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A trip down Memory Lane, WTM style...


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It's telling me I only signed up in 2012. There's no way that's correct, but I don't remember why it's so recent. Maybe I had another account and had a mind-blank, signing up for a new account when I was in the middle of peri-natal psychosis (that was a fun year...) and in need of distraction? Or maybe I actually only lurked until then, though I thought I posted once or twice before then...


Regardless, I've been lurking this forum since at least 2008 when I was still single. I was homeschooled and knew I would do the same with my kids. I began lurking here for advice about babies and parenting! And curriculum advice for furthering the education of my husband and I (who, unfortunately, were not great examples of homeschool graduates, if only our parents had found this forum, lol!). I have dipped in and out, usually I'm around for a few months then leave for a year, because I have an addictive personality and spend WAY too much time on the forum when I am here! I can't seem to balance checking up on the newest happenings while not spending hours a day online. 


The board has been a huge help. I felt confident beginning homeschooling on the other side of the desk! I've been forced to take a good look at my opinions on many topics, and learned a lot about other people. I have all kinds of exciting ideas for educating my kids and a fair perspective on what may or may not work for us. And I've gotten some great advice from time to time.


I'll tell you all a little secret though: I've never actually read  The Well Trained Mind. Oops. 

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I have been here a few years now.  It was ThatHomeschoolingDad who told me about the well trained mind book and then I stumbled onto the boards.  If it was not for the support I found here for all of my questions (cringeworthy and reasonable) I don't know that I would be homeschooling high school.  My oldest will be a senior his year and I often look back and wonder where the time went.  I have had many failures during his high school years but there have also been successes.  I suppose I am looking forward to the day I can say "Ha. See, I didn't ruin him for life" to my in-laws. 


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Hey! I remember you :) And I remember being here when SWB was in labor ...

And I remember *you*! I loved reading your blog back in the day. It really encouraged me that I could ha with a bunch a littles running around. My eldest boy is interested in UD.

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I remember the old boards, but I'm not sure if I posted back then.  In the beginning I spent all my time on the education forums and then somehow found my way to the chat board.  Both have been so valuable!  Homeschooling would have been much more difficult without the WTM family's support.


Remember Jessica at Trivium Academy?  I used to love her blog; we used a lot of the same curriculum, and I got a lot of book recommendations from there.  I just checked her blog; she hasn't posted in a few years.

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I joined in 2008.  My oldest must have been 5yo.   5yo, 3yo, 2yo...that was the year I learned that a math lesson is the perfect time for a 2yo to sneak behind the chair to fill his diaper, and a perfect time for the 3yo to find the glitter and decorate her room.  Good times.


It's been fun to read this thread.  This forum has been a wealth of info and support.  And, I remember reading SWB's day in the life posts and thinking that if her days were so...normal-for-homeschoolers (which should be a definition all its own)...that I could teach mine too.



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Kpzz...Wow, I haven't thought about her shinning eyes posts in ages.  There have been so many great posts by awesome posters here for years and years.  It would be wonderful for them to check in and update us.


I've been around since 99 (dial up :confused1: ), but was so new to homeschooling = lurker/sponge of the wisdom shared.  I do miss the old timers and being on line for a board flip was an awesome late night adventure.

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Kpzz...Wow, I haven't thought about her shinning eyes posts in ages.  There have been so many great posts by awesome posters here for years and years.  It would be wonderful for them to check in and update us.


I've been around since 99 (dial up :confused1: ), but was so new to homeschooling = lurker/sponge of the wisdom shared.  I do miss the old timers and being on line for a board flip was an awesome late night adventure.


Oh Tammy, I loved that post too! I was a quiet reader for many, many years. I THINK that I started reading the boards around 1997 EEKS. I loved the board flips and I yearned to be a "first poster." HONESTLY, once I COULD have been but I was too shy and too excited to post! LOL! Late nights with lots of littles replaced nervous first time homeschool jitters and I became very adept at NAK. Sigh...missing those days...My first homeschool experiment is a senior in college this year and my youngest is going to be starting sixth grade. Time does fly...

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I haven't read all the replies, but I fondly remember WTMindy and Jessica at Trivium Academy.  I thought they were homeschool superstars.


Jan in NC and Lori D were like...I dunno...amazing.

Rivendell mom or what was her name, the mom with boys who had some kind of Lord of the Rings name and did the amazing Tapestry of Grace student workbook - I couldn't even read her posts without going to bed thinking I needed to read more...


Then there was Quiver with her cinnamon rolls?  My husband still moans when those are made :)  She's famous here, I do remember her having like, 30 kids cuz each time she had one, her name changed, lol.  JK.


There have been times I felt like quitting, and I would read a success story, or read the reasons someone was beginning homeschool here and I would remember the importance of a good education.


This board has been a very, very large part of my encouragement to not only school my kids, but helping me to become a better mom.  (And a better cook!)


I still hear books and think of bras.  I read tea and still have to check myself on what the poster is referring to.


I am going to make a confession, the term Draconian has always confused me as has the curricula by MEP.  Those are two threads I NEVER open, lol.


Anyway, thanks everyone for being there over the years :)


(Edited because my teenagers' slang is affecting me waaay too much)


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I have hesitated to write this because I know I will miss people I have loved, met, shared salt or dinner or accommodations with ... but here goes...



Robin in TX (and the poor long-suffering Rod and Staff conference attender)

Diane in NorCal


Kalanamak (Memory eternal)

WTMCassandra (I have the name wrong...except the Cassandra part)

Kristi in WA


Lisa in Oregon whose screen name I forget


Julie in SD

Schola Tutorials

DJ clouds blow in from the sun   (forgot screen name but a friend to this day)

The lady who made KnowledgeQuest

MamaLynx  ((()))

ClwCain  and beloved spouse

SWB aka "Herself"

AmyB and her dh's scare (wrong screen name but we are still in touch

Kathy Jo who rocked my world by putting words to the questions I had but who also had the guts to ask them

MamaBear and her abandonment and survival and strength

Jean in Wisc



Kolbi and the snakes in her hair and the Way To Teach Latin



And and and...so many others whose names elude me because I am getting older and others whose names elude me because I am imperfect in gratitude for all who have meant so much to me.  Many have shared my home, others have shared their homes with me.  


I have a home at the beach which I opened up to a WTM Open House.  We used to meet up each year until a Bully Who Lived Nearby came onto the boards so we shut it down.  Nevertheless, many of us met on a private basis, in this and many locations, for many years.  The last meet-up was 6 weeks ago.  


The most amusing meetup was when my family and I travelled across states to meet a TWTM friend.  We arrived, but she was sick.  She asked her husband to meet us at the hotel.  He was APPALLED to find that we had met online, but nevertheless, he came to the hotel, he and his sons, and took me and my family out for a wonderful outing.  My friend felt better later, and joined us, and our families have spent many times together since then.


So yeah.  TWTM has meant a lot to me.  If I forgot to put your name on the list above, please quote me and add it, as I want to remember the fulness of gratitude I owe..  I am so thankful for SWB and TWTM, for it gave me courage to save my son's spirit from the school he was in, and gave us many happy and directed years together. 




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Another thing I wanted to mention...


Many of the people on this board have faced down incredibly distressing/awful/shattering experiences...and yet...they have faced them down.  Things have not always gone the way they thought they would.  The way ***I*** thought they would.  So if you go to the WayBack Machine, remember to read old posts and positions with a grain of salt, and a boatload of mercy.  I for one hope that my posturings about math or classical or The Right Way to Do This are all buried deep, and remembered by no one.  Well, OK, you can remember that it is fun to iron.  But the rest...remember with mercy that we all have done the best we can, given the best advice we can, and there is a lot of strength even in the midst of a lot of heartbreak shared among those on these boards...those who share this time and life.  


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I've been here since 2008 and still feel like a newbie some of the time. Ds starts college next week. I wouldn't have continued homeschooling without this board, especially high school! *I* wouldn't be the person I am today without this board. I am grateful to so many members here for sharing their wisdom, for asking questions, and their encouragement when homeschooling and life got tough. 

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I miss Mrs. Mungo who hasn't been on in a long time, Julie in Q??? Oh boy I can't remember her name but she posted so much wisdom about teaching logic, Kalanamak, Ester Maria, Father of Pearl, Mariannova, Heather in Malaysia, Melanie in hmmm I think Nova Scotia, Colleen,....


I have grown so much on these boards as we have chatted and commiserated. Some of ky viewpoints have changed due to influences here and always for the better.

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I joined the boards around 1999, I think, shortly after they started. I found WTM at the 1999 HEAV convention when it was in publication, with just one proof copy on the table, and a string of covers above the booth, and SWB sitting there, alone. People, she was alone and had time for my incessant questions! Now at any given convention, the line at the booth is 20 people deep, LOL.


These boards have been my lifeline (sometimes my only one) through three different moves, two coasts, and a zillion confusing life stages. I can see the finish line now on my homeschooling journey, but I still need these boards as much as ever. Curriculum, handling life, child discipline, knowing I'm not crazy because someone else out there has similar experiences, how to handle learning differences, bOOks, tEa, and little things, even down to comparing the number of bookcases we each have. 


I don't post that much these days, but I always read, almost every day. I guess I'm a WTM voyeur. I know what threads to avoid posting on because they're just going to go south, LOL. But if someone has a question and I know the answer, I do my best to take the time to do so, because so many have done so for me.


Thank you, SWB, for allowing the space to create an enduring community. Through all of the banning of posts and people, this community has stood strong. Hosting this site for almost twenty years? Expensive, I'm sure. Creating a true community? Priceless.

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Remember Jessica at Trivium Academy?  I used to love her blog; we used a lot of the same curriculum, and I got a lot of book recommendations from there.  I just checked her blog; she hasn't posted in a few years.


She got a divorce and an outside job, I believe, and the kids went to school. 

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So many names. I think I've been here since 2004....my son was 4 then and I had WTM before he was ready to start K and I ended up not sending him. Ria was the first to help me directly by giving me info on a k12 virtual program.


I wouldn't have survived without these boards. And I still have the box of quilt squares from many of you sitting on my dresser that I promise will be made into a quilt soon.

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Yes, ma'am, I am! For now, that is. DH just took a new job. He's moving next month, and the kids and I will join him next summer. We'll still be in Texas, just out in the boondocks. (LOL)

Karen in SA. Duh. All these years I've tried to figure it out.


It is very clever btw.


Edited: stupid autocorrect

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Anyone remember the poster who was pregnant with her 5th child when her husband left her for anothe woman? The baby was born with a severe handicap....she moved in with her parents and kept homeschooling.....I think she lived in the PNW.....she had a beautiful blog. Baby Q is how she referred to him.

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Scarlett, Carrie has a blog. I think it is called duramater5.blogspot.com


She still homeschools and I think was able to get a place of her own. The scum bag dad did marry the mistress and doesn't do a lot with any of the kids, and even less with his handicapped son.


She is one whale of a momma though!!! Q has come farther than I think anyone ever imagined.She has moved hewven and earth for him!

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Scarlett, Carrie has a blog. I think it is called duramater5.blogspot.com


She still homeschools and I think was able to get a place of her own. The scum bag dad did marry the mistress and doesn't do a lot with any of the kids, and even less with his handicapped son.


She is one whale of a momma though!!! Q has come farther than I think anyone ever imagined.She has moved hewven and earth for him!

Thank you! I have been going crazy trying to remember her name. Thanks.

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I've been busy all week, but trying to keep up with this thread.  I've been on the boards since around 2001/2002, right after I read TWTM. There have been so many people who've been on here that have impacted me and my homeschooling journey.  I've been reading through the list of names and remembering the "old" days.


Was Pencil Pusher mentioned?What was her screen name before that?  I'm drawing a blank.  She had changed her screen name because she was being attacked/stalked by someone who lived near her I think. It was a long time ago. Maybe she's still around and I missed the newest name??  


My own life has become increasingly busy.  My youngest two are now in private school and our lives have been crazy with activities and stuff.  I don't get on here as often as I used to, but I still try to keep up.  



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I've been busy all week, but trying to keep up with this thread. I've been on the boards since around 2001/2002, right after I read TWTM. There have been so many people who've been on here that have impacted me and my homeschooling journey. I've been reading through the list of names and remembering the "old" days.


Was Pencil Pusher mentioned?What was her screen name before that? I'm drawing a blank. She had changed her screen name because she was being attacked/stalked by someone who lived near her I think. It was a long time ago. Maybe she's still around and I missed the newest name??


My own life has become increasingly busy. My youngest two are now in private school and our lives have been crazy with activities and stuff. I don't get on here as often as I used to, but I still try to keep up.

Oh yeah....pencil Pusher. her old name escapes me. I miss her!

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I love this thread. Next week we are starting our 18th year homeschooling. I was terrified in the beginning. I never planned on homeschooling but my first daughter taught herself to read very young and by four years old, was reading at a fifth grade level. Here and the FIAR boards, I quietly gleaned information and confidence. I was too shy to post (although I did send private messages now and then) but I needed the support and fellowship provided by the "Computer communities." As we added littles and my concerns grew(OH MY! First daughter entering high school left me posting lots of questions and when she left for college, more than one tear filled post late at night), you folks remained a constant for me. It was truly going to be okay. Thinking about the "Old days" has been such a pleasant diversion for me. I SHOULD be planning and gearing up to start the new year but...

I'm consistently impressed by the passion, the knowledge and the diversity on the WTM Boards. Thumbs up to all of you. And to anyone who is a very long time quiet reader, it's okay. I think that there is a place for all of us here. 

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re Jill in OK:

I remember her!  She was quite helpful to me at one point in our homeschooling journey.  Wasn't she called the Crib Chick?


Haven't seen her here in ages, but she's had a fun new blog going for a while now: jillocity



I was on the old boards, then lapsed to lurking when it turned over to the new format (all my kids were in b&m schools by then, so I felt I Lacked Standing.... :laugh: )  Then I particularly lurked the BAW threads when they started oh, 5 years ago (?) until I finally screwed up the courage to register and come back in.


Rosemary in CO!


Jean in Wisconsin!


Esther Maria!



Regina in SL!

Robin in TX!

Kay in CA!


... how much did I learn over the years from these and other wise women.  Both concrete "stuff" like books and tick removal techniques and recipes and also... I dunno... worldview shaping philosophies... There is no doubt in my mind that I'm a better person for having had my window to the world widened, here.


Thanks to all of you, and especially to Susan.


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Anyone remember the poster who was pregnant with her 5th child when her husband left her for anothe woman? The baby was born with a severe handicap....she moved in with her parents and kept homeschooling.....I think she lived in the PNW.....she had a beautiful blog. Baby Q is how she referred to him.

I read her blog for a long time. It was Dura Mater.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So many familiar names and faces on this thread.


I've been a member for seven years, and used to search the old boards quite a bit. I hadn't heard about Kalanamak or nmoira, so I've been searching through old threads learning what happened. I remember them both fondly and am so sad I wasn't here at the time.


Kareni, I just tweeted that Ovid quote a couple of days ago. I'm a mentor in a writing contest that involves heavy edits, and it seemed quite relevant!

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This thread spawned a 2015 Reunion Thread--it's pinned at the top of the chat board.  Go take a peek and chime in.  


And it's not just for "people who have been here since dial-up."  Let us all know how you are doing, and invite people who might not otherwise see it.  :0)

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I'm another long-timer. I joined when my oldest was just a pre-K'er...probably 2002? He's a senior in high school now. His younger brothers (twins) have also been homeschooled all the way through; they're high school sophomores this year.


We started homeschooling because Brian was allergic to pretty much everything as a kid...and it was the kind of allergies where you stop breathing. Not good. I looked into homeschooling because I couldn't fathom how a school was going to be able to keep him safe. A lot of the homeschooling literature at the time was... what should I say... OUT THERE. Then, one day, I was wandering quite aimlessly in the library and stumbled on The Well-Trained Mind. It spoke directly to me, convincing me that I could homeschool in a way that wasn't outside of my comfort zone. I devoured the book. I sincerely think I memorized the first section on the Grammar stage. 


Thank you so much, Susan, for providing this place for me for all of these years. I sincerely couldn't (and wouldn't) have done it without you! 

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