They'd die if they met my teeny, teeny tiny friend Katie who had a 10lb baby! 

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I read through some of the comments.  One says that she should have stayed in hospital for the amount of time 'usual for the UK'.  Well, usual for the UK is going home the same day.  Nothing strange there.


We do, however, have at-home midwife visits after birth (or did when I had Calvin) every day for the week or so following.  I had to persuade my midwife that I was doing fine, and she should stay home with her family rather than visit me on Christmas day.


Same day!?  Wow.  I don't love being in hospitals, but going home the same day would have been rough.


Although the every day visit sounds kinda good too.

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Same here! The poor woman has gone through a rough pregnancy where she felt awful a lot of the time, and then she finally has the baby and has to look perfect 10 hours later. That is a lot of stress!


I felt particularly sorry for her having to step right in to the car and sit down like it wasn't absolutely killing her to do it. Instead of being able to try to find an even remotely comfortable position for the ride home, she had to smile and wave like it was just another day.


I have to say that I admire her for being able to put on such a good show. I don't know that I would have been able to do it, with or without hairstylists and a makeup artist.

Idk. I had awful hospitalizing hypermesis with 9/10 of mine, so maybe that's why the recovery from delivery seemed smooth sailing with some of them. I remember taking my 15 month old and my 2 day old to the mall with my mother in law for Easter pictures. What was I thinking?! *smh* LOL


I think it's very possible she is exhausted but otherwise not in much pain. I was uncomfortable but not really in pain with several of my deliveries. And several of my other deliveries seemed to make up for all those less painful ones.


But on my best day no amount of professionals were going to make me look as pretty or well put together as her, new baby or not. I blame my parents. Stupid genetics. ;)


And if she does like with baby George, I'm sure she is going straight home for recuperation and pampered bonding time. I'm most jealous of THAT. I rarely had that with any of mine. I left the hospital ASAP bc dh had to get back to work and we didn't have people who could babysit.

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Same day!? Wow. I don't love being in hospitals, but going home the same day would have been rough.


Although the every day visit sounds kinda good too.

I had an awful cesarean with my third at 8pm and by noon I was home. Dr sent me home with order that Tylenol is all I should need for pain bc women have these routine surgeries every day and it's no big deal. Dr Jerk is what we call him now that we know better. I had never had a surgery of any kind before, so I just cried a lot bc I was such a wuss for feeling so much pain.
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I wouldn't want to deal with the things she has to deal with, but if I knew that the world was going to be waiting outside the hospital to take photos of my baby, I'd want to get it over with as soon as I was able to walk without falling over. Getting home ASAP would have been my top priority.  


Actually, I think I'd have a home birth.

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I wouldn't want to deal with the things she has to deal with, but if I knew that the world was going to be waiting outside the hospital to take photos of my baby, I'd want to get it over with as soon as I was able to walk without falling over. Getting home ASAP would have been my top priority.  


Actually, I think I'd have a home birth.


I couldn't even stand up without passing out until 24 hours past delivery. It didn't stop the nurses from trying though. 

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Their reasons for surrogacy ("she didn't look like she was carrying an 8lb baby") are laughable. They'd die if they met my teeny, teeny tiny friend Katie who had a 10lb baby! 


I know.  I have a friend who had 2 sets of twins.... she wore spiky high heels throughout both pregnancies, barely looked pregnant from behind, and was back in probably size 4 pre-baby clothes within a month.  I hate her.   ;) 

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Idk. I had awful hospitalizing hypermesis with 9/10 of mine, so maybe that's why the recovery from delivery seemed smooth sailing with some of them. I remember taking my 15 month old and my 2 day old to the mall with my mother in law for Easter pictures. What was I thinking?! *smh* LOL


I think it's very possible she is exhausted but otherwise not in much pain. I was uncomfortable but not really in pain with several of my deliveries. And several of my other deliveries seemed to make up for all those less painful ones.


But on my best day no amount of professionals were going to make me look as pretty or well put together as her, new baby or not. I blame my parents. Stupid genetics. ;)


And if she does like with baby George, I'm sure she is going straight home for recuperation and pampered bonding time. I'm most jealous of THAT. I rarely had that with any of mine. I left the hospital ASAP bc dh had to get back to work and we didn't have people who could babysit.


Yes, and from what I heard she went to the hospital at 6am and had the baby by 8:30.  She may very well be one of those people who labor very well.   I had hyperemesis with each of mine... labor compared to that was great..   Hard... not too long... and you get a beautiful baby at the end (I homebirthed).  Honestly, I'd take labor over 5 months of barfing any day.  But, I wouldn't have wanted to go out an meet the masses the same day.  I never had the "pregnancy-new mother glow". 

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Yes, and from what I heard she went to the hospital at 6am and had the baby by 8:30. She may very well be one of those people who labor very well. I had hyperemesis with each of mine... labor compared to that was great.. Hard... not too long... and you get a beautiful baby at the end (I homebirthed). Honestly, I'd take labor over 5 months of barfing any day. But, I wouldn't have wanted to go out an meet the masses the same day. I never had the "pregnancy-new mother glow".

But you must have had "the glow!"


You're PRINCESSMommy!!! :D

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Anyway, moms with easy labors and recoveries are often not really believed--I've been there myself. People surprised that I wasn't in more pain or whatever and also not really believing some of the unicorn and sunshine accounts of others. But they are real. I did not look all that beautiful after birth though, even though I had short labors. 9 weeks later though--I've never looked that good since, honestly. I looked great at 9 weeks post-partum, lol! All downhill after that.

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I had an awful cesarean with my third at 8pm and by noon I was home. Dr sent me home with order that Tylenol is all I should need for pain bc women have these routine surgeries every day and it's no big deal. Dr Jerk is what we call him now that we know better. I had never had a surgery of any kind before, so I just cried a lot bc I was such a wuss for feeling so much pain.


That's not wuss!

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Yes, and from what I heard she went to the hospital at 6am and had the baby by 8:30.  She may very well be one of those people who labor very well.   I had hyperemesis with each of mine... labor compared to that was great..   Hard... not too long... and you get a beautiful baby at the end (I homebirthed).  Honestly, I'd take labor over 5 months of barfing any day.  But, I wouldn't have wanted to go out an meet the masses the same day.  I never had the "pregnancy-new mother glow". 


Then again she could have had attendants at home the entire time and made her way to the hospital just before delivering.


Neither of mine went that fast.  Not even close.

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I am curios if anyone knows- why couldn't she stay in the hospital?  Is there some kind of rule that she can only spend first night at home?


I think that is pretty standard in the UK and other parts of Europe for a non-complicated birth.


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I thought it was a little strange myself. To me she looked better this time than she did after spending the night in the hospital last time.

I only had one kid but I could have left right after I had my daughter but I did have an epidural and after that wore off I was perfectly fine. No pain. Never took any medicine afterwards.


The thing I have a problem with is the yellow and white dress. Really? No way would I ever had worn that after giving birth. She should have just stayed at Kensington and given birth there. It is ok to try to be like the common folks but you just aren't anymore and that's ok. I would have just stayed at the palace and given birth there and would have had a camera crew the next day so everyone could see the baby.

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I thought it was a little strange myself. To me she looked better this time than she did after spending the night in the hospital last time.

I only had one kid but I could have left right after I had my daughter but I did have an epidural and after that wore off I was perfectly fine. No pain. Never took any medicine afterwards.


The thing I have a problem with is the yellow and white dress. Really? No way would I ever had worn that after giving birth. She should have just stayed at Kensington and given birth there. It is ok to try to be like the common folks but you just aren't anymore and that's ok. I would have just stayed at the palace and given birth there and would have had a camera crew the next day so everyone could see the baby.

Not being snarky here, but I'm wondering what was wrong with her dress. I thought it looked lovely on her.

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Not being snarky here, but I'm wondering what was wrong with her dress. I thought it looked lovely on her.


Nothing wrong with the dress. It was a great shift dress but the colors are the problem for me. I would be so worried that I would leak thru or something horrible like that. I am accident prone though so that could color my thinking.

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I dunno. I had my second baby at 7am, and was home from the hospital by noon (including an hour drive from the hospital to my house). I felt amazing, had a shower and put on a wee bit of makeup (not fully glammed, but heck I did NOT have a hair/makeup stylist there to do it for me lol) and as far as the PP bleeding that someone mentioned upthread, I didn't really deal with that much either. 


Now...after my first, I was a MESS for weeks. But baby #2, I was up and at it pretty quick. 

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I was home the next day with my second, and not to give TMI, but I was bleeding like crazy.  I wore nothing but dark dark pants for weeks.


No way I would have had the guts to wear a light color dress. 


In any case, she looked beautiful and healthy and I hope she has an easy time recovering

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Man, some of those comments are vicious!  The article is spot on.


I totally could've looked like that for pictures after #2 and 3.  My friends were all shocked at how good I looked within hours of giving birth.  Those two labors and deliveries were pretty easy.  #2 was super fast.  #2 I went home (freestanding birthing center) 3 hours after his birth.  #3 was born at home and the midwife left an hour or so later.  I never got big with any of my kids.  I never had a single person ask if I was pregnant.  Not even with #4 who was 8 lbs 9 oz.  I can guarantee you, though, if I had to stand there and look beautiful (and clearly be judged no matter how I looked - too good/too bad) I'd be seething inside.  I am sure she just wanted to get home.  I know after I had Cameron I just wanted to go home.

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Also, she only had to hold it together for 5 minutes.  For all we know, she was crying and the dress was trashed by the time they pulled into the palace.  LOL.  I hope she had a nice nest lined up with tea, a water bottle, some comfort food, and some girly movies perhaps!  Her labor was fast.  Maybe it really was that easy!


I had c-sections, but I did WAY WAY better after the 2nd.  I was driving almost immediately and was at a family music class with my 3 year old and newborn when she was like 10 days old.  I sat on the floor cross legged and was up and down the whole class. 

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Not being snarky here, but I'm wondering what was wrong with her dress. I thought it looked lovely on her.



Nothing wrong with the dress. It was a great shift dress but the colors are the problem for me. I would be so worried that I would leak thru or something horrible like that. I am accident prone though so that could color my thinking.

This was my thought, too. I thought she looked gorgeous in the dress. The white scared me for her, though! 

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