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Would you buy this jacket as a Christmas gift?


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dS15 wants an Assassin's Creed jacket for Christmas. This is the one he wants: http://www.amazon.com/Cottory-Custome-Jacket-Hoodie-Cosplay/dp/B00Q2Z3R6G/ref=sr_1_12?ie=UTF8&qid=1418992766&sr=8-12&keywords=assassin%27s+creed+hoodie


I'm worried that, at the very least, it looks rather outlandish as a jacket to just wear around. At worst, it somewhat reminds me of a KKK robe and hood! I don't know enough about the game plot to know if this jacket has negative connotations or not.

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I have some (a little) familiarity with the game. I believe the coat is worn in the game by the main character, who is an assassin ... but I think he mostly assassinates really bad guys. To my knowledge, there is no stigma attached to the jacket--the person who wears it is as close to a good guy/hero as the game has. Of course, what familiarity I have with the game is mostly from the first one, and I believe there are a couple of sequels now--I do not know in which game that jacket is worn, or how the main character may have changed (or not) from how he was in the first game.


Whether you want him to wear a coat as unusual as that (opens him to teasing/bullying, possibly; may attract unusual scrutiny from other adults who are not familiar with the game and who may wonder what gang is affiliated with it; marks him as a gamer, at least among those who know the game)--well, that's up to you. You're best in a position to judge whether that would be good, neutral, or bad for your son.

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Yes, I'd buy it if I thought my son would wear it. It's a statement jacket, true, but it also meet requirements for a coat (which I seem to be having a hard time getting ds to wear). It covers the bum, has a hood and zips. I'd triple check sizing so it wouldn't need to be exchanged. 

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possibly; may attract unusual scrutiny from other adults who are not familiar with the game and who may wonder what gang is affiliated with it; marks him as a gamer, at least among those who know the game)--well, that's up to you. You're best in a position to judge whether that would be good, neutral, or bad for your son.

This is my fear. You've put your finger right on it.


I'm leaning towards not getting it. When he first asked for an Assassin's Creed Hoodie, I envisioned a typical hoodie with a symbol on the front. I would not mind something like that and think I will offer that option to DS.

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Gang members are as likely to wear that jacket as they are to break into song, West Side Story style. 


I've lived in and near lots of cities with typical gang activity. This does not scream gang member, I promise you. Refugee from a 1980s music video, yes. Gang member, no. 



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Yeah, I have to say that if I saw a teen wearing this jacket, I would definitely not take it as a sign of gang membership. No more so than a red shirt. I don't think that you are living in a gang ridden area in the 1990s where kids are getting shot for the color of a random article of clothing. I think it's fine. Don't go borrowing trouble that simply doesn't apply to your son.


I don't know the game and if I saw him wearing this I would think he was maybe a little steam punk-ish or something. Nothing dangerous.

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I don't know.  It's very freaking ugly. 


But I guess I might because how many people would know that it was from assassin's creed?  I wouldn't know.  So they would probably just think it was an interesting looking jacket.


(I'm saying I'm more turned off to the fact it is modeled after something in assassin's creed than the looks of the jacket.)



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I would.  It's a very light jacket, more for cosplay, but if my son, who is 15 actually asked for something I would get it.  Of course, my ds15 doesn't ask for much at all, and when asked what he wants, he gives a blank stare and says, "I don't know".  So if he was really into it, I would get it.  


And if he's that into it, he most likely is friends with others who are into it.  And others who are into it, will see him as a kindred spirit. :)

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Well, I decided not to get it. I told DS my concerns and he just shrugged. He wasn't too concerned about having it, which made me lean more away from it (in the sense that it isn't very practical for what it costs). But I really appreciate the Hive thoughts on it; you people are my external conscience.

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I can't imagine anyone looking at that jacket and thinking of the KKK or a gang.


I would think most teenaged boys would immediately think of Assassin's Creed -- I know my ds would recognize it immediately.


Anyone who isn't familiar with the game might think of an old Michael Jackson video or something, but other than that, I don't think it would have any negative connotations.


Does anyone actually believe that KKK or gang members would wear a jacket like that? :D

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I can't imagine anyone looking at that jacket and thinking of the KKK or a gang.


I would think most teenaged boys would immediately think of Assassin's Creed -- I know my ds would recognize it immediately.


Anyone who isn't familiar with the game might think of an old Michael Jackson video or something, but other than that, I don't think it would have any negative connotations.


Does anyone actually believe that KKK or gang members would wear a jacket like that? :D

I think the concern is that the jacket is so unusual, that it immediately looks symbolic. Which it is, but when people are confronted with things they don't understand, they substitute in something the do understand, even if it's not really logical. So, it's not hard for me to imagine somebody seeing DS out in that coat and thinking, "Well, what the hell is that freaky get-up supposed to mean? It must be some sort of message to other young punks. He must be some sorta White Supremist to wear that KKK-looking hood!"

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I would not care what anyone else thought about the jacket (gang style, etc.).


I just asked my 16yods, a huge AC fan. He said he saw it before, and while he thinks it's cool, he'd never wear it.  I think it's unusual enough that someone might laugh at your son for wearing it, and he wouldn't wear it anymore. 


If this were me, I would choose another piece of clothing that is obviously AC but not so, well, Michael Jackson looking.  :)  My ds would still be thrilled, and I would know it would be worn for a long time.


When my son outgrew his Requiescat in Pace t-shirt, dd and I both wanted it.  It's mine now.  :)


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I think the concern is that the jacket is so unusual, that it immediately looks symbolic. Which it is, but when people are confronted with things they don't understand, they substitute in something the do understand, even if it's not really logical. So, it's not hard for me to imagine somebody seeing DS out in that coat and thinking, "Well, what the hell is that freaky get-up supposed to mean? It must be some sort of message to other young punks. He must be some sorta White Supremist to wear that KKK-looking hood!"

Maybe it depends on where you live? I don't know anyone who would associate that hood with the KKK.


I see teens wearing a lot of unusual clothing, and I will admit to occasionally commenting on it to my ds or my dh, but even when I think an outfit is kind of weird, I just assume the kid has a quirky style and that it's probably a phase he's going through.


My only concern with the jacket is that other kids might think it was silly-looking. But I definitely wouldn't consider it to be at all threatening or symbolic of anything.


Has he shown the jacket to his friends? Do they like it?

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Maybe it depends on where you live? I don't know anyone who would associate that hood with the KKK.


I see teens wearing a lot of unusual clothing, and I will admit to occasionally commenting on it to my ds or my dh, but even when I think an outfit is kind of weird, I just assume the kid has a quirky style and that it's probably a phase he's going through.


My only concern with the jacket is that other kids might think it was silly-looking. But I definitely wouldn't consider it to be at all threatening or symbolic of anything.


Has he shown the jacket to his friends? Do they like it?

Knowing the general area where Quill lives, I would say her concerns are not unfounded.

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Knowing the general area where Quill lives, I would say her concerns are not unfounded.

If that's the case, I wouldn't take a chance on buying the jacket. Where we live, it would be absolutely fine, and the jacket seems more cartoonish than menacing, so I didn't realize that anyone would take it seriously.


I keep thinking it would be nice to move someplace new, but then I read stuff like this and it kind of worries me, because people tend to be pretty tolerant here and they mind their own business, so I might have a hard time in some other parts of the country.

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I would buy it. And then I would probably borrow it lol. I think it's a fun jacket. But we are a houseful of gamers and AC is a popular one here. I have a hoodie from AC on my wishlist for Xmas lol.

:iagree: My DD would love that.... I definitely shouldn't show it to either of my nephews, their moms would never hear the end of it.  Anyone under a certain age or anyone who plays Xbox would know exactly what it is.  I would lean more toward the black one(from Rouge?) because it will be easier to keep clean although the white is more iconic.  This is a jacket, it does not have be worn all the time and if you buy it big enough he can wear it for awhile.  We don't have gangs, at least not those particular kinds, where I live so I'm not sure how I'd deal with that.... again the black is more likely to blend I think.

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I would.


I think it's pretty awesome. Though nobody here has got into the game much but I LOVE the trailer. You can see the inspiration for the jacket in this. (& it's fabulous parkour in Paris!)


Ah! C'est fantastique!

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Maybe it depends on where you live? I don't know anyone who would associate that hood with the KKK.


I see teens wearing a lot of unusual clothing, and I will admit to occasionally commenting on it to my ds or my dh, but even when I think an outfit is kind of weird, I just assume the kid has a quirky style and that it's probably a phase he's going through.


My only concern with the jacket is that other kids might think it was silly-looking. But I definitely wouldn't consider it to be at all threatening or symbolic of anything.


Has he shown the jacket to his friends? Do they like it?

His best friend is a gamer, and he probably likes it. I don't know about the wider group of friends.


And yes, Caroline is right; some parts of these county have some strong WS emphasis. It's not one of the finer points of my county. Maryland is quite diverse. For a small state, there is a tremendous range of people.

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I'm now embarrassed to say I got something similar for my son last year. One of few requests. We live in a pretty geeky part of the country and my kids go to comic stores and cons a fair amount. That said, he didn't wear it this year as much as I thought he would. I'm tempted to mail it to someone on this thread. :)

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