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What gets you exercising consistently?


Exercise - At Home Vs. Classes  

80 members have voted

  1. 1. Where do you exercise the most consistently?

    • Exercise classes
    • At home
    • Competitive sports, dance, or martial arts practice/games
    • I'm a couch potato
    • Other
  2. 2. Do you actually use your exercise DVDs?

    • Yes, regularly
    • On and off
    • Rarely
    • I don't buy them

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I'm an introvert.

I ran for many years, but my knees no longer allow me to do that. 

I used to attend yoga classes on the beach and loved that, but then the classes got far too crowded for my liking. 

I now prefer working out at home with DVDs. I wouldn't like to attend any classes, since there's very little anonymity where we live and I prefer to exercise alone. 

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I bike on the local bike trail, preferably by myself. I do ride with dh sometimes but I ride 5 times a week and he rides once or twice on a good week. 

I've ridden with other cyclists but I prefer being on my own, listening to music.   


I also walk with a friend but honestly that's not really exercising. It's socializing. 


We have a bike on a trainer and I have a few dvds with cycling workouts.  I use those only when the weather is too cold to cycle. 


If I had a good friend who wanted to really work out, I would do that....go to a class or something. But I'm waaaay too introverted to attend a class by myself. Someone might want to talk to me. 

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I work out at home using DVD's, and about once a week go for a long run. I used to do classes when we had a gym membership, but that was only twice a week. I much prefer working out at home on my own because it lets me be in control of what I do and when I do it. There was nothing more frustrating than showing up for a class and finding out the instructor was out sick, or there were problems with the sound system, and I was left hanging wondering what was I going to do *now*? Or even worse, it was a substitute instructor who did *not* deliver the kind of workout I was hoping for.


With DVDs I find instructors whose personalities I enjoy, and who usually put out the kind of work outs I'm into, and stick with those. Each day I get to choose if I'm going to do an intense cardio workout, or a stretchy yoga workout, or just go for a long run. I do my workouts early in the morning before the kids are up, and if I've had a stressful day I'll workout again after they've gone to bed to release some of the built-up anxiety (usually through yoga).


I think my choice to use DVDs instead of a gym for working out is related to one of the reasons why I home school: I don't like being tied to other people's schedules. :p

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I run, usually outside, though I use a treadmill often in the winter.  I stream yoga classes from YogaGlo.com, and for kettlebell I have DVDs as well as a program.  I like to mix it up.  


If I had to go to a gym I would never exercise.  I may have the opportunity to take yoga classes this fall (there is none offered for a 50 mile radius).  I don't know if I'll enjoy a class, but I may give it a try.  


I think it's important to find the format that works for you and your motivation.  My motivation was a physical and mental breakdown about 7 years ago. 

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I am much more likely to attend a Jazzercise class (even though I don't know anyone there) than do a Jazzercise DVD at home. Although I am an introvert, I like the group classes better. 



The answer that first popped into my head when I read the title of your post was, "Tight pants"

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Maybe someone with a donut on a fishing pole in front of me.


Ok..for me not a donut, but more like a bag of chips....



I'd probably just throw a rock at them and then grab the chips and run.


Hey, wait!


Running is exercise. I mean, sure, I'd only be running as far as the car, but it would still count, right?

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The only thing that works is having a friend meet me for a walk. Or not a friend. Many years ago I walked with a neighbour I didn't really like, and I had no qualms about bashing on her door at 6am for our walk and pretending I didn't notice she had just stumbled out of bed and was hung-over. I wouldn't do that to a friend!


My walking friend right now is more friend than walking support, and we've been known to derail our walking plans with silly text message sessions about all the possible ills that could befall us while out walking. Then we go for coffee instead. Sigh.

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When I am pregnant, which has been about half of the last 6 years, I have limited activity due to bad hip and me being high risk... but I try to stay active and walk as much as possible. When I am not pregnant, I run! And I do beach body. My husband loves to run and we are planning to train for a 10K after blessing #4 gets here in September.  The motivation is that I come from a whole line of overweight people and I want to set a good example for my children of what it is to take proper care of this body God gave us.

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Last year I consistently worked out at home using mostly DVDs and a few Amazon Prime streaming workouts with a fitness ball and weights. I'm not sure why I stopped working out, but I've been meaning to pick it up again. It sounds ridiculous, but I had a pocket-sized calendar I kept by the DVDs and would add a sticker (mini garage sale dots in different colors) each day I did a workout. Maybe it appeals to the girl inside who used to collect stickers, but it was a good feeling to see a month filling up with dots, and I could see that I was making progress even before I could see any changes in my body. I think I just pep talked myself into working out again after my messed-up back heals. (I pulled or pinched something and was down most of the weekend.) I liked taking classes when I was single, but that isn't a possibility right now because I don't live near enough to a gym. It was great back when we had a gym across the parking lot from where I worked, and a paid club membership was one of the job benefits.

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I do a combo of both, but I sure do love getting out of the house for my spinning class!  LOL  I think the key with DVDs at home is just finding ones that work for you.  And if you don't have a space at home where you LIKE to work out, it can be really hard to stay motivated. 


I used my treadmill today and then did an ab workout from Beachbody's 21 Day Fix.  I *love* the workouts in that program.  They work for me, but I use them in combination with walking/running and spin class.


I plan out my week--meals AND workouts, and I find that it helps motivate me.  I mix up the home workouts a bit so it's not always the same.  My meals (breakfasts and lunches) are easy, not on a specific diet plan, and not too varied.  I always have my basics on hand so I don't have any excuses!  lol


Also, staying free of depression is a HUGE motivator for me.

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I have to add the caveat that I work out more consistently at home, but that's only when I work out consistently at all, which is almost never these days. 


I do have dvds, but I don't like them.  I do better when I watch something on tv and use the treadmill or walk on my mini-trampoline (aka my bouncer).  I do like the occasional yoga dvd or youtube video.


Consistency is always my problem. sigh.

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I'm a social exerciser. If there is no group effort, or reason to exercise past fitness goals I don't do it. ALL of my dance classes are on a break right now. That's 8-10 hours of exercise I'm missing a week. I feel like a slug. I'm starting summer classes next week. I just don't exercise alone. If I really want to work my way through a DVD, I turn it into lesson plans and use it in class so I'll have a reason to actually go through it.


When I do drag myself to the gym, it's usually for a class and not to use the machines alone. Sometimes I'll con a friend into hiking with me. I'm BAD at exercising alone and only do it if I'm rehearsing something for an impending performance that has me nervous.

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A gym routine.  Not necessarily a routine AT the gym, but the routine of getting up and going.

I've fallen out of that routine. So everything on my body is falling, too, lol.

Once I convince myself to hit a full M/W/F week again, I know I'll be back on track. I just have to make that happen first!

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