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What are Mushy Peas?

Jean in Newcastle

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Sounds like a gastronomic crime to me, but if I'm ever in the UK I will try some for the sake of education. I know we can buy cans of them from the international section of the supermarket. I've often wondered how it could be that enough people buy them to be worth stocking.

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Sounds like a gastronomic crime to me, but if I'm ever in the UK I will try some for the sake of education. I know we can buy cans of them from the international section of the supermarket. I've often wondered how it could be that enough people buy them to be worth stocking.

'cause there are so many people from UK that have migrated here.

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Yes, but of all the traditions to carry on, why that one? Have some Christmas pud. At least that's not green and mushy!


It's odd the things that expats yearn for.  When I came back after my first year in China (zero Western food for a year) I wanted a bacon sandwich.  I'd been surrounded by pork for the whole year, but a Western cure of bacon was what I was missing.

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I visited Ireland a few years ago and the server told us our meal came with a side of mushy peas. We had no idea what it was, but when it was brought to the table we realized the name was quite accurate. I still remember how bright they were but I can't remember if I liked them or not.

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At least the version in Manchester, England was very much like mashed potatoes.


I was there for work, and eating dinner with local co-workers.  The waiter asked if I wanted mushy peas with my food.   I said, "No" in the offended voice you'd get if the waiter offered to cut your hot dog for you.  Co-Workers explained that it wasn't peas mushed.  It started with a different pea that had a high water content and grew only in North Britain.  Because of the high water content it is only eaten mushed.  There are three ways to make mushy peas.  The real way which involves hours and hours and hours of slow-cooking.  You can buy "instant" mushy peas which are flakes and take around 3 hours to cook.  Or you buy canned.  In their opinion, the canned were pretty bad.  The "instant" were pretty good, and the real way was even better.  


Considering this was in a restaurant with a real chef who had a TV show, I would guess they were made the real way.  The texture was exactly like mashed potatoes.  The color was a bright green that food should not be.  The taste was similar to mashed potatoes, but with a pea flavor too.   

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As someone who really likes mushy peas you guys need to know they are not green peas mushed up but a special pea mushed up that looks and tastes more like lima beans imo. Good ones are sort of like mashed potatoes. Definitely rate as a comfort food for people who like them! Much better lumpy which they normally are in pubs stc. High end ones are smooth.

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Sort of, but with intact peas in the mix. My XH loved them. It made me sick to even see them on his plate. I can't remember the brand we'd buy, but they were nearly day-glow green compared to baby food peas.


That's what I remember about them - the day-glow-ness.  I thought they looked rather nuclear.  We lived in London for two years and I avoided them.

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Now that is helpful.  I don't think I could do the mint, though.  If I ever have to fix something just for me, I might try this.  The rest of family hates peas.  

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