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No solicitations sign?


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I've never had a "no solicitations" sign but I'm seriously considering it. In the past 7 to 10 days I've had several people come to my door to sell me something...home exterior companies, frozen foods. Sometimes I am in the middle of doing something else and also, some salespeople will not take "no" for an answer. I had to shut the door in one guy's face. I'm not typically rude to people but I said "not interested" about three times and he would NOT stop talking. Ugh.


Does anyone else have a sign? Do people respect it?

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I had a huge problem with people coming to the door.   During election season I can get several people a day, and at some point I got on the "hit list" of a certain religion and they were sending people to me regularly.   I have NO IDEA why they kept coming and coming, but I finally had it and put up a no soliciting/canvassing sign.  It has worked beautifully.   I have actually seen people come to the door, read the sign, and turn around.   I have had the urge to run outside and hug those people, but that would defeat the purpose of the sign :lol: !!!!   People have been extremely respectful of it, and I have been very pleased.


I do not care if people think I am rude.   Even if I believe in a cause/religion/item to buy I absolutely refuse to join a religion/sign a petition/buy it from someone who solicits me.   I will come find you if I want it.   I honestly feel like I am doing them a kindness by saving them from wasting their time with me!  

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I had a huge problem with people coming to the door. During election season I can get several people a day, and at some point I got on the "hit list" of a certain religion and they were sending people to me regularly. I have NO IDEA why they kept coming and coming, but I finally had it and put up a no soliciting/canvassing sign. It has worked beautifully. I have actually seen people come to the door, read the sign, and turn around. I have had the urge to run outside and hug those people, but that would defeat the purpose of the sign :lol: !!!! People have been extremely respectful of it, and I have been very pleased.


I do not care if people think I am rude. Even if I believe in a cause/religion/item to buy I absolutely refuse to join a religion/sign a petition/buy it from someone who solicits me. I will come find you if I want it. I honestly feel like I am doing them a kindness by saving them from wasting their time with me!

I feel the same way!! If we need to buy something, we will research and ask people we know and trust for recommendations. I wonder if part of it is that now so many people don't have land lines and these companies don't have our cell phone numbers, so they are going door to door more.

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Do you take it down after school hours? Most of the sales people come between 4:00 and 5:30 p.m.


I often forget to take it down. Basically, I leave it up anytime I don't want to be disturbed whether homeschooling is happening or not. I have even left it on the door when we are gone as a security measure (anyone casing our house would then be led to think that even if there isn't a car in the driveway, someone is home).

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We have a sign. Which is promptly ignored by at least half of all solicitors. 😠


Ours is ignored by all solicitors. I have heard that people with "No Soliciting" signs are less able to refuse because they don't have a backup plan when the sign is ignored. And I know that it's hard for me to repeatedly, strongly say no!

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Ours is ignored by all solicitors. I have heard that people with "No Soliciting" signs are less able to refuse because they don't have a backup plan when the sign is ignored. And I know that it's hard for me to repeatedly, strongly say no!

That may be true for some people, but not for me. I can easily say that I'm not interested. I just don't like the interruption which wastes my time and theirs.

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I have a sign right on top of my (disconnected) doorbell button. It's a hand printed index card that says: No Sales, No Missionaries, No Thank You!

During election time I put a sticky note which says "Politicians Welcome!" because I like to talk to them LOL

The sign works. Only once in a while does someone not notice/ignore it. Even though the door bell doesn't ding, my dogs let me know there's someone on the doorstep anyway so sometimes I still stick my head out (especially if I'm expecting a parcel)  A while back it was a pair of Mormon boys and they were SO apologetic that I came to the door... They were sweet. I swear each of them apologized several times.


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Our neighborhood has them. Judging by the number of solicitations we get, I think they're completely ignored.  Our HOA has been advised by the local police department to call the non-emergency number and report solicitors, because legally they're not supposed to be in a neighborhood where the signs are posted.

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I have a sign right on top of my (disconnected) doorbell button.



One Halloween (back in AZ I disconnected the doorbell, I never saw fit to reconnect it, and that was discovered on the home inspection when we sold the house!


Now I have a dog (no doorbell needed!).  I hand write my signs in permanent marker on 4x6" cards.  I replace them every couple months when they fade from the sun.


My current sign reflects "How to Train Your Dragon":


You are twelve days north of Hopeless,

a few degrees south of Freezing to Death,

located solidly on the Meridian of Misery.



My previous sign was a reference to the "Wings of Fire" dragon series by Tui Southerland that read:


SkyWing Dragon Lair

Solicitors will be (the corner was cut off in a curved jagged line)


These signs bring me joy every time I walk in the front door.  :D

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We used to live in an older neighborhood where solicitors rang the bell a few times a week. I had a handwritten no soliciting sign that worked for everyone but the Jehovah's Witnesses and those college kids that get dropped off in neighborhoods to sell books. My stress level went way down once I put up the sign.

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We are moving into a neighborhood for the first time in years. I've already found several signs on etsy I like. I plan on getting one that says, Unless You're A Kid, NO SOLICITING! Kids selling stuff don't bother me (I prefer the ones with the boxes of thin mints); but the adults do.

I looked at some signs and saw one that said, No Soliciting unless you're selling thin mints. ;-)

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From the number of posts on this thread reporting that "No Solicitors" signs are often ignored, I'm beginning to wonder if people (the generic) understand what the words "solicitations" or "solicitors" mean.


Many don't.  Maybe they know one meaning of the word, but not the one intended by the sign.  Lawyers and "Johns" aren't allowed, but people selling meat off a truck should be okay, right?  LOL!

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I agree that people don't understand solicitation in the context other than illegal activities.


About 15 years ago, I printed a small sign off the printer and hung it right under the doorbell. It used to read simply "no soliciting" but that didn't work and people looked confused when I would point to it and have to say "that means no salesmen", so I changed it to "absolutely no sales of any kind and no religious solicitation". I couldn't figure out a way to put the religious part without the word solicitation in it, but apparently the point got across as our interruptions reduced dramatically. 


There will always be those who pretend to not see the sign, and when I peek through the window and see them standing there with their pamphlets/goods, I pointedly look at what they are holding then give them a dirty look, shake my head, and leave, letting the drape fall closed. It's up to them to figure out what that meant. :lol:


I figure if I want Girl Scout cookies or Boy Scout popcorn, I'll stop at one of the umpteen thousand stands that pop up outside the places where I shop.

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You can order stickers for your door from amazon. The tree cutting fellows around here have me shopping for them.


We are about to get bombarded with the "your gutters need cleaning" guys. They don't seem to notice my sign. :cursing:  I think I will enhance it for this spring cleaning season so they WILL notice it. Thanks for the reminder---- I end up talking to them through the window because they aren't selling a "thing" so it isn't as obvious as to why they are there. They could be asking about a lost child or animal or letting me know they saw someone break into my car or that my house is on fire, and THOSE people I'll speak to!

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My neighbor down the street has a handwritten one that exempts kids selling cookies and whatnot.


I would, but there are a lot of companies that use kids to sell their candy and magazines along with some story about how it's going to help them go on a trip or something.  Actually, the police want us to call those in, because a lot of times these kids are runaways or some such thing who are being carted from state to state by their bosses.  Least, that's the story I hear from our city council people.

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When I ran a home daycare I'd post a sign on my door during nap time that said, "Shhh! Babies sleeping. You wake 'em, you take 'em!"


I must say, no one ever dared unnecessarily knocked on my door when that sign was in place.



That is hilarious! I'm going to be laughing at inappropriate times today thinking about it! :)

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I don't have one, but when I've seen them, I respected them. I sold Avon in the late 90's early 2000's before it went online. When I was putting catalogs on people's doors in my "territory", if I saw a No Soliciting sign, I didn't leave one. When ds was in Cub Scouts and selling candy, we would walk the neighborhood with him. We taught him that you don't knock on doors with No Soliciting signs.

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My house is too small to ignore people at the door. I generally look like half baked crazy just woken up lately, so I'm more than happy to answer the door and act that way. The last person apologized for waking me up, which he hadn't. I just went with it. 


I'm good at no, unless it's kids selling those $1 chocolate bars. 


I've considered a sign and may do so this spring. 

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