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Good Braindead Tuesday for Susan Morning!


Outta likes again.


(((Ikslo's ds)))  I'm impressed with his foreign language skills. 


I was thinking about how some of you don't fold.  I'm not sure I'm convinced about the wrinkles coming out a few minutes after you put it on.  On the other hand, everyone could pick out their clothes the night before and put them on the dryer.  In the morning I could put those clothes in the dryer and fluff them.  Everyone could put on their clothes straight from the fluffing process and voila, no wrinkles.  But I think baskets of unfolded clean clothes would confuse my poor lazy darlings and end up back in the dirty clothes pile to wash again.  So, Imma stick with folding.  It is the one household chore I like and I'm good at anyway. 

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Good morning. I slept wonderfully from 10ish p.m. to 6 a.m. solid. Then I dozed from 6 til 8 a.m. because of 2 hour delay.


Hugs, Tex. Just hugs.


Hugs Ikslo's ds, poor guy. However, I too am impressed with his German skills.


I have no idea how many scissors I have. Lots.


Hugs to Susan as well. She seems busy.

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Good Braindead Tuesday for Susan Morning!


Outta likes again.


(((Ikslo's ds))) I'm impressed with his foreign language skills.


I was thinking about how some of you don't fold. I'm not sure I'm convinced about the wrinkles coming out a few minutes after you put it on. On the other hand, everyone could pick out their clothes the night before and put them on the dryer. In the morning I could put those clothes in the dryer and fluff them. Everyone could put on their clothes straight from the fluffing process and voila, no wrinkles. But I think baskets of unfolded clean clothes would confuse my poor lazy darlings and end up back in the dirty clothes pile to wash again. So, Imma stick with folding. It is the one household chore I like and I'm good at anyway.

Wrinkles come out in humid climates. I never had to iron in Texas. Here it is dry. I fold to keep things neat; I no longer care about wrinkles. I started teaching my girls to fold when they were 2. By this age they need something to do at the laundromat besides run around.

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(((Ikslo's ds)))  I'm impressed with his foreign language skills. 



I was impressed, too!


Of course, he did ask me how to say "eyes" first, and we're working on a section about seeing the doctor.  He may not remember any of it in a few months.

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Good morning!


I used to be great at folding immediately after pulling clothes out of the dryer, but I am not any more. I still hang dress/work clothes fresh from the dryer to avoid ironing. Other clothes get to hang out in a basket until a day when my fingers are working well.


I had the most awesome quinoa black bean salad last night. I asked my friend for her recipe for the citrus dressing she drizzled over it.


Scissors. I used to have only three pair, but now--living with ADD people--I have more. I have two pairs of personal scissors and a personal stapler that are mine alone (because I put my stuff away).


Also, touching my sewing scissors is a serious offense. Someone used my sewing scissors to cut cardboard!!!!

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I'm not sure if we even own an iron. We hang up most of our clothes, so not much folding. Except towels. Towels must be folded.


We don't have any sewing scissors. Although we may have to get some because dd11 wants to learn how to sew.

I have an iron. It was not on my registry but someone gave it to me as a wedding gift. It's been in the box for 9 1/2 years.
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Good Morning all! It's raining!


I must have sleep cycles because DH said I had a bad dream last night.


We have lots of scissors, but they get lost. Dh has a stash in his dresser drawer that I am sometimes allowed to use.


I like Greek salad.


I try to always wear correct foundational garments (especially if the UPS man is around). The girls feel awkward roaming free.


We don't iron. We fold and hang up. Children are responsible for their own clothes. When their laundry is clean, I throw their clothes into their individual laundry baskets. They are supposed to fold, but usually they stuff them into their drawers.

Edited by KrissiK
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Do any of you make your kids fold your laundry as part of their chores? Is that mean? I can't even fathom the amount of effort you guys put into school so I imagine you outsource a lot. John does a few small things and Mary picks up after herself, but they aren't ready for real chores yet so I don't know what that looks like.

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Ok, so I went to see my dad last night. One of his roommates is the father of a guy I went to high school with. This guy was a total dork, but I went to Christmas formal with him junior year because my BFF wanted to go to formal with his friend, but his friend didn't have his license. So, T said that if I went with him to formal then BFF and the other guy could go together and he would drive. It was awful. It's amazing the lengths one goes to in high school for one's BFF. This guy's mom was there, visiting her husband and was telling me about all the exciting and wonderful things T has done with his life and how well connected and lovely his wife is. Bleh!

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Good morning, friends. It's my birthday. I'm 49. :hat:


Thinking of the three friends I lost last year, none of whom saw 49. So I am grateful to be here.


It is business as usual with school, basketball prax/games tonight. At some point, dh will take me to buy cowboy boots. Because I am a cowboy at heart.

Happy Birthday, Tex! You are one year and 5 days older than me!
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Do any of you make your kids fold your laundry as part of their chores? Is that mean?


Mine fold their laundry, because I honestly don't care whether it is wrinkled, mismatched or in the wrong drawers. It's probably mean. I also have taught them to clean their own bathroom.

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I was thinking about how some of you don't fold.  I'm not sure I'm convinced about the wrinkles coming out a few minutes after you put it on.  On the other hand, everyone could pick out their clothes the night before and put them on the dryer.  In the morning I could put those clothes in the dryer and fluff them.  Everyone could put on their clothes straight from the fluffing process and voila, no wrinkles.  But I think baskets of unfolded clean clothes would confuse my poor lazy darlings and end up back in the dirty clothes pile to wash again.  So, Imma stick with folding.  It is the one household chore I like and I'm good at anyway. 


Imma with you. There will be no unfolded clothes languishing in baskets or on furniture in this household.

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I'm glad buddy's improving. :)


John woke up, threw up and complained about tummy problems. I comforted, I played, I fed. Mary dropped her sausage so I rinsed it off and she complained that it was wet so she dried it with a towel. Now I get coffee and Bible.


New school goals: One Miquon sheet or Ray's problem, phonogram review, copywork of his choice, one art page, Salsa.


New fitness goals: Stretching and walking 6 days a week.


New language goals: Spanish Duolingo and reading every day, Greek review only.


Mama's not pre-pregnancy mama but she needs to do more than she's been doing.

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Good morning, friends.  It's my birthday.  I'm 49. :hat:


Thinking of the three friends I lost last year, none of whom saw 49.  So I am grateful to be here.


It is business as usual with school, basketball prax/games tonight.  At some point, dh will take me to buy cowboy boots.  Because I am a cowboy at heart.


Happy Birthday, Tex!! :party:

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Do any of you make your kids fold your laundry as part of their chores? Is that mean? I can't even fathom the amount of effort you guys put into school so I imagine you outsource a lot. John does a few small things and Mary picks up after herself, but they aren't ready for real chores yet so I don't know what that looks like.


DS has to strip the sheets off the beds on Saturdays.  I sometimes make him put them in the washing machine and start it, but usually I just make him strip.  It used to be just as part of the privilege of being part of the family, but now he gets a roll of tape each week.


He also has to put his dishes in the sink if I have already cleaned and left the kitchen.  Boy can take 2 hours to eat. 


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Since we are still on the topic of laundry:


I hang to dry almost all shirts and pants for everyone.  So everything is hung straight out of the washer.  Socks, undies, shorts, undershirts, pj's, towels, washcloths, sheets, and misc. things are dried.  Each boy has a white laundry basket containing clean shorts, undies, and socks.  Both boys have their names written on this baskets, which stack in the laundry room.  They typically do not put away these items but rather grab what they need out of them, which is not a problem for me since the clean clothes are contained in the laundry room and kept clean.  The laundry room is right next to the boys' rooms.  Little dd's clean non-hanging items go on top of the dryer until there is enough to put in a small white basket for her to put away.


I hang all pants, even jeans.  We have more hanging closet space than dresser space.  Kid #3 doesn't even have a dresser.  He puts his undies and stuff in bins in the closet, which has small shelves.  Some years back, I hung shelving in my laundry room, and I use that to put empty hangars, to dry hanging clothing, and to store the boys' basketball uniforms and undershirts for their uniforms.  This way the uniforms (two per kid) are always ready and never lost.  I hang the shorts with the jerseys.  Each boy has a different number so they know which is theirs.  Each boy has a white and a black uniform, for home and away.  I have plastic hanging extenders on the door to the laundry room which will hold four shirts each.  I have a small drying rack on top of the dryer.  


There is a dirty hamper which is a low to the ground type.  There is a clean hamper which is a tall one.  Both are in the laundry room.  Kid #3 puts his dirty clothes in the laundry room hamper.  Kids #2 and #4 are more haphazard.  Dh and I share a dirty hamper in our closet.   I put hangars in it as they are emptied along with the dirty laundry.  When it is time to wash (about every other day, sometimes more often), I carry that hamper and do a sweep of other items and empty it in the laundry room dirty hamper.  I generally sort lights and darks and wash everything on cold.  (Yes, I know, but it is gentler on the fabric.  If something is very soiled or in need of a sanitary washing, it is washed on hot.)  I use All Free and Clear.  No fabric softener.  No scents of any type.  


When non-hanging clothes/items come out of the dryer, they go into the clean hamper.  When the clean hamper is full, I carry it to my bedroom and sort and put away.  No one is allowed to touch the washing machine but me.  Well, not really, but you can see that this is kind of like forbidding everyone to scrub the floor on their hands and knees.  It's just kind of not a necessary thing to say.  When clothes are dry on hangars, I have a space on my wall shelving to hang the boys' clothes, a space to hang mine and dh's clothes, and a space to hang little dd's clothes.  I separate the boys' clothes when things pile up (maybe once a week), put them in their closets, and retrieve empty hangars.


I like doing laundry.  Putting it away was always the chore, and I have eliminated most of the chore part of that with my sophisticated system.


More than anyone ever needed to know about my laundry. :laugh:

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. At some point, dh will take me to buy cowboy boots. Because I am a cowboy at heart.

I have always wanted red cowboy boots like Lily in the Kevin Henkes books. (Actually, I've always wanted to be Lily because... She's everything I am not, but that's a whole other psychological issue) But, I don't have them because 1) I can't find them in a price I am willing to pay and 2) even if I could find them in a price I was willing to pay, I could never pull it off. I'm not Lily.

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I have always wanted red cowboy boots like Lily in the Kevin Henkes books. (Actually, I've always wanted to be Lily because... She's everything I am not, but that's a whole other psychological issue) But, I don't have them because 1) I can't find them in a price I am willing to pay and 2) even if I could find them in a price I was willing to pay, I could never pull it off. I'm not Lily.

We just read Lily's Purple Plastic Purse last night. :D Dd loved it. Which honestly worries me because I could see her being Lily.  :mellow:

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I have always wanted red cowboy boots like Lily in the Kevin Henkes books. (Actually, I've always wanted to be Lily because... She's everything I am not, but that's a whole other psychological issue) But, I don't have them because 1) I can't find them in a price I am willing to pay and 2) even if I could find them in a price I was willing to pay, I could never pull it off. I'm not Lily.

I'm seriously considering getting purple cowboy boots. :laugh:  I haven't owned a pair of cowboy boots since college.  I still have them, but they no longer fit because childbirth.  My feet grew a size and in width.  I've never even seen purple cowboy boots.  I'm sure they are out there somewhere.  And by cowboy boots, I mean ropers.  Real, working cowboy boots like I had in college when I was a real working cowboy (or at least a horseback rider).

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I'm seriously considering getting purple cowboy boots. :laugh:  I haven't owned a pair of cowboy boots since college.  I still have them, but they no longer fit because childbirth.  My feet grew a size and in width.  I've never even seen purple cowboy boots.  I'm sure they are out there somewhere.  And by cowboy boots, I mean ropers.  Real, working cowboy boots like I had in college when I was a real working cowboy (or at least a horseback rider).



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After some googling and looking at this link, I have decided that what I want is rare and expensive.   :laugh:


I see it in my head, just a plain purple pair of ropers.  Not so easy to find.  

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We have a Justin Boot Outlet here in town. Do I need to stop by and look for you? :)

Awwww, thanks for the offer.  You know, I will be there in March so maybe I need to just stop in there myself.   :D


I live in boot-land, but I haven't bought any in so long that I have no idea where to start.  Need to ask around some local peeps to see what we have here.


ETA:  Boot booya(h)!

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Awwww, thanks for the offer.  You know, I will be there in March so maybe I need to just stop in there myself.   :D


I live in boot-land, but I haven't bought any in so long that I have no idea where to start.  Need to ask around some local peeps to see what we have here.


::heavy sigh::


no booya



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