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Brother, can you spare some sympathy? or How do I manage life with a bruised tailbone?.

dirty ethel rackham

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Dd was presenting her cooking project at the State Fair yesterday, which is 3 hours away from home.  We had some time to kill before they were finished judging and released projects so we walked around a little.  My nephew, who is local to the area, was working one of the rides.  So, dd and I splurged on the ride just so we could say "Hello."  The ride, you say?  It was the Big Slide - you know, where you sit on burlap and have a nice, speedy, but safe amusement?   Well, I must have been in the fast lane - I went airborn twice and landed hard on my tailbone.  I thought I could walk it off, and it seemed only a little tender.  But, within an hour, I had to hop in the car for the 3 hours home for ds' Black Belt ceremony.  Let me tell you, driving was no picnic.  But, last night and today are even worse.  I nearly passed out in church this morning.  I am on the verge of nausea - not sure if it is from the pain in such a "nervy" spot or from the ibuprofen (as I count the minutes till I can take it again.) 


So, after you all recover from your laughter at my expense, can you spare some sympathy as I am getting nothing but joshing from my family all over facebook and threats of YouTube ... and then some advice on how to get through this?  I have college shopping to do with my boy now that he finished his black belt test (let's see how many more times I can drop that in conversation since I am soooo proud of him.)  Dh took this week off to do some projects and I was supposed to help.  I need to do some school planning.  All I want to do is lay on my belly over an exercise ball and watch tv. 

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I always loved that ride!  It's been ages since I've been on it, so I'm paying close attention to your cautionary tale.  (Tail? :leaving:)


I wish I had a helpful remedy to share, but all I have is: know any good friends, or friends of friends, who had surgery recently?

Bad, I know.


That drive must have been torture. I vote you go ahead and hop on that ball and watch that tv. The best help you'll be to anyone in the long run is to take the time to rest and start healing up. Running around shopping and doing projects is going to fuel the inflammation and extend the time you spend in pain. And heaven knows you won't get any good planning done if you can't get comfortable, much less stay focused - treat yourself the way you'd treat your kids or husband if they were the ones who were in this kind of excruciating pain. I bet if you ask them, they'll agree with me!


I'd say "feel better soon" but I think it's more realistic to say "hope you find something strong and numbing soon" :grouphug:.



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Been there.  I couldn't sit down for 3 days.  I had to go to work like that.  Standing in straddle position at my computer.  I won't even get into how I fell on my arse in the first place.  :p


Friends suggested I go to the doctor.  For what?  It's not like they were going to put it in a cast or anything....


What can I say, other than 3 days of an excruciatingly sore booty isn't the end of the world.  ;)


Good luck.

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I hate to say this, but when I bruised or broke my tailbone horseback riding, it didn't really get better for over a year. Long drives were the worst. I went to a medical supply store and bought a special square seat cushion with a cutout for the car and a doughnut pillow for my chair at home that relieved the pressure from the tailbone area while sitting. I spent this money gladly after a 5 hour drive left me screaming in pain. I had never before screamed in pain and decided it was not an experience I would chose to repeat. I advise sending someone else to pick up the pillows.

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Oh, do I feel for you! I broke my tailbone when I was a kid (fell on my behind while ice skating), and that baby hurt for months. It's defective now, too. It takes a little detour at the end of my back. :D dh likes to make fun of it.


The only thing I know of that is helpful is those foam "butt donut" cushions, if you can spring for it.

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Yeah, a doughnut pillow can help, but be aware that those can cause blood to pool and lead to or activate hemorrhoids. So, use it as little as possible and for as short a time as possible.


Seeing a doctor can get you a script for PT, and yes there is pt for that. Or maybe some really good pain pills? Might be worth it, lol.


My poor SIL fell down a flight of stairs and broke her tailbone when she was 7 months pregnant! Can you imagine? She got pt and some chiro and even massage to help ease the pain.


You poor thing. I am so sorry that happened. I hope you have a speedy and complete recovery.

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Oh, I hope for your sake it's just bruised and not broken. Like Kalmia said upthread, mine hurt for more than a year, and the doctor told me there was nothing that he could do except write a script for 800mg ibuprofen. I used a heating pad at the worst of times, but other than that just had to get through it. Take it easy and I hope you're better very very soon!

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I broke my Coccyx back in April, and it was not at all fun for a couple of months. Driving was the single worst thing I had to do. I bought a soft ice pack and sat on that in the van which did help some. I rested as much as I could prior to driving too. It will take a while to heal, but know you are not alone. :) I still have pain, but it is better, much better.

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Oh, do I feel for you! I broke my tailbone when I was a kid (fell on my behind while ice skating), and that baby hurt for months. It's defective now, too. It takes a little detour at the end of my back. :D dh likes to make fun of it.


The only thing I know of that is helpful is those foam "butt donut" cushions, if you can spring for it.


That is pretty much exactly what happened to me as a kid, but it was roller skating. This will probably date me, but I might or might not have been attempting to Walk Like an Egyptian. Friends thought it was hilarious😢


It took long months to feel better. When I joined the Army and had to do sit-ups on cement I learned a new appreciation of pain until I learned to accomodate my wonky tailbone:)

Unfortunately, now I sit on it all the time in my wheelchair and it still bothers me. I have a special cushion that has small cells you can inflate or deflate to adjust pressure so can leave a small hole for that spot.


Honestly, if it is just bruised there is not much for it except the regular pain/swelling treatments. But if it doesn't get any better or feels 'out of place' going to the dr is probably a good idea. My Ortho (seen for other things) told me that if it gets cracked, broken, or displaced it can cause life-long problems. It will heal, yes, but posture really suffers as a result. This can bring on back problems, neck problems and even knee problems.

Hopefully some rest, ibuprofen, a donut pillow will do the trick...but If you get no relief or feel it isn't right, please see a doctor:)

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Ouch! I know how that feels. I hurt my tailbone in grade 9 when bouncing on a trampoline. It was so painful when sitting down in classes. I do remember that after I finally found a sitting position that was alright, standing up again brought back the pain. It did take a long time to heal. 


I must remember to be careful on rides similar to the one your got hurt on. I've hit a couple bumps while sledding in the winter that could have done some damage, but I got really lucky. 

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:grouphug:   Not funny at all. I bruised my tailbone badly in 7th grade when someone pulled a chair out from under me as I was about to sit. The doc gave me a shot for the pain but that hurt too and didn't really help the pain. IIRC I was in pain about a month. Walking was difficult, especially stairs. I was able to sit ok leaning forward off my tailbone.


Take care of yourself. Hope you're better soon!  :grouphug:

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I slipped on ice and injured my tailbone years ago....and it still hurts if I don't sit just right or use a donut pillow. I also have a seat cushion with a cut-out for the tailbone in the back. Amazon has a great many of both kinds...search there for tailbone seat cushion.

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I know you don't want to hear this, but my experience with tailbones is that once injured, forever a problem.  Not a big problem, just little reminders now and then.  I broke my tailbone maybe 12 years ago.  At least, I think it was broken and not just bruised.  I couldn't sit on it for days.  It probably took two years before I could figure out how to sit comfortably without thinking about it all the time.  But probably five more years before I didn't have to shift every two minutes when sitting.  I can never go down a water slide again.  (It always hits it wrong and is very painful.)  I'm rarely bothered by it anymore, unless I put all of my weight at that exact point on a hard surface for a few minutes.  Then it's painful to change positions.  Two other people I know who injured their tailbones years ago have the same minor problems years later.


But, hopefully the worst of it is over for you soon -- ouch! 

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Thanks for all the sympathy and advice.  I am finding that I can stand for about 20 minutes (the length of a shower, tooth brushing and start to style my hair) and then it hurts.  I do much better in firm chairs where I sit upright or a little forward.  Cars are very painful since you lean back a little, so I may need to find a donut or something.  I just don't want to mess with circulation in my legs.   Maybe it isn't the tailbone itself, but a little further up.  I can't bend over, so if I can't pick something up with my toes, I have to ask for help.  Even getting ice out of freezer (bottom slide-out drawer) is painful.  Yesterday was the first day where I didn't need to alternate ibuprofen and acetaminophen.  I was good most of the day.  I didn't wake up in the middle of the night last night needing more meds. 


Good thing dh is home this week so he can walk the dog (my teens aren't up early enough for my dog.)  We are getting nowhere on our painting projects since I can't help.  I had to miss one climbing date and will probably miss another one tonight.  I feel myself getting fatter by the minute since I can't exercise at all right now.  The family may go to Great America today and I can't go with - I won't be able to handle the walking and standing - even if I don't go on rides.  Perhaps this is the day I try to take pics of all old my curriculum materials and post them online to sell.  I may have to get someone to come walk the dog for me, though.

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If you are in so much pain your are nauseous and nearly passing out, a trip to the dr is in order. They hold the good pain pills hostage there and sounds like you will need them for a few days.


I agree completely. Especially since you mention it could be a little higher than the tailbone. I would be concerned about a possible spinal injury. 

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The passing out thing is over.  I felt light-headed after it happened, but that is very likely a vaso-vagal response.  Often, when I have a sudden injury like a sprained ankle or wrist, I get light-headed and nauseated.  I have never taken this much ibuprofen before and several times were on an empty stomach.  I will get it checked out - I'll see if I can get seen today. 

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I broke mine a few summers ago. It took a couple of months to heal. Donut pillow for the car. Ibuprofen, regularly. Shop online. Have someone gather all of the books into a crate for you to minimize getting up and down while you school plan. Crockpot suppers.


My dd broke hers after getting thrown off of a horse. It took at least 6 months to be mostly pain-free.


Our dr said that all they can do is offer pain meds and a donut to sit on.


I am so sorry.


Put all your projects on the back burner (yes! WIthout guilt. A broken tailbone/damaged spine is just as debilitating of an injury as a broken ankle. Even though you won't have a cast or a visible, external reminder of your injury) until you are feeling better.

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I know you don't want to hear this, but my experience with tailbones is that once injured, forever a problem.  Not a big problem, just little reminders now and then.  I broke my tailbone maybe 12 years ago.  At least, I think it was broken and not just bruised.  I couldn't sit on it for days.  It probably took two years before I could figure out how to sit comfortably without thinking about it all the time.  But probably five more years before I didn't have to shift every two minutes when sitting.  I can never go down a water slide again.  (It always hits it wrong and is very painful.)  I'm rarely bothered by it anymore, unless I put all of my weight at that exact point on a hard surface for a few minutes.  Then it's painful to change positions.  Two other people I know who injured their tailbones years ago have the same minor problems years later.


But, hopefully the worst of it is over for you soon -- ouch! 


my dd;s injury was 2 years ago and every now and then she still gets twinges.


Come to think of it, she was complaining about it hurting right after a visit to the waterpark.

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I've broken my tailbone twice. Unfortunately, it still bothers me - especially in the car. One thing that helps in the car is to take a small pillow and stuff it down behind your back to the lowest point possible without sitting on it. This will lean you forward a bit, taking the pressure off the lower back/tailbone. The other thing that helps with long car rides is stopping every hour to get out and walk around (2-3 minutes is fine). I had to forbid my family from praying for my butt in public.


Hope you feel better sooner than soon!

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