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Bought a Fitbit. Found out I'm lazy.


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I know what you mean.


My Fitbit is always sticking his tongue out at me. And not in a good way.


I am beginning to secretly resent him.


But I'm not letting on, so he doesn't know.


But if he doesn't knock it off with the snotty faces, he might just find himself spinning around in the washing machine.


By accident. ;)

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I like the Body Media better, but there's a fee for downloading your stats after the first 3 months, so I'll prob get a fitbit.


I'm active because of my job, but I never really go above a walk!


I like entering my meals and keeping track of calories.

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I've had one for over a year now.  It's can be really motivating to try and get that number up.  I find myself walking around the house, going on the treadmill at night, etc. just to get my number up.  I hate the sway that little thing has on me.

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I've had one for over a year now.  It's can be really motivating to try and get that number up.  I find myself walking around the house, going on the treadmill at night, etc. just to get my number up.  I hate the sway that little thing has on me.

Oh no, I definitely don't need one of these then!  I can picture me not letting myself go to bed because "I haven't done enough steps!!"

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But if he doesn't knock it off with the snotty faces, he might just find himself spinning around in the washing machine.


By accident. ;)

I wish I lived near you. Sorry to sound a bit weird, but you're the type of friend I want. I read this several times and read it to my daughter also. This post is the best  :lol:.

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I pay attention to the info on my dashboard- how much time did I spend being 'active'? Sedentary?  That kind of thing helps me to get motivated to do more.  I don't want to JUST look at steps because I might walk with a friend and get 8000 steps before breakfast. But then at the end of the day, I look at the graph and I was a slacker the whole rest of the day. Nope, got to improve that. 


Some days, though, like today, I sewed nearly all day. So I was up and down a lot, but didn't really take a ton of steps.    So the dashboard helps me to kick it up a notch. 

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Okay, everyone's always talking about it now...  Do you guys use the zip or the flex?  I hate wearing things on my wrist, so the idea that I could have this teensy thing and clip it to my bra or pocket is really appealing, but does it really work?

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Okay, everyone's always talking about it now... Do you guys use the zip or the flex? I hate wearing things on my wrist, so the idea that I could have this teensy thing and clip it to my bra or pocket is really appealing, but does it really work?

I have the Zip. It's little and cute.


And it was cheaper than the Flex. :)


I got mine on Amazon for less than $45. I put it in my cart and watched for the price to go down.


I'm so cheap sometimes.

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I have the Zip. It's little and cute.


And it was cheaper than the Flex. :)


I got mine on Amazon for less than $45. I put it in my cart and watched for the price to go down.


I'm so cheap sometimes.


Yeah, me too.  I have a few things I've been watching on Amazon until they fall below a certain amount.  Dh gets weird work bonuses in the form of $100 Amazon gift cards and I have one right now and was thinking of putting it to use to get me one.  It really won't fall off?  I can really clip it to my pocket or bra?  Where do you clip it?

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I clip mine on the front pocket of my jeans. I got the obnoxious lime green color. I figured it would be good to have a bright color so it would be easy to see in case I laid it down somewhere and forgot where I put it, or if I accidentally dropped it.

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But if he doesn't knock it off with the snotty faces, he might just find himself spinning around in the washing machine.


By accident. ;)


Well, I've washed mine twice now. It still keeps on working and keeps on making faces at me...

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I clip mine on the front pocket of my jeans. I got the obnoxious lime green color. I figured it would be good to have a bright color so it would be easy to see in case I laid it down somewhere and forgot where I put it, or if I accidentally dropped it.


Wait, are you me? Or am I you? This is me, exactly! 

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Get a dog. I do at least 5000 steps a day walking her.


I'd like to strap mine to my kittens and see if that gets me any extra steps. Surely it will, I mean, they're constantly in motion, right?


I also asked dh to take it with him on his runs, but he refuses. 



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I'd like to strap mine to my kittens and see if that gets me any extra steps. Surely it will, I mean, they're constantly in motion, right?


I also asked dh to take it with him on his runs, but he refuses.



Your dh isn't much of a team player. :glare:


I'm sure the kittens will be happy to help, though.

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Lazy person here, though with the Couch to 5k program I'm getting better - when I remember to clip my Zip on.  When I forget, and get back home and see it sitting on the nightstand, I get all depressed; like the exercise didn't count, lol.


Has anyone else seen the alien guys (they look like something from the video game Space Invaders)?  They show up at random times.  I like them better than Mr. Disappointment.

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Seriously lazy.

I'm averaging 4000 steps a day. My DH, who works in an office gets about 8000.


I laughed harder than I should at the thread title :-).


Maybe you're just efficient? I think I get an extra 4000 steps in my day going upstairs for something I forgot 10 times every hour. There's also walking into rooms and forgetting why I'm there only to return because I remembered as soon as I got to the other side of the house.

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You need to fold more laundry :D.


I have a Flex, wristband, and folding laundry or vacuuming really helps with the steps, which is rediculous of course, but it makes me feel like I'm getting even for all the biking I'm doing which doesn't register :toetap05:.

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When I first got mine I found out I averaged 2500 to 4000 on a given typical day.    I had to really work to get to 7000-10000.   I mean really - walking in place at the end of the day, using the rebounder, etc.     If I didn't think about it one day, back to  one or two lights blinking slowly.   The highest I ever got was 13000 steps when we did a four mile hike one day plus other running around.


DD12 asked to wear it to tennis yesterday because one of the other girls had one on.    Later in the day I got an email saying I got my first 15000 daily step badge!    Huh?    She said 'oh yeah, that thing was vibrating about halfway through clinic'.        I think she topped out at over 17000 by bedtime doing nothing but tennis and then her usual sitting around the rest of the day.    She told me I need to set the goal higher.       

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I got the Fibit zip last October and loved it. I was also only getting about 5k steps, including my AM workout. I didn't realize I was that sedentary, thought I had my bases covered by working out for an hour in the AM. But, I mostly sat and worked with the kids for the rest of the day.


Because of my Fitbit, I started pacing around my house while reading my Kindle after both lunch and dinner. You better believe I kept walking until I hit my goal! This wasn't super efficient, though, so dh bought us a treadmill in Dec. and now I walk after both meals while watching YouTube, and sometimes still reading my Kindle :).


Since I was also trying to lose weight, entering my meals in MyFitnessPal and basing my food intake on the amount of calories I burned, I wanted something more accurate/precise, so I switched to the BodyMedia Fit band. The Fitbit was great for tracking steps, motivation to move more, and and a general calorie burn estimate. But, I'm obsessive about data, and I knew I was burning a lot of calories doing dishes, cooking dinner, etc. that wasn't counted because its not step-based. It does have a $7 monthly fee, but I love the accuracy. Once I have maintained my goal weight for a year or so, I'll probably switch back to my Fitbit. Love that little guy :)

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I want to get a Fit Bit.  I work at a desk but I do end up getting up and running around a lot.  I've also added three "10 minute loop" appointments to my calendar.  I work on the 4th floor so I basically walk down the stairs, walk around the lobby (or around from the back of the building to the front if it's nice out), walk up the stairs from the lobby, walk over to the offices on the second floor, walk up the stairs in that area of the building to the third floor, go across to the other side of the building and walk up the stairs there to the 4th floor and back to my desk.  I can't do the 4 flights of stairs in one run but by putting some straight walking in between, I can do them one at a time.


The day I wore my pedometer (not a fitbit) to work, I did 5000 steps just from what I did there WITHOUT those three 10 minute breaks.  So, I'm hoping I can do even more.   But I'm not buying a Fit Bit until I get down to 185 pounds (between 6 and 10 pounds depending on the week).

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Since I was also trying to lose weight, entering my meals in MyFitnessPal and basing my food intake on the amount of calories I burned, I wanted something more accurate/precise, so I switched to the BodyMedia Fit band. The Fitbit was great for tracking steps, motivation to move more, and and a general calorie burn estimate. But, I'm obsessive about data, and I knew I was burning a lot of calories doing dishes, cooking dinner, etc. that wasn't counted because its not step-based. It does have a $7 monthly fee, but I love the accuracy. Once I have maintained my goal weight for a year or so, I'll probably switch back to my Fitbit. Love that little guy :)

Yes, I was way disappointed in the calorie estimation of the fitbit. When I had mine I was consistently hitting 10k plus up to 13-14k and my calorie burn was the same, there was no appreciable difference between what it showed I burned at night sleeping and during the day. Plus it has nursing on there but when you click it doesn't change the total at all. I think it is great for general motivation but I don't trust the calorie count. I would consider the BodyMedia but I'm losing weight now without specifically counting calories so I'm happy


Another thing that annoyed me that it wouldn't count the stairs when I ran up them, seriously?  One night I went up the stairs I don't know how many times trying to get my number to go up but then I figured out that I had to walk slowly for it to count.

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My FitBit One does not count walking in place.


My little older fitbit (the one that clips on to a pocket or bra) will count steps walking in place. When I remember to wear it, I'll sometimes jog in place while cooking. I've also found that letting a 6 year old hold it for awhile helps with the step count! :-)

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My FitBit One does not count walking in place.

Mine does seem to count when I do a walk aerobics dvd, which is basically walking in place.


Also instead of walking right in place, I try to do a little "salsa walk" basically walking forward a couple of steps then back a couple of steps.

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