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3rd grade planning thread


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I haven't seen 3rd grade planning thread for next year yet, so I thought I'd start one, as I'm in serious planning mode right now :)


Here is my plan for DS 8 for this fall:



Spelling/Dictation (alternate days)

Christian Studies II (Memoria Press)

Rod and Staff English 4

Saxon 5/4



Earth Science & Astronomy for the Logic Stage, Elemental Science (He does logic stage with my DD12)- Monday and Wednesday

History of Science Literature Study from BF Books-Tuesday and Thursday

SOTW 3-Fridays

Latina Christiana I-Monday thru Thursday

Geography Workbook-Fridays

Reading various lit and non-fiction about American History, probably focusing on Pioneers and Indians next year (he mostly does this on his own time)


He will continue music lessons for piano, may add guitar lessons as well.  Right now DD12 is teaching him guitar, but he will probably want to start taking "real" lessons next year. 


Both kids also do a nature journal, but I don't really plan nature study time...we live on a farm and they spend plenty of time outside on their own.  If they see something interesting, they'll come grab their journal and draw it or write about it. 


Edited to add: I also ordered the grade 3 penmanship book from Rod and Staff.  He's been slowly working on cursive this year, but could definitely use some more practice.  Also thinking of replacing Latina Christiana 1 with the Big Book of Lively Latin.  He really wants to do both.  We are almost done with Prima, maybe he can start LC1 as soon as he's finished, do it over the summer, and then start LL1.  We'll see.  He really likes Latin :)


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My tentative plans for next year for my eight year old:


Language Arts: Bravewriter Partnership Writing, will do a Shakespeare play but I won't pick one until I know which ones will be playing around here that are appropriate for her, more Ambleside Year One Bible with some memorization, All about Spelling; probably FLL3 despite its lack of popularity, and of course a lot of independent reading and readalouds

Math: Beast Academy, with some Life of Fred

History: SotW3, supplemented with Young People's History and a Different Mirror for Young People for greater US history exposure

Science: Ellen McHenry's The Elements and maybe Carbon chemistry

Geography: South America, no curriculum, just a lot of practicing drawing it and reading about it (though I haven't picked books yet for this, either, yet)

Art: Drawing with Children, Child-size Masterpieces

Foreign Language: Rosetta Stone Spanish, maybe Homeschool Spanish Academy; Getting Started with Latin

Music: Classics with Kids, Suzuki Piano

PE: roller skating, swimming


I try to hit Language Arts (not all of that, generally only a couple things), math, Spanish, and music each day. Latin gets three times a week. History and science get twice a week. Everything else is once a week.




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I'm just starting to think things through, but here is what I have so far:


For DS, who will be 8 by the fall:


Math: Continue Beast Academy - Depending on how things move along yet this year, it will probably be books 4B thru 5A

Spelling:  Continue Spelling Plus/Dictation Resource book

Latin: 2nd half of GSWL

Writing/Grammar:  No idea at this point

Lit:  I think I will be making my own list for DS for next fall -- some of it to correlate with history plus some classics

History:  Together with DD for Dark ages/Middle Ages/Early Renaissance with MOH 2 and part of 3 as a spine

Science:  Not sure yet...I haven't liked Science in the Ancient World as much as I thought I would, but DS7 says he loves it so...Hmmm...not sure if we will use the next book in the series or not


Other stuff:  Art/gym/science at co-op. Tae Kwon Do, ICC public speaking club, maybe start a music lesson at some point in the year (DD started half way thru 3rd grade, so I have been telling DS he could consider an instrument of his choice -- probably drums or guitar -- at that point).


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Still thinking about our plans for next year, but somehow I've already managed to buy stuff (wouldn't you know it)?

For DD, who turns 8 at the end of August:
Spelling/Grammar: At the beginning of this school year, I envisioned finishing LOE Essentials by the end of June, but I can see now that a slow approach will be better in the long run for DD. I'm thinking of taking a summer break to review and solidify spelling and grammar rules, and finishing at the end of the year.
Writing/Literature: We're "accelerating" ELTL2 in that we're doing it daily, and we'll move right into ELTL3 when that's finished. That's should put us in a good spot to begin CAP Fable and maybe Treasured Conversations. Not sure in which order, or if any of that will be redundant. We'll see how it plays out!
Math: Plan is MM4, but we just ordered BA, so we'll see how that goes as a supplement. (w/Dreambox and Xtramath)
Latin: We'll keep plugging away at GSWL, and whenever we finish that, we'll begin Latina Christiana.
Geography: A Child's Geography I
History: SOTW2 and selections from CHOLL (Middle Ages)
Science: interest-led science w/our 2-family co-op and get back to BFSU. Summer plan is to lesson plan the heck out of it so I can be more prepared next year (this year my 2 littles made anything that wasn't open-and-go too difficult).
Memory work: We are going to stick with working on the selections from How To Teach Your Children Shakespeare, which has been a big hit here this year. We'll do some CC memory work (geography, timeline, and math), but not CC. We'll also continue working on our Scripture Mastery verses and Discovering the New Testament (LDS). We're also picking and choosing from Telling God's Story I. 
Other: swim team, piano, and we're looking into drawing/painting classes if we can afford it. DD loves to express herself with art, and I...do not. Time to outsource!

We do language arts, memory work, and math every day, history 3x/week, science 2x/week (co-op), and everything else twice per week.

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Current plans for dd1, subject to change:


Math- Horizons


Reading/Spelling- Finish LoE Foundations D (if not already). Hopefully we can move on to R&S Spelling and Open Court Readers. If she needs more work with reading she'll do LoE Essentials. 


Writing and Grammar- (after finishing Foundations D)-Sheldon's PLL---> TC/CAP Fable (depending on our speed)


Literature- I read good books to her, if she is reading well, she reads good books on her own :)


History/Geography- Winter Promise Children around the World


Science- Nature Study- lots of nature walks, journalling and living books


 2.14- Edited Writing and Grammar- Currently leaning towards a vintage text, Sheldon's PLL. Probably on its own until we finish it or it seems she is ready for more.

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Still thinking things through...but the tentative plan is:



Math: MM 3B-4A/CLE 3

Spelling: finish AAS 3/PZ A

Writing: WWE3 (narrations only) and CAP Fable

Grammar: IEW's Fix It

Handwriting: NAC

Reading: mix of SL/VP/MP

History: VP self paced NTGR

Science: Science in the Beginning

Lit: Narnia study

CAP Beginning Reading and Reasoning

Extras: piano and tennis

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Loose plans....


* Math: MIF 4A/B, supplementing with BA 3C/D (assuming spring & summer go as expected)

* LA: MCT Island level, with some BW elements worked in - handwriting through copy work - good literature, read alouds and independent reading - writing across the curriculum, journaling

* Science: Interest-led, with a library card, experiment kit, and field trips - we did recently discover Basher's science books - awesome! (3x/wk)

* History: Finishing our American Girl themed studies and moving to World Cultures and Geography - maybe tweaking Expedition Earth (2x/wk)

* CLE Bible (2x/wk)

* Outsourced extras: Weekly PE, karate, music/piano; art every other week; swimming occasionally

* In-house extras: Typing Club, Code.org courses, either continue with Spanish or let her pick a different language...

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I feel pretty good/set about most things, except (or course  :glare: science)


History/Literature: Build Your Library Grade 3

Math: Continue Math on the Level, aiming to get through 14 concepts a year (which puts us on track to start Algebra in 8th grade)

Grammar: ELTL 2

Spelling: Sequential Spelling 1-2

Science: This is where I'm still unsure. Right now I'm thinking I might use the ChildCraft book "The Green Kingdom," read a few pages each week, and plan out experiments and demonstrations and other extras to go along with it. Or I could use "Everyday Science Mysteries" in a similar way (reading one story each week). Or work our way through the Snap Circuit student guide. Or maybe spend a while reading and working our way through Steve Cane's Ultimate Building book?  :confused1:

Latin: GSWL

Art: Home Art Studio

Music: Simply Music, maybe finally get around to using SQUILT

PE: Golf in the Spring/Summer/Fall, basketball in the winter, and swimming year round




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My oldest guy will be 8 next fall, and 3rd grade-ish.  I've been tentatively planning some stuff, but I don't have near as much planned out as you all.  Complicating matters, we'll probably have a move towards the end of next school year and I don't know where we're going yet.  But, here's what I have so far:


Math: Saxon 5/4 + BA (we do a little bit every Friday instead of Saxon right now and it works well)

LA:  WWE 3, Phonetic Zoo, and  ????  (I want a stand alone grammar program that includes diagramming, I think, but I may just wait until next year to do more grammar with him.  He has a good foundation right now with McRuffy)

Latin: We have some Matin Latin books around here somewhere that I may start with him.  They include a fair amount of English Grammar too, so that may do double duty.

Lit:  VP Lit + whatever else he can get his hands on to read.

Science:  This has been largely "dad led" around here.  This year we got a new telescope and they've been going through his Messier Catalog and they've been learning a lot.

VP Self-Paced History and Bible + MP's Greek Myth's book study

Legends and Leagues Geography (we're really enjoying the "South" volume this year even though it's not in my siggy).

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Here is what we have so far


Math:        Math u See Beta

Grammar: Climbing to Good English 3

Spelling:   Spelling Power

Science:   Mr Q Earth Science

History:     Story of the world 3


He will continue to read whatever good books interest him,

We just started xtramath so we will see how it goes if he likes it we will continue next year.

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Planned for next year:


English: R&S English 3

Literature/writing: primary level Lit guides from Blackbird & Co.

Penmanship: R&S penmanship 3/Pentime 3

History: SOTW 2 and read through D'Aulaires book of Greek Myths

Science: interest-led

Health: Schoolaid grade 3 health

Logic: Logic Countdown

Math: R&S Math 4, Daily Mental Math 3

Latin: Prima Latina

Spelling: R&S Spelling 3

Bible: read aloud one story from the R&S grade 3 readers - NO workbook

Music: piano lessons and perhaps choir

Art: one lesson per week from arttango.com


Not all of that is daily. English, math, penmanship, lit/writing, Bible, and Latin are daily. Spelling is still three days/wk, history is twice/wk, science is when the mood strikes (though he will read on a science topic daily), logic and health are once per week.

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For DD (8 this April), we'll be doing:


Sonlight - Core D

Sonlight Science D

Abeka Arithemtic 3

Sonlight LA D/IEW Fix it! (Just decided to give this combo a whirl...we'll see)

IEW/Bravewriter (loosely)


Piano, PE, 4-H-er in training ;)

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I have a 7 year old just starting 3rd at a B&M school.


Afterschooling is;

Maths - using Pearson NZ curriculum eBook as guide but mostly using education unboxed etc as teaching resources.

Writing - finish EIW3 then look at CAP fable

Science- finished Mr Q life science, read, do some worksheets, do occasional experiment.

History - finish reading CHOW

French - Alliance Francaise lessons starting next week.

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  • Math Mammoth 3B & 4A supplemented with Khan Academy and Wrap-Ups for multiplication and division
  • Finishing up Treasured Conversations
  • McDougal, Littell Spelling Aqua level
  • Explode the Code 7 & 8
  • Copy work (I think I'll use sentences from the WWE2 ebook that I'm not using) in cursive
  • Writing 1-2 pages a week (rough draft, proofreading/revising, and typing a final draft)
  • read alouds from the book list I've compiled (45-60 min. daily)
  • independent reading from above-mentioned book list (30-45 min. daily)
  • Duolingo 
  • piano


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I'm afraid this looks a lot like my post in the 2nd grade planning thread, but my children are only 14 months apart so we do many subjects together to maximize my teaching time.  My daughter is more advanced in her writing, but otherwise doing the same thing as her younger brother.  I am also digging myself out from being in the throes of baby/toddlerhood, and finally finding some time to get more school in the day.


Morning Time:  Aesop's Fables, Westminster Shorter Catechism, Shakespeare (Lamb or Nesbitt versions), memory work, General Read Alouds (from WTM, AO and Sonlight lists)


Bible:  I am thinking of trying out VP Genesis to Joshua.  


Math:  Saxon 3 (or Singapore 2B/3A, depending on how our Singapore experiment goes this summer), LOF, Reflex Math; adding in or transitioning to BA if/when appropriate


Science:  Nancy Larson (finishing 1, beginning 2); Snap Circuits and Magic School Bus kits to do on her own (and/or with her brother)


History:  SOTW co-op (we will be finishing SOTW 1 and beginning SOTW 2).  This has been so much fun, and great for accountability.  We are actually doing all of those projects in the AG!


Language Arts: FLL 2, WWE 3, WS 3 for the 1st semester, CAP Fable for the 2nd (not overkill because she loves writing), AAS (probably 3 by fall?), ZB 2C


Reading:  Sonlight 4/5 readers, WTM reading list


Geography:  Evan Moore, Kathy Troxel Geography Songs


Latin:  SSL 2


Hebrew:  Lessons with Dad


Art:  Home Art Studio, general art time, SCM Picture Study


Music:  Composer study, Classical Kids, Suzuki violin

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Okay, here's where I am today.  My twins are a little young for third, but we started K in ps when they were just barely 5.  So, I kind of consider them 2/3rd next year.  They're technically third graders according to our umbrella.


Reading/phonics- Finish AAR 3 and start 4

Spelling- AAS 3/4

Grammar- MCT Grammar Island

Writing- WWE 2 and cursive copywork

Literature- Lots of good read alouds and independent reading from classic book list

Math- MiF 3a/b and Beast (or Miquon if BA is a flop this spring)

History- SotW 2

Science- Earth and Space (probably Pandia)

Memory work- tied to everything with lots of poetry


Coop- Spanish, geography, lego science, book club (and soccer outside all that)


I haven't finalize that book list yet but we might add in MCT's literature for the second semester.  We loved memorizing all kind of poetry this year, particularly Shakespeare a la Burns.  We will certainly continue that as well.

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Wow, it's so funny to think I'm planning for third grade already! Where did the time go?

Anyway, here's our plan as it stands now:


CLE Language Arts 3

CLE Math 3

CLE Reading 3 *or* some Memoria Press Lit guides, if we need to change things up for interest.

Real Science 4 Kids Elementary Physics and Elementary Biology.

Story of the World 3 w/ activity guide

Writing With Ease 2

Latina Christiana 1

Literature: lots of read-alouds. She also reads on her own every day.


Music, art, and PE without a set curriculum.

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Here are plans so far for my 8 year old princess:


Math- TT3 and Life of Fred Elementary


Spelling- AAS 3/4

Grammar- MCT Grammar Island

Literature- read-alouds, and lots of independent reading (she Loves reading, so no worries in this department) 

Writing- monthly writing project of her choice


History- Ambleside year3, but substituting SOTW3 for CHOW


Science- NOEO (but not sure which one, deciding between Physics and Chemistry)


Art- various "how to draw..." of things that interest her

Music- violin lessons, choir, read biographies of famous composers and listen to their music

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Wow! I'll have another third grader! Funny how I'd sort of missed that until now . . . most of our stuff is do the next thing:


reading: ??? Not sure where to go here. May just choose an appropriate spot and finish OPGTR? Or AAR 3?

writing: CAP W & R Fable and/or WWE3

grammar: FLL3

spelling: AAS 3

handwriting: Modern Cursive B


Math: CLE 3 or MM 3A & 3B - we'll see how the rest of the year goes


History: SOTW3 and Courage & Conquest


Geography: Apple Maps 2


French: Ecoutez Parlez 3 & 4


Science: RSO Chemistry 1


Art: piano lessons and Artistic Pursuits K-3 book 2


PE: lots of outside play, swimming lessons and archery group

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We are barely half-way through 2nd grade but I'm already getting nervous about 3rd! My husband says we need to make sure to focus on "STEM" next year, which got me all nervous as I've been only doing science through co-op and interest-led. We'll see how it goes to try a little more formal. Six more months before I need to panic?


Here's my current plan. 


ELA: read alouds as a family (haven't decided which: I'm awful about getting read alouds done!). LOE Essentials for handwriting, spelling, and basic grammar. We're only on lesson 6 but it's starting to move faster. We'll just keep going until we are done, maybe not until the beginning of 4th grade. Writing: My son has taken an intense dislike of WWE2 so we stopped. We're just doing narration, copywork, and dictation with passages I select and it's going well. We'll hopefully keep that up and do creative writing of some kind via co-op. I am an English person so I am excited to play this by ear.


Math: Probably continue with Singapore Primary Math. Add in as needed? Not sure if we'll need more next year. Maybe the homeschool Math and Science club.


Social Studies. SOTW 3. We just read it; we don't usually do extra activities. We'll add in as we want, and I try to throw in American History and Geography here and there as I notice gaps in his recognition and understanding.


Science. I am nervous about this. I was thinking of Sonlight E because Raisin wants to learn about Electricity but I think it may be too hard so I'm now leaning toward RSO Chemistry for next year and Sonlight Science E for the next. Also, I'm going to coach Jr. First Lego League. There may be a science class tie in at co-op too. Hopefully RSO Chem!


Other: Visual Link Spanish. I love it! Continue Book of Mormon study with me. Maybe I'll add in that he has to read Bible Stories to little sister. Swim and Gym and/or gymnastics. Art at co-op and maybe piano lessons. We'll probably try to add music appreciation in once a week too.


What am I forgetting?! I feel like there is something big.





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Science:  Nancy Larson (finishing 1, beginning 2); Snap Circuits and Magic School Bus kits to do on her own (and/or with her brother)




Do you feel like NL Science 1 would be okay to do with an 8yo and a 6yo?


I don't want to bore the 8yo, but I'd like the 6yo to be able to participate.  I keep waffling on purchasing this!

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My son will be 8 in October, doing mostly 3rd grade work:


Language Arts: Language Lessons for Today by MFW (a revised version of Serl's Primary Language Lessons), AAS 2/3


Reading: Sonlight readers


Math: CLE 2/3


Science: Sonlight science B


History: Sonlight Core B


Music: Guitar lessons


We've done Sonlight Core A this year and it has brought joy into our home schooling like nothing else we've tried. I buy the books used and spend 1/2 to 1/3 of the full price.

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Do you feel like NL Science 1 would be okay to do with an 8yo and a 6yo?


I don't want to bore the 8yo, but I'd like the 6yo to be able to participate.  I keep waffling on purchasing this!


I suspect NL Science 1 would be too basic for your 8yo.  If your 6yo is a good reader, you may be happier with NL Science 2.  I am doing 1 with a 6yo and 7yo, and they do roll their eyes at the review sheets.  It is written on a very basic level.  They find it fun, though, and it gets done consistently around here.  


You can take a look at the samples online, or call the Nancy Larson consultants.  They are very helpful, and will talk it through with you.  They tend to suggest choosing the grade level between two students who are working together.

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We will continue with






He will be trying out Beast Academy to see if that goes better.


I am thinking about KISS Grammar


We will be starting Latina Christiana next month, so if that goes well, we will continue Latin in 3rd.


Literature and science will continue to be what he or I wants and mostly library books.


I am sure there is something else, but I don't know what right now.

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We run a feb - Dec school year so I've just started 3rd grade with my oldest.

FLL3, WWE3, & spelling lists from essential spelling.

Read silently 20 min per day & read aloud to me from a reader

ETC & HWT cursive

MUS Gamma

Prima Latina

Keyboarding without tears

We're 2/3 thru SOTW Middle Ages

1/2 way through Astronomy

Bible & memory work is done after dinner.

I think that's it...



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Here are my tentative plans for my rising 3rd grade boy:


Math: CLE 3


Reading: CLE 4 + lots of good books (some tied to history, some not)

Writing: Memoria Press Intro to Composition

Latin: Memora Press Prima Latina

Spanish: CAP Spanish for Children

Science: Science in the Beginning and nature center homeschool classes

History: SOTW (finish 1, begin 2)

Supplement with Evan-Moor Teacher Filebox as needed




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Here's what I'm thinking for our first time in 3rd...


Math-BJU 3 plus Singapore IP and CWP mixed in, and xtra math


Reading-he'll read for 45-60 minutes from a preselected list, and discuss with me


Literature-daily read alouds and possibly COAH Classic novel units for fun


Writing-Language Lessons for Today 3 ( MFW ) and CAP Fable, TC?


Spelling-If we finish AAS 5 this year, I'll move him into R & S 4 next year, need independent!


Penmanship/cursive-Catholic Heritage Curricula 3


Science-NL 2


History- VP SP year 1, plus readers, notebooking and projects if time


Religion-faith and life?


He goes to a local Catholic school one morning a week for gym, art and music, and will continue piano lessons on the side.

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From some other wonderful thread, I think I found a series to use most often for science - Scientists in the Field. A good chunk of them have learning guides and other suggested goodies in the Resources section on the website - it looks awesome for a science motivated kid!


Loose plans....


* Math: MIF 4A/B, supplementing with BA 3C/D (assuming spring & summer go as expected)

* LA: MCT Island level, with some BW elements worked in - handwriting through copy work - good literature, read alouds and independent reading - writing across the curriculum, journaling

* Science: Interest-led, with a library card, experiment kit, and field trips - we did recently discover Basher's science books - awesome! (3x/wk)

* History: Finishing our American Girl themed studies and moving to World Cultures and Geography - maybe tweaking Expedition Earth (2x/wk)

* CLE Bible (2x/wk)

* Outsourced extras: Weekly PE, karate, music/piano; art every other week; swimming occasionally

* In-house extras: Typing Club, Code.org courses, either continue with Spanish or let her pick a different language...

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Right now I am planning:


Math: Math Circles, BA 4


LA: AAS 3, Reading Horizons, Singapore Sentences to Paragraphs 3-4, maybe Home2Teach writing classes, Wordly Wise 3 online, maybe Grammar Island/Sentence Island, Verticy Orange, Rewards Intermediate for phonics


Literature: will create this myself but haven't decided on books yet, maybe Alice, Peter, Mole MCT trilogy + others? Online mythology class. some George MacDonald and others


History: SOTW 1 with Athena's in fall, probably SOTW 4 with Athena's in spring (we are on modern by rotation but he really wants to repeat ancients too) Nope, looking like Human Odyssey 3 Modern History tag along


Science: biggest ??, probably Engineering is Elementary but will be interest driven by him, programming tutoring, science classes at co-op, Still not a lot of ideas here, probably a humanities crossover  - RFWP Ferret Ecology, Mythology & science, or Harry Potter Herbology


Typing: BBC Dance Mat? He can't stand this with a passion. Maybe Typer Island?


Music: Suzuki violin


PE: Football & swimming, maybe baseball


Funny how much difference a few months makes. :)

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Oh, and we will be doing Classical Conversations Cycle 1 memory work at home and our science, history, and literature books will all revolve around these topics (ancient world history, world history in Africa, Asia, South America, Canada, and Native Americans, biology, geology).  

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I can't believe my youngest is going to be in 3rd grade.


Our plans as of this week ...


Math: Singapore 3 (with CWP and IP a half-level behind); maybe start Beast towards the end of the year; supplement widely


Writing: half of WWE 3; W&R 1


Grammar: MCT Island; punctuation worksheets


Spelling: AAS 4 (wrap up) & AAS 5


History: Canada's Natives Long Ago; Courage & Conquest


Science: physics, astronomy, earth science using mostly BFSU, TOPS, and documentaries


Languages: Greek (Song School), Latin (Latin for Children), French, Spanish (these last two are taught by my wonderful mother who is a French/Spanish teacher)





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For my 3rd grader next year:


Bible - CLE Bible 3

Language arts - Recipe for Reading full program (he's dyslexic), 2-3 Progeny Press Literature guides

Math - MathUSee Gamma, Teaching Textbooks 4


Then, for everything else, we'll alternate between two things - FIAR some weeks, other weeks we'll do History Lap-Paks from Homeschool in the Woods and Magic School Bus Science Kits.  If possible, I'll add in Artistic Pursuits.





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Current plan which is subject to change 1000 times :)


Bible- (done as a family) Daily Devotional; Whats in the Bible; Daily Reading in Vos Storybook Bible; weekly Scripture memory


Math- MUS Delta 


Language Arts- Reader list taken from SL and other lists; Copywork and Dictation from readers; Weekly writing assignments


Handwriting- Prescripts Cursive History Sentence Copywork


Grammar- Growing with Grammar? 


Spelling- AAS 3/4


History- SOTW 1; VP Self-paced Old Testament & Ancient Egypt


Other- Weekly CC Meeting and related memory work, weekly PE class, seasonal sports, Lego club








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It is so strange to think that my son is going to be a third-grader.  They seem like the *big kids*.  


 I am feeling strongly led to continue my simple, somewhat-minimalist approach, and am trying to ascertain what that will look like in third grade, and how to merge my own Charlotte Mason-leanings with a modern curriculum.  Still pondering it. But for now my leaning is:


*Math: Miquon, cont'd, and R&S Grade 3.  Maybe LOF sometimes.

*Language Arts: K12 LA, with my modifications  

*History: Child's HIstory of the World + Genevieve Foster books

*Science:Outsourced to an amazing local science teacher/school! 

*Weekly (outsourced) art lessons--his favorite thing, I think!  

*music: He's taking piano now, but doesn't love it--but he doesn't hate it either. I am leaving it entirely up to him as to whether to continue piano in the fall, so we'll see what he chooses. 


We will likely be involved in a Charlotte Mason weekly group that will involve some nature study (my son seems to do this on his own all the time without any intervention from me!) and some artist and composer study--twice a month.


I have abandoned all plans for formal Bible study because it just works well for us to read together in a casual and informal way. 


And last but not least, life stuff!  He's a fabulous helper around the house and I plan to continue to help him develop those skills, and also develop whatever else he's interested in doing.  I will probably teach him how to cook some simple things and how to vacuum with the *real* vacuum cleaner.  


We also just like to read together, which is entirely informal and unplanned. 


So really, in essence, this is Miquon/R&S math, k12 LA, and history/artsy stuff, plus outsourced science, art and maybe piano. 

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We may also add CAP W&R Fable


I haven't seen 3rd grade planning thread for next year yet, so I thought I'd start one, as I'm in serious planning mode right now :)


Here is my plan for DS 8 for this fall:



Spelling/Dictation (alternate days)

Christian Studies II (Memoria Press)

Rod and Staff English 4

Saxon 5/4



Earth Science & Astronomy for the Logic Stage, Elemental Science (He does logic stage with my DD12)- Monday and Wednesday

History of Science Literature Study from BF Books-Tuesday and Thursday

SOTW 3-Fridays

Latina Christiana I-Monday thru Thursday

Geography Workbook-Fridays

Reading various lit and non-fiction about American History, probably focusing on Pioneers and Indians next year (he mostly does this on his own time)


He will continue music lessons for piano, may add guitar lessons as well.  Right now DD12 is teaching him guitar, but he will probably want to start taking "real" lessons next year. 


Both kids also do a nature journal, but I don't really plan nature study time...we live on a farm and they spend plenty of time outside on their own.  If they see something interesting, they'll come grab their journal and draw it or write about it. 


Edited to add: I also ordered the grade 3 penmanship book from Rod and Staff.  He's been slowly working on cursive this year, but could definitely use some more practice.  Also thinking of replacing Latina Christiana 1 with the Big Book of Lively Latin.  He really wants to do both.  We are almost done with Prima, maybe he can start LC1 as soon as he's finished, do it over the summer, and then start LL1.  We'll see.  He really likes Latin :)


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I'm not sure if I should post here or on the 4th grade thread. Ds8 will be an older 3rd grader working between a 3rd and 4th grade level on most things.


English: Shurley 4

Math: Saxon 6/5

Science: Science in the Beginning: Ancient World

Literature: VP grade 3/4

Language: Latin for Children A, first half

Spelling: AAS finish 2, 3, and start 4

Writing: W & R 2 & 3

History, Bible: ToG Year 1


with siblings: Philosophy for Kids, Getting Started with Spanish


piano, TKD, fencing, soccer

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Mine will turn 9 in June, so he's an older 3rd grader too.




Math:  CLE/CWP 3


Treadwell 3rd Reader & Companion 


Spelling (the old 1919 Pearson 3rd grade reformatted)


SOTW 1 (He's a younger sib...finishing SOTW 4 right now.)


Science: BFSU


Literature/Poetry/Art/Music/Shakespeare:  I'm working on it...CM style...probably pulling much of it from ambleside...probably combining a bit with big siblings.





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My daughter turns 8 this summer. I have this planned beginning September 2015.


Math- Right Start D, Math Mammoth 3


Language Arts- Handwriting Without Tears 3

                      FLL 3

                      WWE 3

                      Modern Curriculum Press phonics C

                      All About Spelling 3

                      Read to Mom/ Silent Reading

                      Keyboarding Without Tears


History- SOTW 3


Science- Nancy Larson Science 3


Art- Atelier Art plus other art videos


Music- Piano instruction, We have been listening to classical music daily for many years. I also like to play music from other cultures throughout the year.


Social- Ice Skating, Birding Club, Looking into 4H for this year, Homeschool playground meetup group










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Current plan which is subject to change 1000 times :)


Bible- (done as a family) Daily Devotional; Whats in the Bible; Daily Reading in Vos Storybook Bible; weekly Scripture memory


Math- MUS Delta 


Language Arts- Reader list taken from SL and other lists; Copywork and Dictation from readers; Weekly writing assignments


Handwriting- Prescripts Cursive History Sentence Copywork


Grammar- Growing with Grammar? 


Spelling- AAS 3/4


History- SOTW 1; VP Self-paced Old Testament & Ancient Egypt


Other- Weekly CC Meeting and related memory work, weekly PE class, seasonal sports, Lego club


updated plans...

Bible- Vos Storybook Bible, Scripture Memory and Integrity Time

Math- MUS Delta (I think??) plus LOF 

LA- (strongly considering) ABeka Language 3 (minus Spelling) with additional narration/dictation/copywork

AAS 3/4

History- SOTW 1, VP Self-paced OTAE

Science/Health- Exploring God's World; Abeka Health, Safety and Manners

Art- Abeka Art projects w/ younger sister

Various interest led readalouds

Other- Classical Conversations, weekly PE, soccer, horseback riding, Lego club, lots of free creative play time 


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