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  • KrissiK


Oh, and I fixed my air conditioning in my older vehicle today.  I gauged the low point valve on the air conditioner and determined it needed freon, bought some, added it, and I'm *hopefully* back to cool air again. It was blowing cold when I shut it off.  The guy at Auto Zone told me I needed to take it in to be seen. I kinda rolled my eyes---this has umpty-bazillion miles on it. Either the $25 bottle of freon is going to recharge the system or we're going without air conditioning. 

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The 3(?) year old upstairs just fell out of a window. One story fall onto dirt. Parents had her in the car and gone before I could look. I heard the fall but thought it was a fan. I didn't realize that it was her until they flew past my sliding glass door.

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15 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

To H, or not to H. That is the question.
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
That sometimes silent consonant
Or to take arms against the sea of troubles 
And by opposing end it . To H - we please some on ITT
And to H - we end the heartache and the thousand arguments 
That Booya/h is heir to. 'Tis a consummation 
Devoutly to be wished."

Kristen's Soliloquy


Wonderful, Krissi!  Applause applause applause!

Sorry to have been away so long, folks.  I lost my combobulate for quite a while.  Things are starting to get back into some semblance of a schedule, however, so I hope to be back on the thread more regularly once again.

How has everyone been?  Whatcha been up to?


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10 hours ago, Slache said:

The 3(?) year old upstairs just fell out of a window. One story fall onto dirt. Parents had her in the car and gone before I could look. I heard the fall but thought it was a fan. I didn't realize that it was her until they flew past my sliding glass door.


Any word today on how the child is?

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2 hours ago, Another Lynn said:

Good Morning!  Wednesday, I think!  COFFEE!!!!  

Second Ode to Coffee

Coffee, how I love thee.

When the sun is peeping over the trees

And the clouds behind are gray and calm

Coffee, you are rich and dark and steaming.

Rich, and dark, and hot.  


Wonderful, Lynn!  Applauses for you, too!

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1 hour ago, Openhearted said:

Oh, coffee you're as lovely as the angels when they sing

I can't believe I'm out here on my front porch all alone, just an ITTin'.


Good morning, dear friends. First day of homeschool for us this year.


Applauses for you, too!

DD14 started public high school 2 weeks ago today.  DD17 has received her driver's permit and is continuing her driver's ed.  She and I are working out what she will study this semester and year and how she will go about it.  We had too many technical issues and delays to get her into dual credit classes this fall.

Good news on Dad -- he's down to phlebotomies every other month.

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Morning, all.

If you ever wanna see steam coming out of a hawk's ears, come and stand in the kitchen when the phone rings and I stop what I'm doing and it's the FIFTH reminder call about an appointment. :angry:  What.in.the.world??? (All live calls, too, not robocalls, and I answered at least three of them.)

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I hate everything. The baby was up on and off all night afraid of some unidentified thing. I'm sick, John's sick, the other two are cranky from being up all night. I'm starving.

2 hours ago, AMJ said:

Any word today on how the child is?

No. They don't answer the door or make eye contact. I'm waiting to see her in the window. She's always there wanting human interaction. I think mom and dad are druggies.

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Hi all, i'm still here, haven't been able to post between getting lessons done and bouts of dizziness.  I don't know if it's my vertigo or something else, i'm better today but still having a few instances of spinning, I think maybe I was bit dehydrated.  Anyway, things are going ok and as soon as I feel better, I will rejoin y'all.

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2 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

I think dd9 has a UTI.  We are trying pure cranberry juice (:blink:) in hopes it will go away.  If not, we'll make a trip to the walk-in clinic.

I have permanent repercussions that I would never wish on anyone from trying to treat myself at home.

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Hi, i’m Here!! Didn’t do my usual Good Morning post because we had to leave early. I had an 8:00 appt. with a therapist in the Big City. It went well. Hopefully we can find some answers and hope and all that good stuff.  

Then I went to Costco and got our new tires put on and shopped. And they jacked up the alignment, which I discovered on the way home. I will let DH deal with that, but... I sure hope he doesn’t want me to spend another morning up there getting them to fix it. Honestly, i’d Rather pay $ to the place around the corner and get it done quick.

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1 hour ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Hey. Trying out a new gluten free restaurant. I am not impressed. Super high prices for a tiny bit of food. And the coleslaw was so vinegary that it was almost inedible. 

Clearly the vinegar caused you to miss your booya. Sorry.


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Been playing with story pitches fir my new project. Now I am getting my hair done.  Good thing. I was turning into a gray mop on top.

Kind of tired today, but the school got done, and chores were finished.  Didn't get the cleaning done, but hair took precedence. 

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