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Have we talked about Alecia Pennington?


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My kids needed a birth certificate for team sports (dance, soccer), presumably to show they were of the appropriate age for the team, in case anyone challenged that.  Dance competitions often have, in their rules, a requirement that dancers have their bc available in case of a challenge; I assume other sports may be similar.



My boys needed their birth certificate even for their homeschool basketball team, and they have to be kept in a file and presented at request at tournaments and such.  This keeps folks from putting 16 year olds on the 14 and under teams and claiming they are younger.

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She's also one of the owners on the Hip Homeschool Moms blog, which is a pretty big homeschool blog. I've always felt like that one was a little sketchy. Definitely feeling like it's not so hip now.


It's just shocking that she wrote this stuff with such pride at one point. Maybe the fact that she's pulling it all down and re-editing it means she's realizing how out of step she is. For the sake of those kids still at home, I sure hope so.

She is probably trying to destroy the evidence in case the authorities start investigating the family as a result of the dd having gone public.


I think it's a CYA move and nothing more.

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Where's Toto?, on 14 Feb 2015 - 09:44 AM, said:

I've had these thoughts with my son as well.  He's not diagnosed, just has Asperger-ish traits and sensory issues.  But I think about how he would do with parents who were more rigid about eat whatever's on your plate, only specific attire is acceptable, or baby training, etc.  It comes up because that's basically my MIL's way of doing things and I'm always thankful that dh was more laid back. 


me three.  dudeling is diagnosed aspergers.  I shudder to think what his life would have been like if he'd gone to someone more rigid.  someone like the woman who told me *twice* to my face, I was his problem.  or any of those who were of the opinion his behavior was all my lack of discipline with him.


there have been many days I felt God gave him to me, because God trusted me to love this very sweet little boy, with anxiety issues that can make him act out, or be aggressive.  and we found some pretty serious micronutrient/brain chemical deficiencies. (based on lab tests).  areas his allopath wouldn't even talk to me about.  treating them has made a big, huge difference for him.  I'm grateful to have access to naturopaths here.


he's come A LONG way.

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My heart hurts for those children.


For anyone who has questioned the vehemence of the criticism of Bob Jones, ATI, Gothard, the Pearls, and the myriad of other über-conservative sects of Christianity, THIS is the result of these twisted theologies being applied. There are victims. Just all too frequently they are unseen and unheard.

Please add the Ezzos of Babywise "fame" to your abusive, no good very bad list.  They believe in hitting the hand of a nine month old who touches things and does not obey a parental "no".  They are also responsible for many cases of failure to thrive in infants due to rigid breastfeeding scheduling practices.  I believe they have backed down a bit from some of that due to, well, probably infant deaths or harm and legal action, but they deserve a shout out on the "Wall of Shame".


(I always really enjoy saying things like that.  :) )

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I know this stuff is out there...the hitting babies, blanket training, beat 'em till they submit mentality. It is heartbreaking but sadly not surprising. Whacking a baby until he says "Hi Mommy?" I always delighted in whatever words my toddlers were learning, as well as their funny gibberish. I have so many warm memories of my kids. None of them involves plumbing tubing.


I just can't read any more of this right now...but I sincerely hope things work out well for Alecia and that somehow her family will find real help down a better path.

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Lisa Pennington appears to be editing her archived posts to make them seem less extreme and controlling.


Someone elsewhere quoted, and linked to, a post about children and money:






None of those suggestions are in the post about children and money anymore. Ir says "These are some tips for using money to teach lessons" and then doesn't give any tips - just platitudes about selfishness, appreciation, etc. http://thepenningtonpoint.com/2012/01/children-and-money/


Edited to add: The Internet Wayback Machine has the original. https://web.archive.org/web/20121122092930/http://thepenningtonpoint.com/2012/01/children-and-money/

I hope this evil woman is able to track back and see what her approval rating looks like. Monster.

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Farrar, on 14 Feb 2015 - 09:29 AM, said:

If anyone comes back it will be to say that we don't know the "real" facts. Two sides to every story. Etc. etc. Except these are the mom's own words.

we've already been getting that from a few members of this forum who have posted on this thread.  they don't want to see the *facts* that contradict what lisa has said, but support what alecia has said.

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天下学校, on 14 Feb 2015 - 10:23 AM, said:

I hope this evil woman is able to track back and see what her approval rating looks like. Monster.

as other's have pointed out - she will see it as being "persecuted by the godless."


lisa shows at least signs of narcisstic personality disorder.  the manipulation, the control of her adult children, the everything is all about her, the melodrama, the two-face, the "charm" to her friends.  NPD people are INCAPABLE of seeing themselves from any point of view but their own, and they are NEVER the one in the wrong.  no matter how much evidence you give them to the contrary.


and it is beginning to look like the tax stuff is just the tip of the iceberg.

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as other's have pointed out - she will see it as being "persecuted by the godless."


lisa shows at least signs of narcisstic personality disorder. the manipulation, the control of her adult children, the everything is all about her, the melodrama, the two-face, the "charm" to her friends. NPD people are INCAPABLE of seeing themselves from any point of view but their own, and they are NEVER the one in the wrong. no matter how much evidence you give them to the contrary.


and it is beginning to look like the tax stuff is just the tip of the iceberg.

I completely agree with the NPD likelihood, as I posted up thread, but I think narcissists can and do reflect on their flaws in honest ways, but they can never admit that they do lest they risk a chink appearing in their "armor" or facade. I was raised by a narcissist and spent much of my life surrounding myself with them for the sake of familiarity. I've seen them make honest self appraisals and then continue on as if nothing happened. It's not a sickness but a personalty defect.

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LucyStoner, on 14 Feb 2015 - 09:22 AM, said:

Oh, don't worry, they'll be back.


No one owes their abuser respect.

oh, I don't know.  to me, "respecting" an abuser is making bloody sure they can never abuse anyone else!  after all, it is a long-term kindness to the abuser to prevent them from hurting others.


and we owe it to others to protect them from this type of atrocity.  this messes up kids minds.


after having read only a few of lisa's posts - I'm so so so sorry to say I'm not surprised at her further posts of how she treated her own children (that she's now taking down, and I'm sure is purely cya.)

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天下学校, on 14 Feb 2015 - 10:38 AM, said:天下学校, on 14 Feb 2015 - 10:38 AM, said:

I completely agree with the NPD likelihood, as I posted up thread, but I think narcissists can and do reflect on their flaws in honest ways, but they can never admit that they do lest they risk a chink appearing in their "armor" or facade. I was raised by a narcissist and spent much of my life surrounding myself with them for the sake of familiarity. I've seen them make honest self appraisals and then continue on as if nothing happened. It's not a sickness but a personalty defect.

my grandmother likely had some form of personality disorder. (sadly, my mother was an only and very damaged, so we got *lots* of grandmamma.) I never saw any recognition in her of her own flaws even though I was 30 when she died and certainly saw her for what she was then.  she was very good at projecting and blaming others. 

I agree, it's a personality defect.

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Here's the mom's actual post about hitting the 15 month old for "disobedience," which someone pulled up:





How in the Sam Hill is a 15 month old "disobedient"? 


That and other comments of hers make me shake my head and wonder how anyone could not think there's abuse going on. The whole "Hi Mommy" thing smacks of psychological abuse. 

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She is probably trying to destroy the evidence in case the authorities start investigating the family as a result of the dd having gone public.


I think it's a CYA move and nothing more.


Unfortunately I think your're right. I doubt she sees anything wrong with what she says or their parenting style. She just thinks others will persecute her for her parenting beliefs.

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It is sickening to think that everyone who has gone to her web page, which seems to have advertising on it, is helping to fund the abuse of children.  I can only hope that this mom will be uninvited to the many conferences she has been scheduled to speak at.  One of the topics she's talked about in the past is how to manage your online social media presence and drive traffic to your blogs.

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How in the Sam Hill is a 15 month old "disobedient"?


That and other comments of hers make me shake my head and wonder how anyone could not think there's abuse going on. The whole "Hi Mommy" thing smacks of psychological abuse.

It reminds me of the Pearls' method of setting a little one up to fail in training sessions designed to tempt the child to disobey, thus providing an opportunity to administer discipline and break the child's will.

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It is sickening to think that everyone who has gone to her web page, which seems to have advertising on it, is helping to fund the abuse of children.  I can only hope that this mom will be uninvited to the many conferences she has been scheduled to speak at.  One of the topics she's talked about in the past is how to manage your online social media presence and drive traffic to your blogs.




We need some speakers on how to navigate the homeschool world without bringing home abusive indoctrination. SOMETHING has to be done grass-roots from real homeschoolers to combat this stuff.  It's effecting our newbies.

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No joke, I'm curious if the people on this thread who say that parents "deserve respect" still think that this vile woman deserves the respect of her children??

If they do, I would suspect they share her parenting style.


Those parents do not deserve respect.

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Plum Crazy, on 14 Feb 2015 - 1:42 PM, said:

It sounded like from a pp, all she needs is her parent's signature to create a birth certificate when one was never made. There has to be ways for a social worker or judge to process this. There has to be some kind of precedent set with orphaned children found in rural settings or abandoned children in big cities that have no identification and can't talk.


I would think just the fact that her parents are acknowledging in the video that she is their daughter and they are U.S. Citizens could be added into evidence that she was born here whether they want to cooperate or not. 

it's a little more complicated than that.  there are other details required to be filled out on the form - and it must be notarized.

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If they do, I would suspect they share her parenting style.


Those parents do not deserve respect.

That or they just enjoy playing devil's advocate. As they have fallen silent the more of the mom's own crazy has been quoted, I have to assume they realize that the "other side" of the story is beyond excusable.


And the idea that parents deserve respect is crap. Respect is earned. And while respect may be given at some level because of a held position, if someone proves unworthy of respect the position they hold is moot.


Parents, teachers, ministers, police, military, your employer, your elected official, doctors, grandparents, spouses......there is no sort of "diplomatic" immunity in the respect department.

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I understand this is a complicated case and she requires more than just their signatures, but if she were to go before the court with all of their references to this daughter on websites and in videos that should at least help confirm her identity. 


I'm still reading through this thread and now can't find the post I was referring to that had the exact requirements for obtaining a birth certificate when there wasn't one. 


ETA: or maybe I'm just being naive and optimistic. 


I think maybe in the end, yes, maybe. But after lawyering up, paying a ton of money, waiting a extra year or two to work it out, etc. etc. I also assume that the right thing would have prevailed... in the end.

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I'm still reading through this thread and now can't find the post I was referring to that had the exact requirements for obtaining a birth certificate when there wasn't one. 


ETA: or maybe I'm just being naive and optimistic. 


i don't know which post.  but this link may have the info you seek.


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I understand this is a complicated case and she requires more than just their signatures, but if she were to go before the court with all of their references to this daughter on websites and in videos that should at least help confirm her identity. 


I'm still reading through this thread and now can't find the post I was referring to that had the exact requirements for obtaining a birth certificate when there wasn't one. 


ETA: or maybe I'm just being naive and optimistic. 


Alecia has stated they haven't even allowed her to go before a judge yet because she doesn't have the required forms. I'm guessing this was all done without a lawyer though since she recently put on FB that one had contacted her and was offering to help.

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I've been reading Lisa's blog for years, and her two previous blogs. Years ago she had a blog post of her 11-year-old son's room, which she stated that when she decorated it she tried to make it masculine looking but that it had to match the "style" of the rest of the house. I am letting my four year old son choose how to redecorate his own room right now; I can't imagine telling my 11 year old what colors would be fitting with my style:


She showed pics of the room, and it included a chalkboard where she wrote his daily chores. The last one was, "tell mommy she looks pretty." Um...what?? After that I regarded her blog as instructions on how to not parent.


The parents, to put it nicely, are very deeply disturbed.

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I've been reading Lisa's blog for years, and her two previous blogs. Years ago she had a blog post of her 11-year-old son's room, which she stated that when she decorated it she tried to make it masculine looking but that it had to match the "style" of the rest of the house. I am letting my four year old son choose how to redecorate his own room right now; I can't imagine telling my 11 year old what colors would be fitting with my style:


She showed pics of the room, and it included a chalkboard where she wrote his daily chores. The last one was, "tell mommy she looks pretty." Um...what?? After that I regarded her blog as instructions on how to not parent.


The parents, to put it nicely, are very deeply disturbed.

Yikes. :eek:


I really hope she wrote the "tell Mommy she looks pretty" chore as a joke! :svengo:

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Was her old blog "Living My Best Life"? http://livingmybestlife-lisa.blogspot.com


That's the blogger who spanked for not saying "Hi Mommy." She made her blog private when people started calling her out on it. The blog's "voice" sounds a lot like Lisa Pennington's, and I'm seeing that post linked multiple times and attributed to her, but I don't know for certain if it is or not.


If you have the stomach for it, here's a link where someone copied over the entire post. Just in case you're worried that the bit about spanking was taken out of context.



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Yikes. :eek:


I really hope she wrote the "tell Mommy she looks pretty" chore as a joke! :svengo:

No. There were other references throughout the blog that she required the boys to tell her that. To make it a habit so they would always tell their future wives this.

This was a previous incarnation of her blog and I don't know what's still on the Internet. I also remembered how she previewed movies her then 19-year-old wanted to see before allowing it. And there were movies she refused to allow her over-18 children to see.


It was creepy, to be honest.

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I just feel like I need to state for the record: I am a conservative evangelical Christian & I do not agree with this family's 'doctrine' AT ALL. Like the Pearls they twist scripture-the things they stand for are not biblical. And my church is very old fashioned, conservative, & KJV only.


I can't believe some of what I have read! The 15 mo old wouldn't say hi mommy?! Absolutely ridiculous!!


I hope they go to jail for child abuse. I can't believe that anyone would think its ok to treat a 15 mo old or a 19 yr old like this.


So please-don't think that all "religious" people subscribe to their brand of crazy.

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Was her old blog "Living My Best Life"? http://livingmybestlife-lisa.blogspot.com


That's the blogger who spanked for not saying "Hi Mommy." She made her blog private when people started calling her out on it. The blog's "voice" sounds a lot like Lisa Pennington's, and I'm seeing that post linked multiple times and attributed to her, but I don't know for certain if it is or not.


If you have the stomach for it, here's a link where someone copied over the entire post. Just in case you're worried that the bit about spanking was taken out of context.



Yes, that was her.

She's been long time crazy and abusive. I hope this can change everything for all those kids.


I cannot imagine hitting any of my children, much less a baby, with a fly swatter because they wouldn't say "hi mommy" upon waking from a nap.

Some days, I really hate this world.

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I just feel like I need to state for the record: I am a conservative evangelical Christian & I do not agree with this family's 'doctrine' AT ALL. Like the Pearls they twist scripture-the things they stand for are not biblical. And my church is very old fashioned, conservative, & KJV only.


I can't believe some of what I have read! The 15 mo old wouldn't say hi mommy?! Absolutely ridiculous!!


I hope they go to jail for child abuse. I can't believe that anyone would think its ok to treat a 15 mo old or a 19 yr old like this.


So please-don't think that all "religious" people subscribe to their brand of crazy.


If you can, please, try not to automatically think that all non-religious folk are amoral heathens, then sure - we have a deal. :)

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If they argue, I mean any argument AT ALL, then you are not teaching them about God's wisdom. If they fail to obey AT ALL then they are not learning to respond to Him with reverence. If they whine ONE BIT then they may never fully know His goodness and mercy on their life.



What a terrifying place to parent from. "If your children are in any way normal or childlike, you are FAILING GOD and they MAY GO TO HELL." If that's what she's been taught, then I am sorry for her as well as for her children.

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No. There were other references throughout the blog that she required the boys to tell her that. To make it a habit so they would always tell their future wives this.

This was a previous incarnation of her blog and I don't know what's still on the Internet. I also remembered how she previewed movies her then 19-year-old wanted to see before allowing it. And there were movies she refused to allow her over-18 children to see.


It was creepy, to be honest.

Definitely creepy!!! :ack2:

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fruitofthewomb, there are a lot of religious people on these boards, and many religions represented. Nobody thinks all religious people are child abusers.

I know.


Way up thread someone mentioned this as a religious problem instead of homeschooling issue. Or something like that. I know this board is diverse and honestly I love that. I think it's a Pearl problem. Or Gothard. Or one of those other whackos that is at the root of this particular family's issues.

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Yikes. :eek:


I really hope she wrote the "tell Mommy she looks pretty" chore as a joke! :svengo:


If she will hit a toddler for not saying hi on command, nothing she tells her kids to do or not to do is a joke. She might joke about her kids, but I don't think they could trust that she is joking with them.


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How is it possible that the earlier blogs, etc. weren't enough to catch the attention of some type of CPS? I find it terribly saddening to think that this proof of abuse has been just sitting around for years while they continue to use such tactics with their children.

From what I understand is that people were calling on her. She would edit the blog. She also made one of her blogs invitation only.

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I have read this entire thread and most of the blogs/articles linked. I really hope that authorities get involved and do something.


Honestly though, what I see happening, no matter what happens legally or with CPS, etc. is that these parents will use this as an example of the danger of being disobedient and/or disrespectful. They will place any negative comment, investigation, court issues, etc solely on Alecia.


I base this on my experiences with my mom. It wasn't to this level, but it was bad. :(

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