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if you drink... what do I order?


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Dh's company has their Christmas party tonight. They will have an open bar. every year we go and I order only what I know I like. but since it's an open bar I really would like to try something new.

I like a gin with juice. Or vodka with juice. I imagine there are fancy names for those drinks, but I don't know then. Or jack and coke. I don't like beer.

given the location of this party, I highly doubt it is a full bar, but they will have all the basics. what should I order? Suggestions please. I always feel so out of place at these events, and a good drink surely helps!

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Do you like vodka and cranberry juice?  That would seem safe given what you've said.


Do you like martinis?  Asking since you like vodka and gin :)  If you haven't had many, tonight could be a good night to try one.  You could go for a girlier martini like a cosmo since you like vodka and maybe a little fruitiness.

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I'm not much of a drinker, but you could try something cutting edge, like a pomegranate martini, or ask if the bartender has a signature drink.


I prefer less alcoholic drinks, like aperitifs. Dubonnet on the rocks, Campari and soda, Lillet, that sort of thing. Champagne or Champagne mixed with some kind of juice is always nice. Dry sherry is good, but I tend to think of it more as a drink to have when sitting down. A Pimm's cup is refreshing, but perhaps a bit summery?

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I always go for a wine spritzer.  I am not a big drinker. But sometimes I change things up with a cosmopolitan, but if not done correctly it is pink swill in a glass.


Drinks I have enjoyed in the past that are not too complicated:

White Russian is Vodka, Kahlua, and cream

Black Russian is Vodka and Kahlua

Sombrero is Kahlua and Cream

Fuzzy Navel is orange juice and peach schnapps.

7 & 7 is Seagram's and 7-up




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Vodka cran is my standard, because it never makes me feel sick, which some of the high sugar mixers do.  Mai Tais are yummy (rum? and pineapple juice and ?).  Mojitos are good (something, lime, mint, ?), but those make me feel yuck sometimes.  Bay breeze is vodka, cran, and pineapple.  I'm sure you're starting to get a sense of where my taste trends... Vodka is a safe liquor for me.  I never feel gross after drinking a vodka drink.  It's probably the only liquor that I can say that for.

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Vodka cran is my standard, because it never makes me feel sick, which some of the high sugar mixers do.  Mai Tais are yummy (rum? and pineapple juice and ?).  Mojitos are good (something, lime, mint, ?), but those make me feel yuck sometimes.  Bay breeze is vodka, cran, and pineapple.  I'm sure you're starting to get a sense of where my taste trends... Vodka is a safe liquor for me.  I never feel gross after drinking a vodka drink.  It's probably the only liquor that I can say that for.

Some people can't handle dark colored alcohols. It has to do with body chemistry. I can't drink whiskey at all because it gives me a headache. It's a genetic reaction to some of the non-alcoholic ingredients. I can't drink colored tequila, but I can drink clear tequila (my preference is patron silver). It's not the alcohol, it's due to something called cogeners.


If you are fine with mojitos sometimes and not others, then it probably depends upon what kind of rum they are using (dark vs. clear). I can't drink dark rum, but I drink clear rum with no issue.

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I don't like many drinks with juice, but I do like a Seabreeze (vodka, cranberry, grapefruit). Other good fruity drinks are Cosmos and Lemon Drop Martinis---plus you get to sip from a cool glass :D


My go-to for an open bar event, like a work shindig or a reception, is a gin and tonic with extra lime. I'm picky about wine (no oak please!), and most events don't have a good IPA beer.

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You ain't lying. I had to help dh walk home after a bartender fixed him a bunch of these!! We were dating and I dragged him to a concert he wasn't interested in. He spent the night at the bar and the bartender pushed those on him. Now imagine me, 5'5" trying to help steady dh, 6' 5.5"... somehow dh managed to lead us back to the car in his state (that's how well he knows the sidewalks of New Orleans and how badly I can find my way around sober).


I hope you drove!  ;) 


It was decades ago, but  I asked for something in which you couldn't really taste the alcohol, and it's true...you couldn't really taste it! It tasted like ice tea, until it knocked me on my butt. 

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I like vodka drinks as well.  Bloody Mary's are good because they usually have extra stuff in them (celery, olives, pickle), so I can have a mini-meal with my drink.  I also do cranberry juice and vodka.  I tend to stay away from oj and grapefruit juice as the acid with the alcohol gets to my stomach.  


You could try an amaretto sour.  I like mine on the rocks, but some people prefer them blended. 

Amaretto is a sweet, almond-flavoured, Italian liqueur.


Enjoy your evening!

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A Lemondrop. 




Cream drinks are most suited for after dinner, just so you know.  They tend to have a "finishing" effect.  


Something I have learned rather late in life is that liquor tastes a little better when the alcohol is cut.  eg. I used to sip a straight Drambuie.  Great taste but the alcohol hid a lot of it.  Now I have it over ice...and let the ice melt into it.  And it's great.  :0) 


Did I mention a lemondrop?


I also like a straight-up Cadillac Margarita with the salt on the rim.  My dh doesn't like the salt.  Cadillac just means it has a bit of orange liquer in it.  Yum!


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I also like a straight-up Cadillac Margarita with the salt on the rim. My dh doesn't like the salt. Cadillac just means it has a bit of orange liquer in it. Yum!

I think that margaritas always have orange liqueur? The only place I know of that calls a Margarita "Cadillac" style is a place whose "Cadillac" margarita has Gran Marnier instead of Triple Sec and maybe a more expensive tequila, but both Gran Marnier and Triple Sec are orange liqueurs. But, this could be regional?

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I think that margaritas always have orange liqueur? The only place I know of that calls a Margarita "Cadillac" style is a place whose "Cadillac" margarita has Gran Marnier instead of Triple Sec and maybe a more expensive tequila, but both Gran Marnier and Triple Sec are orange liqueurs. But, this could be regional?


I totally defer to Mrs. Mungo.  My dh makes all my cocktails.  :0)


I'm the Designated Drinker.  :0)


He did a really fun thing one summer--he got a cocktail recipe book, and every day, he would bring me something new.  It was a tad bit expensive (how much do you really want to spend for a liquer you will use for...three different cocktails...????  REALLY????  But yeah...it was a fun summer!


And it might be regional.  I just asked him what was the "Cadillac" in the margarita.  He said it is Grand Marnier....BUT you don't mix it in--you pour it on top after you have poured the margarita from the shaker.  


The things that man knows.  (But I have job security because I know where all the stuff is in this house!)

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