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Nothing New 2015 - Anyone wish to do a challenge with me?


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Wow--I just googled and your price is lower than anything else I saw. This site compared prices and even gave a list of the sites that had nothing available.


So sorry! We have one in college right now and he was practically dancing because this semester he only needs one book and he'll be able to borrow that one from a friend.

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Wow--I just googled and your price is lower than anything else I saw. This site compared prices and even gave a list of the sites that had nothing available.


So sorry! We have one in college right now and he was practically dancing because this semester he only needs one book and he'll be able to borrow that one from a friend.

That's a pretty great feature, comparing like that. But, bummer. I don't see a way I can get around this. Other than drop the class and sign up for it spring semester, and find someone at the school to buy it from. ;) not doing that, though. I'm in the homestretch.

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Do you know anyone in the class? DD often shares textbooks with classmates and it's worked really well.   They usually trade off buying books, but since this is a one time deal, maybe you can find a buddy in class and offer to pay to share. Pick a poor college student.g 

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Do you know anyone in the class? DD often shares textbooks with classmates and it's worked really well. They usually trade off buying books, but since this is a one time deal, maybe you can find a buddy in class and offer to pay to share. Pick a poor college student.g

That wouldn't work in this case, because the class is on-line and condensed. I won't meet the other students IRL and so sharing isn't really feasible. That could work for some students, though; it is a good idea especially for dorm-mates.

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Have I exhausted my options? I'm so torqued right now about a college textbook! I have a winter class that starts next week. I am trying to get the necessary textbook, preferably without buying one new at $139.00. This is the ISBN:

ISBN: 0-9677747-8-0

ISBN13: 978-0-9677747-8-7

Author: Connect


I tried to get it from Textbooks.com, Neebo, Chugg. My only option is new. It also looks like it's one of those accursed books written particularly for my college, which always means re-selling it is useless. I generally don't prefer to rent, but I would in this case if I could, mostly because it is a fast condensed class and because my prospects for resale are lame.

Bulletin board? FB group for your college or major? Is it necessary to have to exact edition (I used to get along with the wrong edition, comparing mine to the one on reserve in the library).

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So today I bought:


$16 and change in dinner for me and the boys when we got locked out


$21 at the thrift store for:


3 pairs of work pants for my husband (which he seriously needs, wowza)

1 nightgown for me which is somewhere above want and below need

2 school books for my older son

2 reader books for my younger son

2 pairs of pajama for my younger son

1 pair of converse for my older son


It's hard to find pants in my husband's size, he's slim and all leg, so I got lucky today. :)

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Today we bought:


A tool to help fix the TV: $20

A part for the car: $30

A piece to fix a light fixture at Lowe's: $14


I really don't consider those new things though as they are all going to FIX what we already have to keep them going.


I may be ordering new blinds though......but we have budgeted for that.

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Kind of off topic question...are any of you who can do this burdened with adhd? I ask because as an adhd-riddled person, I see potential and creative outlets and life-changing splendor in so many objects every day. I am somewhat in awe of people who live life in a more practical way. Even when medicated for adhd, I just cultivate more home improvement and garden-buying habits, instead of "ooh shiny object fraught with earth-shattering meaning" spending. I never became much less of a spender, though.

I mean, we aren't in debt and bankruptcy, I am not in Debtor's Anonymous, but I just really like new little things here and there. Maybe it's also a personality thing.

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Kind of off topic question...are any of you who can do this burdened with adhd? I ask because as an adhd-riddled person, I see potential and creative outlets and life-changing splendor in so many objects every day. I am somewhat in awe of people who live life in a more practical way. Even when medicated for adhd, I just cultivate more home improvement and garden-buying habits, instead of "ooh shiny object fraught with earth-shattering meaning" spending. I never became much less of a spender, though.

I mean, we aren't in debt and bankruptcy, I am not in Debtor's Anonymous, but I just really like new little things here and there. Maybe it's also a personality thing.

Huh. Interesting thought. I am not a spender or shopper and I am pretty darn frugal. I'm also anti clutter and won't even take stuff for free if I can help it. I definitely don't have ADHD. My husband OTOH is very ADHD and he is totally prone to buying stuff we don't need. And collecting free stuff he's gonna do this or that with. Most of the time though premedication he never did that stuff. We drive each other happily insane at times. We balance each other out. He keeps me from chucking baby albums by accident and I keep him from bringing home 2 dozen pallet crates.


ETA- I always chalked up our spending differences primarily to background (he grew up very well off/affluent and I grew up quite poor) but I do think the ADHD might play a role. He is very creative and always can see something to do with everything whereas I am more utilitarian.

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Kind of off topic question...are any of you who can do this burdened with adhd? I ask because as an adhd-riddled person, I see potential and creative outlets and life-changing splendor in so many objects every day. I am somewhat in awe of people who live life in a more practical way. Even when medicated for adhd, I just cultivate more home improvement and garden-buying habits, instead of "ooh shiny object fraught with earth-shattering meaning" spending. I never became much less of a spender, though.

I mean, we aren't in debt and bankruptcy, I am not in Debtor's Anonymous, but I just really like new little things here and there. Maybe it's also a personality thing.

Me! Stay out of stores. Plan. Plan. Plan. Get a prepaid debit card and recharge it with a preset amount every week. When it is gone, it is gone.

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Yup ADD here.... I've seriously curbed my bad spending habits by using cash only. My name is not on the checking account (though I do have access to the money in it by transferring to savings then getting it at the CU, dh and I mutually agreed to this arrangement). The inconvenience of having to transfer and get the money out has helped a lot. If I really need something and the CU isn't open then dh will give me his debit card.

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Would love to try this, but...

Dryer died on Christmas eve. Washer is probably not long behind it.

Like you, the car conundrum. I know I want to buy used, though.


Committed to Dave Ramsey's principles for 2015!

We bought a Christmas dryer too :-/ I'm looking around at my appliances. The only things more than 4 years old are the fridge and the HVAC system. We've had to replace EVERYTHING else in the last few years.

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i have been considering joining a local CSA for a few years now. i have been afraid of ending up with a backlog of odd vegetables and not enough time to find a good recipe for Kohlrabi or whatever, with the food winding up chicken feed.

That's exactly what happened to us when we joined one. It ended up being a huge waste of money because we didn't like many of the offerings -- and it was also very inconvenient because it wasn't close to our house and we had to go on assigned days at certain times.


After a while, we stopped going altogether and figured we had learned an expensive lesson because we had already paid for a full year.

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Yesterday we bought a pack of 9V batteries and new bottle nipples, plus a gallon of milk and carton of half and half. The carbon monoxide detector started beeping at me the night before and my son chewed off the ends of the last set of nipples we had. He needs them cut a certain way for the blended diet he eats, but they don't last as long once you do that.


I don't think we could have done any of those without buying new, but if someone knows a way for me to use a potato to power our carbon monoxide detector I'm all ears!

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Yesterday we bought a pack of 9V batteries and new bottle nipples, plus a gallon of milk and carton of half and half. The carbon monoxide detector started beeping at me the night before and my son chewed off the ends of the last set of nipples we had. He needs them cut a certain way for the blended diet he eats, but they don't last as long once you do that.


I don't think we could have done any of those without buying new, but if someone knows a way for me to use a potato to power our carbon monoxide detector I'm all ears!

Ha! Thanks for keepin' it real! I'm about to go out for The Giant Grocery Trip. There will be FAR more than "a" gallon of milk and "a" quart of half and half. Seriously. We could keep a family cow busy.

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We've not been very frugal as of late ourselves and the bank account shows it. We made a conscious decisions to spend some savings on things we deemed more important, like our health, however alongside that we've also spent more than we should on plenty of frivolous things, that were not worth it. 


We spend too much on books (me!), food and little odds and ends. I spent too much on clothes last year, not crazy amounts by most standards but I wasn't as careful with my shopping and it was more than we could really afford. 


Dh also worked less, which compounded the problem. We would rather have him at home but it requires some sacrifices. I think the nothing new parameters are a bit board but I do need to get back to using a bit more creativity. I want us to be able to meet some financial goals and it saddens me that we've made no progress on these this year. We're considering going to cash, I don't know we need something to get us back in the frugal habit.

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Ha! Thanks for keepin' it real! I'm about to go out for The Giant Grocery Trip. There will be FAR more than "a" gallon of milk and "a" quart of half and half. Seriously. We could keep a family cow busy.

Yeah, I have my big monthly Costco trip coming up today. My list, after cutting out several convenience items, is still two and a half columns long on a piece of notebook paper. And that's with combining things like "potatoes" and "onions" into single lines (when I need 2-3 bags each). Ugh. Good thing I won't have room in the cart (or carts, I wonder if DS6 can push one...) to peruse the books and clothing.


So far I've only spent money at McDonalds (blech) this year. Last minute out of town trip for a funeral, and I didn't have time to plan travel meals. I am planning to hit a thrift store or two every Saturday morning (we have many around here) and rotate through. I'll be going to the children's consignment shop this weekend, hopefully selling more than buying at this place.

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Ha! Thanks for keepin' it real! I'm about to go out for The Giant Grocery Trip. There will be FAR more than "a" gallon of milk and "a" quart of half and half. Seriously. We could keep a family cow busy.

Haha, trust me, with my herd we usually go through a ton. We did a bigger shopping trip not too long ago and I'm trying to empty everything out of the fridge and cupboards so that is just how much more we needed to get to our next shopping trip. I'm hoping that will keep my husband from needing to stop at the store until then, although he might pick up some potatoes on his way home tonight.

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Oh no--the Giant Grocery Trip! I need to do this myself and am not looking forward to it. I usually stock up on the non-perishable household items on my first trip. I so do not want to go to the store!!!


As to the challenge . . . we got CFA for dinner last night. :blush:  This was part of dh's plan, though, not mine. But I will admit that after going for our hike I did not want to cook. sigh. Not making such a good start here. :001_unsure:

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Fabulous find!


I'm watching this thread; we are planning a move and a lot of other changes (including new furniture and leaving our old stuff behind).


Can I join in with a personal challenge of spending my dollars with greater intent?  I've been choosing convenience and time saving over frugality; it's not necessarily a bad thing, but it's led to some frivolous spending at times.  


So, as an example of spending money in a more mindful way..... I need some new (non-photo) art to stage the house with. I've been oogling watercolors.  Instead of buying a $40 print from Target, I bought $7 in masking solution and made my own watercolor art with some repurposed frames.  My purchase wouldn't fit into the "nothing new" category---but I found a less expensive substitution that still fit the need.

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Fabulous find!


I'm watching this thread; we are planning a move and a lot of other changes (including new furniture and leaving our old stuff behind).


Can I join in with a personal challenge of spending my dollars with greater intent? I've been choosing convenience and time saving over frugality; it's not necessarily a bad thing, but it's led to some frivolous spending at times.


So, as an example of spending money in a more mindful way..... I need some new (non-photo) art to stage the house with. I've been oogling watercolors. Instead of buying a $40 print from Target, I bought $7 in masking solution and made my own watercolor art with some repurposed frames. My purchase wouldn't fit into the "nothing new" category---but I found a less expensive substitution that still fit the need.

To me, this totally fits the idea behind the challenge!

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Dh and I are going for "mindful spending" this year :)


So far I used a gc to buy a kindle book (the gc is from my inlaws) and dh is using an iTunes gift card to buy more music (also from his parents).


We joined a gym today. It would have been $35/mo for each of us, but it is "free" through our health insurance. It's cheaper than replacing the inherited treadmill that stopped working before Thanksgiving (a moment of silence, please) :)

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We're going for mindful spending this year and also mindful saving.


We go to Target two or three times a year. I had a list with me and pretty much stuck to it except for a roll of wrapping paper $1.50). We've planned a frugal approach to clothing this year. I have the next size clothing for DS already stored in bins. The clothing purchases I had planned for today were underwear and jeans (for the grownups), mittens and hat for DS (I want to make him some, but by the time I teach myself how to do it, winter will be over - will still plan to make said items for next year), and socks for DS. If I need anything else for DS, I'll check the thrift store first.


I got two years worth of Christmas cat toys for 3 cats for a total of $2.87. (Must remember to get them put away so an enterprising cat doesn't help himself to them.)


On the grocery front, I've designated January as an "eat out of the freezer and pantry as much as possible" month (though our winter farmers' market is tomorrow and I might just have to buy homemade apple cider donuts).


I put $150 in savings today.



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Well, the good news is that I didn't buy anything non-consumable at the store, nor did I buy anything off list.


The bad news is that I spent the entire month's grocery and household budget, and there were several things I wasn't able to get. There wasn't room in the Costco cart for diapers, whole chickens apparently went on strike, Aldi ran out of almond milk (and dairy milk, and an entire produce section), and I wasn't about to pay $5 for a tiny, past its prime head of cauliflower. Plus I'll have to make milk and produce runs every week.


But yay for sticking to the "nothing new except food be household stuff" thing. :-/

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I went out with my mom today and totally forgot about this challenge. Old habits.... I spent $150 on storage bins, lunch, a few beauty items, household stuff, Christmas paper/bows for next year. I need to put a Post It out for me to remember.

Doh! ;)

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Had to go to Costco for eggs/veggies today.  People must have thought I was crazy...I was speeding through the store so I wouldn't have to look at anything tempting.   :laugh:


We did have to buy shoes for everyone yesterday.  I consider this part of the necessary spending.  Other than that, all is going well. 

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Well only the 2nd and already had to shop.  Dog ate my only pair of sneakers so had to buy new ones today, at least I got them on sale $22.50,and I had to pay $10 to get my fob for the semester at the college gym so I can have access, and forgot my water bottle at home so bought a 2nd one at the $$ store for $2. SO not huge expenses and the pay back is worth it (I worked out after doing all that) but it sucked, and I paid yet another library fine, though I knew this was coming, since I could not find all the books the kids took out before xmas when things were chaotic here and then the library was closed for much of the holiday, so yeah that was another $29.  Not a great way to start the year, but tomorrow is another day.

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Are we suppose to report back on out progress even if we don't go with your exact plan?

Car payments current, bills current and the landlord getting half the rest of the deposit.

We bought an inexpensive Garmin for me so I will stop being hopelessly lost.

My husband was off with paid vacation during the holidays so he put in fulltime hours with his second job.

We were even able to go see a movie. :D 

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Are we suppose to report back on out progress even if we don't go with your exact plan?

Car payments current, bills current and the landlord getting half the rest of the deposit.

We bought an inexpensive Garmin for me so I will stop being hopelessly lost.

My husband was off with paid vacation during the holidays so he put in fulltime hours with his second job.

We were even able to go see a movie. :D

Quill started a Nothing New Challenge Week One thread to report how the first week went. I hope everyone posts, whether they're doing her full challenge or just setting their own goals. I always learn so much- it really helps me when others post. Sometimes people tackle something in a way I never even thought of and I LOVE hearing what everyone is doing.   And my challenge will morph through the year, as we have specific challenges like sending a kid off to school, one off to study in Japan, and oldest dd and her family going through some tough financial difficulties and we want to help. So as these things arise, hearing what everyone else is doing is surely going to give me ideas and encouragement. 

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I paid 1.95 a gal for gas today. I did have a 30 cents/gal discount from my grocery store but whoa.


Only other purchase was $1.08 after small giftcard balance at Starbucks for sandwiches and tea for me and my younger son.


I went to the library to use their color printer for my younger sons nature picture book rather than go to kinkos.

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