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When is your summer break (if you have one!)?

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We are going to be schooling over the summer but much more lightly. We will begin our "lighter" schedule on June 15. 


DS9 will be working on writing and math throughout the summer, probably an hour or two a day, except when he has camp (he is scheduled for an organic farming camp where he will learn pickling, baking and jam-making, and also two Minecraft camps.)


DS12 will be completing TC Geometry and Derek Owens Physical Science. He is about 1/2 way through both, so my thought is 2 hours a day will be enough. He has a sleep-away camp for 2 weeks in Colorado (white water rafting and hiking) in July, and wants to have some time to "do nothing" so we'll figure that out as we go.


I really want to have one month of doing nothing except reading and listening to audio books with them, so I hope that can happen! Lying on the beach with my kindle sounds very good right about now....


We generally try not to start the new school year til after Labor Day!

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For each school year we have an excel spreadsheet with 180 days of work/assignments on it. Whenever a row/day is complete we cross it off until 180 are all done. So it may take longer or be shorter than the public school year since we can do extra to get days crossed off sooner or take more than a day to get a row of work done. We start summer whenever all 180 days are done and then just read books and do math until we start the next grade.

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Roughly, our break is June and July.  We are busy with swim lessons, summer camps, and learning other stuff.

These activities end ~August 1.  I plan a month of swimming at the pool and reading books....


our family doesn't do well without a plan.

After a week, I add Math lessons.  Then I gradually add extra subjects as we need them.  By the time the public schools open, we have been schooling for a couple of weeks.

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Hopefully all the chemistry will be done by the time dd takes the SAT Math 2 exam on June 6. If not, we'll finish up the following week.


We will begin her sophomore year (:eek:) on Monday August 24, nine days after she returns from a month-long Arabic immersion camp.

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Mid May through August.

2 weeks left for us if I can eke anything left out of his various programs.

Summer is for swimming at the pond and beach, sports, and being outside as much as possible. Some planning for me, unless I can get history figured out before then.

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Our current school year schedule runs through June 27. We then take from June 28 to the Tuesday after Independence Day. From then until August 10th, we do a lighter program consisting of math, writing, Spanish, Latin, science, and history. Here is our summer schedule broken down by days of the week:


Tuesdays – Math, Writing, Latin, History, Reading

Wednesdays – Math, Writing, Latin, History

Thursdays – Math, Writing, Spanish, Science, Reading

Fridays – Math, Writing, Spanish, Science

Saturdays – Math, Writing, and Reading


From August 11 to September 1 we have vacation; DS will be going to an Audubon camp and we may have some family vacation or staycation time. Come September 1st, we start with Morning Time and gradually add in a subject or so a day until we are up to full speed.

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From the end(ish) of May until the 2nd week of August.  We follow the public school schedule because my niece, who is in public high school, practically lives here when school is out. We take a complete break and don't do any school work during that time.  


Glad I'm not the only one!  My facebook feed is full of people planning the summer schoolwork for their kids and I'm like eh, we take a break. I deserve a break, even if they don't :)


Of course my son will read, but after too many years in public school he's accustomed to his summer break. And so am I. Now, if his work isn't finished he will have to finish it, but he tends to work pretty hard at the end of the year to make sure he gets that break. 


He will finish up May 27th, give or take, and start back the thrid week of August. My preferred schedule would be to finish the first week of June and start back the last wednesday of august, the way I did as a kid, so I may do that with my youngers. The older is getting old enough to be on a separate schedule. 

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Our last day is no later than May 15th, although they will probably finish some subjects sooner. Whenever they finish, they are finished. That said, dd is taking 2 classes at the CC this summer with just 1 week off in May before they start and then they run until mid July. She will have a very short summer. Ds has some unschooling plans for the summer and then starts college mid August.  :w00t:

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We school year round, more lightly in the summer, but with no clear switch date. We've already dropped grammar and spelling, as we finished this year's book (and I am thinking about changing spelling curriculum anyway). Things will just keep dropping until we only do math, piano, and Spanish for my eldest and handwriting, violin, math, and reading for my middle child. After we go on vacation in mid-August, I start slowly adding things again.

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Memorial Day to Labor Day are "school light" months for us. My PS kids do various things: Driver's Ed, an online math review class, ACT prep course, etc as needed. Both will have part-time jobs. Littles will do about 1-2 hours per day of math & reading. Of course, we have a few weeks of camps or vacation during this time which bump all school work.

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We have one solid month off from the first day of spring...till whenever a month later is.  This year, it was the end of March till this week.  I realized that having "summer" vacation right after the winter doldrums and during the really nice weather helps prevent burnout for me and DS.  During the actual summer months, we will have a 3-4 day workweek, depending on activities.

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We'll be finished the Wednesday after Memorial Day.  We'll finish up spelling and math if necessary.  It doesn't look like that'll be necessary, but we'll see.  Adrian will keep doing Explode the Code and Ordinary Parents Guide through the summer.  We'll start back up for the next school year the Tuesday before Labor Day.  We more or less follow the local schools.

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We start school in September, like I used to as a kid :) We take off June through August. This year, I will be working with my son in the summer, maybe an hour a day, because he needs it. Other than that, they will be reading lots of good library books, cooking, going to camps, having music lessons, and sleeping in.

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We follow the local school system because that's the schedule her best friend across the street is on.  Summer Break 2015 runs from Wednesday, May 27-to Monday, July 20th.  We'll start school on Monday the 20th because I think it's silly to break up weeks without a really good reason. I plan and prep the entire year in the 36 week hanging file folder system during the summer and don't want to do school at the same time I do planning and prep.

We still do about 2 hours of read alouds 5-6 days a week year round.

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My 2nd grader finished his phonics book this week and he has two weeks of spelling left. We'll keep up an otherwise full schedule until the first week of June when my public-schooled kindergartener gets out. We'll take a full week off for VBS, then pick up "school light" for most of the summer to give us a bit of a head start so we can take more time off when baby arrives in November.

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School light starting June 1.  


Oldest will be graduated, but probably will have a few things to finish up.  He's also doing the behind-the-wheel part of driver's ed.


Younger will be finishing up two subjects, and working on some pre-AP writing with me.  She has a long reading list too.


My paid work significantly drops then.  I go from teaching seven classes to only one or two over the summer, probably just one.



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