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Dr. Hive? Dollar store pregnancy tests


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I'm not a very active poster, but asking strangers on the internet about very personal matters seems to make sense :-). After a second month of my formerly very predictable 28 day cycles stretching past 30 days, I used a dollar store test this morning. There was absolutely no doubt that there were two very bright lines. Now this test has been sitting in DH's car glovebox since last year because I didn't want the kids to come across it, so it's been exposed to extreme temperatures. That could make it less accurate, right? Would you get another dollar store test or a name brand?


I'm freaking out just a bit. I've gotten comfortable with our family of four and enjoying being past the really intense early years. There will be almost 7years between the younger kids if number three really is coming. We have a family wedding that DD is supposed to be a flower girl in nine hours away when I will be 38 weeks. And our house is really small. There's no way we'll be able to sell and buy something bigger for at least a few more years.


I'm torn too, because if baby number three really is coming, I feel guilty that I'm not just excited and having doubts. I don't want this baby to feel less wanted.


Thanks for "listening."

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I've had a sort of a false positive from a dollar tree test a couple times - really the dye flooded the whole test (and I did it correctly).  Oh, and the blue dye tests give false positives to even men sometimes.  Get the red dye kind.


My OBGYN said to not trust dollar store tests because they tend to be expired and give false positives.  I couldn't find anything to corroborate that when I googled about it, but if I were you I would at least get a new, name brand one.  Or you could just call your OBGYN and ask for a blood test.





ETA: I know it was a false positive because I used the same specimen on a branded test when i got the confusting result and it was clearly negative.

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I agree with getting a brand name to verify. With my DS number 2, I took a cheap test on the day I should have started. I got a positive result with faint pink lines. I was skeptical because it was a dollar test, and the lines were faint. Later in the same day, I took a brand name test that gives the clear answer in writing, lol, and it read 'pregnant' (and that was even with a mid-day specimen sample).

ETA:FWIW, I think all of your feelings are completely normal. My head was spinning with thoughts, plans, fears, and emotions with all of my pregnancies, and they were all planned!

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I never truly believed I was pregnant until I took the test with the digital response. I always figured it was worth the $10 to not have to decide if the faint line meant positive or not. Just reading 'Pregnant' or 'Not Pregnant' made it pretty clear. Or maybe I was just in denial all four times

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RE: the age split.  There are six years between kids #3 and #4 for us.  We were pretty comfortable with our family of five, it was lovely being able to eat in restaurants and travel without worrying about diaper bags, etc.  


Then came along kid #4 - our little surprise - and she has been a real blessing. I wasn't very excited about starting over with a baby, but the older kids were great help when she was little - fetching things and entertaining her, especially in her hated car seat.  Now that she's a teen and is our only kid left at home, it's very nice.  DD13 has the benefit of experienced parents this time around and DH and I are gradually transitioning from "Kid Focused" lives to "Adult Lives".


So - if congratulations are appropriate, know that having that "extra kid" can be a Good Thing.

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Thanks for the input and good thoughts, everyone. I bought a First Response two pack at the grocery store this morning. I couldn't sleep after waking up at 4:30 to test so it made sense to get the shopping done before DH had to leave for work. I'll wait to test until after the kids are in bed tonight, and then again in the morning if it's inconclusive. I had to try really hard not to get emotional in the middle of the store, which was not so much fun. I got a few weird looks and more workers than usual asked if I needed help finding anything, but I held it together for the most part. At least I was shopping early enough that I didn't run into anyone I actually know :-)

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The emotional reaction in the store would be clearer than two lines for me! ;) I have a 7 year gap between #2 and 3. Then a bonus 4... It's been amazing to watch the big kids and their baby sisters. I hope everything works out for you! :grouphug:

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"...I'm freaking out just a bit. I've gotten comfortable with our family of four and enjoying being past the really intense early years. There will be almost 7years between the younger kids if number three really is coming. We have a family wedding that DD is supposed to be a flower girl in nine hours away when I will be 38 weeks. And our house is really small. There's no way we'll be able to sell and buy something bigger for at least a few more years.

I'm torn too, because if baby number three really is coming, I feel guilty that I'm not just excited and having doubts. I don't want this baby to feel less wanted...."


Best wishes to you on your possible surprise. In my experience, some of the nicest people in the world were surprises! The intense years of babies is different when older children are present ant the parents have more experience with parenting. 


As to your small house, babies themselves are quite small.  Babies don't take much room. What takes up room is all the unnecessary baby items that people *think* babies need. Babies need love--and love grows. Our hearts grow as we make room for those small, little people who sometimes enter our lives unexpectedly.  

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Thanks for the input and good thoughts, everyone. I bought a First Response two pack at the grocery store this morning. I couldn't sleep after waking up at 4:30 to test so it made sense to get the shopping done before DH had to leave for work. I'll wait to test until after the kids are in bed tonight, and then again in the morning if it's inconclusive. I had to try really hard not to get emotional in the middle of the store, which was not so much fun. I got a few weird looks and more workers than usual asked if I needed help finding anything, but I held it together for the most part. At least I was shopping early enough that I didn't run into anyone I actually know :-)


As someone who had to sit down on the floor in the aisle at Target the last time I went to buy a pregnancy test, I completely understand.

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My youngest was a surprise. I actually was not all that excited about her until I met her. :) She is the sweetest little bundle, but throughout the pregnancy all I could think about were the negatives (possibility of 3 in diapers, 3 under three, having FIVE kids, etc). i did struggle with guilty feelings because I wasn't excited about her arrival, but the Lord showed me how perfectly she fits into our family. :)

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I went through a LOT of tests when I was TTCing the new sprout. The dollar store are just as accurate as the name brand.


I have a 16 year split and he was anything but a surprise.



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Thank you for all reassurances. I don't think I can quote on my phone, but your stories really mean a lot. Merry Gardens, your words were exactly what I needed to hear. And Katy, that is so funny :). Ksr5377, the only thing that kept me from finding a quiet corner to just let it out was that I absolutely had to be home quickly for DH to get to work.

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I didn't believe even the blood tests. I was positive I was not pregnant until they finally did an ultrasound and the baby waved to me.


Then I cried for about a month. We were very, very very done.


Except apparently we aren't, and I'm getting excited to meet this little one. (then I'm getting a tubal)

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I laughed and couldn't stop all day.


I had actually given up hope and was 100% sure that trying "one last time" wasn't going to work, I just wanted to have pleasant memories of "the last time". I didn't even take any chemical measures to increase my chances.


Take the doom and gloom about late life pregnancies with a grain of salt. ds was born a matter of weeks before my 43rd birthday and both pregnancy and birth were completely uneventful. He was also an insanely easy baby and has always been healthy as a horse. I only got the baby paraphernalia we absolutely needed in the styles I absolutely loved, so he fit into a small house just fine.


A miracle is still a miracle even though you weren't expecting this one.


Strangers on the internet are a perfectly appropriate support system under the circumstances. Update us whenever you feel like it. Your post brightened my day and put a much needed great big smile on my face, and it obviously had the same affect on a lot of much more regular posters. :) :) :)

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If I were a betting person, I'd bet that the bright line on the dollar test, even in the hot car for a year, is accurate, but would definitely follow up with more testing (me, probably three different brands).


I admire people who can wait when there's a bathroom right. over. there.  (If you want to talk discretion, someone I know very well *cough* would buy many dollar tests at a time but dispose of the boxes in the trash can in the parking lot in order to hide the tests inside in her purse...)

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Kids finally went to sleep and the First Response was absolutely positive. I'm calmer than I was this morning. We've kept almost all of our baby stuff because we weren't ready to say we're absolutely done, or at least DH wasn't. The timing isn't great, but we'll figure it out. DS and DD will be thrilled. DD has been asking for a little sibling since she was a stubborn three year old who insisted that she would stop nursing and sleeping in our bed if we had another baby.

I can't say I'm excited yet, but I'll get there once I get over feeling so shocked. Thank you all for keeping me company through my uncertainty today.

And now that I have been up for 18 hours and it's time to get some sleep while I can :-)

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