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Would you send this kid to camp in the morning?


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I'm leaning toward no, but sometimes I worry I'm too cautious, so I need outside opinions. 


DD got sick last Friday, saw the ped on Saturday, and started antibiotics Saturday night. Tomorrow morning will mark her fourth full day on abx, so she's definitely no longer contagious. She has her energy and her appetite back, and she is going a little stir-crazy stuck at home. However, she still has a deep, horrid sounding (unproductive) cough, and tonight at bedtime she started complaining about one of her ears hurting (she still has a fair amount of sinus yuck/post-nasal drip happening. She swears she's good to go to camp in the morning, and based on her behavior, I'd say yes, but the cough and the ear make me think no. 



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Camp ends on Friday, and Friday is kind of a half day *sigh* At this point, if I don't send her tomorrow, I'm going to see if they'll work with me to give me a partial credit toward next summer. They may not do it, but ugh, $250 down the drain :(


ETA: She's already on amoxicillin. Wouldn't that prevent an ear infection from starting? She still has a fair amount of fluid in her sinuses--I assumed the ear pain was just pressure from that. 

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Dang it! From what I'm reading, amoxicillin is the first and best line of defense for both the acute sinusitis she was diagnosed with and inner ear infections, but secondary treatments are often necessary. I guess we'll be heading back to the ped instead of to Harry Potter tomorrow :(

:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


So sorry...for both of you.  I know this is really frustrating (and expensive).  Best wishes.

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There is the stay home approach and the ibuprofen and go approach. She would be allowed back to school and I know for certain most parents don't keep their kids home more than a minute more than they have to. I would be inclined to send her but also make an appt for her ears. Old, bad, mom. 

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I have to say I'd be inclined to send her if she feels she is well enough. I'm rather no-nonsense about illness, though. (Not to imply it's nonsense to consider not sending her, but hopefully you kwim?) 


We just wouldn't get anything done around here if we had to stay home when we had coughs, ect. Not contagious? Feeling ok energy wise? Then, usually, good to go in my book - I'd just remind the kid in question to take rest opportunities if necessary and to remember to cover coughs! I'd probably also send Nyquil or something she could give to the counselor to give her in case the cough bothered her at night. 

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I'm a 'bad mom' too. If she's already on antibiotics, and playing happily, I'd definitely send her if it's a day camp, and probably would send her if it's overnight as long as it isn't too far away. Only rule I would have is no swimming, because of water in the ear possibly making things worse


I've seen plenty of kids with the same symptoms and no antibiotics at all sent to these sorts of things. She is unlikely to be contagious, she's comfortable and happy, and what could really happen? If she gets worse she gets sent home. 


But I grew up pretty free range, and I'm not a fan of antibiotics unless really really necessary, so plenty of people won't agree with me. 

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I'm sorry. If it was just the cough, I'd send her. I mean coughs can last 2-3 weeks. But the ear is a problem.


I wouldn't give her an answer tonight. Tomorrow morning give her a gentle tug at her ear and see if she winces. If she does, I'd go to the doctor instead. If it seems fine and doesn't hurt, I'd probably send her.

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FWIW, my DD's last ear infection was fungal swimmer's ear. Abx drops were prescribed first. They probably made it worse.


And I'd want to aggressively deal with the mucous, probably with pseudoephedrine. I've lost count how many sinus ear relapses we've dealt with because it comes back if the environment is still there, and next time round needs a different abx.

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Maybe.  If she doesn't have a horrible sounding cough in the morning and still wants to go.  Though I'm not sure it would be worth it if she's already missed half of it.  Or is tomorrow the first day of camp?


If she gets there and they don't like the sound of her cough, would you be able to go bring her home without too much trouble?

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FWIW, my DD's last ear infection was fungal swimmer's ear. Abx drops were prescribed first. They probably made it worse.


And I'd want to aggressively deal with the mucous, probably with pseudoephedrine. I've lost count how many sinus ear relapses we've dealt with because it comes back if the environment is still there, and next time round needs a different abx.

Pseudoephridine was banned here years back. I still miss it.


I would send her if it was just for the day but not so sure about 3 nights away.

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I would let her go if she wants to.  If she is on abx and not contagious to the other kids the worst that will happen is she will be worn out and feel worse at the end of the day.  That to me is a real life lesson about not pushing your body that is worth learning so it wouldn't be a complete loss (and maybe she would be fine and have a blast).

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I suspect by this time you have decided what to do.  I just wanted to say as the mom of a kid with lots of allergies, frequent sinus infections and who came back from camp with bronchitis twice, we have had to eat a lot of camp costs when we had to cancel at the last minute.  It is hard on the wallet and hard on the kid who was geared up to go to camp and is disappointed.  It is also bad to be sick at camp, and it's really bad to have a child come home worse than when she left. 


So just :grouphug: :grouphug: to both of you if she ends up staying home.  


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This sounds a lot like what DS10 had several weeks ago. He is better now but had several weeks of fluid in the ears, horrid low cough, and nasal drainage. No fever except for the first four days. Doc said it was post viral crud, but to limit activities because the inflamnation and mucus makes him more susceptible to pick up secondary infection. 


I think if you send her, be prepared for a call stating she is sick again and an early pick up. 

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I would see how she was feeling in the morning and then call the camp and see what their policy is.  Having been on meds for 4 days already, unproductive cough, no fever we would allow back in daycare and we have a pretty strict illness policy.  If she is acting normally beyond a lagging cough I would allow her to go, if her ears hurt more I would not, I would go to the dr first.  Last winter I got what we thought was a cold, once the initial symptoms were gone I had a lagging barking cough for 3 months.  I still had to go to work etc.  Your dd is past the contagious stage of her infection imo, so really it comes down to her comfort level. But I would check with the camp to be sure.

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Nope, I would be heading back to the doctor to ensure she is responding to the antibiotic, and I would check with the doctor and see about getting a note to help with the camp refund.


Yep, this is our plan for this morning. She woke up with the same ear pain (although she has plenty of energy to argue with me about breakfast!), so we have a sick visit scheduled later this morning.

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Oh, the poor kiddo, I hope she begins feeling better soon.

Yep, this is our plan for this morning. She woke up with the same ear pain (although she has plenty of energy to argue with me about breakfast!), so we have a sick visit scheduled later this morning.


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*sigh* Ped says all is well and to keep doing what we're doing. She says the ear actually looks pretty good, though she can see some fluid in it. But she did say to keep DD home at least one more day to make sure she really shakes this (it's been an off-and-on thing for several weeks now), and I got a note from her. Argh!


DD is not terribly upset about this week (it was day camp that she missed) because she knows she's still not feeling 100% and she's good and tired of being sort-of-sick all the time--although she was really looking forward to playing Quidditch :lol: She's now settled back into her room with her iPad for a little while, and then I may make her pick up her floor so I can vacuum. We'll see.


Anyway, thanks for the advice, all.


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