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No woman can be pregnant forever...Tomorrow I will be pregnant no more.

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I'm going in for my induction tomorrow- assuming I don't go into labor before then, which I would prefer.


I can't wait to hold this baby. I just wish I could make that happen without feeling labor.


If you could stand to continue your prayers and good thoughts a little longer I could use them. As the time draws near I find myself surprisingly anxious and emotional. I will miss going through labor with my dh. He always made me laugh and kept the worry out of my mind. I can be entirely too serious at these times.


Thanks again ya'll.



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I've been wondering about you. Hey there is hope. I was scheduled for an induction with dd#6 and she came the night before. And, even if nothing happens tonight, an induction isn't the worst thing in the world. It will go fine. Your mom is there, right? I will indeed lift you up in prayer the next 24 hours. Hoping to hear soon about your new little guy.

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I'm looking forward to the announcement. Drink a glass of wine this evening and just relax as best you can. I know that's not easy. I gave birth to our fourth without dh and it was tough, but it can be done.


With number 2, I was scheduled to come in and ended up going into labor on my own. :)

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Jo--Your post is timely. I just finished praying for you and your family about 15 minutes ago. I've got you on a "Stickie" on my Mac desktop and it prompts me to remember you guys in prayer whenever I see it. I will be thinking about you and praying for you tomorrow. Prayers that all goes smoothly. Looking forward to seeing a pic of that sweet baby if you feel like sharing!

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I'm going in for my induction tomorrow- assuming I don't go into labor before then, which I would prefer.


I can't wait to hold this baby. I just wish I could make that happen without feeling labor.


If you could stand to continue your prayers and good thoughts a little longer I could use them. As the time draws near I find myself surprisingly anxious and emotional. I will miss going through labor with my dh. He always made me laugh and kept the worry out of my mind. I can be entirely too serious at these times.


Thanks again ya'll.




Go, Jo! You can do it! You're the BATTLEMAIDEN!


Hang in there, sweets. Hugs to you across the miles. :grouphug:

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